Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

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4-2 = “bear”

(the door (4) of the house (2).

4-2-6-2 = “make someone talk”

(the door(4) of the house (2) links/connects (6) inside/outside (2)

4-2-6-200 = “talking/speaking”

(the door (4) of the house (2) connects (6) all heads (200) in the Garden Eden!)

4-2-6-200-5 = the “busy honeybee” works selflessly and is therefore “above”.

(the door (4) of the house (2) connects (6) all heads (200), who see actual reality (5).

For the bee this slogan/motto counts:
One for all, all for one!”
This is also the one and only “attitude”, which is able to lead you into the heavenly kingdom. A beehive represents a “living body” and each single bee is an individual cell of it. It is no different with you humans, even though you have not been aware of this so far. You are a cell of an “eight-dimensional body” that is superordinate to you which you are not yet able to perceive with your space/time perception. An “egoistic cell” produces in it only conflict and for this reason is also going to be “eliminated” (Lat. “elimino” = “get it across the threshold”, but also “to blunder out [thoughtlessly]”; “elinguis” = “speechless”). A “beehive” resembles a macroscopic enlarged piece of “solid matter”. You have before your eyes a “moving unity”, which definitely is “one”, even though basically it consists of many “individuals”. One single individual can only ”ex-ist” for a very short time “without the whole”. You are the “queen-bee” of the world perceived by you. Everything “is out of you” (think about it, that you are only dreaming this world). If you fail, that is to say if you are trying to sneak away from “your responsibility” and separate yourself “spiritually” from the whole – or even try to “fight against it” – you will, just like a queen-bee, which dissociates itself from her wholeness/entireness, not

continue to exist and also ”your world” is not going to exist further on without you. If the queen dies, the colony dies too! Only bees which “stick-together” “like honey”, “live”.

Already a few times I laid it on your heart to pay attention to the “harmonious consonance” of the words, no matter which language they are in.

If words sound “the same” or “similar”, then they are standing in some kind of a relationship with each other regarding an “etymological”, “sensual” and “gematrial-mathematical” sense in the beyond world, even though with your (still) limited logic you are not able to “divine/surmise” the slightest bit of similarity. (Germ.= Ähnlichkeit > er-ahnen > Ahnenreihe). Now you are going to be surprised what kind of Hebrew words open itself up with the consonant root of “dow” (“bear”) 4-2:

To glue” (Germ.=kleben) = “dewika” (4-2-10-100-5); „paste“ = „dewek“ (4-2-100); to get somebody to talk“ = “dibuw” (4-2-6-2); “talking” = “dibur” (4-2-6-200); “(the meaning) of speaking” and “(the meaning) of that which is spoken” = “diburi” (4-2-6-200-10); “cleav-er”

(Galium) = “deweka” (4-2-100-5); “the word” and “ability to speak/talk” = “di-bear” (4-2-200). And only now finally comes “honey” = “de-wasch (4-2-300), which develops further by the adding on of a Taw (400) to the word “camel-hump” = “dabescher” (4-2-300-400). The camel (Gimel) is, as you should know by now, the symbol for the becoming. These two humps symbolize among other things your “capability for humility” and your “love to the whole”. Only with these cultivated character traits “your becoming” is able to carry you into a new world. Only then are you a “son” according to my image, if you begin to understand “your-self” and “your real being”. Now it also should not surprise you any more, that the German word for “bee / = Biene” from the perspective of a purely consonant Hebrew way of writing means B-N = 2-50 “ben” – “son”. If you recognize yourself symbolically as “queen-bee” of the world perceived by you and also act according to it with “spirit and body”, you are also my son.

Well then, now you can at least imagine to some extent what I really thought of as I created the Bible with the sentence (literally) “land flowing milk and honey”. It is about a “land” (=matter), in which “the worldly” (=milk) represents a “pathological discharge” (=flowing) and “what is essential” is that which is “in the word honey”. The here “spread out background-knowledge” of the word “honey” only represents a fraction of “of the spiritual nutrition” which it really contains. Just for once allow your imagination to run wild yourself. For as long as one understands how to adhere to/keep to the mathematics of the word-structure with ones imagination, one realizes very fast, that it is exactly that which is real in “normal logic”, which is only able to depict something completely limited and surreal.
As you might have noticed, all words always do carry a positive and a negative polarity within themselves. You are the one who discerns them and thereby is only able to see the one or the other. But you also have – with the “co-responding” mature consciousness – the possibility to link/connect these two polarities to a “higher synthesis”. This corresponds to the “awakening of your soul” to a real human.
Many contradictions in your existence occur only by reason of your superficial space/time way of looking at it together with the logic which lies at the basis of it. Often you act like an irascible child which wants to be right at any cost. Your father has explained to you by using the fingers of both of your hands, that 5 + 5 = 10. Now you are very proud of it that you know, what ten is and you right away want to tell it to your two best friends. As you get to their place, they both are just arguing with each other. A small power struggle has just gotten stirred up between them, because they both have a different opinion about what ten is. “My father is a famous engineer”,

one yells out, “and he told me that 8 + 2 is 10. My father is not as dumb as your father! How is it that your father can be so sure that 10 is not 8 + 2 but rather 6 + 4. He is only a gardener, he surely doesn’t have a clue about calculating anyway! Now you are really confused. You just wanted to tell both of your friends that finally you know, what 10 is, and that is 5 + 5. You see, to this very day in your humanity nothing has changed at all regarding this stupid conflict. Each one of your fellow humans sees something different as being “right” in questions of detail, even though all of them seem “to be in the right” in some way.

The God of all religions – also the God of the religion by the name of natural science – is being symbolized by this number 10, even though they are in possession of different kind of statutes (fragmented positions). Obviously none of these wiseacres knows anything about my “real rules of calculating”. Without any doubt in your world there are only dogmatic “adherers” who behave just as stupid as the children in this example. They are not yet able to “calculate themselves”, but can only repeat in parrot-fashion what their fathers have told them. This is also the reason why none of them knows what “these equations” really mean! What I have put before you as a small “ex-sample”, this the wiseacres of this world have developed further into one single ”tragedy”.
You too have in this existence only memorized “pre-fabricated results” and you too only repeat them in parrot-fashion thoughtlessly as well without ever really having them understood. Do you actually know, how the “whole” (the world and your life) is really functioning? I am here talking about your belief and your knowledge. You never ever have been searching for the only real “rational logic” (=calculating with words), which is able to explain “EVERYTHING /ALL”. Only with HOLO-FEELING you are in the position to explain to yourself really EVERYTHING/ALL, because “all appearances” originate/come forth out of yourself. It is truly much more comfortable and more simple to “think about” (=nach-denken = think after) the dogma that one has been raised in then to “break out” of it. Your spiritual development runs through several “institutions of development” (“in the womb” – egg > embryo > fetus; after that “on mother earth” – child > adolescent > adult). Your leap from child to adolescent is clearly determined by your puberty, that is to say your sexual maturity and your ”material creating-power” that is linked to it. But by when do I consider you to be “an adult” from my godly point of view? It is in that moment in which you are trying to spiritually leave “the worldly”, that is to say the “hard-hearted materialism” which is rampant in you, and your soul is craving for “real freedom” and an “all encompassing love”, then you begin to “grow up spiritually to an adult”. If you are trying to “think for yourself”, if you begin “to question” your dogmas and paradigm and you are striving to leave them, then you unwittingly also get started on the path to me. At this very moment the “spiritual creating abilities” do begin to develop within you. But this is also linked to an absolute “self-responsibility”, it is the “responsibility” for EVERYTHING/ALL. A dreamer unconsciously produces his own dreams-world! You are the one who with his “unconsciousness” is “re-spons-ible” (Germ.= “Ver-ant-Wort-Licht[light]) for the momentary state of your own “world picture” – your own world per-ception (Germ.= Wahr-nehm-ung = re-ceiving as true). The prefix “re…” (“Ant...” in German) has the meaning “against”. Do thereby also again think of the “mirror image”. The Greek word “anti” means “in the sight of” but also “opposite of”. Do also notice the word “antique” (Lat. “anticus” = “the one up front”. All of the words which in German start with “Ant…” and “Ent…” (English = “re…” and ”de…”) have developed out of a solidified causal-form of the Indo-Germanic word “ant-s” (“forehead”, “front part”, “face”), to this belongs also the word “End[t]-e”, opposite of which stands the “An[t]-fang” (=the beginning). Do you still remember, what I told Moses: “You cannot look into my face (Germ.= An[t]gesicht), but rather only my backside.”
Very briefly about the “angel” which “goes before” you in the 33rd chapter of Exodus and chases away the Canaanites, Amorites and so on. “Angel” in Hebrew is written 40-30-1-20 (say “mal’ak”) and the root of this word is “melo”, 40-30-1 (think thereby about a harmonious “melody”) and this means “the fullness” and “the whole”. Each soul who is able to hear within itself my godly “nada brahma” (Sanskrit = the “world is sound”) – my “heavenly melody” – has with its humble search for me – the real God – loved itself way up high to an “angel-being here”. Don’t ever forget on your search for me, that I am you.
The many names of the tribes of the appearances (peoples?), which this angel is supposed to chase away for you, in order for you to come into the land, where milk and honey flow, do have (as you can check out very easily in the dictionary) a completely different meaning then the “normal translations” would want to make you believe. Since you yourself are this “angel”, you now have to chase out the following appearances out of your being here/existence:
“Canaanites” = 5-20-50-70-50-10 means “the suppression”.
“Amorites” = 5-1-40-200-10 means “[old/ancient] “accreditation”.
“Hetites” = 5-8-400-10 means “that which is set before you”.
“Perisites” = 5-80-200-7-10 means “the exaggeration”.
“Hiwites” = 5-8-6-10 means “to pale”, “to blanch” (to let inherit, heritage-corpses)
“Jebusites” = 5-10-2-6/60-10 means “the howling” of the “fiber”.
What did we start with? El knows El and El knows milking.

The word “milking” consists of the consonants M-L-K-N – as Hebrew signs nklm


Your “time” (40) is the “driving force/power” (30) – the “active hand (20) of all “existence” (50). Your time is the “king(bee)” (Hebr. “melech”, 40-30-20) of all “existence” (=50, that which exists in time (the fish)!

If so far you have “comported” yourself just like a self-aggrandizing king and have “arrogated” to yourself to “administer justice”, without being in possession of the “kingly consciousness” that is necessary for this, you should now “feel abashed” (Hebr.=”nichlam”, 50-20-30-40) by this word-stupendousness that is revealed here. You then actually only have in front of your eyes “the backside” of my/of your actual reality (compare this sequence of numbers with the one of MiLKiNg 40-30-20-50).
But the translations of the Bible which you have known so far you should, after having understood the spiritual depth of these words, not regard as “amiss/re-versed”. They too are correct in their own kind of way. But yet because of the only “super-ficial” and “one sided observation” of the translators they show you also always only “one possible side” of my - “resting harmoniously” in itself - “eight-dimensional holism”. But for your momentary spiritual maturity it seems to me that the “in-form-ation content” of the current Bible translations are sufficient and complicated enough to confuse you. Only with your “self-aggrandizing interpretations” of this “symbolic language” - which occurs with such translations, you should exercise more caution, as you were able to find out by the example “milk and honey”. Out of all the mystical symbols that are available to you, you will ultimately always only be able to “read out of it” that which you are capable of “reading into it” with your rational logic that is available to you. With the physical appearances perceived by you it is also no different.
“To sort-out” (Germ.=Her-Aus-lese(n) (=read out of) is by the way the exact meaning of the word “intelligence” (see volume 1, page 208).

The fanatical “wanting to be in the right” of many wise-acres is the actual root of all religious as well as political and natural scientific “wars of belief”. Whoever “wants to be right” (Germ. “have right”) shows with this arrogant conduct – clearly visible to any “attentive observer” – that he is not in possession of “any real right”! Otherwise he would not “want to have” it! Whoever feels the longing to have to prove something to someone, wants to thereby only prove something to himself. “Wanting to be in the right” always also means “wanting to have power”.

Most of the time then these “weak-minded” ones throw at each others head their own “weak-mindedness.
“This is a triangle!” the first one believes to know for sure, “No, “dead sure” this is a circle!”, the second one however claims. But they both are not aware of it, that they maybe/perhaps (Germ.=”even-t(D)uell”) do have a cone in front of their eyes. (“even” =evening; “event” =happening; eventually = the duel(l) of the night). Now suddenly someone is showing up in your consciousness, who again stands for a completely new “thesis”: “Are both of you blind, or what? This “definitely” is neither a circle nor a triangle, but rather a square!”, because he obviously has got before his eyes the “squaring of the circle”.

“Does this world really only consist of knuckleheads?” this is now what the triangle-believer” thinks: “this “crazy one” (Germ. “Ver-rückte” moved away) does actually imagine that we have a circle in front of us and the other one sees “this triangle” as a square. Obviously he has forgotten in school to learn “how to count”. It “undoubtedly stands without question”, that “I” at this moment “see with my own eyes” truly a triangle!”.

Are you now confused?

Simply think of the “Cheops-pyramid”. This pyramid “superficially geometrically seen” actually does consist of four triangles and a square, in its “deeper proportions”, that is to say in its actual reality, this square is – because of the circle which lies at the basis of it – a circle (see volume 1, page 78.) This is the reason why in the Latin the “pyramid” and the “cone” do carry the same term, that is “meta” (also means “goal” and “border/limit”). The Cheops-pyramid does therefore also contain the real key to the real “metaphysics” (but more about that later on). The Greek word “pyra” means “the pyre” (out of which the smoke/spirit (rauch/ruach) goes up into heaven). You and your humanity are only able to transform your world into a heavenly kingdom with the “metaphysics” of “HOLO-FEELING”.

But now back to this “lion” (Hebr. = “arie”), of which I have claimed, that he is my “one/single-born lamb” (Hebr.= “seh”) and therefore has at his disposal the ability to “see(er) eight-dimensionally”.

A “saving guideline out of a confusion” is called an “Ariadne-thread” (do thereby also think of the needles-eye Koph). “Ariadne” (daughter of Minos [=the “judge in the netherworld”]) was helping “Thesus” (=the one addicted to theories) through a “bundle of thread” to the “return” out of the labyrinth (of his (spiritual) confusion). The bundle of thread thereby

symbolizes your present knot of thoughts, which you yourself have to “un-tangle” (Germ.=ent-wickeln=de-velope) in order to be able to thread all of your problems through your personal needles-eye and Thesus symbolizes your still confused “thesis” (=views). These do have their cause/origin in your amiss belief, this belief dictates to you your dogmatic assumed knowledge and this in turn produces “in you” your “world-perception”.

Now back to the “Indo-Europeans” (= Arii). The Latin word “indo” means “to put into” and “to instill”. By this your question now should go this way: “Who” was put where” and “what” was instilled into “whom”? “Normal humans” are always “indoctus” (Lat.= ”uneducated”) in relation to that “which actually really is”, this is also why they sense in their being here/existence sorrow, grief, fear and “pain” (Lat.=”indolesco”). You too “are oversleeping” (Lat.= “indormio”) without question(ing) “that which is essential” of this world.

The Greek “euripus” describes a “strait” between “the island” “Euboea” (Greek: “evia”) and the “mainland”. Both are being separated by water (time) and now have to “get to like/love each other” (=Lat. “adamo”). The island Euboea (Greek Evia = first woman = your logic) now symbolizes an “atoll surrounded by time” (later on I will deal more specifically with its connection to the physical “atom” and the mystical “Adam”). Also your conscious thoughts and perceptions are being circumscribed by “time” – that is to say your past and the out of this past extrapolated future. The mainland symbolizes “the whole”. Your nescience/un-knowing-ness is the main-land by the name of “beyond”, which does not know any “time-limits”. Only your knowledge which unfolds out of it “de-scribes” to you your “pre-sent” (Germ.=”Ge-gen-wart”).
Before and after these 22 signs, beyond this visible world, there is therefore yet something else, unknown to you, which cannot express itself in your world. The “pure being” of an understanding one therefore consists of a beginning, which is no beginning and has an end, which does not end. God can only be portrayed with a language, which is formed out of signs that are standing before the Aleph and after the Taw – with signs that is, which so far have not yet made (stepped into) their appearance in your present world. The great paradox of a “normal human” consists in this, that he is longing for an exit out of Egypt, but yet blocks against it with fear. My symbol “Israel” is what constantly reminds you of this conflict. This is how it turned into a vexation, that no generation – no level of maturity – was able to pass by. The biblical peoples Israel (please do not confuse this with the many fanatics, who also call themselves today “Israel”), lack any kind of logic.
It questions any security other than God!
It shows, that the fruit of the tree of knowledge is not wholesome to “normal humans”. This fruit is only digestible for “real humans”, who know and live the Aries (the one before the Aleph) and tolerance (which comes after the Taw). Only to those souls I have revealed, that the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” and the “tree of life” do originate out of the same root – the roots of these two trees are “one” – I am this root, the creator. The feeling “to be one” with me you only experience in that part of my creation, which is outside of that which is time/space. This part exists before and after these 22 signs. It is my lamb, which stands before my beginning and after the end. But this lamb is “in your” space/time world completely defenseless - just only a normal (?) son of man. He does not listen to the dogmatic norms, rules and laws of your world and therefore is also no authority. For him only I – his father - has the say so. Through this his words – if they appear in your space/time world – throw everything into disarray which so far you have viewed as normal. He originates out of another actual reality.

You too are going to elevate yourself “one day” to such a lamb. This is then going to happen, if you again remember your real roots. At the end of your path you are going to be torn back and forth by your duality: One side in you is going to long for the keeping up of that which you wrongfully view as “your life so far” and the other side in you wants to leave this “worry-laden” and “insecure existence”. One side of your fears death, because the resurrection promised by the church to you only “shines” as an uncertain, distant light of hope, which does not “see-m” to you as being “secure” enough. Your other side therefore tries to settle down/set itself up in this space/time existence and hopes that the cup of death passes by for as long as possible. For as long as these 22 signs have got the autocracy, you are separated from me, your real father. For you (at the moment) there is (not yet) any possibility to receive from me any other kind of message than the one, which I communicate to you at this very moment. Even now you still tend to believe within your “ability to perceive” only that which your limited rational logic puts to you as being logic. In order for you to not continue to further on “separate” yourself from your own godliness, the efforts/endeavor of my son of man are primarily about expanding your rational-logic raster. If you are not able to believe/give credence to the voice “which you are listening to at this very moment”, then you make yourself to be a wiseacre. If you are so sure of it, that you manage perfectly well without me in this world, then that’s fine with me. Be up for a surprise, where you are going to be able to lead yourself to with your limited knowledge – all the way to your grave you are going to “manage to get to” (Germ.=”durch-schlagen” = beat yourself through) by scraping along also without my help.

But how then does it continue?
What is “before” and “after” your world, which you yourself produce through these 22 signs?

Why is Jacob symbolically 22 years long separated from Isaac and Joseph from Jacob? “During the 22” there is no contact/connection whatsoever. With your holding on to your space/time world as “only truth” you also do not allow any connection/contact between that which is appearing to you and that which is the hidden of it. As a “normal human” who is only able to believe in a world that exists independent of him as his place of origin, you have cut through “your spiritual root”; this is the root which in the beyond has connected the “tree of life” with the “tree of knowledge of good and evil”. This explanation of the “fall of man” (Germ.= Sündenfall=fall to sin) presents before your ears your real “sin” (Hebr. “cheth”, 8-9-1). Your sin consists predominantly in exclusively only believing in this space/time world and therefore also only wanting “to exist” in this one. You “articulate” your world with these 22 signs and through this also comes reward and punishment. Through this “articulation” of the whole also comes about that which is causal; and the causal seeks for an explanation – seeks for the where from? and the where to? Only through your “trust”, your “belief” and your “faithfulness” to me also all of your egoistic deeds/acts “for a reward” cease and therewith also “punishment” which is produced by you yourself. In the Hebrew there is only one word for “trust – belief –faithfulness”: “emuna” (1-40-50-5)! This is the key to the understanding of my godly “emanations” (teaching, according to which the world with all of its detailed things streams forth out of a godly being, that itself stays unchangeable, perfect/complete), but also the source of “Emundantia” (Lat. = means for outward cleaning). If you want to only permit your own opinion and thwart all else, you are acting stupid. You thereby cut/sever through the root of these two trees, because only in your space/time world there is an “either” – “or”.

The “as well – as” however enfolds all worlds. “Space/time/spatial” means that round-about the world which is perceived by you there is an end to uncertainty, in that of space and in that of time. No quantitative measuring is ever going to disclose my beyond. With the 400, the Taw,

all of that which is measurable quantitatively stops. Only there begins the “real quality” of the

phenomenon life. This is why also all what is “para-normal” defies your purely quantitative scientificity. Only with a fully- “developed super-sense” (=Über-sinn = above-sense) the real quality of your being-here/existence is able to come to appear for you and your so far “mere existence” is going to transform into “real life”.
Any “egoistic wanting/desiring” in you, whose main-spring is your curiosity and/or a “hope for reward”, is going to considerably delay the development of your super-sense. You then would only behave like a twelve-year-old boy, who with daddy’s shaver scrapes his face, because he believes, that this way his beard would grow faster. A beard grows “all - on(e) it’s own”, and actually then, when one has become a “real man” (=etymologically human), that is to say an “adult”. Every “wiseacre” (know-it-all) might “be vain about” (Germ. “ein-bilden” > image-in) all kind of things regarding all of what he has “reached” and all that he is – “in his limited world” he also might be all of that – but with godly assuredness he is not an adult spiritually.
Whatever you are going to experience/find out in your world of the 400 x 400, for you there always remains a remnant/rest of moments that are not understood or are misunderstood, that you have to manage with. In your world there also always remain all of your excretions of that which to you is indigestible. The riddle/mystery of that which is impure is not to be resolved for “normal humans”. The mountain of the temple, “har habajith” (5-200 5-2-10-400) measures 500 x 500 (see Hezekiel 42; 15-20), by this it escapes any space/time interpretation. But this does not hinder, that this place has its existence “within” the 400 x 400. It symbolizes that which is “un-fathomable” (un-be-greif-bar = which cannot be grasped), which is “in you”. Your “complete/perfect” experiencing is within this 500 x 500. There is nothing there which fogs “your understanding”. Out of this temple no “excretions” are coming. For this temple there is nothing that is impure that is supposed to be expelled by it. It is the characteristic of the Taw to point you towards the double-ness/duality of the “there” – the “schamajim” (=heaven; see volume 1, page 112). No quantitative measuring is able to render this beyond accessible. Any kind of ability to measure stops at the 400. Everything that so far seemed solid to you, now comes into the flow, nothing is anymore of durance, everything from here on is only going to be “relative”!
“Language” in Hebrew means “safa” (300-80-6-5). So it is your own language which is the “safe” in which all secrets/mysteries are hidden in. But the word “safa” also means “edge” and “shore”. This is supposed to point you to it, that your language is the border of two worlds. “To top it all” “safa” is also the term for “lip”, which not only symbolizes the dual and bi-nominal character of your language, but is also able to “express” it, since it “enfolds” with its duality the opening of the mouth. Through “normal” thinking and perceiving you yourself produce the phenomenon which you term as “time” and which you also sense as such. For as long as your spirit find itself in the “state of not-knowing-ness”, you do not sense any time. All possible appearances are in such a moment “one with you”. It is the state of “pure understanding”. It is as if someone would ask you: “Are you able to tie your shoelaces yourself?” You don’t have to first of all consciously think “step by step” of this process in order to be able to answer this question with a “clear yes”, because you can and you know this process hundred percent for sure without having to think about it in any big way. And now once do ask my son of man, if he knows, how the phenomenon “life” really works/functions and if he knows the “only real God”! For that same reasons he is going to give you a “clear yes” as well for an answer. He is in every moment of his incarnated existence one with me and with all/everyone else.

The word “moment” stems from the Latin “momentum”, which expresses “power of movement”, “exertion of power”, “cause”, impetus, “means of move-men-t”, but also “meaning” and “importance”. Since the etymological root is the Latin word “movere” (=”moving”), moment means first of all “moving”. The meaning “instant” (Germ. = Augenblick”) (Lat. momente) originally stems from the “overweight”, which forces a balanced scale into a “one-sided movement”, which then was called the “tipping”/“hitting out” = [Germ. = ausschlagend] moment (momente). This is in that moment, when you begin to judge/discern “logically” – and your egoistic “I” that is, gets the “overweight” – by this you yourself produce the “unpleasant time” which is perceived by you.

“Pleasant time” however is never consciously perceived by you. Really pleasant moments “always fly by in no time” – they are always linked to your “giving up of yourself”, that is to say with the “complete abandon” to the object of your interest.
“Your firm (amiss)belief”, that is to say your assumed knowledge so far about it, that “time” – together with all “through this phenomenon time” emerging appearances, are supposedly existing outside of you “independent of your personal thinking”, this is the greatest “fallacy” of your rational logic so far!

The world perceived by you is only an “emanation” of your own “not-knowing/nescience”. The Hebrew word “muna” (40-6-50-70) means “moved”, “to set into motion”, but also “to vocalize!” Only in that “moment” in which your spirit begins to think (=perceiving), the “world” (Lat.= mundus” ) perceived by you “comes into being” (Germ.= “ent-steht = stands out). The prefix “de-“ (Germ.=“ent-“) always refers to a separation and/or an opposite. So your spirit is “earthing” (Hebr.= “mo’orak” 40-1-200-100) itself in the moment of your thoughts and by this produces a(his) body out of “matter”. This is the real “moment of emergence” of your body and not, as you so far have ignorantly assumed, your physical birth. You yourself turn yourself, by your so far in-consider-ate and unconscious thoughts, into your own (story)”teller” (Germ.= erZähler” =re-counter) (Hebr.=”mone” 40-6-50-5), who himself creates himself out of his own “monad” (Greek: “that which is single”; “indivisible”; “unity”). You yourself are the one, who through your (still) limited rationality “re-counts” yourself “into” an imperfect world, in which there seems to be a “fight for survival”.

“Rational logos” means as I said only “calculating word-storage” and for as long as you give yourself the turn around by yours, you are not a creator according to my image, but rather only one who “acts in-stinctively” that is a predictable mechanical “leading accountant” (Hebr.= “mecha-schew”, (40-8-300-2). The Hebrew word for your logical “thought” is “mache-schawa” (40-8-300-2-5). So it is your thoughts which “make” the world perceived by you. From now on you should only believe in that which you “at this very moment” consciously are able to ascertain and are able to check out with the senses that are “at this moment” at your disposal.
Now how is it with your claim: “I have been born from my mother”? Your firm belief in this “thesis” bases purely only on your assumed knowledge, which you repeat parrot-like, because it has been “re-count-ed” to you like this. “You believe” blindly into this claim, even though you are not able to resort/fall back on it with any kind of “conscious memory/re-membering”.

Why do you so firmly believe in this claim?

Do you only belief for this reason, because this statement seems “logic” to you, or because you have experienced it yourself, and that is why you can really claim: “I know”?

The world perceived by you inevitably cannot “appear” to you any different then your “logical program” allows/permits it. Only for this reason you falsely suppose yourself to be in such an

“unfriendly and selfish world”, because with your so far limited logic and its “childlike rationality” (=calculating ability) you have not been able to “re-gen-erate” a better one. But now, if you want to, you are able to resort to HOLO-FEELING. So by this the door into the heavenly kingdom is standing open. Only “stepping through it” this you have to do yourself. With this “stepping through” it is not about a movement in space and time, but about your “rock-solid belief” into these words and about the unfolding of your unconditional love.

Verily I say to you: Your own personal birth and the by you “for dead sure assumed” death only exist as “assumed knowledge” in you, lacking any “empiric experience” of you yourself. It is your still embryo-like spirit with its limited logic which brings these possibilities of appearance of your “outside-world-reality-experience” (see volume 1, page 192) in “this existence” as an “apodictic truth (which you perceive)and link it with your “real life”. The world perceived by you only corresponds to a dream-world in which you believe “to be there”. Now if you try to become spiritually awake, you will recognize, that “the actual reality” is functioning according to completely different laws and that you – perceived/seen as a whole – are neither able to “look back at” your physical birth nor are able to “see/look at” your only imagined death. If you are capable of spiritually synthesizing “the problem” of the dichotomy birth/death, you will chuckle/smile about your present stupidities of thinking.

The appearances birth/death are being “interpreted” completely different (Latin = to interpret, to explain something in the interest/intent of the originator (God), to present it in such a way, that the intent of the originator is being made clear).

Now if you give me your unconditional trust, I give you my godly promise that you are going to empirically perceive/realize just as little “of your own death” as you have empirically realized “of your own birth”. The dichotomy birth/death in its synthesis comes to appear for “an awakened consciousness” as completely new quality. Only once you have the spiritual maturity to reconstruct this yourself “knowing-ly”, your “present con-duct” with all your fears of [survival]life linked to it will appear/seem to you only childish, stupid and ridiculous.

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