Intelligent Search by Dimension Reduction Holger Bast Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik ag 1 Algorithmen und Komplexität
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Intelligent Search by Dimension Reduction Holger Bast Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik AG 1 - Algorithmen und Komplexität
Short History I started getting involved in April 2002 I gave a series of lectures in Nov./Dec. 2002 We started a subgroup beginning of this year, current members are: - Kurt Mehlhorn (director of AG 1)
- Hisao Tamaki (visiting professor from Japan)
- Kavitha Telikepalli, Venkatesh Srinivasan (postdocs)
- Irit Katriel, Debapriyo Majumdar (PhD students, IMPRS)
Dimension Reduction Given a high-dimensional space of objects, recover the (assumed) underlying low dimensional space Formally: given an m×n matrix, possibly full rank, find best low-rank approximation
Dimension Reduction Given a high-dimensional space of objects, recover the (assumed) underlying low dimensional space Formally: given an m×n matrix, possibly full rank, find best low-rank approximation
Generic Method Find concepts (vectors in term space) c1,…,ck Replace each document by a linear combination of the c1,…,ck That is, replace term document matrix by product C·D’, where - columns of C are c1,…,ck
- columns of D’ are documents expressed in terms of concepts
Generic Method Find concepts (vectors in term space) c1,…,ck Replace each document by a linear combination of the c1,…,ck That is, replace term document matrix by product C·D’, where - columns of C are c1,…,ck
- columns of D’ are documents expressed in terms of concepts
Specific Methods Latent semantic indexing (LSI) - Dumais et al. 1989
- orthogonal concepts c1,…,ck
- span of c1,…,ck is that k-dimensional subspace which minimizes the squared distances
- choice of basis not specified (at least two sensible ways)
- computable in poynomial time via the singular value decomposition (SVD)
- surprisingly good in practice
Specific Methods Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing (PLSI) - Hofmann 1999
- find stochastic matrix of rank k that maximizes the probability that given matrix is an instance
- connects problem to statistical learning theory
- hard to compute, approximate by local search techniques
- very good results on some test collections
Specific Methods Concept Indexing (CI) - Karypis & Han 2000
- c1,…,ck = centroid vectors of a k-clustering
- documents = projections onto these centroids
- computationally easy (given the clustering)
- gave surprisingly good results in a recent DFKI project (Arbeitsamt)
Comparing Methods Fundamental question: which method is how good under which circumstances? Few theoretically founded answers to this question - seminal paper: A Probabilistic Analysis of Latent Semantic Indexing, Papadimitriou, Raghavan, Tamaki, Vempala, PODS’98 (ten years after LSI was born!)
- follow-up paper: Spectral Analysis of Data, Azar, Fiat, Karlin, McSherry, Saia, STOC’01
- main statement: LSI is robust against addition of (how much?) noise
Why does LSI work so well? A good method should produce - small angles between documents on similar topics
- large angles between documents on different topics
A formula for angles in the reduced space: - Let D = C·G, and let c1’,…,ck’ be the images of the concepts under LSI
- Then the k×k dot products ci’·cj’ are given by the matrix (G·GT)-1
- That is, pairwise angles are ≥ 90 degrees if and only if (G·GT)-1 has nonpositive offdiagonal entries (M-matrix)
Polysemy and Simonymy Let Tij be the dot product of the i-th with the j-th row of a term-document matrix (~ co-occurence of terms i and j) - Call term k a polysem if there exist terms i and j such that for some t, Tik, Tjk ≥ t but Tij < t
- Two terms i and j are simonyms if Tij ≥ Tii or Tjj
Without polysems and simonyms we have - Tij ≥ min(Tik,Tjk) for all i,j,k
- Tii > Tij for all j≠i
A symmetric matrix (Tij) with 1. and 2. is called strictly ultrametric
Help from Linear Algebra Theorem [Martinez,Michon,San Martin 1994]: The inverse of a strictly ultrametric matrix is an M-matrix, i.e. its diagonal entries are positive and its off-diagonal entries are nonpositive
A new LSI theorem Theorem: If D can be well approximated by a set of concepts free from polysemy and simonymy, then in the reduced LSI-space these concepts form large pairwise angles. Beware: This only holds for the original LSI, not for its widely used variant! Question: How can we check whether such a set exists? This would yield a method for selecting the optimal (reduced) dimension!
Exploiting Link Structure Achlioptas,Fiat,Karlin,McSherry (FOCS’01): - documents have a topic (implicit in the distribution of terms)
- and a quality (implicit in the link structure)
- represent each document by a vector
- direction corresponds to the topic
- length corresponds to the quality
- Goal: for a given query, rank documents by their dot product with the topic of the query
Model details Underlying parameters - A = [A1 … An] authority topics, one per doc.
- H = [H1 … Hn] hub topics, one per doc.
- C = [C1 … Ck] translates topics to terms
- q = [q1 … qk] query topic
The input we see - D A·C + H·C term document matrix
- L HT·A link matrix
- Q q·C query terms
Goal: recover ordering of A1·q,…,An·q
Model - Problems Link matrix generation L HT·A - is ok, because the presence of a link is related to the hub/authority value
Term document matrix generation D A·C + H·C - very unrealistic: the term distribution gives information on the topic, but not on the quality!
- more realistic: D A0·C + H0·C, where A0 and H0 contain the normed columns of A and H
So far, we could solve the special case where A differs from H by only a diagonal matrix (i.e. hub topic = authority topic)
Perspective Strong theoretical foundations - unifying framework + comparative analysis for large variety of dimension reduction methods
- realistic models + performance guarantuees
Make proper use of human intelligence - integrate explicit knowledge
- but only as much as required (automatic detection)
- combine dimension reduction methods with interactive schemes (e.g. phrase browsing)
Specific Methods Latent semantic indexing (LSI) [Dumais et al. ’89] - orthogonal concepts c1,…,ck
- span of c1,…,ck is that k-dimensional subspace which minimizes the squared distances
Probabilistic Lat. Sem. Ind. (PLSI) [Hofmann ’99] - find stochastic matrix of rank k that maximizes the probability that given matrix is an instance
Concept Indexing (CI) [Karypis & Han ’00] - c1,…,ck = centroid vectors of a k-clustering
- documents = projections onto these centroids
Dimension Reduction Methods Main idea: the high-dimensional space of objects is a variant of an underlying low dimensional space Formally: given an m×n matrix, possibly full rank, find best low-rank approximation
I will talk about … Dimension reduction techniques - some methods
- a new theorem
Exploiting link structure - state of the art
- some new ideas
Overview Exploiting the link structure - Google, HITS, SmartyPants
- Trawling
Semantic Web - XML, XML-Schema
Interactive browsing - Scatter/Gather
- Phrase Browsing
Scatter/Gather Cutting, Karger, Pedersen, Tukey, SIGIR’92 Motivation: Zooming into a large document collection Realisation: geometric clustering Challenge: extremely fast algorithms required, i.p. - linear-time preprocessing
- constant-time query processing
Example: New York Times News Service, articles from August 1990 (~5000 articles, 30MB text)
Scatter/Gather – Example
Scatter/Gather – Example
Phrase Browsing Nevill-Manning,Witten,Moffat, 1997 Formulating a good query requires more or less knowledge of the document collection - if less, fine
- if more, interaction is a must
Build hierarchy of phrases Example: http://www.nzdl.org/cgi-bin/library Challenge: fast algorithms for finding minimal grammar, e.g. for S babaabaabaa
Teoma More refined concept of authoritativeness, depending on the specific query (“subject-specific popularity”) More sophisticated query refinement But: Coverage is only 10% of that of Google Example: http://www.teoma.com
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