In these processes, a Decree of the President of Uzbekistan signed on December 10, 2013 "On further measures foreign language learning system improvement" plays a special role in teaching foreign languages

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!!!222new paradigm computer-learner (Автосохраненный) — копия

Literature review
To carry out the investigation on modern approaches to English language teaching, videlicet a new paradigm “computer-learner” we have overviewed several scientific and practice based articles, books and manuals. Thus the opinions of the methodologists and scholars may be found different on development and execution of new paradigm.
However, we consider as important to define the term "paradigm" and that there is a paradigm of education. "Paradigm - [from Greek. “paradigm” - "model", "theory"] - a set of values, methods, technical skills and means adopted by scientific community in the framework of an established scientific tradition in a certain period of time”. The concept of paradigm refers to the methodology of scientific knowledge, serves as the basic principles of cognitive activity, a source of methods and standards of solutions of problematic situations. In his article Kunanbayev S.S. highlights the term "pedagogical paradigm" and gives this definition: "... a set of stable recurring semantic characteristics that define the essential features of schemes of theoretical and practical teaching activities, and interaction in education, regardless of the extent and forms of reflection." (2001.) The paradigm of education - a kind of educational revolution that is changing the principles, content and learning objectives.
Below we listed the ideas and opinions of scientists who dealt with problems of the very topic:
a) Chuksina L.N., (2000). “New paradigm of foreign languages teaching: “computer-learner”.
Despite the fact that the man-machine learning systems are well known in teaching of technical and natural sciences, experience in the development and usage of such systems in the methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​is accumulated slightly. This fact motivates us to analyze the paradigm of "computer - learner", not only from the standpoint of design problems, and cognitive learning. In the traditional educational process, teacher is a source of knowledge and he/she presents knowledge to students, who are in turn, passive receivers of the information. They are built up on “teacher-learner” relationships. Modern information technologies form new type of interaction “computer-learner”, where an initiative of action belongs to a learner. This paper analyzes the possibility of usage of new paradigm “computer-learner” in foreign language learning and its organizational structure.
According to Chuksina L.N., a central issue of the theory of learning with the computer is the organization of an effective interaction of students with computer training program, which resulted in the formed knowledge, skills and abilities in the right amount. Characteristic features of computer technologies of training are:

  • active student position (individual choice of the way of understanding an educational material from options provided by a team of program developers);

  • transition process of the "learning" category (Teach) to a qualitatively new category of "study" (Learn) foreign language independently and consciously;

  • interactive communication in educational environment (digital libraries) and educational community (consultants, partners, colleagues);

  • information richness and flexibility in teaching methods with a computer (control of training speed, animation effects, picture words, statistics of questions and answers, optimization of loads, etc.).

These features indicate that we are dealing with a new approach to the study of foreign languages, namely - "centered on a student" (student-centered approach). Thus, the paradigm "computer - learner" provides freedom of choice and decision-making in an educational process. Learner must understand, what strategy it is better to learn. J. Rubin and J. Thompson considered several possible strategies: "manifest consciousness", "organize their own learning," "be creative", "learn to deal with uncertainty," "learn from their mistakes," "use the context.” (1994)
Thus, the existence of the paradigm of "computer - learner", according to Chuksina L.N., is founded on the following didactic principles:

  • principle of natural conformity states that a learning technology must be consonant with the nature of human’s biological and spiritual needs;

  • principle of activeness requires from students a great psychological pressure of attention, thinking, memory, and will;

  • principle of individualization of learning takes into account individual abilities of students in the course of learning;

  • principle of intensity provides the maximum amount of absorption material with a minimum of training;

  • visibility principle;

  • principle of optimization calls for a conscious choice in the educational process of the optimal training variant, taking into account its effectiveness, time and resources;

  • principle of consciousness involves understanding of learning objectives by students.

Multimedia computer provides such a possibility in the paradigm of "computer - learner". K. Reysser writes: "Computer environment is likely to have instruments of empowerment of the mind or" catalysts "for smart and strong-willed student who can independently solve problems in virtual space. These tools should provide incentives and favorable effects, in order to promote constructive activities such as planning, demonstration and reflection. "
Summarizing all the above, we formulate a number of general requirements for computer-based training programs.

  • student must have direct access to the interested area of ​​expertise;

  • software must have a clear and concise instructions;

  • software must be able to connect the feedback to control condition of education;

  • objectives of the exercises incorporated in the software must be accessible and understandable to the student.

Since the paradigm of "computer - learner" facilitates self-study of foreign languages, student must possess all the methods of knowledge development, namely, methods of teaching. Therefore, the question arises from the position of the designers on how to create a software product that student could easily use to learn.
Activation of the learning process by taking into account the individual characteristics and the formation of independent work skills. The use of ICT in the educational process allows to individualize and differentiate the learning process by implementing an interactive dialogue, allowing self-selection mode of training activities and computer visualization of the studied objects. Individual work at the computer helps a learner to create comfortable conditions for performing tasks under the program.
Tools actively influence the development of self-reliance, self-control and reflection. In order to choose the complexity of the test, learners must assess their capabilities, their readiness to check the assimilation of a particular subject. Task performing in the training mode is not limited in time and it is possible to use prompts. It is important that the student thus receives information not only about how many tasks he/she performed right, but where he/she was mistaken. When student calls for help he/she can choose its form - verbal (making text or voice), a graphical, symbolic. To do this, learner must understand the way in which it is easier to absorb and process information. The student gains experience of independent search for information from various sources.
Empowering the presentation of educational information. In the process of learning different channels of perception and information processing must be involved - auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Multimedia tools are combined into single information of different nature - text, audio, graphics, photographs, video. This creates a special environment, which is deeper and more versatile for human exposure. In addition, ICT tools allow simulating processes that are difficult to observe in real life. They can be used multiple times to view, stopping at appropriate moments, doing accents, analyze, predict the course of events and to test their hypothesis. Educational animation allows to show dynamic processes, difficult to understand; it creates a visual and emotional image of formal rules; making studied processes clearer and closer to life; to identify the various dependencies.
Presentation of information and possibility of studying it constantly expanding due to increasing possibilities of interactive computer systems: multimedia technology, connects the complex (text, sound, color, size, animation and sensory) perception of information; telecommunications, allowing to expand the boundaries of the social environment within cognitive development of the learner; artificial intelligence, raising a level of education to the conscious experiment and investigation.
The changing nature of informational interaction of participants in the educational process. Under the conditions of informational supply of education (compared to traditional methods of teaching) nature of the educational purpose of information exchange between the student, the teacher and the learning tool changes, functioning on the basis of information technologies, with feedback from each of them. This learning tool has interactivity, the ability to "ask questions", "answer questions", "offer" various modes of operation with an information resource, and correct action learning.
Monitoring progress in teaching and learning outcomes. Each student works individually at computer choosing a level of difficulty and pondering an answer as much time as he/she needed; there is an instantaneous response analysis, which allows the respondent to ascertain their knowledge or correct a wrong answer, or look for help from a teacher or a reference material, not to limit the time of the assignment; it is possible to release students from fear of negative (sometimes incorrect) response as computer programs can record results without marks, emotionally respond to the correct execution of the tasks, point out errors correctly; remove the problem of subjective assessment of knowledge in the survey as computer assesses analyzing a number of correct assignments. Thus, computer allows teachers to change control of students’ activities, providing flexibility in managing training process.
As a conclusion with the usage of new paradigm “computer-learner”, the communication of the information can be done in a more effective manner and it can be an effective instructional medium for delivering educational information. This is because it enables the teacher to represent the information in various media, i.e., via sound, text, animation, video and images. With the help of computers (or other digital tools), the teacher is now the director of the knowledge and can use the various combinations of media elements to create interactive educational content. The result is a stimulating environment for learning and retaining the information delivered. The marriage of content and multimedia technology results in interactive multimedia materials which can be delivered to the students in student-centered, or mixed teaching and learning modes.

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