Imagining the End: Visions of

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Abbas Amanat, Magnus T. Bernhardsson - Imagining the End Visions of Apocalypse from the Ancient Middle East to Modern America-I. B. Tauris (2002)



world domination. Masha' Allah’s calculations had shown the rise of  Islam;

the Arabs’ turn in power/domination (


) had been determined by the

Shift of  Triplicity on 






 Tayfur used this and other horoscopes

and demonstrated that the next major event on earth occurred at the


Judaism, Christianity and Islam

conjunction of  Saturn and Jupiter. That Conjunction at the vernal equinox

in March 


 had determined ‘the shift (


) in the Conjunction of  the

Arabian world domination to the Hashimite Imams’ – that is, the Abbasid

revolution, which Ibn Abu Tahir Tayfur described as ‘the general revolution

in religion and the state’ (

al-inqilab al-kulli fi'l-din wa'l-mulk




numerological speculations continued through the centuries, producing endless

calculations of  the Hour and of  lesser events.


 However, it was political

astrology that became the most respected science of  prediction of  the

predetermined future revolutions in world domination, and thus stimulated

numerous apocalyptic uprisings throughout Islamic history.

Political astrology played an important role in the history of  the Isma'ili

revolutionary movement. The conjunction of  Saturn and Jupiter in the year




) must have stimulated the Isma'ili missionary, 'Abd Allah al-Shi'i,

who set up the Fatimid state for the Mahdi in North Africa in 





documentation for the consequences of  the next conjunction twenty years

later is much better. Biruni mentions a prediction, based on erroneous

astronomical calculations, of  the appearance of  the Qa'im at the eighteenth

conjunction after the birth of  Muhammad, which is made to coincide with

‘the tenth millennium, which is presided over by Saturn and Sagittarius’. At

that time, the era of  Islam and the rule of  the Arabs will come to an end. The

Qa'im will rise and ‘will restore the rule of  Magism’.


 In Rayy, a city in

central Iran to the north of  Isfahan, Abu Hatim al-Razi had been spreading

the same astrological prediction of  the coming of  the Qa'im.


 We can further

read in Biruni that the Isma'ilis who had established the Qarmatian state in

Bahrain ‘promised each other the arrival of  the Expected One (



in the seventh conjunction of  the Fiery Triplicity’.


 When that conjunction

occurred in 


, as we shall see below, a young man from Isfahan was ready

to set out off  for Bahrain to claim to be the expected Qa'im.

The great tenth-century Isma'ili encyclopaedia, the 

Epistles of the Brethren

of Purity


Rasa'il ikhwan al-safa

), developed political astrology into an astrally

determined cyclical theory of  history. The revolution of  the stars determined

major changes in world history. Changes in the sovereignty of  the dynastic

houses (

ahl bayt

) and civil wars occur at the conjunctions of  Saturn and

Jupiter every twenty years, changes in world domination from one nation to

another at the shifts from one Triplicity to another every 


 years, and the

greatest revolutions of  all, changes in religion by the great prophet-lawgivers,

occur every 


 (solar) years or every (lunar) millennium at the Great Con-

junction of  Saturn and Jupiter at the shift back to the initial Triplicity of  the

signs of  fire.


 The Brethren of  Purity reconciled this duodecimal system of

the Zodiac with the heptads of  the Judaeo-Christian sacred history. The

Prophet is made to say: ‘The life of  this world is seven thousand years; I have


Messianism, Millennialism and Revolution

been sent in the last of  these millennia.’


 Each millennium [=



years] is divided into two complete cycles, each consisting of  four 



quarters of  ascension, apogee, decline and clandestinity. The term Qa'im is

given a new meaning in this astrological theory of  history. Each 



quarter cycle is inaugurated by a Qa'im, who is followed by six imams. The

Seventh Imam who completes the heptad is the Qa'im of  the next quarter-

cycle. The Qa'im of  the Resurrection would be expected at the end of  the

millennium of  Muhammad, which is the final millennium.


The political messianism of  the Isma'ili movement was even more striking

at the beginning. In fact, Isma'ilism was the most important of  the medieval

Mahdist movements, and it rested on the archetypal belief  that a grandson

of  Ja'far al-Sadiq, Muhammad b. Isma'il, had not died and was the Qa'im-



 The Isma'ili missionaries first appear in Iraq and the Yemen during

the last quarter of  the ninth century, engaged in propaganda on behalf  of  the

expected Mahdi-Qa'im whom they considered the Seventh and last Imam of

the Islamic era. God was ‘preparing the paradise of  Adam for Muhammad b.



 He would soon remove the veil of  external reality by abolishing

the Law, and reveal the True Religion. Each missionary (

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