Innovation of the republic of uzbekistan termiz state university the faculty of english philology

The most related researches to simulation

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Using simulation in teaching English for specific purposes

1.2 The most related researches to simulation
Randall Davis has conducted an extended experience of implementing simulation considering its unique benefits and has described one language assessment model designed at a business college in Tokyo, Japan and the samples participated in a business simulation called "Let's Do Business" for six months and tried to assess the effectiveness of simulation as an ELT technique. The researcher has slowly progressed from simple skits, to detailed role plays, to more involved productions over some time, giving himself time to digest and process this unique method of teaching. The findings strongly supported that once students had tasted the benefits of simulation, their desires to learn improved considerably.
Has conducted a research that attempted to relate the use of drama to the Communicative Approach. He presented some discussion on the general concept of the CA and Communicative Activities and exploited two dramatic techniques; role-play and simulation. He concluded that use of drama activities (role play, simulation, scenario, etc.) could be used as an innovative method in language teaching to provide a meaningful way of learning a language.
Study was also an attempt to assess the effectiveness of role playing/simulation in ELT. The researcher’s conclusion was that when the role playing/simulation techniques are employed, they should be integrated with other language learning activities. If these guide lines were followed, it could be an extremely rewarding experience for both the students as well as for the teachers.
Has presented a research paper on a web based simulation generator: empowering teaching and learning media in political science. The researcher outlined and discussed a web-based simulation generator which enabled an innovative “learning architecture3”, which combined the power of goal-based learning, role-play and the capabilities of the World Wide Web in facilitating learning and teaching. His findings were that role-play and simulation could guide students progressively towards the final overall goal of the learning experience and both role-play and simulation could be used, where necessary, for assessment purposes as well.
Has conducted a study to observe whether role-play is an interaction which can effectively trigger the learning process in the foreign language. This study was meant to explore how the learning occurs by looking at the various learning strategies used by the students while roleplaying. She has identified that during a role-play learning does not occur on a traditional basis which included the teacher as the main player but more often learning occurred without his/her absolute control and in this technique he/she needed to play the role of a facilitator whose main responsibility was to share students' knowledge among themselves. Another research was conducted by to measure the success of simulation as a supporting approach to foster collaborative interdisciplinary education. This research was carried out at college of Health Professions, nursing department, Temple University at the USA. The purpose of the study was to analyze students' perceptions of collaboration, and to determine the usefulness of an interdisciplinary approach using simulation as an educational strategy. The results of the research were that the nursing students had higher pre-test score than the medical students reflecting a more positive attitude towards collaboration. The last related research was conducted by Todd Grant et al. At the School of Public Healthy University of Minnesota, USA on a measurement tool for simulation based training in emergency medicine. The subjects were 97 students in the 3rd and 4th years. Results of the research were that there were significant differences between the scores of the most highly rated features, and those of the features with the lowest rating. The researchers concluded that there were significant differences in the perceived usefulness of patient simulator features
Simulations are sometimes difficult to distinguish from the role-plays, especially since the language and functions to be practiced in both overlap. Nevertheless, we included them in a distinct category, since they are lengthier, more complex and are, as demonstrated so far, accompanied by extra-linguistic elements. They even include “revisited” elements of role-play, combined and intertwined with more complex types of activities: data analysis, discussion of options, argumentations, decision-making, etc.
Simulation is an interactive learning that involves students both personally and groups in a real setting.) defines a simulation as reality of function in a simulated and structured environment. Define simulation as an exercise in which participants are competing against nature from the definition above, it can be concluded that the simulation is a learning model that is able to provide opportunities to students, especially young learners to develop thinking skills to respond to anything directly, and also the ability to interact with other students in a real context. The most common view of simulations is that they provide a way of creating a rich communicative environment (a representation of reality) where students actively become a part of some real-world system and function according to predetermined roles as members of that group According to There are three things that make the simulation becomes very important to apply in English language learning for young learners. First simulations motivate learners, young learners are naturally curious to explore and discover. If their explorations bring pleasure or success, they will be motivated to learn more. By having some interesting and real activities, simulation encourage them to explore their experience to make decisions so unconsciously they feel that they are not in the process of learning.
Second encourage interaction, simulation provide a supportive atmosphere for the students to do some interactions. Students will interact with the other students and also with the teacher based on the topic or material4. And third provide opportunities for purposeful communication, in a setting of simulation, the students will have some purposeful communication, for example the students will communicate with other how to buy some fruits, how to go somewhere while the others also communicate how to give an offer and go to give direction. In addition to the three issues above, there are some other benefits to be gained from the use of simulation in teaching English. They are as follow: 1. Simulations can provide realistic situations that have functional resemblance to the outside world of the classroom and lead learners to create real communication by offering them roles in which to function. it will promotes children’s engagement and enjoyment in learning.
Students in simulations continually in tract exchanging thoughts and negotiating meanings as they take roles and try to fulfill the duty.
In simulations, learners, being participants in the event, will experience the way people behave in a certain culture. Learning a language is also to learn how to behave in accordance with the correct cultural context. students do not only know how to spell the language, but also how to choose the right utterance and in line with the existing culture. In simulation children are expected not only able to communicate verbally but also how to behave in a non-verbal, for example, through a post office or a bank simulation

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