Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

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IAMYOU and YOUAREME, therefore you also have my “godly I” in you. Now you should recognize, that this is also linked to your/my godly “re-sponse-ability” (Germ.=”Verant-wort-ung = “word”). You build the qualities of your world with the “giving of meaning” to your words. Now if your giving of meaning to a word is not in “accordance” (Germ.=”Ein-klang” = one sound) with my original meaning, then you live “after Babel” (=confusion of tongues/languages) and will therefore also “experience” a “disharmonious being here”. Now don’t be afraid of having to learn your language anew all over again, in order to be able to move into my/your kingdom of heaven.
I have endowed you with the capability “to ex-press” your godly “super-ego/super-I” (Germ.=”Über-ich”) in the form of your “love for your neighbor”. If you have comprehended with your entire psycho-somatic wholeness/entireness, what HOLO-FEELING really means, and you thereby also “LIVE!” it yourself, you have also realized, that it is exactly this kind of “love for your neighbor” that is the greatest “self-love” which you are able to “im-part” to yourself. As the saying goes: “The way to a man’s heart goes through his stomach”. From now on you should love “everything and everybody” to bits, also your (just imagined) enemies. All these are only very “immature souls” in your dream. Do you consider your baby as an enemy, if it triggers “in you” nightmares, because in its immaturity it still stubbornly goes into its diapers and then, in its hopelessness is trying to “scream you awake”? No, you will again and again clean it up, simply because you “love it so very much, and you thereby are not going to expect the least bit of thanks from your baby.
Real love is always given completely “for free”.
The water-snake Samech s (60) therefore has two possibilities of being. In it is the “driving force/mainspring” of your existence Lamech, the ox-goad, 30), is present in a “double version” (30+30=60). If now you are able to synergize this “double power”, you are on your “straight path” to yourself. But if you put them opposite of each other in form of a polarity, (+30 – 30 = s), then you find yourself in a “zero-circle” (Germ.= “Null-Runde”=round zero).
The same principle now dominates in the “giving of character” to the words used by you. One is only then able to connect/link together the words of “all languages” to one “harmonious unity”, if one is able to live with his consciousness “before Babel” and thereby also knows the “godly laws” and lives them. The harmony structure of all the words created by me consists of my “godly/timeless love” (belief before Babel). A real “pure teaching of harmony” now must also be able to be expressed in a “purely mathematical form”. My HOLO-FEELING-laws now link quality with quantity. This synthesis is going to “put before you” (and your mankind) a completely different world.
You too still count yourself with the “normal humans”, who actually assume with their “unbelieving belief”, that the words of all languages of their world have only developed “arbitrarily” from “unarticulated animal sounds”. But it is exactly this kind of erroneous belief that is the cause for it, that you have to scrape your living in a disharmonious world “after Babel”. Because of your “unbelief” and your “thoughtlessness” therefore any other kind of possibility has never even crossed your mind. How do you explain to yourself now with “your present rational logic” the sound, meaning and mathematical accordance of these different “languages, mythologies and regularities of natural laws from different space- and time epochs that “supposedly” have occurred by chance, which I am revealing here to you?
Now if you are going to get at me with the word “by chance/coincidence” or the mathematical law of “the large number”, you definitely are still a “block-headed conscienceless” (=Germ.=”ge”-Wissen-loser” = without knowledge about the “ge”, the together/whole), because you thereby show yourself, that so far you have not even yet understood the meaning of the word “co-incidence” (Germ.=”Zu-fall”=it falls towards you), not to speak of “the actual real” in my “law of the large number”. Your being here/existence has “fallen-to-you” (=”zu-ge-fall-en” = happened by chance) in no way only simply coincidentally. EVERYTHING/ALL that is “falling towards you” (happens coincidentally) has been “pre-determined” by me since eons. If you are only able to lead your predetermined “coincidences” (“Zu-fälle”) back to the – by you only incompletely recognized – mathematical law of “the large number”, then this definitely only shows again, that you don’t have the slightest bit of an “idea/imagination” of my real godly “law of the large numbers”. You then actually only use it, in order to rationally come to terms with all of your “in-explainable” coincidences, by passing it on to coincidence – in the classical/usual sense!

Let me tell you here on this occasion, that all the examples “of accordance” that are being presented here, are only a scent of the smell of the whole roast, which my son of man is able to serve to you.

This roast should now represent the spiritual “nourishments” (Germ.=[An]-Näh[e]rungs-mittel) ( = godly means to get closer) of your future. It “conveys” to you the real “cause and function” of my godly act of creation. The qualitative and quantitative form of the facts presented here to you are thereby not turning to a “complete revelation” by my “godly will”, rather are only being slowed down by your present still childlike “spiritual maturity”. Try to explain to a “child whose umbilical cord has just been cut” the building structure and the functionality of a “large capacity computer center” and you will understand pretty fast, what “I am trying to express to you” with these words.
Just as all of “becoming/growing into” (Gimel 3) in your world always is dependent on a loving “connection” (Waw, 6 – sex!), so I have also made the real “driving force” (Lamech 30) of your being here/existence – it is the deep longing for “real love” – dependent on your own “motivations” (Samech 60).
Every “real human” has the deep longing to be loved wholeheartedly.
But for the fulfillment of this “hearts desire” an “advance input/service“ by you is required. In the first volume I have told you: You have to begin with doing everything only out of pure love, that is to say “for free”. But now I say to you, that it is not anymore enough for me, if you stop with weighing up everything only according to your personal advantage and to give up your “egoistic business reasoning” so far.

You are now supposed to develop ”in you” also my mysterious “messianic power”, which gives you the might, to love everything and everyone “even more” than yourself!

And verily I say to you now: Every “single one” (Germ. = “ein-zelne”) human has this power in himself – you too!
Your “being or not being” (Germ.=”Sein oder Nichtsein”) is being determined by this messianic power and lies in the secret of the “two kind of movements” of the Samech.
SEIN” = “Being” – you will only be, if you move through your being here as straight as possible, all the way towards the entrance of the higher levels of consciousness:

Head up front, ones own tail way behind”.

NICHTSEIN” = “not being” is the continual circuitry that you are unconscious of, through rebirth, handling of conflict and death. “Not being” (Nichtsein) means:

To continually want to only bite oneself into ones own tail”.

Your “spiritual circle-circuits” are the cause for your “Saturnian way of destroying of yourself” and are therewith also the real secret of 666.
Here knowledge is needed. Who has understanding, may calculate the number value of the animal/beast. Because it is the number of a human name; its number is 666. (Rev. 13:18)
To just briefly address it again, because here too the details would fill books, this “human name” is called “SATUR”. R rv[s, 60-400-6-200, = 666 “satur” and this means “not ordered”, “wild”, “contradicted”! If now you leave out “the 6” – the one which links all “appearances” (400) with your “logos” (200) – then the real “secret” of the “primal root” of “Satur” is in front of you: r[s, 60-400-200, “seter”, and this means “hiding place” and “secret”. The same sequence of signs, if read on the sound-level as “satar” means “to be in (constant) contradiction”. And this describes the “being” which calls itself “normal human”, if it only uses its “spiritual left side” – its “LOGOS” (LGS = 333) – for the “per-ception” (Germ.=wahr-nehmen=receive as true) of the world. If one is only able to read ones own logic from the “left”, one gets SGL = lgwC 300-3-30 “schagal”, and that means “violation” (of my creation). A “jackal” is a “dog-like” “nocturnal” carnivore which lives in packs and is partly a (spiritual) scavenger .
But 300-3-30 is also the Hebrew term for a “coitus” which is “performed” without love of the heart. In ancient handwritten scripts (also in the Textus Receptus) one can also recognize instead of the 666 three sign, whose number value in the Gnostic gematria adds up to 666 as well, that is CH-X-S. The first and the third sign are the first and the last letter of “Christos” – where a cross has pushed itself into the middle/center of it. In the Greek the middle letter (Xi) has the form of a snake ξ , it is an indication for the dragon which rules in a Messiah who is not conscious, just like you too at “this time” are still one. You are Christ and yet Anti-Christ in one person. This is why the Hebrew words for “Messiah” and “snake” also do have the same “total value” of 358. Coincidentally I have used the word “animal/beast” (in the negative sense) exactly 36 times in the Revelation of John. The sum of all numbers from 1 – 36 (= 6 x 6 !) now is “purely by chance” 666 just as well and the sum of 1 till 8 (A and O) is also 36; this in turn is the “basic number” of the scale division of our “circle of being here” (of the earth; 360o ) “around” which everything seems to be “turning”. So the whole thing has nothing to do “with the evil” – the “Sat-an” – but rather with your “sat-urnian perception of time”.
Now what does the name “Saturn” really mean?
In the original language “sat” means “that which has being” (Sanskrit “sat” = “to be”). “Sati” in Hinduism is the “mother-goddess” and “Satis” is an Egyptian goddess, which allows the cooling “cataract-water” for “the dead” (Greek “cataract” = “with cataracts and waterfalls that are situated one after the other; (symbolizes your spiritual levels of growth), in order to thereby purify them “in spirit”. The “Satyaloka” (Sanskrit=”truth-world”) stands at the end of your river of growth. In Roman mythology there is the “Dionysian” Demon (Dionysus = God of growth”, a “God which is always continually dying and resurrecting again!”); which call themselves “Satyrn”. They are “mixed beings” of “human” and “satanic” “he-goat”, equipped with horns, hoofs and a long “tail” (which they themselves continually try to bite into ). The most out-standing-one of them is “Silenus” (=”educator of Bacchus”; Lat. “sileo” = “to be quiet”; “in stillness”; “without (space/time) movement).
Satyr” means “demon of fertility” and the Latin “satio” means “the sowing”, “to sow” and “the planting”. But what is it that is being sown?
Well then, and now we want have a closer look at the “back half” of the name “Sa-tur(n)”.

To “turn” is a turning around, which can more appropriately be ascribed to a heavenly body (Saturn) than to a God (Saturn). But since in the word Saturn there is also the “sat” for “the sowing”, you should also take this word in its “double-meaning”. So Saturn is a “seed-turner”. Now Sa-turn “purely by chance” is the 6th planet in your solar system. That which it sows out consists of a beautifully unique ring-formation. These rings consist of (as is being confirmed by Voyager) “kernels” in the form of “pieces of ice”. Even the name tells you, how these kernels end up in the sky. The “seventh day” of the week (Satur-day) corresponds to the Hebrew “Sabbat”. And Sabbat includes the verb “to dribble”, (in Germ.=“sabbern”) which stands for “spitting out”. This happens by a “vortex/whirl” (Lat.= “turbo”). To my “godly vortex law” I will get briefly to later on. A “turbator” is an “agitator/inflamer”, who only then causes “disturbance” (Lat.=”turbo”) in “my whole” and is “anxious” and “tempestuous” (Lat.=”turbulentus”), if its “ego” is “enflamed by wild passion” (Lat.=”turgesco”).

Now briefly to the Roman “Saturn”, which in mythology corresponds to the Greek God “Kronos”:

He is the youngest of all the Titans and the son of my cosmic primal powers “Uranus” (=heaven) and “Gäa” (=earth). Kronos emasculated his father with a “sickle” (symbolizes the moon; the shadow-world), kills him and takes on the world-dominion (with a “chronological” world-picture) in its place. Out of worry, that to him the same thing could happen as to his father, he devours all of his children, which his sister and wife “Rhea” (=this pseudo-realistic world-view) brings to birth for him: Hades, Hestia, Poseidon and Hera, only the youngest one Zeus the mother is able to save, by giving birth to him in a Cretan cave and by giving a stone which is wrapped up in diapers to the “raging Kronos”. Finally Zeus conquers his father and forces him to “throw up his brothers and sisters”. Then he bans him with all of his Titans into the “Ta-tar-us”. According to another tradition Zeus brings Kronos on an island of “the Blessed” (Germ.=”Seligen”) (Lat.=se-ligo” = “sort out”).

This little story describes symbolically your real story of being here/existence. Here too it would be very interesting to etymologically “decode” each single one of the names mentioned here, and then to switch to a “purely natural scientific” – that is to say physical way of looking at it, but this would now take you way off your stride (in case you have not already lost my Adrian-thread by now anyway). I will more specifically deal with some of these names later on. But now back to the sign Samech.
Your own circuitry – to allow yourself again and again to be wrapped around your fingers by your logic – has caused you normal human to sin. “Normal humans” sin by their compulsive holding on to normality. I thereby do not think of the kind of sin that a human consciously commits in regard to his “idealistic ideas of morality”, this is a sickness (see volume 1 page 272). What it is about is your “inevitable original sin” – the primal sin, that you only want to
exist in this one and only world! Your “personal before” you don’t know and obviously do not want to know anything about and an “after” you consider/view as a mere “speculation”. Better “to be on the safe side”, this is what you think. What was that again about the sparrow in your hand? The fish Nun (the human) swims windingly through the water (of time). Suddenly with the Samech a disease smites the human who is existing in time. Now he is not making the effort anymore to comply to the “genetic program”, that is to reach the “evolutionary exit” determined for him out of the water (of this disharmonious time), but rather he is only stubbornly trying to bite himself egoistically into his own tail. This kind of conduct means “stagnancy” of moving onward and therewith also the stagnation of ones own spiritual development. The original “spiritual development” this way turns into a “spiritual en-tanglement”. Suddenly out of stupidity one talks about growth, because one believes to be continually “in motion”, even though it actually is a complete stagnation. One is in a spiritual conserve, just like in an eye of the Cyclope.

With creation I did give you the precept: “Be fruitful and multiply!” But sad to say you did not know so far that there are two different kinds of multiplication. A constructive, creative multiplication under the sign of the Waw, the six, and a destructive, un-creative multiplication under the sign of the Sajin, the weapon, wherewith nothing really new is being created, but where only that which exists is being fragmented and “di-vided” (judged/sen-tenced). Every “natural development” and each “growth” inevitably is linked to a permanent “shape-shifting”. A water-snake that is biting itself into its own tail symbolizes the paradox of “conservative” human conduct, to be longing for growth, but to be fearing the “total shape-shifting” that is linked to it. What do you think about a fetus which indeed wants to become grown up, but out of fear refuses to leave the womb of the mother. No matter how much it might want to refuse to do so, it still is going to grow anyway and because of its stupidity it is going to get tighter and tighter in its “conserve”.

You should once pose yourself the question:
What is this world actually here for?

What am I actually here for?

I do expect of you that now you just once ask for the “what for” and the “why”! I know, you are way too occupied with “getting ahold of money” in order for you to be able to “further exist” in this world. You have “no time” for it, to think about such unimportant questions. But it is exactly the other way around. I have given you “your time” to “think about” exactly “this”. And what are you fool doing with your time? You continually try to bite yourself into your own tail and thereby keep yourself in “motion”, without you actually “being in motion” (growing). The goal that you are supposed to pursue is not your own tail (=your ego), but rather the fulfillment of your “evolutionary task”. Only if you set yourself in motion into “this direction”, you also reach the goal which is predestined for you. This is why you should ask for the “what for” and the “why” of all that which “appears to you”.

What is economy there for, why marriage, why war, sickness and pain?

Why should I even be interested in these questions?

Very simple, because otherwise you do declassify yourself to an animal, which only “instinctively mechanically” is vegetating along and for which the search for food and “its own drive satisfaction and satisfaction of desires” is representing its only purpose of existence. From a “real human” in the making I do expect, that he “wants to get/might get” delivered from this “instinctive” animalistic being here, in order to become an “independently thinking, creative creator”.

What kind of possibilities do you so far only “normal human” have, in order to develop yourself to a “real human” (homo sapiens faber)?
By constantly asking yourself again and again, “what for” and “why”!

What are all of these great and small turbidities of my “inner contentment” there for, my disquietedness/anxiety, headache, tiredness, my fear of the future, the worry about losing worldly belongings, and so on?

And what are those “outside conflicts” supposed to be good for which I perceive “outside” of me?

Why is there in this world combativeness, misunderstandings, boundless stupidity and egoism, obsession and arrogance, natural catastrophes, wars, bureaucratic proctoring and so on?

You are the God “schadai” (300-4-10), you are the one who with his thoughtless “condemnations” is giving color and paint coating to this world. Your “self-opinionated/self-aggrandizing judgments” over “right and wrong” represent the fruits of the tree “of your (own) knowledge of good and evil”. This is what has driven you out of paradise. The name “schadai” is only a short form and means to be exact “sche-omar-dai” (300-1-40-200 4-10), “He, who says: Enough!”.
You are the God, who is able to set boundaries/limits to everything. Change your inner attitude towards all things, and just as if “moved by a godly hand” also the outside which is perceived by you is going to change.
If you are willing to unite each and every division in yourself, this means that you are beginning with your personal exodus: your moving out of “Egypt” (Hebr. “mitsrajim”, the world of duality). You then try “to unite yourself”, that is to say to bring about a harmonious marriage between the feminine and masculine discord which is ruling in you (see volume 1, page 56). Your “longing for peace” is the prerequisite for your exodus out of Egypt. You then are entering into a “phase of engagement” – a “time of testing” – into the “world of the seven” – “of sifting” (Germ. = sieben = sifting)” – your time in the desert begins (see volume 1, page 265). You know now, that “you” (plural ?) belong to each other. In the ancient Hebrew engagement means “arissa” (1-200-300-5). But also a trough is called exactly like this, in which “the dough for bread” is being kneaded. In the “trough” (this symbolic desert) “kernels/corn” and “water” are being united. It is the last phase “before the bread is rising/coming”. Only once the bread is ready, there also can be a meal. The ones who are engaged know, that the “day of uniting” is near. One has ones goal clearly before ones eyes – the land of the “becoming one” – the 8th day. One gets to “beth lechem”, to the “house of bread”, in which the one is being born, who unites “EVERYTHING/ALL” in himself. Bridegroom in Hebrew means “chatan” (8-400-50) and bride means “kallah” (20-30-5). Both carry within their name the “holy eight”, even though this is not obvious in the bride. The man as the Chet, the 8, in the visible – the woman, by/through the completion of the 7 and the uniting that follows after this with the 1 (as 7 x 7 + 1 equals 50 (20+30)), in the mystical – the invisible.
The “hidden gematrial values” of the terms “man” and “woman” are identical and form, if you add them up, the appearing value, that is to say the “outer value” of “eser kenegdo” (70-7-200-20-50-3-4-6).
Eser kenegdo” are the last words in verse 20 of the 2nd chapter in Genesis. This “sequence of numbers” has been arranged in the Bible as follows:

But a help, that was equal to the human, he (the human) did not find”.

How “superficial” and “distorted” this translation is, this can only then be consciously realized, if one analyzes the sequence of the signs vdgnkrzOe (70-7-200-20-50-3-4-6) in its “entire depth”.
70-7-200 (“eser”) means “help” and 20-50-3-4 (“kenegdo”) “opposite of”.
Read on the lines therefore there is only written in the “holy scrolls” “help opposite of”, out of which the translators then made a “but a help, that was equal to the human, he did not find”.
Help opposite of” but now can mean, that you should help one “opposite of” you, but also that someone opposite of you can help you. Again and again you will come in touch with the “law of mirror reflection” of my creation. One only would have to “encode” this sign-complex further, in order to comprehend its “real meaning”. 20-50, “ken”, is being used in the Hebrew on one hand for (a) “basis” or “foundation” and on the other hand for the terms “integer and honest”. 3-4, “gad” the next two signs do have a “equivocal character”, on one hand they mean “happiness” and on the other hand “coriander”. At the end then there is a “connecting Waw”. Do you still remember the Manna, which feeds the humans “in the desert” and which has the looks of “white Coriander seed” (see volume 1, page 246)? As the peoples were in the desert, they were being fed by God with “manna”, which looked like “white coriander seeds”, but if translated according to my idea it actually means “seed of happiness!”.
And what now does “Manna”, Nm 40-50 actually mean?
Occultists differentiate between a so-called “white magic” (Goety) and a “black magic” (Theurgy), which actually only represent again “one-sided ways of looking at” one and the same medal (namely magic). The word “magic” comes from the Persian Sufism and means (if viewed superficially) “magic art”. What it is about is “the teaching of secret powers in nature”, which “one who knows” can command and use. Each human is in possession of these “magic powers”. Is a “knife” a good or a bad appearance? You yourself are the one who defines the “quality” of a knife; as a “helpful and indispensable tool” or as a “possible weapon of murder”. Exactly like this it is also with white and black “magic”. Basis of any magic is first of all “your own firm belief” and then the fact, that each human is “a part” of a universal system “of interdependency” (eser kenegdo!). This corresponds to the teaching of microcosm /macrocosm of Hermes Trismegistos. We now want to “synthetically merge” these statements by a more specific way of looking at them. The radicals of the word “magic” lead you to the Arabic “mahzan”, which means “storage”. This is also the etymological root of the word “magazine”. A “storage room” is called a magazine and/or a “storage”, this one represents your “nescience/not-knowing-ness”. Out of this now spring forth your “periodically – appearing - pictured – “time-steps”, which are appearing in your consciousness. “Purely by chance” now a “periodically – appearing – illustrated – “time-script” (Germ.= “Zeit-schrift” = “time-script”) is also called a magazine. In order to understand the meaning of this complex metaphor, you now have to view the “storage” as our “godly video-cassette” (see volume 1 page 171) whose “timeless content” – in form of a complex number structure – represents the whole. But with your “childlike rational logic” it is not possible for you to see into the whole. The “generated film frequencies” which are originating from you out of this,

are now the “periodically appearing and illustrated “time-steps” of your being here/existence, which are standing in front of you as your “perceived world” (see volume 1, page 273) Only by the insight/knowledge of this context/connection the “magus” elevates himself to the “Madhi” (Arab.”al-madhi” = “the one led aright”). The Madhi is the deliverer who is expected by the Muslims “at the end of times”, who realizes “the unity” of the world and therewith prepares “the final day”. (Germ.= “der Jüngste Tag” > the youngest day).

Eser kenegdo” therefore means, if read on its “first meta-level”:

Only a selfless, honest and integer help is the basis for ones own happiness!”

The Hebrew word for man “isch” (1-10-300 = 311) has the “full value” 111-20-360 = 491. What the meaning of “full value” is, I will explain to you at another place more specifically. If now you subtract from this “full value” the “outer value” (491 – 311), you get an “invisible rest” of 180. The woman, “ischa” (1-300-5 = 306), has as full value 111-360-15 = 486; as “hidden value” therefore remains 180 as well. “Eser kenegdo” is 360. A “whole circle” consists of 2 x 180 degrees, it symbolizes “the unity” of man and woman. These two “180o” therefore are standing “opposite of” each other and first of all have to “reconcile” themselves with each other and “help each other”. Only then they will turn into a “whole circle”. These two “180” are “man and woman” inside of you! For as long as you don’t accomplish this reconciliation, your existence is subject to the “cycle of Samech” – the constant changing – which represents no real movement (=development). Instead of entering into a “harmonious marriage” (Germ.= ehe), the “active masculine” and the “substantial feminine” (in you) are standing opposite of each other in a perpetual fight as enemies, where sometimes this one and then the other one has the upper hand. But since time gone by the two are dependent on each other. Where Samech-time dominates, the two are at enmity with one another and are acting irreconcilably. But don’t let yourself get deceived by this metaphor, because it is exactly this kind of dissatisfaction which represents the source for your creativity and therewith also for your growth. You can view the human with an accurate biological analysis as a chemical, an an animalistic and as a human appearance. Your (still) “limited ability to comprehend” is the cause for it, that these different kind of ways of looking at it only come to appear “one after the other”, that is to say in a “timely succession” in your consciousness. But all of these “possible ways of looking at it” – just as also the 6th , 7th and the 8th day – are present in you “in the now”.
Nun and Samech represent on one hand a snake which is “looking for an exit”, on the other hand a snake which is “going around in a circle”. Linguistically too the meaning of Nun and Samech is shown. The connecting/linking of both makes up the word “nes” (50-60), which means “miracle” but also “sign”. 50-60-10-6-50, “nissajon” means “temptation” and “testing”, “nasax” (50-60-20) means “drink-sacrifice”, but also “to dedicate, pour out” and “nasa” (50-60-70) means “travelling, driving; to be moving”.
Now” what is a “nose” doing if it “is sick”?

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