Innovation of the republic of uzbekistan termiz state university the faculty of english philology

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Using simulation in teaching English for specific purposes

The purpose of the course work. Learning the features of using simulation for specific purposes in teaching English. Analysis of specific uses of simulation in English language teaching and conducting new research.
Tasks of the course work. Analysis of specific uses of simulation in English language teaching and conducting new research. Analysis of literature on the topic. Elucidating and studying the topic using new technologies
Structure of the course work. The contents, introduction, main part, 2 chapters consist of 4 themes, a separate summary for each chapter, and a list of literature used.

1.1 Advantages of using simulation and role-play
The most common view of simulations is that they provide a way of creating a rich communicative environment (a representation of reality) where students actively become a part of some real-world systems and function according to predetermined roles as members of that group. More important, however, is the notion that a simulation becomes reality and students can get actively involved in what they are performing without focusing too much on the environmental details, but rather on the language to be produced in that particular realistic context. Among the innate benefits of simulations we emphasize the fact that they fulfill the students' need for realism – a desire to “relate to life 'out there' beyond the classroom’s box-like walls2” they increase student (and teacher) motivation, especially for those in EFL situations who might see English as a deferred need at best; they dismantle the normal teacher-student relationship so that students take control of their own performance within the simulation, leading towards "declass rooming" the classroom they help the learner confront and identify with the target culture. Simulations also have the great affective advantage of reducing anxiety levels , which is essential to language development.
There are three essential elements of simulations that need to be fulfilled in order for this type of activity to achieve the desired effect:
1. Reality of function – participants are assigned roles and are told they must fully accept them both mentally and behaviorally as if they were actually those people;
2. Simulated environment – a realistic setting constructed to enhance role-acceptance by utilizing a variety of realis;
3. Structure – the whole action is built around a set of problems or tasks, thus following the task-based model of teaching, which has been advocated to suit military English classes.
Simulations are sometimes difficult to distinguish from the role-plays, especially since the language and functions to be practiced in both overlap. Nevertheless, we included them in a distinct category, since they are lengthier, more complex and are, as demonstrated so far, accompanied by extra-linguistic elements (prompts, realis, specific setting, etc.) They even include “revisited” elements of role-play, combined and intertwined with more complex types of activities: data analysis, discussion of options, argumentations, decision-making, etc.
The most common view of simulations is that they provide a way of creating a rich communicative environment (a representation of reality) where students actively become a part of some real-world systems and function according to predetermined roles as members of that group. More important, however, is the notion that a simulation becomes reality and students can get actively involved in what they are performing without focusing too much on the environmental details, but rather on the language to be produced in that particular realistic context.
Among the innate benefits of simulations we emphasize the fact that they fulfill the students' need for realism – a desire to “relate to life 'out there' beyond the classroom’s box-like walls” they increase student (and teacher) motivation, especially for those in EFL situations who might see English as a deferred need at best; they dismantle the normal teacher-student relationship so that students take control of their own performance within the simulation, leading towards "declass rooming" the classroom they help the learner confront and identify with the target culture. Simulations also have the great affective advantage of reducing anxiety levels , which is essential to language development.
Through the use of simulation and role-play in the classroom, students can gain many benefits and the researcher had found the advantages stated by other researchers. For example, Stated that the advantages of using role-play are functions, structures and vocabulary can be introduced that lead to new experience for the students, phatic forms of language can be enhance, give support to many shy students, fun and enjoyable way to learn English, increases fluency, as well as promotes interaction and motivation. Found that simulation gives many advantages as providing the opportunity for the students to carry out a task or solve a problem together, allows students to practice with new vocabulary and structures, gives students the freedom to make their own choices and decisions, allows students to base their choices and decisions on their own experience and also allows teachers to monitor progress and participation unobtrusively. Cited that the simulation and role-play can be used to encourage general oral fluency or to train students for specific situations.
It has recently gone through a period of relative unpopularity, yet this is a pity since they have three distinct advantages. The advantages are simulations and role-play can be good fun and motivating, thus, allow hesitant students to be more forthright in their opinions and behavior without having to take responsibility for what they say in the way that they do when they are speaking for themselves. Its also allow students to use a much wider range of language than some more taskcentred activities may do.
All of the researchers had stated that the use of simulation and role-play as classroom activities can contribute to many aspects especially in improving the student’s speaking skills. This study is about to find out whether all of the advantages are really exist by using this type of speaking activity. Besides, the result will answer Research Question 2 which is investigating the benefits to the students in improving their speaking skills. Speaking is "the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts". Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. In addition, according to Geyser, “Speaking is considered by learners as one of the most difficult skills as it involves real-time processing which means that learners don’t have much time to formulate what they want to say and how to say it”.
For many years, teaching speaking component has been undervalued and English language teachers have continued to teach it just as a repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues. However, today's world believes that the goal of teaching speaking component should improve students' communicative skills, because, only in that way, students can express themselves and learn how to follow the appropriate social and cultural rules in each communicative circumstance. Speaking is a productive skill and one of the important part of second language learning. The ability to communicate in a second language clearly and efficiently contributes to the success of the students in school and later in every phase of their life.
Principles of teaching speaking classifieds that there are principles for designing speaking techniques such as using techniques that cover the spectrum of learner needs, from language-based focus on accuracy to message-based focus on interaction, meaning, and fluency. Furthermore, provide intrinsically motivating techniques and encourage the use of authentic language in meaningful contexts is also the principles of teaching speaking. Finally, provide appropriate feedback and correction, capitalize on the natural link between speaking and listening, give students opportunities to initiate oral communication and encourage the development of speaking strategies are also considered as principles of teaching speaking. Thus, all of the principles of teaching speaking contribute to the type of activities use in the classroom such as simulation and role-play. The components of speaking skills There are three components of speaking that is important to enhance the speaking skills. Those components are accuracy, fluency and comprehensibility. If a student speaks accurately, he or she is capable of constructing sentences and longer stretches of language that follows acceptable rules of usage.
Described accuracy as the ability of learners in using appropriate grammar, vocabularies and phonology in their speaking. In general, accuracy related to the way of students in mastering word order and omission, pronouns and relative clauses, tenses, prepositions, produces correct sentences in pronunciation, and other grammar rules that commonly occurred when they are speaking among them, so their speaking can be understood by others.
One of the goals of teaching speaking is to develop fluency in language use. Fluency is natural language use occurring when a speaker engages in meaningful interaction and maintains comprehensible and on going communication despite limitations in his or her communicative competence.
Stated that fluency is the features which give speech the qualities of being natural and normal, including native-like use of pausing, rhythm, intonation, stress, rate of speaking, and use of interjections and interruptions. Fluency can be developed by creating classroom activities in which students must negotiate meaning, use communication strategies, correct misunderstandings and work to avoid communication breakdowns.
Comprehensibility is the process of understanding of the utterances sent by the speaker done by the listener. Comprehensibility in speaking means that the people can understand what we say and we can understand what they say. Stated that if two people want to have communication, they have to be speaking because of different information they have. Bad communication occurs when people still confuse with the information received. Therefore, simulation and role-play activities can strengthen these three components to increase speaking skills because it provides a lot of communication practices to the students.

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