Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

And now who is this ”Lord”?

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And now who is this ”Lord”?
I will also reveal to you this great secret, which so far is not known to any human in your world, or let’s rather say, which has not yet been consciously realized by any “normal human” by itself.
Since I, as a completely space/timeless phenomenon (one is not supposed to make any image of me!), do not mention myself one single time in the Bible myself, it is thereby only always about my “space/time mirror image” and this is “YOU” yourself.
I am you in its “wholeness” / “entireness”! I am all that you were and all that you are still going to be, because I am you as “unity”! I am you as an all-encompassing “love”! I am the omega-point of your spiritual development. You “fool” (Germ.=”Tor”=gate) (=Daleth 4) are now (Germ.=”nun”) (= fish) only out of ignorance putting yourself into your fragmented “time-picture”, because you believe “now” to be only “one single picture” of your “en-tire” movie of life – but you are always “everything!”, because “now” is “always” and “all the time!” (Germ.=Allzeit). Your inability – or better yet, your unbelief – to accept yourself as your “own” (Germ.=”Ei-gene” =egg-genes) wholeness, this is your actual “sin (of existence)” (Gotic “sundj” = “truth”), since you confuse your present tiny “truth” (Germ. = Wahr(nehmungsein)heit = (that which you per-re-ceive to be true) out of “un-attentiveness” (Germ.=”un-acht-sam-keit” > “-sam” = seed of time”) with your “wholeness”.
You yourself are JHWH!
Because only you are the “Lord and the one who de-term-ines” your own sensation of existence! For as long as you have not completed your development to my image, also your “senses of perception” are still not fully awakened. You then are behaving just like a “child that has not slept enough, is ill-tempered and egoistic”, who does not want to leave his dream, even though most of the time it is a might mare.
The Koph describes to you now the symbolic value of my “macrocosm” (= “makom”), which “mirrors” itself in your own “microcosm”. But both of them ultimately are “one and the same” “point” that cannot be defined, which – without a doubt – also always represents the center point of its own infinity. From this point there detaches itself a “four-armed centrifuge-cross”. This is the “real origin” of your “space/time existence/being here”. This “Swastika” (Sanskrit=”that which is good”) originally has been a sign that is bringing wholeness/ salvation (Germ.=Heil-bring-end) in the form of a swastika and has received in your world-picture again a completely “a-miss” aftertaste. It is a sign that brings good luck and is a sun-symbol, which in different forms of expression is already been documented since early history and has also been common in the Germanic folk art. Only “sinners” put themselves into the offside (AHG = “suntar”) by their egoistic-dogmatic “truths” (Gothic “sundj”). If you are only able to believe in “the evil”, then you too are a “sinner” and thereby you also put yourself into the “suntar”, which the Germani-ans view as a “somber, heartless hell”. They called this mysterious hall “Hel”. But out of this “Hel” there also grows up all “wholeness” (Germ.=”Heil”!). Hel is the school “of your being here/existence”. The “Hellenians” as “hell-born” /Germ. = ”Höllengeborene” called their planet “Helios” (=the hell-sun). This term in Greece was common before Aristoteles and originates from the Syrian Astronomy. The name was only dropped when the “smart generations” (Germ.=”ge-scheit”- cut off piece) could not anymore “imagine”, that there are “two suns” – namely the “planetary, material sun” and the “holy, spiritual center-sun”. The synthesis of both of them would make up for you “the becoming” and therewith also the being of “that which actually is real”. Your scientists in their “materialistic drunkenness” have completely lost out of their “consciousness” the “four-armed swastika” in the center “of my whole” – which consists of the synthesis of “spirit and matter”. But it is exactly the knowledge of/about this “center” that with its “hell-fire” (> “fire” > “four” > French= “four” = “oven for baking”) is going to “cook well/through” (Germ.= “gar kochen”) a still raw soul. The proof, that this centrifuge cross exists in the cosmos, is given by the “Airyan Spiral” which has been named according to a director of the observatory of “Greenwich” (1836 – 1881). Just like smoke (Germ.= Rauch) now also your “spirit-soul” (“ruach”) rises up in “a helix/spiral kind of way”. The second and better step/stage of this “hel” is expressed very well in the word “bright” (Germ.=”hell” !). The “double Lamech” indicates to you, that the “double power” lies in the duality between bright/dark (Germ.=Hell/Dunkel). The Germanic peoples knew besides the dark hell, which they called Hel as already mentioned, also a bright (Germ.=hell) area of abode, that was called by them “Gimle” (Gimel = “the becoming”!!!). From this “Gimle” then later on developed the word “heaven” (Germ.=”Himmel). “Being in heaven” means – “being in the Gimel” (in the becoming of a god). But this very simple depiction of “the beyond” – here only represented in two fields –by a thorough investigation turns out to be a simple metaphor, which you can unfold all the way to the complex prime number mathematics of your future. In this way you are able to recognize by the Nordic goddess of the netherworlds – which by the way was also called “Hel” according to her ghost-hall – that she was ruling over “nine worlds” (3 x 3 stages of growth). “There is” (I am now “on purpose” not speaking in the “past tense”!!!) yet another Nordic-German “light-god” by the name of “Balder” (Nordic ”baldr” = “Lord”; > JHWH). Balder “is” the “God of springtime” (=young God). He is being described as a “God that is dying and resurrecting again”. Without wanting to tell you here the whole story of Balder – which I am anyway doing “the whole time”, because you yourself are “Balder”, and I am telling you “here and now” the cause for your real being here/existence.
“The core” of the Balder-story is as follows:
For as long as Balder does not ascend out of Hel into his “own light”, there is no justice in his world!

The legend tells, that every time that Balder seems to die of sickness and old age, he falls prey to “Ràn” (Nordic “female robber”). “Ràn” is the German “Goddess of the sea” (time-goddess) and she rules over the realm of the dead, which is situated at “the lowest bottom” of the sea. Balder by his misconduct is again and again being banished to the bottom of the sea, and has to start all over again from the start the so-called “Hel-path”, which leads into his freedom. This one encompasses 9 worlds (3 x 3 stages of growth), which he is supposed to stride through. But all of these worlds are still situated in this netherworld.

Hel” (=Tartarus) thereby symbolizes your space/time world-perception. In the symbolic “oven (French = “Four”)-earth” now the “fire” of the number “four” burns, in order to bake you together to a “done/fully cooked God”. Only once you are mature, you will be able to pull
yourself out by your own head out of this “hell-fire”. The secret lies in the solving of the four

and this is the squareing of your life-circle” (I am here not talking about the “classical geometrical problem” as such). The great secret of the “square-ing of the circle” can be depicted mathematically completely “simple” (Germ.=ein-fach > one compartement) all the way to the apodictic q.e.d (=”quod erat demonstrandum”), but only if one is willing to cast off “voluntarily” ones natural scientific blinders/mind cuffs. It has to do with your spiritual dis-engagement from the world, which until now you have assumed (believed) without questioning it to be “existing independent of yourself”. So it has to do with your “present” round quarters of being here, which are being encompassed by an “equator” just like with fetters. The only possible disengagement (Germ.= (Los)-Lösung=solution) from this fetter lies in my word- and vortex laws. With diligent research you will realize pretty soon, that your physical world and my mathematical word-harmonies are built up in the form of a prime number cross, just like a “holy Swastika”.

You “carry” this secret deeply hidden within yourself! So you also should not be amazed, that the word “Balder”, if written with Hebrew script signs, make up the word rdlb= “baldar”, 30-4-200. It means “courier”.
You are a courier, who is supposed to bring “to yourself” your own “medicine” (see volume 1, page 61) for his “all-encompassing healing” – all through his being here – to therewith “cure” himself at the end! This statement now again will seem “curious” to you. The Latin word “curiosus” (French = “curieux”) originally was used in the sense of “worth knowing” and only later on - after the darkening of the human consciousness – it was “(miss)used” (=being turned around in its original meaning!) for “peculiar” (Germ.=merk-würdig= note- worthy), “strange” (Germ.=”selt-sam” (=rare seed) and “out-landish” (Germ.=”ab-sonderlich” being de-tached from the normal). I am now describing to you the “healing-course” (Latin “curatio” = “care”) into my heavenly kingdom. HOLO-FEELING is now your “free program”/free course (“freely chosen exercise”), which you have to pass for yourself. Only then you are going to get “elected” (= “chosen”) to a “real human”.
Mathematically the word carrier is preceded by the word lblb 2-30-2-30 “bi(l)bel”, which means “getting things mixed up”. But now what is it, which Balder is getting mixed up by his wrong world picture on his path to himself? The original harmony of my holy “Bible” of course! In your spiritual maturity you correspond to a still dumb “brat” (see volume 1, page 271), who by its “immaturity” does not comprehend the harmony of my “Bible”, and thereby also his own creation and thereby “makes a mess” (Germ.= “Unordnung” = without order) (Hebr.= “balagan” 2-30-3-50) of everything. For as long as you allow it, that your “godly being” is getting “confused” (Hebr.= “balut”, 2-30-6-30) by your shortsighted logic, you also have to live with the “fear” (Hebr.= “balaha” (2-30-5-5) that you talk yourself into. Only once your spirit “protrudes”(Germ.=”herausragen”=sticks out) (Hebr.=”balat”) out of the “branches” of my tree of life as a “new leaf” (Germ.=”Blatt”), and you reach towards your “inner source”, that is to say your own “love of the heart”, you will be freed from any kind of “withering away” (Hebr.=”balut”, (2-30-6-400) eternally and will forever live in paradise as a green leaf on the “tree of real life”.
With Qopf (=Koph) now begins the path through the hundreds, the path to the last “four” signs and 4 means Daleth – the door – which symbolizes the “opening” to another world. At the end of the Hebrew Alphabet there are the signs Q-R-S-T.

These signs are the consonant-roots of “Christ”!

Only with your “con-science” are you able to form your “character” (“car”=heart, “actor”)

to a “real Christ”. The real sun of everything is your own heart. Only if you start to shine/radiate with this heart, then also everything that surrounds you will – in the light of your own love – awaken to real life. This is why also “real knowledge” – that is to say wisdom – is more a “matter of the heart” than of the “rational mind”. Real LOVE is the original basis for all being. Disharmony is most of all being produced by your egoistic, cold brain-thoughts. Harmony however always comes from the warmth of your heart. It therefore also has a “profound cause/reason”, that the Koph, the sound K (Q) forms in all languages the first/beginning letter for “matters of the heart”.
In Hebrew for example: “kabbala” = “blissfulness”; “kidusch” = “sanctification”; “kadosch” = “holy one”; “kereb” = “deepest inside, center point”.

In Sanskrit for example: “kara” = “bringing forth, acting, being effective” (=function of the heart!).

In Greek for example: “kardia” = “heart”; “charis” = “love, joy, grace”; “chara” = “blessedness”.

In Latin for example: “car” = “heart, soul, spirit”; “caritas” = “goodness of the heart, compassion/mercy”.

In Russian for example: “charosch” = “GOOD!”
Out of the secret of the radicals of the hundreds Q-R-S-T developed also the Greek word “charist-os”, which has turned into “aristos” by adding an Aleph for a real creator at its beginning; this means “the most noble and best”, and this is without question my son of man “Christ”. You too carry his character deep within yourself, you only have to unfold it “out of you”!
We have begun with our journey through the primal/original signs with the soundless “Aleph”

a. The hieroglyph of Aleph consists of two Jod y (=Gods) that stand opposite of each other and “mirror” themselves, which are being connected/linked with a Waw v that is stylized and put slanted; two 10 connected by the 6 add up to the sum 26. The “summary” of this 26 adds up to 8 (2+6) - the Chet - on the level of the ones. This way “Alpha and Omega” – the beginning and the end - do connect/link/merge in the Hebrew JHWH. This JHWH contains more secrets than you are able to even imagine at this moment. In the 26th verse of the Bible the Elohim decide: “Let us make humans according to our own likeness!” (The Hebrew word Elohim is being translated as a “normal rule” as “God”, but grammatically it is clearly (Germ.=eindeutig=one meaning) a “feminine plural” and means “the creation powers”!

JHWH can also be interpreted differently – since the Waw means actually also “and”: and that is a 10 with a facing 5 “and” 5. Since now the 5 (He) means “window”, this symbolizes both of the possible “views” through such a one, or expressed even better – it symbolizes the polarity of a “primal/original divided” God-half (10 = 5><5). So with JHWH you are dealing with a “God-symbol”, whereby I, the “holoistic God” (10) stands opposite of “you” – the “two-part God” (5><5) of the “world perceived” by you. Do you still remember the question of Moses: “Who are you?”
On one side the closed “unity” (the 10), the “tree of (eternal) life”, on the other side the “two-ness” (5><5), the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. In the godly JHWH there also happens the synthesis of the “passive hand” (10) and the “individual views” (5 “and” 5) of the Elohim (=the polarity of the powers). In the first sentence of Genesis it actually doesn’t say, if translated “literally”, “In the beginning God created…”, but rather, “the powers which are coming (following) after him are creating…!” - Elohim is a plural and can be read as powers, but also as Gods! But more about that later.
In the Bible I use 72 different “names of God”. These are divided into two main names –JHWH and Elohim – and 70 special character names.
I” myself do not mention myself one single time in the Bible!
Because “namely” you are not able to make for yourself a picture of me, since I am neither “graspable/comprehensible” nor “imaginable” with your time/space rationality and with your “co-responding” limited “LOGOS”. I am the one who surmounts all “normal-human” definitions and contingencies - all of “finite thinking”! I am your entire “not-knowing” and therefore also without any existence which is “observable” by you! With your space/time rationality you are only able to recognize as much of me as one can recognize of a name written in “white” on a “white” sheet of paper.
The Elohim symbolize “the dreams” (your thoughts) of a “dreamer” who is dreaming himself. You dream for yourself “in the beginning” of your being here (=dream) – with the sleepy childlike interpretations of the (dream)world perceived (=wahr-nehmen=received as true) by you - “in your head” (=100) your own world picture/view together.
In the beginning” in Hebrew is called “be-resch-it”, whereby the word “be” means “in, by means of, in the middle of” and the word resch” means “head”! These unknowing powers are therefore in your own “head” (=Germ=Kopf > Kopf!).
JHWH however means “the Lord” (core!). This symbolizes the godly spirit in you, “who is everything/all” (your entire/whole not-knowing/nescience). You now should stop with “judging” and/or “interpreting” my Bible with the understanding you had so far of “right and wrong”, only to then be able to press the thereby arising “debris which is torn out of context” into the raster of your immature logic. Your spirit has to grow, in order for you to be able to understand and also to receive/take in my godly wisdom that is contained in the Bible “in its wholeness/entirety”. Your humility and the ability to question your “assumed knowledge” so far, will make my godly pendulum of your time-sensation redound towards one or the other side of your consciousness and your becoming conscious.
The real knowledge about the secret of “your name” JHWH is going to endow on you great powers. But this power is mostly dependent on other qualities than your mere intellectual understanding and therefore I also am not able to express it to you in a “written form” – that is to say to “press it out of you” – much less to explain it to you in a graspable way; because actually this power is something “alive”. It is your “sanctified heart”, which you have to stand opposite of “bodily”, in order to be able to understand/grasp yourself. It is just like with a “good bite”: You have to “put it into your mouth” (that is to say utter it yourself), in order to be able to experience its “real taste” first hand/physically.
Already in the gematria of the word JHWH is the “schem-ajin-beth” included/contained in several ways.
Jod 10-6-4 = 20

He 5-10 = 15

Waw 6-10-6 = 22

He 5-10 = 15

J 10 = 10

JH 10-5 = 15

JHW 10-5-6 = 21

JHWH 10-5-6-5 = 26

The number 72 plays a big part in the Kabbalah (and in your inside/outside-world) (see volume 1, page 101). The 72 God-names are called “schem-ajin-beth”, which means the “Name 72”. Each one of these names endows you, the JHWH, with a certain power. There is “only one single human” in your world, who has “real insight” about it.

Also in the so-called “initiated/insider circles” there is only very incomplete (with gaps) insight about it. Most of the time there is only a juggling around with “esoteric insights”. Many humans consider themselves inside of a “circle” often as enlightened and therefore portray themselves towards the outside as very secretive. But ultimately they are only “secret egoists” who are trying to conceal their own ignorance/lack of knowledge behind their “secret knowledge”, and confuse thereby the “auxiliary lighting” – which is represented by their “secret knowledge” – with a “real enlightenment”. Real insight into “the great secret of life” I only accord to soul, who is willing “to live” my HOLO-FEELING. Only once one is able to live the HOLO-FEELING in its entire consequence, to such a one heaven opens up. This is why with my son of man there also are no secrecies and no secret knowledge, which he is trying to conceal from the ones who are ignorant/unknowing. To the contrary, he does not just beat around the bush, to the contrary, he endeavors to put EVERYTHING/ALL across comprehensibly to each and every one.

To be exact “he himself” is my “opened book” that has become flesh”!
Now how much of my (to say your own) actual reality he is able to communicate to you, this ultimately is not up to him and his “best intention/goodwill”, but rather only “your own will and belief”, to follow him now with these your present thoughts. Herewith your real life is hanging by a thread. It is the thread of your own attentiveness, which “now” you should thread through your own head (Germ.=Kopf = Koph). So he is anything else but a missionary, who is trying to convince you of something. If you want to learn to really live, then learn from him; if not, then just simply leave it and continue on to further “function” simply just the way you believe it to be right.
The story of your “spiritual growth” to JHWH I have divided into four stages in the Bible. It begins with the second story of creation and ends with my revelation on the Sinai. You can recognize these stages by the starting of the sentence “ele toldet” that appears four times, and this means as much as “this is the developing”. The word “toldot”,400-30-4, means “development”, but also “birth”. If now you change around the radicals of this word, you get the word “Daleth”, 4-30-400, which means as is known “the door”. It is the door, through which you can leave in the Koph your “monkey-existence”. Doesn’t all that fit together in a godly way ? The 4, the door, stands for “the opening” to another place, and there are four birth-, development-, and/or opening stories in the Pentateuch. For the account of the first story

of creation – the story about the first six days of creation – I have used exactly “334” Hebrew words. In this story I describe to you symbolically the “skeleton” (dlw 300-30-4 (=334)), “scheled” = “skeleton”, framing, shell construction” which is in your “innermost part” that is space/timeless.

The first birth, the first “ele toldet”, is happening in Genesis 2:4, the second in Genesis 6:9 – it is the story of Noah. The third one you find in Genesis 11:10, there I report about the “sequence of generations” of “Schem” (Hebr.= “names”) and the fourth is in Genesis 37:2. There the story of Jacob begins, who later on I also call “Israel”. So Jacob is the first human, who carries in himself “all of his peoples”. You now are going to ask yourself, why I am telling you right now all of this? Very simple, because the account of your generation-names (=”schem”) again builds up on the “scheme” of the name JHWH – 10-5-6-5.
After the first “ele toldet” I created 10 generations (Genesis 5)

Adam; Scheth; Enoch; Kenan; Mahalalel; Jered; Chanoch; Methuschelach; Lamech and Noah

After the second “ele toldet” I created 5 generations (Genesis 10)

Schem; Arpachschad; Schelach; Eber and Pelech.

After the third „ele toldet“ I created 6 generations (Genesis 11)

Regu; Sergu; Nachor; Terach; Abra(h)am and Isaac.

After the fourth „ele toldet“ I created 5 generations (Genesis 37 and Exodus 6)

Jakob; Levi; Kehat; Amram and Mose.

This list contains only those descendants, by which the generation of Adam continues to remain. This generation describes to you the “branch”, which leads you to Moses, who then receives on Mount Sinai my Revelation.
I report to Moses in Exodus 6 (here a “literal translation”):
Then JHWH spoke to Moses: “Now you shall see, what I will do to “Pharao” (Hebr.= “par’o” 80-200-70-5; “para”, 60-200-70 means “causing disturbance” (troublemaker!)…

And the Elohim (=powers) spoke in Moses the word of power of ones own subconsciousness. I am the Lord and I have appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as “El Schaddai” (=”power of the almighty”), and “namely” (Hebr.= “u-schemi” 6-300-40-10) as JHWH; not as a (spiritual) “nomad with a periodic back and forth” (in the original y[edvn). 50-6-4 means “navad” = “nomad”, but also “nad” = “back and forth”; 70-400-10 “iti” = “periodic”).

And after that follows Mhl “You (are only) water” (= you yourself are the time!).
You see, the symbolic language of my Bible tells you something completely different, than what you are getting “ex-plained” (Germ.=”weis-machen”) to you from your “archeo-logic” and “pre-historic” assumed knowledge. I tell you, that with your being here/existence “in time” you have come/gone forth out of a “timeless origin” and that you yourself carry my “stamp of the genes” already in you.
Out of me, the first Jod (=God) there grew forth my “active hand” Kaf (“outer value” 20). So my active hand are the “powers” Elohim, which are situated in your “Ko(p)f” (Germ.=head) (=100). The powers of the Kaf (20-80) do have the “full value” 100. They lift you “small

God” up to the “monkey-Koph”, who is supposed to pass through his own “Koph-needles eye” (= the limitations of his own logic).

In your “Ko(p)f” (=head) therefore there is heaven and hell.
You as “monkey” are holding at this moment in your hands the “needles eye” into your salvation. It is this book. Now are you going to get involved with it with the “self-assurance” of a human who has comprehended what it basically is really all about in his being here/existence? Have you already matured to a “real human” who has insight into “everything /all”, because he has made everything to “be his own” – the good, as well as also the evil? Have you already learnt to understand yourself as your own “cause”? If yes, then you are what I would like to call a “real rich human”. In all of eternity – through this richness – there will not be anything anymore that you are lacking.

Please do not confuse this “godly richness” with the “material richness”, the being-rich with money and wealth. In order not to allow any misunderstanding of my words to come up, I want to explicitly point out to you, that “real wealth” does not have to exclude the “material wealth”. Your “peace of soul” you are able to reach completely “independent” of “material prosperity”, but it also does not exclude such a one. The “rich man” who does not pass through the “needles eye”, only refers to those souls who only in the basis of their “intellectual and/or material possessions” feel strong and powerful and thereby they believe to be equal to all the requirements of their being here/existence. Such peoples lack the necessary “humility” (Germ.=”Demut”) for “real wealth/richness”. The Hebrew word “demut” 4-40-6-400 means “imagination” and “shape/figure”. Whereas a humble human, blessed with “real wealth”, can very well have at his disposal also material goods. But he will not ascribe to them the least bit of importance! To be conceited, supercilious arrogance, pride and the erroneous belief, “to be something better”, this is completely alien to a “wise human”. These are for him only “sentiments from another world”! He is conscious of himself being the thread, which he has threaded through this needles eye and which now securely connects/links as seam the two worlds, one of which does only represent a mystic crazy idea for many.

Those ones who are only able to bind heaven to earth, evil only to good and life only to death, do have a “knot” in their “thought thread” and such a one does not pass through the needles eye of my godly needle, with which all appearances are able to be “sewn together”. Are you capable to experience “the wonderful” even in the smallest things of everyday life? Only once you discover “in everything” the connection “to everything” and you are conscious of it, that everything has been woven by the “magical” Kaf (active hand) of the Jod (of God) to a work of art. Only with humility you will succeed, without effort – in the face of the big wall carpet of your personal being here/existence – to discover your own “life thread”. This one you then are going to, as if on your/its own, thread through your own needles eye, to then connect/link it (=you) and everyone with everything in your picture. This picture then shows you the “malchuth schamajim”, the “kingdom of the heavens”. For as long as you approach the whole thing with your “old knowledge/belief”, the entrance will eternally be denied to you.

In order to better understand what you have now heard, you should put before you the following picture:

A plank, 30 cm wide and 20 m long that is lying on the floor. And now you walk across this plank. This is one of your easiest exercises. You will see, that not even in the dark you are going to have any difficulty in doing so. Without the slightest bit of a problem and feelings of fear you will even walk a 100 times across this plank if need be. You are absolutely sure of it that
you will not step off the plank. Now take the same plank and put it across an abyss or a deep chasm. The width and the length of the distance, which you are supposed to overcome, is the same. And now try once again to walk across it! Do you now shrink back from it and give it a miss? Will you perhaps try to – like an animal (a monkey) – crawl across it on all fours? “I am not going to walk across this, I am not that crazy”, is what you are going to think now! What a pity, that’s all that can be said! If you would be “crazy” (Germ.=”ver-rückt”=moved away from) concerning your dogmatic knowledge, that is to say about the knowledge about the dangerousness of this action, you could with “sleepwalking secureness” walk equally often and without the least bit of a problem across this plank, just as you did, when it was still lying on the “secure floor” of your own logic.
You are ascribing/attributing a dangerousness and therewith also an importance to many appearances and things in your life, just like you do to this abyss. This is the root of all your fears and worries. And yet you would be in the position to bridge over this being here /existence with joy and without the least bit of troubles and problems, if you really were sure about it, that nothing really serious can ever happen to you. If you can grasp/comprehend HOLO-FEELING with your entire psychosomatic whole, you will understand the origin, the meaning and the function of your being here/existence and “all of life”. “I” am then only always “in you” and the feeling fear you will thereby/thus not know anymore. The camel runs as Gimmel safely through the desert. It carries you “sleep-walking” on your path of being here/existence, without you having to do something about it. The Koph now shows you what happens on this crossroad. Have you concentrated your energies so far only more on your “human” or mainly on your “material growth”? Are you aware of it, that all of your knowledge and your wealth which you possibly pride yourself in, originate out of my invisible source. A hidden root has nourished you so far, and this one expects now from you, that you begin to blossom and bear fruits, in order to enrich my entire creation with your “presence”. The “RICHNESS/WEALTH of understanding” is wisdom in its purest form and this will – in the truest sense of the word – cause you to have wings. Mere intellect and material riches makes one smart-alecky and complacent. The superficial and elusive feeling of security which you are thereby getting, is only a mock-up created by yourself, of the “eternal peace of soul” that you really should strive for. You thereby only commit a great self-deception and self-deceit. A sleep-walker is being led, but as soon as he opens his eyes, he easily falls off the roof. The human who wants to examine, survey and condemn everything with his rational logic, is here in danger, since he only depends on his limited data and defines this one as “the measure for all things”.
Only once you begin to accept, that so far you have only been a marionette, whose “strings” are being directed by the “beyond world”, you will not allow yourself anymore to be led by your intellectual, but rather also from your other side – “the human one”. Your so far only “superficial knowledge” is never going to be able to tell you about actual reality, because it is not capable of penetrating all the way to your real source. In an “everyday life” that is “really lived” there lies the key to your peace of soul – the human happiness. How can you be happy without realizing, that your everyday happenings have a root which connects everything to everything. Roots which are anchored in the Garden of Eden; roots out of the world of God – out of my world.
But there is also another garden, the garden of “Sodom” (Hebr.= “sedom” 60-4-40). The root of the word Sodom is “sad”, 60-4, which means “block” (= instrument of torture), followed by a Mem. Sodom 60-4-40 also means: your cycle/circuit (60) opens (4) time (40) for you. Sodom was fruitful and rich, superficially seen it was a garden, just like the garden of God. Sodom bathed itself in the sun of its wealth and didn’t want to take on anything else from the outside.

Everything “that wasn’t ones own idea” was viewed as useless and as a lie. One was hostile towards anything really new, if it didn’t have the measuring-units, which Sodom “itself had created” through its research, analysis and science. In Sodom it was killed with insolence, most of all that which seemed to be coming from another world and therefore did not fit into the logical raster of Sodom. A presence of angels was not tolerated. Sodom was so self-absorbed that it could not imagine the doom of its own culture – this powerful “self-created apparatus”. Possible similarities with “your world” – including its sciences and religion – are “purely co-incident-ial”!

The sons in law of Lot laughed about the angels, who tried to warn them, and stayed in Sodom. Also Lot’s wife does not want to imagine a life without the “material wealth” of Sodom. Her look/view is only directed to the past and she freezes. If you are trying to align your entire acting and striving only to the past which you have assumed so far, the same thing will happen to you. Your “spiritual growth” freezes. Do not attach your being here/existence “to this” past. You believe to make headway with your education qualification, your career and your skill/expertize so far. Have you ever diligently given it any thought, what you actually strive for as your “highest and ultimate goal”? As much money as possible? Power? Success? If you have become a wise one, then only one goal will seem to be worth striving for – that is your peace of soul. What’s the use of having three wishes that a fairy would grant you to fulfill, if you with this one single wish – your eternal peace of soul – get everything fulfilled, what there possibly can be experienced of “fulfillment.

The primal signs bring you across that board without even a scratch, no matter where it might lie. If you are not able to separate yourself from “your assumed knowledge”, that which has been, and you plan your future only out of this one past, then you too freeze and you are treading water. The “real goal” – your eternal peace of soul – you will never reach like this. You can free yourself from/out of Sodom just like Lot and his daughters. With the voluntary giving up of and the complete loss of your (spiritual!) existence so far, which will perish anyway, I give you the possibility to free yourself from your past so far. From the angel of your own intuition you will thus be led safely and will get through the needles-eye. From now on put your trust into the other side and you will experience him, the son of man, the one about whom you did not want to believe that he would be coming. He has always been “in you”, but only once you try to connect/link yourself to the other side, the beyond world is going to raise him up. It is not you who makes him. The creating power of your spiritual causality is here powerless. For this reason the needles eye is there, for you to try to go through it. With this I put you to the test, if you have comprehended, what it means to be “a human”. On whom falls this lot, this is determined in heaven. If a human is willing to detach himself from his mere “instinctive conduct” – that which he terms as “rational”, “logical” and “normal” – in order to get involved in the great adventure of his “spiritual metamorphosis”, then he dares to take that path through this needles eye. It is the path of your development from a “normal human” (monkey?) to a “real human”. And this is also where the explanation for the other meaning of the Koph lies.

The essential difference between monkey and human does not lie in civilization and language, but rather in this, that I have given to humans right from birth an “open area” of/for development at his disposal, which transcends space and time, whereas the monkey only appears in your world in order to, according to monkey-fashion, that is to say only according to their instincts, live “in” space and time, which represents the prison of “any/every kind of normality”. Actual real spiritual growth always/continually brings to your consciousness something completely new, all the way to the breaking through of the boundaries of time and space.
A monkey however is only holding on to his stone (of matter) (see volume 1, page 25). He cannot (does not want to?) let go of this stone, because he links to it the feeling “secure”. He refuses to pass over the plank across the abyss – the needles-eye – because he is afraid “of a crash” and/or “the other side”, or because he constantly talks himself into it, that a stepping over this boundary is “impossible”. A monkey only feels secure as he “thinks about” (Germ.=”nach-denken” = thinks after/re-flects on) thoughts that have been “put before him”, one could also say, he only chews all over again and again that which has been rammed down his throat through parental home and school. With this kind of conduct he also can and will never be able to enter real new territory – another stage of his development – and thereby he submits himself to a being here with life and death. For as long as you too stay stuck as well only “in the (approved) old”, for as long as you only understand how to repeat after and to imitate, you are degrading yourself to a stupid monkey that will never spiritually be able to relate to the “ability to perceive” and ways of conduct of “real humans”.
You should never forget, that to me you are something really special – a uniqueness! Your “becoming a human” is the symbolic path through the desert. What this “desert” means to you, this is made obvious in its Hebrew term: “midbar” (40-4-2-200) grows out of the radical stem “dabar” (4-2-200) and that means “speaking” as well as “word”. In this desert my word comes to the human – the word of God. The path of “real evolution” – that is to say your godly development to my image – runs through this desert and there gets you in touch with my word. This desert expands between the 6th day, “miz-ra-ajim”, the world of dualities and dichotomies and the “kanaan” of the 8th day, “the promised land” (see volume 1, page 249). Only once you have learned to think “really rationally logic”, that is to say if you measure also the right “value” to the “number-values” of the words, which you are using in your “everyday life”, your being here/existence is going to develop into a harmonious equation. Only if you recognize the common “mathematical root” of all languages of your world, you realize and recognize that my revelatory writings, no matter of what religion, are only very complex “linguistic mathematical formulas”, which completely “work out” in themselves and that contain the complete “laws” of your being here/existence – the psychological as well as the physiological ones, then will I – your creator God and protector that loves you – appear in your consciousness. All evil, your fears and “mere coincidence” will then be chased out of your consciousness by me/you. The root of your fears is your perpetual need for security, whose “trigger” is “the un-known/un-certain”, that is to say your “ignorance” about that “which ACTUALLY REALLY is”! Language with all of its words known to you is the phenomenon, which comes towards you out of this actual reality. Only “a human” has a connection to “the word”. If you only consider these words to be “random sounds” which have developed “by chance” out of “in-articulated” animal sounds, you only know their surface, that is to say only one of the many sides of each word. Only once you recognize the “complex mathematical harmony” which is behind and inside of the words, then in you there is not going to be anymore “any un-knowingness” or “any coincidence”. In that moment, when you accept “this FACT” into your utmost inside – your psychosomatic whole, you have comprehended the meaning of your being here/existence consciously and have passed through “the needles eye”. “Space and time”, “fear and pain” and “sickness and death” have then lost their power over you. You then are apodictically conscious of it: “I live eternally”, but “I thereby grow continually”, “I grow and grow and grow” and thereby I inevitably “permanently” change my outer and my inner shape! For everything which so far appeared to you as being “irrational”, there is beneath it “another” “more complex rationality” at the basis of it, which you are not able to grasp with your old “logical rationality”, or even better say you were not able to “calculate” (ratio = calculation), with the kind of meaning which up to now you have assigned to the words (logos = word). Your “chaotic” existence – that is to say your world filled with fears of survival on all fronts –
is your school, in which you are supposed to learn all of what is said here. You have stepped into it as “monkey-head” (Germ.=”Affenko(p)f”) and it is the amazing thing about my creation, that you can become a “human” and also will become one. If you believe to already be such a one, with this attitude you make a foolish mistake. Because then you do not want to learn anything anymore, because you “believe” that you already know all “that is important to you”. You then refuse to pass through the needles-eye and therewith you also refuse to grow spiritually. By this stupidity you make of yourself a child (monkey?). Only once that “your godly consciousness” comes to appear in you, you are getting on your way to Canaan, only then you are no more someone who monkeys (Germ.=Nach-äffer), who freezes in the immobility of his “assumed past”. Your “study” (of the words) is not allowed to be only confined to learning by heart and repeating only that which others tell you and dictate to you. It is important that you are searching for the real source and drink of it yourself – this one is “in you”. So with the Koph not only the monkey is set – the natural – but rather also “the real human”, who has overcome his mechanical “monkey-existence”. The human therefore who is conscious of it, that by/because of his development he always has to stride through “new worlds”. With the Koph of Abraham, that is to say at the age of 100 years, Isaac is born to him – “the ridiculous one”. As his name already tells, he is “the one not thought to be possible”. Your “transition” to the hundreds brings you surprising turns. Now the godly comes to appear. After the ones and the tens now comes the third level by the name Q-R-S-T (Christ) – which contains all of the answers to lead you to your peace of soul. The world of the hundreds bring to you the new – the new “one”. 100+200+300+400 = “eleph”, 1000, the new “aleph” of the “trinity” has been reached. The one who has “died in the material” and in whom “Christ has risen in the spirit”, by this elevates himself to the “son of man” of revelation, who is sitting “next to me” – face to face – on my throne. If you do not content yourself anymore with “holding on to” and “monkeying”, then it will also break forth out of you, just like the plant out of the seed and the blossom out of the bud. This is the real miracle of all life, out of the common comes forth the new. This new is buried/hidden “perpetual/everlasting” in the old with all of its “characteristics” and “coordinates”. Your path of life leads you to the becoming one. Only monkeys refuse to go this path, because for this they still do not have the “spiritual maturity”. Since they are only capable of living in “their world”, they divide the actual reality into “two parts”. They resist against anything new and are reluctant against it, because it goes against their nature. They stay in Sodom and perish with it. Try to wake up a child (=a “normal human being”), when it has not yet “slept enough”, it will be irascible and grumpy. And now try to convince such a smart-aleck “smart-ass” of this “godly wisdom”, he is not going to behave any different. It is not my intention to throw my pearls before the swine.
The path through the desert of your being here/existence – your spiritual development – happens step by step, everything changes and becomes new, new names, new words (Germ.= W-orte=places), so also “new places”! With the growth of your possibilities of expression also the world which you perceive grows. These words are coming from another world. It is a world of a mathematical complexity, which you are still not yet able to calculate with your limited “rationality”. Who has thought up this wonderful mathematical construction of all of the words? For sure not some kind of “under-exposed savage” or a “normal human”! No “intelligence created” by me is up to such an “in-gen-uity”, and for sure not any “evolutionary coincidence”. There is no one who decided at one time or another to use the word ”to re-count”, because “mere speaking” only represents a very “superficial” and “unconscious” way to “count” with words, a kind of child-language – where “the mathematical connectivity” is not yet being heeded and/or being “perceived” (received as true). For you too so far only that was considered

to be “proven”, which you were able to comprehend/understand rationally. This is why the higher worlds until now are beyond your consciousness. But now it is time for you to become an adult and to comprehend the rationality of the “real great teachers” of your world. All of them are in my son of man – all of them are newly incarnated in him. You will have to keep on repeating “the class” of your disharmonious world until “the binominal equations” (Lat.= “bi-nominis” = “with two names; ambiguous”), which you are forming with your own words, will resolve harmoniously in itself. Only then will the world which so far you produced through your words “faulty”, be a “heavenly kingdom” in the harmonious euphony of all of the words.

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