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are others, primates or rather Patriarkes of the same Nation in the remotest 

parts of Persia and in Constantinople, which although legally they are sub-

ject to the Patriarke of Armenia major, yet sometimes doe not acknowledge 

him. The Families subject to the ptriarke of the Greater Armenia exceed 

the number of 150000., besides very many Monasteries, Bishops, Reli-

gious persons and Deacons. Their Preachers are called Mortabiti, and are 

obeyed by the people, as the Patriarke himselfe. In the Province Nevuam, 

in Persia also, in two Cities there live Catholike Armenians subject to an 

Archbishop of the Dominican Order, and other Friers of that profession, 

which observe the Latine Rites, and live under the obedience of the Ro-

man Sea.The Patriarke of Armenia Minor hath under his Jurisdiction foure 

and twentie Prelates, Archbishops and Bishops, and the Election of the 

Patriarke belongs to 12. Bishops neerer the Patriarchall church. Yet some-

times the Armenian people by favour and command of the Turkish Offi c-

ers create their Patriarks, and after obtaine the consent of the bishops and 

Archbishops, and by the favour of the principall people, a coadjutor with 

future successionis deputed to him, who of a Master and Preacher, after 

the death of the said predecessor, is received and confi rmed by the peo-

ple for Patriarke. To this Patriarke are subject about 20000. Families and 

they live in the villages, Castles and Cities of Cilicia and Syria: there are 

twentie Monasteries each contayning 100. Religious, 300. Religious, 300. 

Priests, Deacons and Clerkes many, which live of Almes, and of their owne 

industry.”(27) While enjoying full religious freedom the Armenians pos-

sessed a practical attitude towards life. They were liberal. The European 

travelers disapprove of their “absurdities”in religious and social practices.

and criticize the frugal attitude of their Emperors also. The then contempo-

rary travelogues confi rm that system: “This people have two patriarchs, to 

whom, they give the name of Universall: the one keepeth his seate in the 

Citie of Sis in Caramania, not farre from tharsus: the other in the Monas-

tery of Ecmeazin, neere unto the Citie Ervan in this countrey. Under these 

two patriarchs are eighteene Monasteries, full straight with Friers of their 

Religion; and foure and twentie Bishopricks. the maintenance allowed in 

times past unto each of these two Patriarchs, was a Maidin on an house: 

each patriarch having under him twentie thousand housholds: but now that 

large benevolence the great Turke hath seased into his owne hands; and 

therefore now they are constrained to live on the Almes of the people, go-

ing continually in visitation from one Citie to another, carrying their Wives 

and whole family with them.. The people of this nation have amongst them 


Prof. Mansure HAİDAR

the Christian Faith, but at this day it is spotted with many absurdities. They 

hold with the Church of Rome in the use of the Crosse, affi rming it to be 

meritorious, if they make the same with two fi ngers, as the Papists use;: 

but idle and vaine if with one fi nger, as the Jacobites: They adorne their 

Churches in every place with the signe of the Crosse, but for other Images 

they have none, being professed enemies against the use of them. In keep-

ing ancient Reliques they are very superstitious, and much devoted to the 

blessed Virgin Mary, to whom they direct their prayers. They imitate the 

Dioscorians in eating White-meats on Saturday, which to doe in Wednes-

day and Friday were a deadly sin: nevertheless, they will not refraine from 

the eating of fresh on every Friday, between the Feast of the Passover and 

the Ascention. They abstain fi ve Sabboths in the year from eating fl esh, in 

a remembrance of that time which the Gentiles did sacrifi ce their Children 

unto Idols. They celebrate the Annunciation of the Virgin Marie on the sixt 

of Aprill, the Nativitie of our blessed Savior on the sixt of january, the Pu-

rifi cation the fourth of February, and the Transfi guration the 14 of August. 

The ministration of their Liturgie or Service is performed in their native 

language, that all may understand: but in their Service of the Masse for the 

dead, they are most idolatrous, using at the solemnizing thereof, to sacri-

fi ce a Lambe, which they fi rst lead round about the Church, and after they 

had killed it and rosted it, they spread it on a faire white Linnen cloath, the 

priest giving to each of the Congregation a part and portion thereof. They 

are (unlesse some few families) so farre from yeelding obedience unto the 

Sea of Rome, that they asume all Antiquitie unto themselves, as having re-

tained the Christian Faith from the time of the Apostles. Many Jesuites and 

Priests have beene sent from Rome, to bring this oppressed Nation under 

her government, but they have little prevailed; for neither will they yeeld 

obedience, nor be brought by any perswasion to forsake their ancient and 

inveterate errours, to become more erronious with her.” (28). The passage 

clearly brings out the Christian attitude towards the Armenians

As stated earlier, the Armenians were spread throughout the Turkish 

domain, happily settled and engaged in fruitful professions.Even before 

the Ottoman power was at its peak, the Armenians fared well. Marco Polo 

confi rms that the plight of the Armenians was extremely enviable..While 

discussing the province of Turcoman, he refers to three classes of people 

namely; the Turcomans, Greeks and Armenians and adds that these people 

are subject to the Tartars of the Levant as their suzerain”. Commenting 

upon their prosperity, he pointed out that “the Armenians and the Greeks, 

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