Journal of Economic Literature 2012, 50(4), 1-12

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Journal of Economic Literature 2012, 50(4), 1–12


1.  Introduction


he publication of Daniel Kahneman’s 

book,  Thinking, Fast and Slow (Farrar, 

Straus, and Giroux 2011), is a major intellec-

tual event. The book summarizes, but also 

integrates, the research that Kahneman has 

done over the past forty years, beginning with 

his path-breaking work with the late Amos 

Tversky. The broad theme of this research is 

that human beings are intuitive thinkers and 

that human intuition is imperfect, with the 

result that judgments and choices often devi-

ate substantially from the predictions of nor-

mative statistical and economic models. This 

research has had a major impact on psychol-

ogy, but also on such diverse areas of eco-

nomics as public finance, labor economics, 

development, and finance. The broad field 

of behavioral economics—perhaps the most 

important conceptual innovation in econom-

ics over the last thirty years—might not have 

existed without Kahneman and Tversky’s fun-

damental work. It certainly could not have 

existed in anything like its current form. The 

publication of Kahneman’s book will bring 

some of the most innovative and fundamen-

tal ideas of twentieth century social science 

to an even broader audience of economists. 

In this review, I discuss some broad ideas 

and themes of the book. Although it would 

be relatively easy to carry on in the spirit of 

Psychologists at the Gate:  

A Review of Daniel Kahneman’s 

Thinking, Fast and Slow

Andrei Shleifer


The publication of Daniel Kahneman’s book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, is a major 

intellectual event. The book summarizes, but also integrates, the research that 

Kahneman has done over the past forty years, beginning with his path-breaking work 

with the late Amos Tversky. The broad theme of this research is that human beings are 

intuitive thinkers and that human intuition is imperfect, with the result that judgments 

and choices often deviate substantially from the predictions of normative statistical 

and economic models. In this review, I discuss some broad ideas and themes of the 

book, describe some economic applications, and suggest future directions for research 

that the book points to, especially in decision theory. (JEL A12, D03, D80, D87)

Department of Economics, Harvard University. I have 

benefited from generous comments of Nicholas Barberis, 

Pedro Bordalo, Thomas Cunningham, Nicola Gennaioli, 

Matthew Gentzkow, Owen Lamont, Sendhil Mullaina-

than, Josh Schwartzstein, Jesse Shapiro, Tomasz Strzalecki, 

Dmitry Taubinsky, Richard Thaler, and Robert Vishny. 

They are not, however, responsible for the views expressed 

in this review. I do not cite specific papers of Kahneman 

when the material is described in the book.

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the first paragraph, constrained only by my 

limited vocabulary of adjectives, I will seek 

to accomplish a bit more. First, because the 

book mentions few economic applications, I 

will describe some of the economic research 

that has been substantially influenced by 

this work. My feeling is that the most pro-

found influence of Kahneman and Tversky’s 

work on economics has been in finance, on 

what has now become the field of behavioral 

finance taught in dozens of undergradu-

ate and graduate economics programs, as 

well as at business schools. I learned about 

Kahneman and Tversky’s work in the 1980s 

as a graduate student, and it influenced my 

own work in behavioral finance enormously. 

Second, I believe that while Kahneman 

and Tversky’s work has opened many 

doors for economic research, some of the 

fundamental issues it has raised remain 

work in progress. I will thus discuss what 

Kahneman’s work suggests for decision 

theory, primarily as I see it through the lens 

of my recent work with Nicola Gennaioli 

and Pedro Bordalo (Gennaioli and Shleifer 

2010; Bordalo, Gennaioli, and Shleifer 

2012a, 2012b, 2012c). 

Before turning to the book, let me briefly 

address the two common objections to the 

introduction of psychology into econom-

ics, which have been bandied around for 

as long as the field has existed. The first 

objection holds that, while psychological 

quirks may influence individual decisions 

at the boundary, the standard economic 

model describes first order aspects of 

human behavior adequately, and econo-

mists should focus on “first order things” 

rather than quirks. Contrary to this objec-

tion, DellaVigna (2009) summarizes a great 

deal of evidence of large and costly errors 

people make in important choices. Let 

me illustrate. First, individuals pay large 

multiples of actuarially fair value to buy 

insurance against small losses, as well as 

to reduce their deductibles (Sydnor 2010). 

In the standard model, such choices imply 

astronomical levels of risk aversion. Second, 

the standard economic view that persuasion 

is conveyance of information seems to run 

into a rather basic problem that advertising is 

typically emotional, associative, and mislead-

ing—yet nonetheless effective (Bertrand et 

al. 2010; DellaVigna and Gentzkow 2010; 

Mullainathan, Schwartzstein, and Shleifer 

2008). Third, after half a century of teaching 

by financial economists that investors should 

pick low-cost index funds, only a minority do, 

while most select high-cost actively managed 

funds that underperform those index funds. 

These kinds of behavior matter for both 

prices and resource allocation. Explaining 

such behavior with the standard model is 

possible, but requires intellectual contor-

tions that are definitely not “first order.” 

The second objection holds that market 

forces eliminate the influence of psycho-

logical factors on prices and allocations. 

One version of this argument, made force-

fully by Friedman (1953) in the context of 

financial markets, holds that arbitrage brings 

prices, and therefore resource allocation, 

to efficient levels. Subsequent research 

has shown, however, that Friedman’s argu-

ment—while elegant—is theoretically (and 

practically) incorrect. Real-world arbitrage is 

costly and risky, and hence limited (see, e.g., 

Grossman and Miller 1988, DeLong et al. 

1990, Shleifer and Vishny 1997). Dozens of 

empirical studies confirm that, even in mar-

kets with relatively inexpensive arbitrage, 

identical, or nearly identical, securities trade 

at different prices. With costlier arbitrage, 

pricing is even less efficient. 

A second version of the “forces of ratio-

nality” objection holds that participants in 

real markets are specialists invulnerable to 

psychological quirks. List’s (2003) finding 

that professional baseball card traders do not 

exhibit the so-called endowment effect is sup-

portive of this objection. The problem with 

taking this too far is that individuals make lots 

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of critical decisions—how much to save, how 

to invest, what to buy—on their own, without 

experts. Even when people receive expert 

help, the incentives of experts are often to 

take advantage of psychological biases of their 

customers. Financial advisors direct savers to 

expensive, and often inappropriate, products, 

rather than telling them to invest in index 

funds (Chalmers and Reuter 2012; Gennaioli, 

Shleifer, and Vishny 2012). Market forces 

often work to strengthen, rather than to elimi-

nate, the influence of psychology. 

2.  System 1 and System 2

Kahneman’s book is organized around 

the metaphor of System 1 and System 2, 

adopted from Stanovich and West (2000). 

As the title of the book suggests, System 1 

corresponds to thinking fast, and System 2 to 

thinking slow. Kahneman describes System 1 

in many evocative ways: it is intuitive, auto-

matic, unconscious, and effortless; it answers 

questions quickly through associations and 

resemblances; it is nonstatistical, gullible, 

and heuristic. System 2 in contrast is what 

economists think of as thinking: it is con-

scious, slow, controlled, deliberate, effortful, 

statistical, suspicious, and lazy (costly to use). 

Much of Kahneman and Tversky’s research 

deals with System 1 and its consequences 

for decisions people make. For Kahneman

System 1 describes “normal” decision mak-

ing. System 2, like the U.S. Supreme Court, 

checks in only on occasion. 

Kahneman does not suggest that people 

are incapable of System 2 thought and always 

follow their intuition. System 2 engages 

when circumstances require. Rather, many 

of our actual choices in life, including some 

important and consequential ones, are 

System 1 choices, and therefore are subject 

to substantial deviations from the predictions 

of the standard economic model. System 1 

leads to brilliant inspirations, but also to sys-

tematic errors. 

To illustrate, consider one of Kahneman 

and Tversky’s most compelling questions/


An individual has been described by a neighbor 

as follows: “Steve is very shy and withdrawn, 

invariably helpful but with very little interest 

in people or in the world of reality. A meek and 

tidy soul, he has a need for order and structure, 

and a passion for detail.” Is Steve more likely to 

be a librarian or a farmer?

Most people reply quickly that Steve is 

more likely to be a librarian than a farmer. 

This is surely because Steve resembles a 

librarian more than a farmer, and associative 

memory quickly creates a picture of Steve in 

our minds that is very librarian-like. What we 

do not think of in answering the question is 

that there are five times as many farmers as 

librarians in the United States, and that the 

ratio of male farmers to male librarians is 

even higher (this certainly did not occur to 

me when I first read the question many years 

ago, and does not even occur to me now as I 

reread it, unless I force myself to remember). 

The base rates simply do not come to mind 

and thus prevent an accurate computation 

and answer, namely that Steve is more likely 

to be a farmer. System 2 does not engage.

In another example (due to Shane 

Frederick), one group of respondents is asked 

(individually) to estimate the total number of 

murders in Detroit in a year. Another group 

is asked to estimate the total number of mur-

ders in Michigan in a year. Typically, the first 

group on average estimates a higher number 

of murders than the second. Again, System 

1 thinking is in evidence. Detroit evokes a 

violent city, associated with many murders. 

Michigan evokes idyllic apple-growing farm-

land. Without System 2 engagement, the fact 

that Detroit is in Michigan does not come to 

mind for the second group of respondents, 

leading—across subjects—to a dramatic vio-

lation of basic logic. 

Kahneman’s other examples of System 1 

thinking include adding 2 

+ 2, completing 

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the words “bread and . . . ,” and driving a car 

on an empty road. Calling all these examples 

System 1 thinking captures the rapid, intui-

tive, automatic response, which usually gets 

the right answer, but sometimes—as with 

Steve and murders in Michigan—does not. 

Yet unfortunately things are not as clear as 

they look, once we apply our own System 2 

thinking to System 1. 

First, as Kahneman readily recognizes, 

the domains of System 1 and System 2 dif-

fer across people. For most (all?) readers of 

this review, computing 20 

× 20 is a System 

1 effortless task, largely because econo-

mists have both been selected to be good 

at it and have had lots of practice. But for 

many people who are not experts, this opera-

tion is effortful, or even impossible, and is 

surely the domain of System 2. In contrast, 

screwing in a light bulb is very System 2 for 

me—conscious, effortful, and slow—but not 

so for most people, I gather. As people gain 

knowledge or expertise, the domains of the 

two systems change. In fact, the classifica-

tion of decisions into products of System 

1 and System 2 thinking seems to be even 

harder. Go back to murders in Detroit and 

in Michigan. The question surely evoked 

images of bombed-out Detroit and pastoral 

Michigan, but constructing the estimate also 

requires a substantial mental effort. Both 

systems seem to be in action. 

Second, the challenge of going beyond the 

labels is that System 2 is not perfect, either. 

Many people would get 20 × 20 wrong, even 

if they think hard about it. The idea that con-

scious thought and computation are imper-

fect goes back at least to Herbert Simon and 

his concept of bounded rationality. Bounded 

rationality is clearly important for many 

problems (and in fact has been fruitfully 

explored by economists), but it is very differ-

ent from Kahneman’s System 1. Kahneman’s 

brilliant insight—illustrated again and again 

throughout the book—is that people do not 

just get hard problems wrong, as bounded 

rationality would predict; they get utterly 

trivial problems wrong because they don’t 

think about them in the right way. This is a 

very different notion than bounded rational-

ity. Still, the challenge remains that when we 

see a decision error, it is not obvious whether 

to attribute it to System 1 thinking, System 2 

failure, or a combination. 

Third, the classification of thought into 

System 1 and System 2 raises tricky questions 

of the relationship between the two. Because 

System 1 includes unconscious attention, 

perception, and associative memory, much 

of the informational input that System 2 

receives comes via System 1. Whether and 

how System 1 sends “up” the message if 

at all is a bit unclear. In other words, what 

prompts the engagement of System 2? What 

would actually trigger thinking about rela-

tive numbers of male librarians and farm-

ers in the United States, or even whether 

Michigan includes Detroit? I am not sure 

that anything but a hint would normally 

do it. Perhaps System 2 is almost always at 

rest. Furthermore, one function of System 

2 appears to be to “check the answers” of 

System 1, but if information “sent up” 

is incomplete and distorted, how would 

System 2 know? To strain the legal analogy 

a bit further, appellate courts in the United 

States must accept fact finding of trial courts 

as given, so many errors—as well as delib-

erate distortions—creep in precisely at the 

fact-finding trial stage, rather than in the 

appealable application of law to the facts. 

Kahneman writes that “the division of labor 

between System 1 and System 2 is highly 

efficient: it minimizes effort and optimizes 

performance” (25). I am not sure why he 

says so. If System 1 guides our insurance 

and investment choices described in the 

introduction, then System 2 seems rather 

disengaged even when the costs of disen-

gagement are high. 

To put these comments differently, each 

of System 1 and System 2 appears to be a 

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collection of distinct mental processes. 

System 1 includes unconscious attention, 

perception, emotion, memory, automatic 

causal narratives, etc. I am worried that, once 

the biology of thought is worked out, what 

actually happens in our heads is unlikely to 

neatly map into fast and slow thinking. The 

classification is an incredibly insightful and 

helpful metaphor, but it is not a biological 

construct or an economic model. Turning 

metaphors into models remains a critical 


3.  Heuristics and Biases

One of the two main bodies of Kahneman 

and Tversky’s work has come to be known 

as “Heuristics and Biases.” This research 

deals, broadly, with intuitive statistical pre-

diction. The research finds that individu-

als use heuristics or rules of thumb to solve 

statistical problems, which often leads to 

biased estimates and predictions. Kahneman 

and Tversky have identified a range of now 

famous heuristics, which fall into two broad 


Some heuristics involve respondents 

answering questions for which they do not 

have much idea about the correct answer, 

and must retrieve a guess from their mem-

ory. The problem given to them is not self-

contained. As a consequence, respondents 

grasp at straws, and allow their answers to be 

influenced by objectively irrelevant frames. 

One example of this is the anchoring heu-

ristic. A wheel of fortune, marked from 0 to 

100, is rigged by experimenters to stop only 

at either 10 or 65. After a spin, students write 

down the number at which it stopped, and 

are then asked two questions: Is the percent-

age of African nations among U.N. members 

larger or smaller than the number you just 

wrote? What is your best guess of the per-

centage of African nations in the United 

Nations? For students who saw the wheel 

of fortune stop at 10, the average guess was 

25 percent. For those who saw it stop at 65, 

the average guess was 45 percent. Similar 

experiments have been run with lengths 

of rivers, heights of mountains, and so on. 

The first question anchors the answer to the 

second. Kahneman interprets anchoring as 

an extreme example of System 1 thinking: 

planting a number in one’s head renders it 

relevant to fast decisions. 

The second category of heuristics is much 

closer to economics and, in fact, has received 

a good deal of attention from economists. 

These heuristics describe statistical prob-

lems in which respondents receive all the 

information they need, but nonetheless do 

not use it correctly. Not all available informa-

tion seems to come to the top of the mind, 

leading to errors. Examples of neglected 

decision-relevant information include base 

rates (even when they are explicitly stated), 

low probability but nonsalient events, and 

chance. The finding that the causal and 

associative System 1 does not come up with 

chance as an explanation seems particularly 

important. Kahneman recalls a magnificent 

story of Israeli Air Force officers explaining 

to him that being tough with pilots worked 

miracles because, when pilots had a poor 

landing and got yelled at, their next landing 

was better, but when they had a great landing 

and got praised, their next landing was worse. 

To these officers, the role of chance and con-

sequent mean reversion in landing quality 

did not come to mind as an explanation. 

The best known problems along these 

lines describe the representativeness heu-

ristic, of which the most tantalizing is Linda, 

here slightly abbreviated:

Linda is thirty-one years old, single, outspo-

ken, and very bright. She majored in philoso-

phy. As a student, she was deeply concerned 

with issues of discrimination and social jus-

tice, and also participated in anti-nuclear 


After seeing the description, the respon-

dents are asked to rank in order of likelihood 

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various scenarios: Linda is (1) an elemen-

tary school teacher, (2) active in the feminist 

movement, (3) a bank teller, (4) an insurance 

salesperson, or (5) a bank teller also active 

in the feminist movement. The remarkable 

finding is that (now generations of) respon-

dents deem scenario (5) more likely than sce-

nario (3), even though (5) is a special case of 

(3). The finding thus violates the most basic 

laws of probability theory. Not only do many 

students get the Linda problem wrong, but 

some object, sometimes passionately, after 

the correct answer is explained. 

What’s going on here? The description 

of Linda brings to mind, presumably from 

associative memory, a picture that does not 

look like a bank teller. Asked to judge the 

likelihood of scenarios, respondents auto-

matically match that picture to each of these 

scenarios, and judge (5) to be more similar 

to Linda than (3). System 1 rather easily 

tells a story for scenario (5), in which Linda 

is true to her beliefs by being active in the 

feminist movement, yet must work as a bank 

teller to pay the rent. Telling such a story for 

(3) that puts all the facts together is more 

strenuous because a stereotypical bank teller 

is not a college radical. The greater similar-

ity of Linda to the feminist bank teller leads 

respondents to see that as a more likely sce-

nario than merely a bank teller. 

Many studies have unsuccessfully tried to 

debunk Linda. It is certainly true that if you 

break Linda down for respondents (there are 

100 Lindas, some are bank tellers, some are 

feminist bank tellers, which ones are there 

more of?)—if you engage their System 2—

you can get the right answer. But this, of 

course, misses the point, namely that, left to 

our own devices, we do not engage in such 

breakdowns. System 2 is asleep. In Linda, as 

in Steve the librarian and many other experi-

ments, the full statistical problem simply 

does not come to mind, and fast-thinking 

respondents—even when they do strain a 

bit—arrive at an incorrect answer.

There have been several attempts by 

economists to model such intuitive statistics 

(e.g., Mullainathan 2000, 2002; Rabin 2002; 

Rabin and Vayanos 2010; Schwartzstein 

2012). In one effort that seeks to stay 

close to Kahneman’s System 1 reasoning, 

Gennaioli and Shleifer (2010) argue that 

individuals solve decision problems by rep-

resenting them—automatically but incom-

pletely—in ways that focus on features that 

are statistically more associated with the 

object being assessed. In the Linda prob-

lem, the feminist bank teller is described 

comprehensively and hence represented 

as a feminist bank teller. A bank teller, in 

contrast, is not described comprehensively, 

and bank teller evokes the stereotype of a 

nonfeminist because not being a feminist is 

relatively more associated with being a bank 

teller than being a feminist. The decision-

maker thus compares the likelihoods not 

of bank teller versus feminist bank teller, 

but rather of the stereotypical (representa-

tive) nonfeminist bank teller versus feminist 

bank teller, and concludes that Linda the 

college radical is more likely to be the lat-

ter. This approach turns out to account for 

a substantial number of heuristics discussed 

in Kahneman’s book. The key idea, though, 

is very much in the spirit of System 1 think-

ing, but made tractable using economic 

modeling, namely that to make judgments 

we represent the problem automatically via 

the functioning of attention, perception, 

and memory, and our decisions are subse-

quently distorted by such representation. 

The representativeness heuristic had a 

substantial impact on behavioral finance, 

largely because it provides a natural account 

of extrapolation—the expectation by inves-

tors that trends will continue. The direct 

evidence on investor expectations of stock 

returns points to a strong extrapolative 

component (e.g., Vissing-Jorgensen 2004). 

Extrapolation has been used to understand 

price bubbles (Kindleberger 1978), but also 

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the well-documented overvaluation and 

subsequent reversal of high performing 

growth stocks (De Bondt and Thaler 1985; 

Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny 1994). 

Indeed, data for a variety of securities 

across markets show that price trends con-

tinue over a period of several months (the 

so-called momentum), but that extreme 

performance reverts over longer periods 

(Cutler, Poterba, and Summers 1991). 

Even more dramatically, investors put 

money into well-performing mutual funds, 

into stock funds and stock market-linked 

insurance products after the stock market 

has done well (Frazzini and Lamont 2008; 

Yagan 2012). Such phenomena have been 

described colorfully as investors “jump-

ing on the bandwagon” believing that “the 

trend is your friend,” and failing to real-

ize that “trees do not grow to the sky,” that 

“what goes up must come down,” etc. 

Heuristics provide a natural way of think-

ing about these phenomena, and can be 

incorporated into formal models of financial 

markets (see, e.g., Barberis, Shleifer, and 

Vishny 1998). Specifically, when investors 

pour money into hot, well-performing assets, 

they may feel that these assets are similar 

to, or resemble, other assets that have kept 

going up. Many high tech stocks look like the 

next Google, or at least System 1 concludes 

that they do. Extrapolation is thus naturally 

related to representativeness, and supports 

the relevance of Kahneman’s work not just in 

the lab, but also in the field. 

4.  Prospect Theory

Prospect Theory has been Kahneman and 

Tversky’s most influential contribution, and 

deservedly so. In a single paper, the authors 

proposed an alternative to standard theory of 

choice under risk that was at the same time 

quite radical and tractable, used the theory 

to account for a large number of outstand-

ing experimental puzzles, and designed and 

implemented a collection of new experi-

ments used to elucidate and test the theory. 

In retrospect, it is difficult to believe just 

how much that paper had accomplished, 

how new it was, and how profound its impact 

has been on behavioral economics. 

Prospect Theory rests on four fundamental 

assumptions. First, risky choices are evalu-

ated in terms of their gains and losses rela-

tive to a reference point, which is usually the 

status quo wealth. Second, individuals are 

loss averse, meaning extremely risk averse 

with respect to small bets around the refer-

ence point. Third, individuals are risk averse 

in the domain of gains, and risk loving in the 

domain of losses. And finally, in assessing lot-

teries, individuals convert objective proba-

bilities into decision weights that overweight 

low probability events and underweight high 

probability ones. 

The first assumption is probably the most 

radical one. It holds that rather than integrat-

ing all risky choices into final wealth states, as 

standard theory requires, individuals frame 

and evaluate risky bets narrowly in terms of 

their gains and losses relative to a reference 

point. In their 1979 paper, Kahneman and 

Tversky did not dwell on what the reference 

point is, but for the sake of simplicity took it 

to be the current wealth. In a 1981 Science 

paper, however, they went much further in 

presenting a very psychological view of the 

reference point: “The reference outcome is 

usually a state to which one has adapted; it 

is sometimes set by social norms and expec-

tations; it sometimes corresponds to a level 

of aspiration, which may or may not be real-

istic” (456). The reference point is thus left 

as a rather unspecified part of Kahneman 

and Tversky’s theory, their measure of “con-

text” in which decisions are made. Koszegi 

and Rabin (2006) suggest that reference 

points should be rational expectations of 

future consumption, a proposal that brings 

in calculated thought. Pope and Schweitzer 

(2011) find that goals serve as reference 

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points in professional golf. Hart and Moore 

(2008) believe that contracts serve as refer-

ence points for future negotiations. A full 

elaboration of where reference points come 

from is still “under construction.” 

The second assumption of Prospect Theory 

is loss aversion. It is inspired by a basic and 

intuitively appealing experiment in which 

people refuse to take bets that give them a 60 

percent probability of winning a dollar and a 

40 percent probability of losing a dollar, even 

though such a refusal implies an implausi-

bly high level of risk aversion (Rabin 2000). 

Kahneman justifies this assumption by noting 

that, biologically, losses might be processed 

in part in the amygdala in the same way as 

threats. Kahneman and Tversky modeled 

this assumption as a kink in the value func-

tion around the reference point. In fact, in its 

simplest version, Prospect Theory (without 

assumptions 3 and 4 described below) is occa-

sionally presented graphically with a piece-

wise linear value function, with the slope of 1 

above the origin and 2 below the origin (ref-

erence point), and a kink at the origin that 

captures loss aversion. Kahneman sees loss 

aversion as the most important contribution 

of Prospect Theory to behavioral economics, 

perhaps because it has been used to account 

for the endowment effect (the finding, both 

in the lab and in the field, that individuals 

have a much higher reservation price for an 

object they own than their willingness to pay 

for it when they do not own it). 

The third assumption is that behavior 

is risk averse toward gains (as in standard 

theory) and risk seeking toward losses. It is 

motivated by experiments in which individu-

als choose a gamble with a 50 percent chance 

of losing $1,000 over a certainty of losing 

$500. This assumption receives some though 

not total support (Thaler and Johnson 1990), 

and has not been central to Prospect Theory’s 


The fourth assumption of Prospect Theory 

is quite important. That is the assumption of 

an inverted S-shaped function converting 

objective probabilities into decision weights, 

which blows up low probabilities and shrinks 

high ones (but not certainty). The evidence 

used to justify this assumption is the exces-

sive weights people attach to highly unlikely 

but extreme events: they pay too much for 

lottery tickets, overpay for flight insurance at 

the airport, or fret about accidents at nuclear 

power plants. Kahneman and Tversky use 

probability weighting heavily in their paper, 

adding several functional form assumptions 

(subcertainty, subadditivity) to explain vari-

ous forms of the Allais paradox. In the book, 

Kahneman does not talk about these extra 

assumptions, but without them Prospect 

Theory explains less. 

To me, the stable probability weighting 

function is problematic. Take low probabil-

ity events. Some of the time, as in the cases 

of plane crashes or jackpot winnings, people 

put excessive weight on them, a phenome-

non incorporated into Prospect Theory that 

Kahneman connects to the availability heu-

ristic. Other times, as when investors buy 

AAA-rated mortgage-backed securities, they 

neglect low probability events, a phenom-

enon sometimes described as black swans 

(Taleb 2007). Whether we are in the prob-

ability weighting function or the black swan 

world depends on the context: whether or 

not people recall and are focused on the low 

probability outcome.

More broadly, how people think about the 

problem influences probability weights and 

decisions. In one of Kahneman and Tversky’s 

most famous examples, results from two 

potential treatments of a rare disease are 

described, alternatively, in terms of lives 

saved and lives lost. The actual outcomes—

gains and losses of life—are identical in the 

two descriptions. Yet respondents choose 

the “safer” treatment when description is in 

terms of lives saved, and the “riskier” treat-

ment when description is in terms of lives 

lost. The framing or representation of the 

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Shleifer: Psychologists at the Gate

problem thus changes probability weights 

even when objective outcomes are identical. 

In another study, Rottenstreich and Hsee 

(2001) show that decision weights depend 

on how “affect-rich” the outcomes are, and 

not just on their probabilities. Bordalo, 

Gennaioli, and Shleifer (2012c) present a 

model in which attention is drawn to salient, 

or unusual, payoffs. In their model, unlike 

in Prospect Theory, individuals overweigh 

only low probability events that are associ-

ated with extreme, or salient, payoffs. The 

model explains all the same findings as 

Prospect Theory, but also several additional 

ones, including preference reversals (people 

sometimes prefer A to B, but are willing to 

pay more for B than for A when considering 

the two in isolation). Kahneman of course 

recognizes the centrality of context in shap-

ing mental representation of problems when 

he talks about the WYSIATI principle (what 

you see is all there is). 

Prospect Theory is an enormously useful 

model of choice because it accounts for so 

much evidence and because it is so simple. 

Yet it achieves its simplicity by setting to one 

side both in its treatment of reference points 

and its model of probability weights precisely 

the System 1 mechanisms that shape how a 

problem is represented in our minds. For a 

more complete framework, we need better 

models of System 1. 

Prospect Theory has been widely used in 

economics, and many of the applications are 

described in DellaVigna (2009) and Barberis 

(forthcoming). Finance is no exception. 

Benartzi and Thaler (1995) have argued, for 

example, that it can explain the well-known 

equity premium puzzle, the empirical obser-

vation that stocks on average earn substan-

tially higher returns than bonds. Benartzi 

and Thaler observed that while stocks do 

extremely well in the long run, they can fall 

a lot in the short run. When investors have 

relatively short horizons and also, in line with 

Prospect Theory, are loss averse, this risk 

of short-term losses in stocks looms large, 

makes stocks unattractive, and therefore 

cheap, thus explaining the equity premium. 

More recently, Barberis and Huang (2008) 

argue that the probability weighting function 

of Prospect Theory has the further impli-

cation that investors are highly attracted 

to positive skewness in returns, since they 

place excessive weights on unlikely events. 

The evidence on overpricing of initial pub-

lic offerings and out of the money options is 

consistent with this prediction.

5.  What’s Ahead?

In conclusion, let me briefly mention 

three directions in which I believe the ship 

launched by Kahneman and Tversky is 

headed, at least in economics. First, although 

I did not talk much about this in the review, 

Kahneman’s book on several occasions dis-

cusses the implications of his work for policy. 

At the broadest level, how should economic 

policy deal with System 1 thinking? Should 

it respect individual preferences as distinct 

from those dictated by the standard model 

or even by the laws of statistics? Should it try 

to debias people to get them to make better 


I have avoided these questions in part 

because they are extremely tricky, at both 

philosophical and practical levels (Bernheim 

and Rangel 2009). But one theme that 

emerges from Kahneman’s book strikes me 

as important and utterly convincing. Faced 

with bad choices by consumers, such as smok-

ing or undersaving, economists as System 2 

thinkers tend to focus on education as a rem-

edy. Show people statistics on deaths from 

lung cancer, or graphs of consumption drops 

after retirement, or data on returns on stocks 

versus bonds, and they will do better. As we 

have come to realize, such education usually 

fails. Kahneman’s book explains why: System 

2 might not really engage until System 1 pro-

cesses the message. If the  message is ignored 

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Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. L (December 2012)


by System 1, it might never get anywhere. 

The implication, clearly understood by politi-

cal consultants and Madison Avenue advertis-

ers, is that effective education and persuasion 

must connect with System 1. Calling the 

estate tax “the death tax” may work better to 

galvanize its opponents than statistics on hard-

working American farmers who may have 

to pay. Thaler and Sunstein’s (2008) Nudge 

advocates policies that simplify decisions for 

people relying on System 1 in situations, such 

as saving for retirement, where even an edu-

cated System 2 might struggle. 

Beyond the changing thinking on eco-

nomic policy, Kahneman’s work will continue 

to exert a growing influence on our disci-

pline. A critical reason for this is the rapidly 

improving quality of economic data from 

the field, from experiments, and from field 

experiments. Confronted with the realities 

of directly observed human behavior—finan-

cial choices made by investors, technology 

selection by farmers, insurance choices by 

the elderly—economists have come to psy-

chology for explanations, especially to the 

work described in Kahneman’s book. Rapidly 

expanding data on individual choices is the 

behavioral economist’s best friend.

But it seems to me that some of the most 

important advances in the near future both 

need to come, and will come, in economic 

theory. Economics, perhaps like any other 

discipline, advances through changes in stan-

dard models: witness the enormous influence 

of Prospect Theory itself. In contrast, we do 

not have a standard model of heuristics and 

biases, and as I argued, Prospect Theory is 

still a work in progress. Fortunately, the broad 

ideas discussed in Kahneman’s book, and in 

particular his emphasis on the centrality of 

System 1 thinking, provide some critical clues 

about the features of the models to come. 

In particular, the main lesson I learned 

from the book is that we represent problems 

in our minds, quickly and automatically, 

before we solve them. Such representation 

is governed by System 1 thinking, includ-

ing involuntary attention drawn to particular 

features of the environment, focus on these 

features, and recall from memory of data 

associated with these perceptions. Perhaps 

the fundamental feature of System 1 is that 

what our attention is drawn to, what we focus 

on, and what we recall is not always what is 

most necessary or needed for optimal deci-

sion making. Some critical information is 

ignored; other—less relevant—information 

receives undue attention because it stands 

out. In this respect, the difference from 

the models of bounded rationality, in which 

information is optimally perceived, stored, 

and retrieved, is critical. System 1 is auto-

matic and reactive, not optimizing. 

As a consequence, when we make a judg-

ment or choice, we do that on the basis of 

incomplete and selected data assembled via 

a System 1-like mechanism. Even if the deci-

sions are optimal at this point given what 

we have in mind, they might not be optimal 

given the information potentially available 

to us both from the outside world and from 

memory. By governing what we are thinking 

about, System 1 shapes what we conclude, 

even when we are thinking hard. 

Kahneman’s book, and his lifetime work 

with Tversky, had and will continue to have 

enormous impact on psychology, applied 

economics, and policy making. Theoretical 

work on Kahneman and Tversky’s ideas has 

generally modeled particular heuristics and 

choices under risk separately, without seek-

ing common elements. A potentially large 

benefit of Kahneman’s book is to suggest a 

broader theme, namely that highly selective 

perception and memory shape what comes 

to mind before we make decisions and 

choices. Nearly all the phenomena the book 

talks about share this common thread. In this 

way, Kahneman points toward critical ingre-

dients of a more general theory of intuitive 

thinking, still an elusive, but perhaps achiev-

able, goal. 

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