Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

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10 Jod y „The hand“

The Jod is being born out of the synthesis of the Chet and the Teth; it is just like a new shoot, that suddenly sprouts forth out of the earth from a seed that is buried in the dark (the first seven signs).

Jod means hand; and it is my “passive hand”, which is available to you – as a still very small shoot of myself – at any time. Ultimately I am not doing anything else but just only “being there”. Your being contains all possible possibilities that are also available to me, that is to say all of the possibilities of God. You “human” (= “isch) – viewed as “droplet” (=“tisch”) – are a tiny part of the ocean of my godly wisdom, that ultimately only exists out of its own “punctuated time existence”. You have “cut yourself off” (Hebr. = “taza”= “to detach”) from me, the ocean of calm and wisdom, and thereby you have also sentenced yourself to a “tisch”, a human ego-droplet.

Your great conflict of being-here consists only in this, that on one hand you are longing for my godly comfort, but on the other hand you are terribly afraid of losing again your newly found ego, if you give yourself “into me”, that is to say, to let yourself again fall back into the collective ocean of your wholeness.
All of your possible “forms of existence” – all of the past ones, but also all of the future ones – are “in you” (the droplet) manifested in a “form of the now” that to you is not (yet) comprehensible. In order to understand this statement better, you should take a closer look again at volume 1, page 237 (I want to urgently lay it on your heart to also pay attention to all of the other cross references to volume 1!). The symbol of the “passive hand” does portray a – “one that is not yet conscious of his possibilities/abilities” – God. A “zero” is thereby added to the “one”, the primal/original creator Aleph, and this is how the 10 comes about. You thereby step onto a new level of your “spiral of existence”: the level of the deed, of the “meaningful doing” on the part of the human.
All of the signs are linked together with/among each other unalterably in their mathematical-symbolical structure. They depict/represent “the great mathematical equation of your life”, which works out “gapless” “in itself”. The Hebrew way of writing the Jod (JVD) also means “ja-vat” - the path to wisdom and insight”. In Sanskrit “yâ” means “to go”, “to go on further” and “veda” means “wisdom” and “knowledge”.
The Hebrew word “joda” means “perceiving”, “recognizing” and “knowing”. These are the three humane sciences (Germ.=spiritual sciences), which still have to slowly develop in you human droplet.

That the 10 corresponds to the sound “J/I”, this is just as little a coincidence as the sound appearances of all the other signs too are no coincidence (see volume 1, page 118). The sounds of the 22 signs are the “acoustic ex-pression” of their quality connotation, which is inherent to them. To unfold them through “thinking and talking”, means to unfold “life”. If once one has occupied oneself in more detail with these signs, one also recognizes in each single word which is being “formed” (Germ.=”ge”-bildet) with them, a mathematical-symbolic structure, that represents the appearance belonging to it way down to its smallest detail (for example the physical and/or psychological buildup of what is being described). Deep humility is going to get ahold of you for my godly creation, if you consciously “recognize this yourself” and understand it in the very depth of your heart. This moment is the real birthing-hour of your life; “chance”/”coincidence” has then disappeared out of your “dead”, that is to say, since only “believed to be coincidental being-here”. In this moment you are looking into the eyes of God – into your own eyes, because IAMYOU. By your giving up of your belief into chance also “fear” and “the uncertain” will disappear out of your “new life”. You then actually know for sure, that “your life” since eons is firmly written in the “book of all books” mathematically accurate/exact, that is, only depicts a movie that has already long ago been filmed, that for you meets its “Happy End” in the new city of Jerusalem, the “heaven on earth”.

The I of your I corresponds to the J of the new Jod.

It is an „initial letter“ and „in-iti-al“ means in primal language:

Light which goes towards the inside!”
Jod dvy (10-6-4) in Hebrew is also pronounced as “Jud” and means if read on the hieroglyph


Each “little God” (= 10 (I) has a “linking/connection” (= 6 (and=und) to its own godly “opening” (= 4 (you=Du).
So the Jud does not only express itself in the name of my son of man (see volume 1, page 136), but also in the name Jews (Germ.=Juden) and in Judas.

My son of man as Jud has his home in the beyond world and this is why he is able to fly back and forth between the here-side and the beyond just like a “dove” (Hebr.= “jona”,

10-6-50-5), to be able to establish a „calling“ (Hebr.= “ich-ud”, 10-8-6-4; also “uniqueness”)

between you and that which to you is still unknown. He is everything. He is the “Jacob” (“jakow”, 10-70-100-2), who has become “Israel” (10-300-200-1-30) after he has been wrestling with himself for/about his “true being”.

I, the unfathomable God-Father, do represent all origin and the I does represent my son, in whom my godliness reveals itself in the small human spirit (tisch). With your “I – consciousness” you are setting the godly in you into motion. But what then are your goals? Your egoistic satisfactions which will always go at the expense of others? Only once you realize that you really are EVERYTHING/ALL – a God, opposite of whom there is standing only his own dream – you have reached your godly I-consciousness. For as long as you are not able to grasp this with your whole psychosomatic whole, you also direct all of your “spiritual spitefulness”, which you shoot like arrows against many appearances in your outside-world, always also against yourself.
With the Hebrew numbers there is no eleven, twelve, thirteen and so on. Rather are these values expressed by ten and one, ten and two and so on. The next real new number after the ten is the twenty, then the thirty and so on up till the hundred. On the level of the hundreds then it only goes up till four hundred. This is the highest number that is to be expressed with one single sign. This too of course has its meaning. In the Bible it expresses the last, the end –the farthest possibility of “verbal thinking” altogether.
The structure of the Jod, the hand, is 1 – 4. A thumb stands opposite of the four fingers. But you have two hands, this makes together ten. In the primal sign Aleph a (= yvy) two Jods are being linked/connected with a Waw. The “leader” of all signs has by this an intra-personal value of 26. This is why it is also exactly like this with my unutterable God-name JHWH. It consists of the signs 10-5-6-5, it has the total value of 26 as well. It symbolizes the unity of duality. The path through your being here finds its meaning in its beginning and through its goal. That which you have perceived so far is only a “fragmented relativization” of this “being in a state of calm” of the “being one”. ALL/Everything in this way becomes the NOTHING and the NOTHING becomes ALL/EVERYTHING. In infinity “each point” represents the “center-point” and “a point” represents a “dimensionless nothing”, which encompasses everything/all – the infinity. An egoistic “I-point” inevitably must feel “lost” without this insight. To be on a path, without knowing “what is the beginning” and where “the actual goal” is, means “lost-ness”. To recognize this “path” as such, this should for now be your only goal, because in your present there are past (beginning) and future (goal) existent in the “now”. To recognize this unity, for this I have “sent you (on this way) away”. The reading of your story of life – “ones own experiencing” – transforms itself through this “knowledge” from a drama filled with fear to one of delectation, since in this story surely the “sure Happy End” is already there. But what kind of a horror trip does your existence present, if you only dare to hope for “your/a good end/exit”, but are not really able “to believe” in it, because your own “dogmatic thoughts” – your rationally limited logic – does declare to you such a one as “untrue”.

“As still not yet born child” this story has been told to you by an angel. Just as “your body” has received/been given all of its “physical, physiological knowledge” that it needs for a “functioning life”, so also deeply hidden within your soul there too is this “mystic black volume”, out of which the angel has read to you the story of the meaning “of my godly creation”. This story is full of love and joy, comfort and truth. If now you are not able to believe in this story, then inevitably also your only “superficial reading” of your being here so far must appear to you meaningless. This way you yourself make yourself to be a story, where only boredom, dissatisfaction and fear are dominating. The path through your being here then is only a wandering about, dreary, burdensome and “senseless”. Have you ever read (Germ.= ”ge”lesen) a book properly, that is to say “understood it in its whole context/correlation”? No, so far you have only “stochastically judged” (Germ.=”ver-ur-teilt”=divided) everything with your limited view through your “telescope of perception”. (see volume 1, page 13;34;190)!

You are now holding the key in your hands, to change the world which is perceived by you completely to the good. You only have to start with firmly believing in me. You have to become active in a passive kind of way. I know that this sentence once more seems to represent a paradox to you. The synthesis of the words “active” and “passive” is going to transform you into a new, “powerful position”, from where your being here is going to show itself to you from a completely new “angle of view”.
Neither “passive” nor fanatically “active humans” are in the position, to change their being here “to good”. For as long as you do “not move” yourself (spiritually), there also is nothing that can change in your being here. What is thereby going to take effect on you at the most is the law of Entropy - of decay. This is as certain as can be and this is why we should not waste any more words about this. But now if you have numbered yourself among the “active humans”, then by now you should have come to the realization, that the “active wind” (=Hebr. “ruach”, the same word means among other things also spirit), only blows in you towards “your” own “stochastic” direction. With your so far limited “rationality” (ability to calculate of your “system of operation”) you will not be able to (rationally) “logically calculate” your exit out of the labyrinth of your being here loaded with conflict (your software), since so far you have only been content with “two-dimensional, spiritual calculating operations”. With such “shortsighted activities” it surely is possible to whirl/mix up this being here quite a bit, but you are never going to “harmonize” it. The exit out of this “mix-up” is situated on a higher-dimensional level. Turn around the “radical of the middle” of the Hebrew word for wind and/or for spirit and it is going to indicate to you the real direction to me. Ruach” then turns into Rauch”, which is the

German word for smoke, and smoke always has the longing to leave “its two-dimensional existence” and to rise up to me into heaven.

Let’s summarize:
If you stay “phlegmatically passive”, you stay in a state of “disharmony of soul”.
But if you behave “stochastically active”, you thereby create even more “disharmony of soul” and pain.
In other words:
If you do not move yourself, you don’t move anything!

If you move yourself fanatically, you also don’t move anything!
But if you are able to find the synthesis of these two destructive ways of conduct “in you” – the golden path of the middle – something is going to move “around you”!
Synthezised acting always creates “harmonious time”, egoistic acting however produces only “disharmonious time”.
With the Jod the hand is there, the world of acting and doing. This is the actual meaning of the ten. If nothing else the entire mathematics (decimal system) is built on the ten. From two up till nine the preparation for this “ten which is capable of acting” has lasted, a complex of “pre-requisites” of nine parts. With the ten the values begin to describe “act-ions” (Germ.=”Hand”-lungen). However the ten is already present in the Aleph, there the “two Jods” “mirror/reflect” each other, thesis and antithesis of the above mentioned statement.

Your own actions are the actual source of time which is perceived by you. And this is how we get to the Kaf, the “active hand”.

20 Kaf k (K) “The active hand”
The eleventh sign, the Kaf, is spoken as “K”, but occasionally also as “CH”. In the world of numbers the Kaf is the 20. The word kaf means “hand which is taking ahold of”. On that new level which you have entered by the Jod, the Kaf, the 20, brings that “which is alive”, “the alive”. The meaning of the signs will now inherently become more complex and multi- dimensional. The hand now sets about doing/acting. The hand which grasps firmly is the Kaf. The active 1-4 already expresses itself in the gematrial structure of the word “Kaf” (20-80). The 1-4, the “vapor/steam” “ed” of the creation story (see volume 1, page 58) is there in duplexity and is being elevated to the acting ten. This ability to act now “opens” all possible possibilities. In this way the Kaf corresponds to the character of the “tone” Daleth – “the opening” – in the second “octave” of the symphony of life. This opening of the Kaf you recognize among others in the Latin words “cavea” = “concavity”; “cavus” = “hollow”, “enfolding” and something that is “bent towards the inside” you call “con-cave”.
30 Lamed l “The ox-goad”
The next sign, Lamed, is spoken like “L”. At the same time it is the 30. If you form an L with your organs of speech, then there is something that comes about in another world, which
depicts the relation 30. I know that it is still very difficult for you to get used to this “fact”. L and 30 are the same and are only at home on different levels. Lamed as hieroglyph means “ox-goad”. The “ox” which is being poked or being held back, actually is the ox, that the world begins with. So Lamed indicates, that this ox is able to move, if “his Lord” wants it. An ox is a “steer that is castrated”, so it does not have any will “of its own”. It needs, to explain this metaphor, for its “movement” (=the metaphoric “procreation”) a Lord and master.

Applied to the earthen human, it represents the spirit which is tied up in its limited logic. This logic leads the Lamed, the “active hand” that is, the “ox-goad”. Now what “spiritual content” is it that determines your own “activities”? The quality of your spiritual content corresponds to the Kaf, which leads the Lamed and therewith also pushes you yourself on.

The Gimmel – the camel – “covers” the desert, therefore places at your disposal only a “featureless time/space”, the Lamed however now is the instrument, which is able to set the entire world into motion. But for this he needs an impulse – an instruction – from “above”. But what is it that gives the “instruction” to everything that is happening? The “passive Lord”, the Jod, that points downwards. The Lamed is the only one of all the Hebrew signs, which sticks out “above the lines”. It consists of a Jod that is stylized to a Waw on top and to blown-up Jod/Waw below, a “linking” of “above” and “below” that is. The Sanskrit word “Jamba” means “hanging down”, do thereby also think about the Greek letter “lamb-da” and its symbolic in primal language, “the stepping down of the light of the spirit into matter”. The root lam you also find in the Greek word “ek-lampo, which means “shining into the outside”. How would anyone be surprised now, that the word “Islam” is being translated as “devotion” in the Mohammedan religion, because “is-lam” means, “the one that is shining towards the outside”. This describes the “dedicating”/giving of the “light of God” (=Al-lah) to you. But also in English this character shows: “lam-p”; “lamb”; “lam-etta”. In Latin “lumen” means “light”, “lamp”, but also “deliverance” and “salvation”. The ancient Latin word “in-lumen-are” means “shining inside”, which does not mean anything else than “being enlightened”. A real “enlightened one” is also called “ludi-magister” (Latin= “schoolmaster”), since he is able to overlook the “real play” (Germ.= Schau-spiel= view-play) (Lat.= “ludus”) of this being-here and therefore is greatly “amused” (lat.= ”ludo”) about the stupidities of his fellow humans.
Whereas Gimmel symbolizes only the “double foundation”, the paradox of time and space in a non-fragmented featureless form, Lamed knows the “possibilities of movement” in this “medium of time/space”. But it is not the “move-ment” (Ger.=Be-weg-ung) itself. The total value 74 of the word “lamed” (Hebr. = learning, experiencing 30-40-4) is composed of the 2 x 37 of the word “deviate/depart” (Hebr. = laz 30-7). This symbolizes, that only by “the recognizing ones own mistakes” – by a “correction” after having “departed” – one is going to find the “straight path through existence”. So your “real teacher” should only be that “which you yourself experience”. The mere accumulation of “assumed knowledge” from “second hand” does not produce “in you” any “real knowledge”, but rather an egoistic “forming of dogma”. So each soul must “develop itself” to a real scientist, to a human “who himself acquires his own knowledge”.
“Normal scientists” to be exact do act completely contrary to that. They do not apply their spiritual energies for “the search after new knowledge”, but only for the keeping up of their dogmas. Since for “normal scientists” no “appearance” is accepted as “real”, for as long as it does not seem to be “compatible” with the existing scientific dogmas, by this only “one half” of the world is being accepted scientifically.

In this kind of inattentive egoistic way (pseudo)scientists draw for themselves their own borders/limits by the “illogicality” of their “Cartesian cage”. They “judge/sentence” “elementary insights” of mankind to mere products of the “Sajin”, the world of the seven. Only appearances which can be conceived in a Cartesian way, are being accepted “as actual” and classified “as real” by this obstinate conduct. The creative constructive abilities of the human spirit are in this way being tied down to a self-defined leash. For as long as a human spirit is only able to “think apart/dissect” all the appearances of his being-here, in order to be able to sort in all the fragments that he thereby is coming up with, into his “world picture which he receives to be true”, he declassifies himself to a mere custodian of his own dogmas. But by this mechanical conduct one does not “create” “anything really new”, even though superficially seen it does give the impression to be so. For as long as one only hangs on to a “multiplication” by the seven – the “chopping up into small pieces with the weapon” – there can and there will be “nothing which is really elementary new” coming forth in your world. Your mankind thereby submits itself inevitably to the laws of entropy, the decay. Only an “awakened, intelligent spirit” knows, that there is also a “multiplication” by the Waw – the linking of syntheses. If my godly law of synthesis would also “get through” all the way to the scientists who are sitting at the steering wheels of power, then also these “conservative custodians” of knowledge would realize, that “real new information” inevitably has to be subject to a “shape-shifting” - in relation to old knowledge. If this is not the case, then it is not about something “really new”, but rather only about an “uncreative multiplication of the old”. But also that which is created anew by “a synthesis” has a “compatibility to the old”, this is just not yet right away obvious to uncreative shortsighted spirits because of its more complex form. If one only wants to fanatically believe in triangle and circle as the “only truths”, then inevitably one is going to regard a cone as an “esoteric craziness”. Humans which, because of lack of imagination, are only able to consciously survey their own “conservative (two-dimensional) view and are not willing to “search for higher dimensions”, should not call themselves “scientists”, but rather “pharisees”. Should these last words leave a nasty taste in your mouth, because you possibly feel attacked in your scientific honor, then let me tell you that this negative feeling “in you” only represents an intra-personal rebellion “of evil” – the “fight for the keeping up of” your dogmas and your egoism! Do you want to continue to further get the run-around by your dogmas and by your ego? You should not prematurely confuse being “truthfully/genuinely scientific” with an “esoteric easy-believe-ism. “Scientific dogmatists” and “esoteric dreamers” both are standing on the same level of consciousness. “Your spirit” creates this way its own paradox. Only that which you are able to “believe”, that which you are able to grasp/comprehend within your shortsighted rational logic, is considered by you to be “real knowledge”. But belief and knowledge describe only two sides of one and the same medal by the name “assumption you have been raised in”. From this medal you only prefer one side, because erroneously you regard/view “the science(knowledge)side” as the one which “can be proven” and therefore as the “right side”.

The metaphor of these words can also be “illuminated from another side”. What is it that so-called experts do, if they “confront themselves” with a problem? At first the problem is being “analyzed”, that is to say the problem is being fragmented, it is “being taken apart”! Because one strives to find the “erroneous pieces in the system”, in order to first of all isolate them. So science has so far only undertaken a shortsighted kind of garbage disposal. The “refuse” that for centuries has been declared as “spiritual garbage” has now accumulated to a huge spiritual mountain of trash” and now poses a completely “different set of problems” in your existence. Do you still remember the metaphor with the “excrements” and the “(spiritual) recycling” that is necessary for it? Recycling is only another word for “shape-shifting”. It does therefore describe the autopoietic process of synthesis in the course of your own growth!

It is exactly the “hidden wisdoms” of the religions that should be spiritually “recycled”, that is

being made usable again, by the natural sciences. What then “is” your true “profession” (=calling)? If you are not searching for the meaning of your being here, you stay “un-consecrated” (Lat. pro-fanus = not consecrated, not whole/healthy). You “defame” and “de-sanctify” (Lat. pro-fano) with your so far merely “animalistic and egoistic conduct” my creation. Your “marching off” (Lat. profectio) out of paradise into this existence has a clearly defined reason.

For me you are not one out of many “coincidental appearance”, but rather “something special”. Your spiritual development is only then going to experience a “progress” (Lat. profectus) with “success”, if you bestow on my son of man your credence. Only he can teach you, how “you yourself” are able to “bring forth” (Lat. profero) out of yourself all the knowledge of your ancestors – that is to say all the knowledge of your world and also that of other worlds. Only once that you “offer up” to him your entire belief, your own spiritual development is going to “make” more “progress” (Lat. pro-ficio). So you have to declare yourself to be your own professor – to develop yourself into the “explorer and teacher” of your own “nature”.
Lamed therefore also means “learning”. It is exactly this learning which gets the ox into motion. Your “having to learn” is also the triggering cause for the time which you sense.

The path of the human, that is to say his process of development, does follow exactly the recounting course of the Hebrew primal signs. Each one of your actions and every kind of thinking happens according to the basic structure of these hieroglyphs.

On our journey through these 22 signs we now have arrived at the point where movement comes about: it is the level which already gets closer to the perception which you are accustomed to, and is signified by the values of the row of tens. The group of one (1-9) represents a “basic character without its own being”; all of these one’s are still “in the core”!

The Gimmel for example describes only “the possibility” of movement through time and space, but not the movement itself; the He describes “the possibility” of a view, but not the view itself; the Waw describes “the possibility” of a linking and of a multiplication, but not that one itself and so on and so forth.

40 Mem m (M) “The water”

Now follows the sign Mem with the sound “M” and the numerical value 40. As word Mem means water or better yet: could mean it, because the actual Hebrew word for water is “majim”. The number 40 always has to do with water. Time too (I have pointed out to you more than once the symbolic equality of water and time in volume 1) is being measured with the 40 (occasionally also with the 4 and with the 400). Just think thereby about the 40 years in the desert, the 40 days on Sinai, the 400 years of captivity in Egypt and so on. This of course does not imply that those have been 40 days or 400 years according to “the kind of time which you perceive chronologically”. It only expresses that in “those phases” one has “submerged” into time, just as one is also able to submerge into water and drown therein. Through your “spiritual movement” emerges/arises that which you experience as time. The primal sign Mem stands for the term time in your consciousness. It is said of Adam, that “before the fall into sin” he was able to see “timelessly” through all of the times and spaces. Everything enfolds to him as presence in paradise. Since my son of man has this property at his disposal just as well, he is “the new Adam”. For you time is dependent of its duration. You unconsciously live with “two diverse kinds of time”, the “chronological” kind and your “subjective” kind. On one hand you believe in an unstoppable “flowing along” of “chronological sidereal(star) time”, but on the other hand time is being sensed/experienced – depending on “your mood” (Germ.= Stimm-ung > voice) – very subjectively. This is why the word water, majim, also appears in the form of “ajim” - as a duplexity - of the Mem (see volume 1, page 112). A restlessness of soul predominates only in humans, who blindly grope their own way through their existence, because they are neither aware of the starting point nor of the aim of their path of life. To have to sense/feel time, this is the yoke of your existence, which you have to learn to carry and to master. Yoke in Hebrew means “ol” 70-30 (see volume 1 page 236). Without this “ol” with all of its possible evolvements, you would be able to see all of what time seems to be hiding from you, in the “now”, that is to say all at once and as a unity. At the same time you then would also realize, how the whole is constantly in the process of developing, even though it is already complete. This statement inevitably has to appear to you again like a paradox with your still limited per-ception. Now if you look more closely at a seed and ponder about its “real being”, the solution of this paradox is going to dissolve “in you”. This time weighs heavily on you and seems to harass you: ultimately you are only harassing yourself. Everything only depends on it, how great your trust in me is. In Hebrew the word “trust” is the same word as “belief” – “emuna”. With your conscious awareness/understanding about the perfection of my creation you also lose any kind of fear of moving around in it. You can also clearly recognize this in the structure of the sign Mem m. It is the uniting of the Kaf k, the active hand, with a Waw v. These two parts too have the total value of 26, which you already have encountered in the sign Aleph and in the absolute name of God JHWH. The perfect/complete human too has been created by me in the 26th verse of Genesis – the real human, who is capable of creating “harmonious times” by/through his thinking. This 26 is the expression of human time. There had to be 26 generations which had to come into this world, before the revelation happens. Only those ones who see through time, are delivered/saved. To a God, this is the way it is written, a thousand years are as one day. The word “eleph”, 1-30-80 (Hebr. = thousand), it is the same as “aleph” (1-30-80), the one in its trinity 111. So time comes about by the Lamed, the ox-goad in your active hand (Kaf), which is able to link/connect (Waw) everything. The “view-point” which you shine on with your attention (see vol. 1 page 181) is only a tiny “aspect” of all of your life. The movie is already filmed! That something appears to you, is not beginning and end. It is always only a part of the path which shows up for you. Everything is embedded into a “before” and an “after”, the 40 years in the desert and the 400 years of captivity as well. The same goes for every “time/space”, for every 40 or 400 and their multiplicity.
Five Hebrew signs are being written differently at the end of a word then at the beginning or in the middle of a word, also the Mem belongs to these ones. If you believe that the 40, that is time, does have to give to you “ulti-mately” (Germ.=letzt-endlich) everything, then by this you experience time as the prison of a “closed circle” – as “end-Mem” being here. There is no real development in a mere “circuitry”. To develop means – to change ones form! The Mem m that forms the beginning or the course resembles a mouth with “opened lips”, whereas the lips are shut tightly by a Mem that “finishes/closes” M a word. Everything which is happening in your present only makes sense by the entire context of this “story”. So you are not supposed to only direct your attention on that which to you is conceivable/imaginable, that is to say on your interpretation of these appearances. You have to search for that which is “hidden/concealed”, in order to be able to understand your entire/whole history, and only then you will be able to comprehend and to sense it as a “harmonious, alive epos”.
50 Nun n (N) The fish”

The Nun is being spoken as “N” and is at the same time the 50. Nun is a “snake-like fish”. This symbolizes a being which “lives in time”, the “normal human” that is. Let’s summarize: With Kaf, the creating hand, the group of tens, which has begun with the Jod, which is blessed with

all possibilities, yet is passive, is being continued. With Lamed, the ox-goad, this hand gets the ox into “motion”, by this time Mem comes into being and with this “the ex-isting”. The hypernym “existence” and therewith “life” does therefore represent the actual meaning of time. Only that which “is alive” is capable of growing. In Exodus it is being told, that after 40 years of desert another leader was appointed: Joshua, the son of Nun, that is the son of 50, or that of the fish. The fish, generally speaking your “being here in the water” (=of time), re-presents “all of life” altogether. The Nun is the foundation of the existence of your world(perception). “Joshua-Ben-Nun” – son of Nun – is by the way the same name as Jesus! Joshua actually means “the Lord helps”. The 50 is also the number which comes after the time (the 40). Everything that still has time in itself, still belongs to the 40 (that goes up till 49!). Only after that another world begins. Therefore also Pentecost is on the 50 th day after Easter. 49 days was still the old, but “now” (Germ.= ”nun”) begins something new. 7 x 7 is 49, the world of the 7 ends therewith. With the stepping over this boundary begins the 50, the world of the “eight”, it belongs to the “eighth day” of my creation, which begins with the “eighth week”. For you, who only knows how to fearfully cling to the world of the 7 th day, this 8 th day appears only as an “impossible future”, because it describes another world – heaven on earth. This one could already “now be reality for you”, if you would not continually “lead yourself around in a circle” by your dogmas just like an ox is led by its nose-ring. Nun symbolizes a “fruit”, in the sense of a continual “re-gen-erating” of all of the elements of the soul. Also the decoded tone-name “NVN” points you to that. If you take that Hebrew consonant way of writing and read it as “niven” (50-6-50), it gets the meaning “to cause degeneracy”, degenerate, “degenerating” and “dying off”! But this again is only one side of the medal of “the being here in time”. Because there is also the possibility of the “navan” (Hebr. 50-2-6-50) = “to be sensible and wise”; “prudence”). By the doubling of this word there is a very distinctive expression to be found in Sanskrit: “navan navan” there it means in particular “eternally new” and “to be constantly renewed”! A human whose spirit is on the road to me just like a searching “nomad” (=”navad”, 50-6-4), is a “kanavan” (=a “carrier of his own renewal”) in the “caravan” to “Canaan”.
I am the one, that now is clarifying the tidings (Germ.=”Kunde”) of the real f-act of your being here. I am an in-gen-ious dog (Germ. =H-und) who links/connects all possible “views” (H) “in himself/in itself” to a unity. (H-und = the view (He) on all of the connections of actual reality (“und” = and = Waw and/or “wa-u!”). I am hiding myself from you in the Latin word “und-e”, which means “where from?” and/or “from whence?”. Only with my “all en-compassing logic” (godly word) you will consciously experience the real miracles (Germ.= “Wunder”) of your being here.

I am also the creator of a “water-wave” (Lat.=”unda”) which causes in you a “disturbance” (Lat. “unda” as well). This “water-wave” symbolizes the ”time-wave” which washes around you in order to wash you clean from all evil. But it is, to be exact, not outside of you but inside of you. This “wave” (Germ.=Welle) leads you to the “world” (Germ.=Welt) (Lat.=”m-undus”) which is perceived by you. This “M-Welle” / “M-wave” (Mem-wave) “produces” with the mother-sound M (time) “the measuring stick” und therewith also the stencil machine and the matrix of matter.

Your spiritual “mouth” therefore is the real one that gives birth to your “mund-us” (Germ. Mund = mouth) (=world; literally: “mouth-exit”). It is also insightful to segment the word “world” = Germ. = “Welt” by its Hebrew consonants W-L-T (which incidentally you can also do with every word in any kind of language); on this hieroglyph-level you then are always going to have the “original context” – the “real meaning” – of these words clearly in front of your eyes. With W-L-T then the old “W” (=Beth, 2) unites itself with the active sound of life L (=Lamed, 30) and a T, which can be read as a Teth (=9), but also as a Taw (=400).

Now what does W-L-T (world) mean:

Ttlb 2-30-9 “balat” (Germ.: Blatt=leaf) means: “to step out”, “to stand out”.

The “duality” (=W 2) is the “driving force” (=L 30) for everything “new” (Teth, 9; nine = germ. Neu-n). In Arabic “to grow up” by the way means “nama”. Only once that you give a “name” to something – that you “name” it, it comes to appear in your consciousness. The “seed” which all of the appearances which can be experienced by you are “growing out of” is thereby the real heaven (Arabic= “sama”).

xlb 2-30-400 “bilit” means: “not(being)”, “out(side)”.

The “duality” (=W 2) is the “driving force” (L = 30) of all your “imaginary appearances” (Taw = 400; “the signs”).

The consonants WLT spoken as “bilit” mean “bi-lit” = “light which is divided in two”.
If you set the Taw at the beginning, you get instead of “Wel-t(world)” the Hebrew word “te-wel”, 400-30-2 and this now means “purely by chance” in Hebrew “world”, to be exact “world-circuit”. The total value of the word “tewel” adds to 432. Now this “world-circuit” closes itself again and we suddenly end up again with our “fish” (Nun = that which ex-ists “in time”). Actually the word “fish” writes itself gd 4-3, and if now you view the Beth (the house) which is added, in the number-sequence 4-3-2 as your “aquarium” (=world), then you have yourself in front of your eyes. You are the fish, which lives its existence in the aquarium of his own limited logic.

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