Xxix фясил Ibtidai пилляdə Инэилис дили пргорамынын мязмуну Сявиййя 01, 02 (D01, d 02) Тювсийя едилян мязмун

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Грамматиканын тядриси коммуникасийа мягсядляриня хидмят етмялидир. Буна эюря дя контекстля сых ялагядя (контекстдян ayrı дейил) юйрянilмялидир. Грамматик терминляриn дярк етмядян язбярлянмяси вя тясвири/ нязяри cəhətdən мянимsянilмяси тювсийя едилмир. Шаэирд грамматик хцсусиййятляри вя конструксийалары мцшащидя етмяли, танымалы вя дярк етмяли və onlardan kontekstdə istifadə etməlidiр. Бунун цçцн ашаьыдакы шяртляр нязяря алынмалыдыр:

  • Qrammatik materialı həvəsləndirici, aсан мянимсянilян şifahi və ya yazılı kommunikasiya vəziyyətlərində didaktik мятнляр васитясиля юйрятмяк. Bu material yalnız və yalnız mənimsənilən dil materialında cəmləşdirilməlidir.

  • Мцхтялиф фяаллыглар вя ъалышмалар тяклиф етмяк.



3.1. Исим


-xüsusi, цмуми, mücərrəd, maddi, топлu

Proper, common, abstarct, material, collective;

-Сайылan, сайыlmayan– Countable, uncountable;

- Щал – Case (-'s, of-phrases);

- Сай – Number;( qaydalı/qaydasız формалар –

Regular/Irregular forms)

3.2. Артикл


- Мцяййян - Definite Article;

- Гейри-мцяййян -Indefinite Article;

- Сыфыр - Zero Article;

(артикллəрдəн истифадянин цмуми хцсусиййятляри) ;

3.3. Сифят Adjectives

- Мцгайисяли дярячяляр - Comparison of Adjectives;

(qaydalı/qaydasız формалар – Regular/Irregular forms);

3.4. Сай Numerals

- Мигдар, сыра – Cardinal, ordinal;

3.5. Явязлик


- ШяхсиPersonal (subject/ objectforms);

- Ишаря – Demonstrative;

- Мянсубиййят - Possessive;

- Суал - Interrogative;

- Гейри-мцяййян - Indefinite;

- Рефлексийа - Reflexive;


- Нисби – Relative;

3.6. Фел


- Qaydalı/qaydasız – Regular, irregular;

- Əsas, кюмякъи - Main, auxiliary;

- Бирляшдиricи фелляр-Linking verbs (to be, to become, etc.);

- Модал фелляр - Modal verbs (can, may, must, should, would);

-İfadə феллярi– Phrasal Verbs;

Тясирлик нювцнцн заман формалары : Tense forms - Active Voice:

- Present, Past Simple;

-Will Future (Future Simple);

- Would+infinitive (Future in the Past Simple);

- Present, Past Continuous;

- Present, Past Perfect;

- Present Perfect Continuous;
Мяcщул нювцнцн заман формалары:

Tense forms - Passive Voice:

- Present, Past Simple;

- Present, Past Continuous;

3.7. Зярф


- Йер , заман, дяряcя, тярзи-щярякят, суал, гейри-мцяййян – of time, of place, of degree, of manner, interrogative, indefinite;

- Мцгайися дяряcялярi Comparison of adverbs (regular/irregular forms);

3.8. Sözönü


Йер , заман истигамят, вя с. – of position, time, direction, etc.;

3.9. Баьлайыcы


- Баьлайыcы, табеляндириcи Coordinating, subordinating: and, or, so, but, that, where, when, because, etc.;

3.10. Ядаt


- no, not, too, only, almost etc.;

3.11. Cцмля

Sentence types

-Тясдиг, суал, инкар – Affirmative, interrogative, negative;

- суал чцмляляринин нювляри

- Types of questions (Yes/No, Wh; Tag; Or);

- Нягли, суал, ямр– Declarative, interrogative, imperative;

- Садя, мцряккяб табесиз, мцряккяб табели - Simple, compound;

- Мцряккяб табели - Complex;

(Нисби,заман, йер – relative, of time, of place);

- Шярти I – Conditional I;

- Wish sentences;


Cцмля цзвляри Parts of the sentence

- Ясас/икинcи дяряcяли – Main/Secondary;

3.13. Васитяли вя васитясиз nitq Direct/indirect speech

- Васитяли вя васитясиз nitq – Direct/indirect speech;

-Заманларын ардыcыллыьы– Sequence of tenses.

Сюздцзялтмя Wordbuilding

- Шякилçиляр – Suffixes (-y, -er, -able, ly);

- Юншякилчиляр – Prefixes (un-, ir-, im-,etc.) ;


Structures Constructions

- to be going to, used to, make someone do something, etc.

4. Сосиal мядяниййят вя мядяниййят

  1. Яняняляр вя гайда-гануnлар;

  2. Təhsil;

  3. Эянcлярин щяйаты: (asudə вахт, яйлянcə, истиращят; icтимаи щяйатда иштирак, мцнасибятляр, щявяслянмяляр; Эянcляр üçün mətbuat/верилишляр вя с.);

  4. Авропа İттифагы (цмуми мялуматлар)

  • Инэилисдилли юлкяляр щаггында cоьрафи мялуматлар;

  • Юйряниляcяк юлкянин сийаси гурулушу, инзибати идарəçiliyi;

  • Инэилисдилли юлкялярин пайтахтлары, онlaрын тарихи диггятялайиг йерляри;

  • Танынмыш şəxsiyyətlər (алимляр, сийасятçиляр, идманçылар)

  • Тарихi ящямиййят кясб едян дюврляр/щадисяляр, танынмыш тарихи шяхсиййятляр,

  • Инcясянятин мцхтялиф сащясинин нцмайяндяляри;

  • Ядябиййат – ядябиййатын мцхтялиф ядяби cяряйанларынın нцмайяндяляри вя онларын ясярляриндян паръалар;

  • Реэионал хцсусиййятляр;

Инэилисдилли юлкялярин вя Эцрcцстанын мцнасибятляриндян мялуматлар.

Baza-орта пиллянин Инэилис дили програмынын мязмуну

III - IV сявиййяляр (СIII, СIV)

Тювсийя едилян мязмун
Програмын мязмунуну сtаnдартда təyin edilən коммуникасийа гaбилиййятляринин инкишафы цçцн истифадя едилян дил материалы вя сосиal-мядяни mövzuların siyahısı təqdim едир. Siyahı ня мцфяссял, ня дя иcбари ола bilməz. О, мяслящят характериni дашыйыр. Siyahını дяйишмяк, явяз етмяк, артырыб azaltmaq мцмкцндцр. Öйряниляси дил матерiалыны вя мядяни mövzuları сеçяркян ашаьыдакы шяртлярin нязяря алынması zəruridir:

  • Стандартда эюстярилян коммуникасийа məsələləri;

  • Мüасир дил нормалары;

  • Йаш хцсусиййятляри вя йенийетмянин мараг даиряси.

1. Нитг функсийалары

2. Лексика

3. Грамматика

4. Сосиal мядяниййят вя мядяниййят

1. Нитг функсийалары

1.1.Сосиал мцнасибятляр

1.2. Мялумат мцбадиляси

1.3. Тясвир/характеризя етмяк

1.4. Зювг/гиймятляндирмя

1.5. Ещтийаc/истяк/тялябат

1.6. . Щиссляр/емосионал реаксийалар

1.7. Заманda истигамятлянмя

1.8. Мяканda истигамятлянмя

1.9. Иcазя/ющдялик/гадаьа

1.10. Мянтиги ялагяляр

1.11. Синиф отаьында интераксийа

  1. Нитг функсийалары


Лингвистик gerçəkləşdirmənin нцмуняляри

1.1. Сосиал мцнасибятляр

Саламлашма/ щал-ящвал тутмаг

-Hello/ Hi

-Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.

-How are you? - Fine, thanks /so-so /much better/OK/All right.

-I’m fine and you?- very well/Not very well


-Good-bye! /Bye-bye! /Bye!/So long!

-See you later! See you in a bit!

-Good night! / See you!

-Hope to see you soon! /later!

Тягдим /таныш олма

-You must be Peter Denis!

-Meet Roger, he’s…/Haven’t we met before?

-I’m…Here’s my visit card!

-Nice/Happy/Glad to meet you.

Мцраcият (nəzakətli/etinasız)

-Miss/Ms./ Mrs. Taylor!/ Sir? Madam! / Hey, Tom!

-Could you tell me…?

-Excuse me, please…

-My dear! Darling!

-Is it all right/OK if…?

Цзр иsтямяк

-Sorry!/ I’m sorry (about)!/ Sorry to disturb you

-Excuse me (for)… No problem!

-I’m really/terribly sorry about that

Тяшяккцр етмяк

-Thank you! /Thank you very much! / Ever so much!

-That’s so /very kind/ nice of you!

-You’re welcome.

Тябрик, хош истякляр

-Happy Birthday (to you)

-Happy New Year! Happy/ Merry Easter! / Christmas!

-Bless you!


-Excellent! / Super! / Great! / Fine! / Right! / Fantastic/Magic!

-That’s interesting!

-That’s (quite) a good idea.

-Well done! I’m glad you did it / Go ahead!

Тяклиф, дявят/разылыг/imtina

-What can I do for you?

-Let me help you. - It will be fine.

-Can/ Could we….? / What if…?

-I’d love to…/ Why don’t you/ we…?

Эюрцш тяйин етмяк/разылашмаг/imtina etmək

-Let’s meet at 5 o’clock/ Shall we meet on…?

-Ok. That’s fine/ What a pity! I can’t.


-Attention please!

-Be careful not to fall over!

-Look/ Watch out! / Take care! / Be more attentive!


-Take it easy! / Relax! / Cheer up!

-Calm down, please! / Never mind!

Тяхсис етмяк

-Let’s book the ticket.

-Can I order the tickets for two?

-Can I order a place for …?

-I’m sorry, this seat is reserved.

-I’ve already made a reservation…

-sorry, I want to cancel the reservation.

Süfrə arxasında iнтераксийа

-Help yourself… Pass me… please.

-What would you like to drink?

-Would you have another piece of meat-pie?

-No, thanks. I’ve had enough.

Тиcарят обйектляриндя интераксийа

-How many/much…would you like?

-How much is it/ does it cost?

-What’s the price of? - 10 dollars/pounds / laris/lari.

Sяйащят zamanı iнтераксийа

-Which bus shall we take for the…?

-What’s the bus/taxi / subway fare.

-Can I ask what the taxi fare is?

-You can keep the change. / It’s a tour tip.

-Could you tell me where to get off?

-The traffic is heavy.

Йазышма(мцраcият/видалашма клишеляри)

-Dear Helen…/Sir/Madam/Mr./Mrs./Ms / Peterson….

-I hope to hear from you soon…

-Best wishes…/ Say hello to...

-write tome soon

Мювгеni ифадя етмяк/ башгасынын фикриня шярик олмаг йа да инкар етмяк

-I’d like to say that…/ That’s a good point.

-In my opinion/ To my mind…

-I don’t feel the same way

-I agree / don’t agree with you (however)


-Good/ Excellent / Fantastic / wonderful! / perfect!

-I appreciate that!

-How extraordinary!

-you’ve made great progress / improvement.

- It’s incredible! It’s gorgeous!

Фикир сорушмаг/məsləhət вермяк

-What’s your idea about…?

-I think you’d better…/ You should… / You’d rather…

-Can / Could you tell me, please…

-I advise you…/ Take my advise!

Телефон сющбяти

-May / Could I speak to…, please?

-Call / Phone me!

-Hallo! / Who is speaking?

-I’ll call back later.

-Will you give her a message, please?

-Can I leave a message for her, please?

-You are through.

-I’ve made a few phone calls today.

Разылашмаг/imtina etmək

-Yes! / Oh, yes! / /No! / Oh, no!


Yes, I do/ did/ have…/ No, I don’t/ didn’t/ haven’t…

-Yeah!-/ All right! / OK/ Sure!/ Never!/ Not at all/ Not yet.

-Yes, please/ No, thanks.

-Certainly! Of course!

-Surely I will! Surely not!

1.2. Мялумат мцбадиляси

Шяхси məlumatlar: ады, сойады, йашы, цнваны, мяшьулиййят, доьум эцнц, аиля

-Who / What are you? / What is her job?

-I’m a schoolboy / girl/ student.

-How old are you?-I am 12

-I live in London/ Washington D.C.

-When were you born?


-Where are you from? I’m from Europe.

-Where does he come from? She/he is/ comes from…

-She/he is English / Greek / French…


-How are you? / How are you feeling today?

-Fine, thanks/ Much better/ Not bad/ I feel sick/OK/All right..

-I’m getting better.

-I’ve got an awful headache/ stomach ache/ Poor you.

Asudə вахт

-What’s your hobby? Have you got any hobbies?

-I like…/ I collect…

-Are you interested in…?

-I have an interesting collection of…

-I enjoy reading comics/ playing computer games.


-What’s your brother/ father/ mother?

-She/he is a stylist/ nurse/

-plumber/ shoe-maker/ hair dresser/ housewife/ architect


-What’s the weather like today? How is the weather.

-What’s the temperature today?

-It’s 35 degrees Celsius/ It’s 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

1.3. Тясвир/характеризя етмяк

Инсанын защири эюрцнцшц

-She is beautiful/ pretty/ nice/ ugly/ tall/ short/ slim…

-My weight is …/ I’m 5 feet tall.

Инсанын эейими

-Have you seen my new hat/ scarf/ gloves?

-She wears/is a size 36 in clothes.

-you look smart in that new coat and I like the colour.

İnsanı характеризя etmək

-She is kind/ sad/ clever/ friendly/ unfriendly/ ambitious.

-He is cheerful/ serious/ easy-going.

-She/he is absent-minded/ selfish.

Яшйанын тясвири

-It’s big/ small/ clean/ dirty/ strong/ long.

-It’s narrow/ wide/ broad/ square…

-What kind of ball do you play baseball with?

-What does your room look like?

-What’s the length/ width/ depth/ breadth of…?

-The knife’s sharp/ It’s tiny/ huge/ gigantic.


-I wish…/ I’d like to …/ I’m willing to…

-You need to…/ needn’t… / There is no need to…

-I don’t want… /Neither do I.

1.4. Зювэ/ гиймятляндирмя

Зювэ, бяйянмяk/бяйянмямяk

-It’s difficult to say anything definitely.

-I was greatly impressed.

-He is tasteless.

-I like it/ I don’t like it at all.

-I enjoy…/ I’m fond of…

-Do you like jazz? - I’m crazy about…

-It’s OK./ funny/ good/ great/ wonderful.

-I like neither…nor…/I don’t like it either.

Фикир/тяссüрат/мювгеni ифадя етмяк

-That’s right/ wrong!/ It’s not right!/ Right!

-In my opinion…/ That’s my opinion.

-What’s your idea about…?- I’m sure about it.


-That’s right! /Right!

-It’s not right! /It’s wrong!

    1. Ещтийаc/истяк/тялябат


-I need/I should/ ought to…

-I wish I lived in a big city.

    1. Щиссляр/емосионал реаксийалар


-I’m so/ very/ extremely happy/ glad/ delighted!

-I feel so excited! / greatly impressed.

Наразылыг /гязяб

-I am/got (so) angry/ furious at…/a little annoyed

-Don’t be/ get angry at…

-It’s so selfish/boring!


-I doubt about it/ I’m not (quite) sure.

-May be/Perhaps/ It seemed to me…

-I wonder/ suppose…/ hope so!

-Who knows? No doubt!

-He could/ might/ must have…

-as far as I know…

-I’m hopeful.


-Sorry, to hear that/ I’m so sorry.

-It makes me feel so sad/ I feel very sad about it.

-What a pity! If only I’d been there.

-I greatly/sincerely regret what I said.


-I’m so frightened./ I’m afraid of…

-I’m so scared.

-I am panicking.

-She/He was trembling/ shaking all over with fear.


-Really?! I can’t believe it/ Why?

-How/ very/ so strange!

-I’m so much surprised!

-Is that so?


-I like doing/ I’m fond of/ I’m interested in…

-I’m good at…/ I’m keen on…

-I feel like…

-I don’t mind/ Nothing special.

-Who cares? / I don’t care.

-I’m not interested in…

-It makes no difference.

-As you like.


-I’m sleepy/ tired/ hungry/ thirsty/ full/ hot/ cold.

-I’m sick/ miserable/lonely.

-I feel happy/ sad/lonely.

1.7. Заманда истигамятлянмя

Заманда йерляшмя (саат/эеcя-эцндцз кясийи/тарих/илин фясли)

-It’s morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night now.

-In the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ At night.

-In the first/second half of the day.

-What time is it/ What’s the time?

-It’s 5 o’clock/ 5 to 6/ 5 thirty.

-What’s the date today?- It’s May 1, 2008.

-What day is it today- It’s Monday.


- Then/ After/ Before that…/ Now…then…

-First… then…/ At first… Firstly/ Secondly…

-Next month/ year…


-I often/ sometimes/ usually/ always regularly/ generally/ never/

-From time to time/ Again/On and /off

-Once more….

-Once a week/ twice a year/ three times a day/ per day.


-How long does it take you to…?

-It takes me 20 minutes to…

-During the lesson…

-Forever/ All day long…/ All night.


-I don’t like driving fast/ slowly.

-The car stopped too suddenly and turned too quickly.

-Hurry up! We are late/ You are as slow as…

-He usually drives fast but carefully.

1.8. Мяканда истигамятлянмя

Йерляшdiyi йер

-On the left/ on the right/ next to/ in the middle…

-It’s here/ there…/ in front of/ behind the… At the top/ the bottom…/ Above/ below…

-On the ground/ first floor…


-Tell me please how I can get to..?

-Go straight ahead/ turn left/ right…

-Which way? - This way, please!

1.9. İcазя/ющдялик/гадаьа


-May/ Can I borrow your pencil?

-Will you allow me…? Do you mind…?

-You must obey…/ You ought to listen to the instruction.

1.10. Мянтиги ялагяляр


-He can’t speak German, so he can’t understand me.

-He felt sick, that’s why he lost the game.

-He hurt his leg because he slipped on the wet floor.

-He is learning English to/in order to find a good/well-paid job

1.11. Синиф отаьында интераксийа

Мцяллимин эюстяришляри/шаэирдин мцраcиятляри

-I want you all to attend the meeting tomorrow.

-Let’s move on to the next point.

-As we are short of time…

-Take a while before you get familiar with the instructions.

-You’ll have several assignments.

-You don’t have to rush.

-You needn’t rush.

-No rush!

-Take your time.

-If I fail the test will I have to take it again?

-Can I use the dictionary?

-I need to be at the doctor’s office at ten, can I go?

-Am I right?

-Can you explain it again, please?

2. Лексика

2.1. Фярд

2.2. Фяаллыглар

2.3. Фярдин ятраф мцщити

2.4. Медиа

2.5. Орийентирляр



2.1. Фярд


forehead; cheek; chin; wrist; palm; nail; neck; bone; finger, tongue; toes; back; ankles; skin; eye-lid; eyebrow; brain; heart; shoulder; lungs; liver; scull; knee; stomach; blood;

Защири эюрцнцш

appearance; slim; thin / long fingers; fat; pale; lovely; plump; dark / straight / curly / wavy/fuzzy hair; blond plaited hair; handsome; dimpled chin; freckled face; bearded; mustached; masked; bald; wrinkled

Характеризя етмяк

polite; bright; honest; nervous; evil; curious; shy; wise; mean; greedy; cross; powerful; sociable; patient / impatient; responsible; practical; witty; perfect, honey-tongued, gentle, good-humored;


raincoat; pullover; jacket; suit; pants; tights; slippers; trainers; ring; sneakers; scarf; mittens; handbag; umbrella; brooch; gloves; skirt; nightgown; underwear;


shampoo; comb; sponge; hair brush; soap; towel; gel; tooth paste / brush; shaving; vanishing / hand cream; hair / body care; perfume; make up; toilet paper;


medicine; cough; sneeze; ill; appointment; doctor; injection; sharp pain; pills; prescription; surgery;

Гиймятляндирмя/емосионал реаксийалар

cry; laugh; hate; feel; smile; love; be/get angry; get pleasure; like; be astonished; amazing; tremble; wonder;


architect; attendant; movie star; policeman / woman; lawyer; detective; plumber; journalist; artist; carpenter; explorer; technician; mechanic

2.2. Фяаллыглар

Гаврама вя интеллектуал фяаллыглар

recognize; realize; discuss; debate; identify; recall; make a speech/ presentation / report; reveal; evaluate; assess; assert;

Телефон сющбяти

dial; hold on; press the button; use the calling card; to make a call / disconnect; answer the phone machine;


rest; play cards; go swimming / dancing ; knit; ride a bicycle/ bike horse; take a voyage travel; play games.


pack / unpack; carry ; take a visa ; travel abroad ; to leave for ; miss / catch the train ; check in / up ; fasten; unfasten ; to see off; cancel; go on foot / horseback; fly; hitchhike; gallop; sail; land.

2.3. Фярдин ятраф мцщити

Инсан (щяйат мярщяляляри)

Ms./ Mrs./ Miss...; child; man; woman; guest; person; baby; people; toddler; fellow queen; king; prince; princess; crowd; partner; teenager; lady; gentleman; traveler; visitor; host; male / female; the old / young.


grandson / daughter / children; family; twins; cousin; aunt; uncle; niece; nephew; parents; wife; an only son / daughter; child; close / distant relatives; an adopted child; husband; step mother...


Georgian; Irish; from Spain / Australia; African by origin; European; Native American.

Йер кцряси/Cоьрафи адлар

land; island; Europe; America; country; Georgia; Tbilisi; Great Britain; London; the USA, Washington D.C.; state; the Thames; capital; continent; bay; gulf; the Atlantic Ocean; the Black Sea.

Тябият/тябият щадисяляри (щава)

sky; sun; moon; stars; cloud; hill; mountain; wood; forest; weather; field; plant; sea; lake; shells / stone; air; water; nature; rock; ocean; pond;.. beach; climate; mine; cave; galaxy; lagoon;


motorway suburb; sidewalk; traffic jam; airport; railway station; shop-windows; car park; crossing; avenue; square; rush hour; district; monument; cemetery; parking lot; downtown; Police Station; highway; sightseeing;


countryside; vegetable garden; orchard; farm; stable; well; gate; fence; fire-place; vine-yard; mill; harvest; path; stream; vintage;

Йашайыш йери

house; flat; attic; lift / elevator; chamber; closet; urban / rural area; camp; hut; floor / storey; villa; inn; rancho; detached, semidetached; terrace;

Avadanlıq/йашайыш яшйалары

furniture; bed-cover; cooker; kettle; sink / bath / tub; broom; iron; coffee grinder; fridge; mixer; cot; couch; houseware goods; plug; aquarium; lamp; bulb; stove; rope.


primary / elementary/ secondary / high school; institute; schedule; university; a preparatory school; scientist; skills; material; academy; educators; didactic; literacy.


rice; spaghetti; egg; mineral / fizzy water; coke; jam; jelly; marmalade; cookies; apples; tomatoes; flour; ingredients; fruit; juice; veal; mutton; cheese; vanilla ice-cream.

Гида/yeyinti обйектляри/yемякляр/işçiləri

cafe; McDonalds; menu; meals; dish; supper; dessert; recipe; cook; chips; sandwich; hamburger; steak; pizza; Christmas pudding; roll; soup; fast food; coffee-house.


vehicle; railway; air plane; boat; pilot; bus stop; lorry; traveler; driver; railway; airport; cab; on board the ship / plane; railroad; carriage; platform, compartment.

Мядяниййят/идман обйектляри/işçiləri

cinema; cartoon film; theatre; actor; actress; puppet show; stage; circus; clown; acrobat; museum; guide; match; swimming pool; ring; tennis court; film director / producer; screen; audience; judo.


stamp; envelope; postman; letter / mail-box; post office; postcard; mail/air mail; address; parcel;


phone; mobile / cell phone; receiver; phone-card; local / international / emergency call; telephone box /book; phone card; message; call / phone box; phone booth / book; dial number;

Коммуникасийа васитяляри

2.4. Медиа


source of information; channel; advertisement; commercial; CNN; BBC; weather forecast; documentary; telecommunication system; program; censorship /control; Show programmes/quiz hows;


means of communication; e-mail/web address; internet; database; network; CD-Rom; disc; hard disc /drive; hacker; virus scan; download; information; spell check; technology.

2.5. Орийентирляр


time; watch; clock; half / quarter of an hour; past / to; calendar; usually; a.m./ p.m.; last night / week; present; past; century; the other day; age; just; the whole time; daytime; long time ago; recently;

Илин фясилляри

seasons; autumn/fall; winter; spring; summer.


months; January; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December.

Щяфтя эцнляри

week days; fortnight; Sunday, Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday; weekend.


day; morning; afternoon; noon; evening; midnight; midday; night; tonight.


first of all; at first; now... then; firstly... secondly; then; before; day by day; at/in the end.


fast; quick / quickly; slow / slowly; speed; frequently;


sometimes; seldom; rarely; often; always; never; from time to time; occasionally.


forever; from now on; all day long; for a long time.

Юлкяnin tərəfləri

West; East; North; South; Northern; Southern; Western; North East; South West, South East; central.

Йерляшdiyi йеr

place; space; in two meters'/ miles’ distance; near; far; left; right; down; up; into; inside; opposite; close; next to.


full; empty; fresh; hard; bitter; modern; delicious; sharp; free; comfortable; uncomfortable; fashionable; old-fashioned.


round; oval; triangle; figure; narrow; weight; iron; gold; huge; tiny; jumbo; shiny; flat; deep; square; pound; bronze; velvet / cotton; shape; heavy; light; milky; kilogram; silk.


high / low temperature; below / above zero; Celsius / Fahrenheit.


Many; much; few; little; numerous; great number of.


odd; even; thousand; million; billion; tenth; twenty-fifth; figures; two-thirds; two and a half; quarter; addition; multiplication; division.

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