Jpython Update Jim Hugunin Corporation for National Research Initiatives

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JPython Update

What’s JPython?

  • The Python Language implemented in

  • Adheres very closely to the standard implementation (CPython)

  • Python code runs on any JVM

    • JPython applet in Remote Microscope demo
  • Python can use Java packages

    • includes subclassing from Java
    • Python classes can even be subclassed by Java


  • Where it is today (20 minutes)

    • What it can do
    • Outstanding differences
  • Where it is going (30 minutes)

    • Taking more advantage of Java
    • JPython-2.0 to be 10X faster that CPython-1.5?

Dejanews searches for “jpython”

  • You should use JPython

  • You should use Python (and it it has this nifty JPython available too)

  • Maybe should compile language X to JVM

    • JPython used as existence proof
    • Counters bad experiences (Jacl, …)
  • Embed Java instead of Perl, Tcl, or Python

    • People can always use at least JPython on top

A new kind of posting

  • Job Posting to on 10/30/98

  • Responsibilities:

    • ... Develop test harnesses in JPython to ensure non-regression Integration tests can be run automatically after a build is done. ...

Object Domain CASE Tool

  • Commercial tool released in September

  • 100% Pure Java UML Tool

  • Forward and reverse engineering of Java, C++ and Python code

Java Scripting Competition

  • Big three scripting languages

    • Perl - Nothing
    • Tcl - Jacl
      • last release in February, terrible performance
    • Python - JPython
      • last release in October, good performance
  • Other options

    • Scheme - Kawa
    • NetRexx - merges Rexx and Java

JPython vs. Jacl Performance

  • Simple benchmark from web (had Tcl code)

    • iterative factorial (using floats)
    • recursive factorial (using floats)
    • string manipulation test
    • exec’ing process in os
    • simple file i/o
  • Don’t take benchmark’s too seriously!

Trivial Access to Java Packages

  • Use Java packages with no wrappers

  • Even better than SWIG

  • Java’s design makes this possible

    • int sum(double *data, int n);
    • vs.
    • int sum(double[] data);

from TkInter import Button

  • from TkInter import Button

  • def quit(): sys.exit()

  • QUIT = Button(frame, text='QUIT', foreground='red', command=quit)

  • from javax.swing import JButton

  • def quit(event): sys.exit()

  • QUIT = JButton(text='QUIT', foreground=red, actionPerformed=quit)

Outstanding Differences

  • Trivial Differences

    • JPython -> "1.0E20" CPython -> "1e+020”
    • CPython doesn't allow 001.1, and does allow 0e
  • Things that just need to be fixed

    • looping over a dictionary is allowed
    • printing recursive list -> StackOverflowError
    • importing site at startup, command-line options
    • standard exceptions are not class-based

Big Differences

  • Weaker system interaction

  • No C-based extensions (but Java packages)

  • True garbage collection

  • Better merging of types and classes

  • Performance worse by 2X-10X

JPython and System Interaction

  • Java lacks Python’s close system interaction

    • Least common denominator choice
  • os module

    • much of posix is impossible without JNI
  • select, signal

  • fancy socket stuff

  • Ctrl-C handling, readline support

Can’t use existing C-based extension modules

  • Means C extensions must be rewritten in Java to be used in JPython

    • I think this is much easy than writing in C...
  • Often can write them in JPython as a thin wrapper around existing Java packages

    • os is an example
  • Might change in the future, but unlikely

Missing built-in modules

  • Some surprising modules are there:

    • pdb, profile, marshal
  • Some are (relatively) straightforward

    • operator, struct, cmath, zlib, binascii
    • cPickle, cStringIO, bsddb (Finn Bock)
  • Some are a lot of work

    • TkInter, imp
    • Numeric (Tim Hochberg)

More missing built-in modules

  • Some might never be there based on JPython’s design

    • rexec, dis
  • Some are really hard based on Java’s design

    • posix (os), select, signal
  • Some are considered outdated

    • regex, regsub

Lots of Extra Modules

  • javax.swing

  • java.sql


  • javax.mail



Garbage Collection

  • No reference counting at all in JPython

  • Use Java’s garbage collection model instead

  • Circular references no longer leak

  • Finalization time is now unclear

Better merging of types/classes

  • [].__class__ makes sense

  • Can pass any container to exec/eval

    • not just dictionaries
  • Still some outstanding issues

    • __finditem__
      • vs.
    • raise IndexError on __getitem__

Performance Issues

  • CPython is 2-10X faster

    • only 2-6X faster on platforms with a JIT
  • Excuses, excuses...

    • JPython is version 1.0 (actually 1.0.3)
    • Java is version 1.1
  • JPython-2.0 can be up to 2000X faster

Current Design is Conservative

  • Uses Java stack (but not really stack frames)

  • Uses Java for bytecode

  • All operations are basically method calls corresponding to Python bytecodes

  • JVM stack looks a lot like PVM stack

  • x + y

    • x._add(y)
    • frame.getlocal(1)._add(frame.getlocal(2))

Why not Java Stack Frames?

  • Would Break

    • locals()
    • sys.settrace()
  • Would make harder

    • correct exception line numbers
    • handling local variable name errors

Why not Java namespaces?

  • Messing with other modules namespaces

    • import foo
    • foo.range = myrange
  • Covert namespace manipulation

    • foo.__dict__[‘bar’] = 42
  • Compile-time vs. run-time paths

Why not Java objects on stack?

  • Dynamic namespaces

    • break most type inference
    • can’t know function return types if you don’t know what function is actually being called
  • Generally can’t know more than PyObject


  • Very aggressive compilation

  • Using Java’s advantages whenever possible

  • Requires some “assumptions”

  • Whole-program analysis is the trick

    • Let’s you make sure assumptions hold
  • Without whole-program analysis?

    • Requires programmer annotations of some form

Using Java Stack Frames

  • Locals as Java local variables

    • Most JIT’s use registers to hold these
  • Breaks locals()

    • can detect use of locals() and disable!
  • Breaks sys.settrace()

    • this is the price you pay

Using Java Namespaces

  • None

  • Three interpretations (in module foo)

    • __builtin__.None
      • might have been altered from original
    • foo.None
      • possibly both this and above
      • might have been altered in various ways
    • local variable None

Two solutions

  • Whole-program analysis can detect

    • and abort if needed
  • Could add restrictions

    • Can’t change __builtin__.None
    • Only foo can set foo.None
    • foo doesn’t use globals() or foo.__dict__

Using primitive types

  • Java has primitive bytecodes in VM

    • JIT’s often turn these into machine code
    • Can add two ints extremely efficiently
  • Need to know types to pull this off

  • Overflow bounds checking

    • Much more efficient if choose to disable
    • Still savings from not allocating/freeing objects

Type inference

  • Complete (whole-program)

      • def foo(x):
        • y = x+10
      • foo(100)
  • Partial (ML-like)

      • def foo:int(x:int):
        • y = x+10

The importance of Any

      • x = 2
      • y = x+10
  • x and y are now integers

      • y = “goodbye”
  • y is now an Any

Fully Dynamic Implementation

  • Module foo

  • x = 42

  • JPython-1.0

    • public static PyInteger _c42 = new PyInteger(42);
    • frame.setglobal(“x”, _c42);

Static Namespaces

  • Module foo

  • x = 42

  • JPython-2.0

    • public static final PyInteger _c42 = new PyInteger(42);
    • public static PyObject x;
    • foo.x = _c42;

Primitive Types

  • Module foo

  • x = 42

  • JPython-2.0p

    • public static int x;
    • foo.x = 42;

Another Example

  • Python Module

    • None
  • Dynamic Namespaces

    • frame.getglobal(“None”);
  • Static Namespaces

    • __builtins__.None;

Compiler Design

  • Symbolic (Partial) Evaluation

    • Completely object-oriented
    • Results of operations are types + code to produce
  • Interesting future possibilities

    • Blitz -- very efficient C++ lib for numeric
    • re - compile-time optimization of regex’s

Systems to Benchmark

  • Complete Systems

    • JPy1 - JPython-1.0.3
    • CPy - CPython-1.1.5
  • Aggressive compiler prototypes

    • JPy2 - aggressive namespace, no primitive types
    • JPy2p - Use raw ints for integers, same for strings
      • Also, disable numeric bounds checking
  • Hardware: P-II 233; OS: NT4.0sp3; JVM: MS

Simple Benchmarks

  • def while_test(i):

  • while i > 0: i = i - 1

  • def for_test(i):

  • y = 0

  • for x in range(i): y = y + 1

  • def recursive_test(i):

  • if i > 0: recursive_test(i - 1)

PyStone Results

  • Not the last word in benchmarks, but…

  • Must support a large subset of Python

    • Ident1, Ident2, … = range(6)
    • from time import clock
    • “Pystone(%s) time for %d passes = %g” % (__version__, LOOPS, benchtime)
    • class Record: …
    • map(lambda x: x[:], Array1Glob)


  • Handles almost nothing not in pystone

    • First generation prototype
  • Made one small change to pystone

    • Doesn’t use default args
    • Just didn’t have time to implement in jpythonc2

Where the time’s going

  • Proc8 manipulates lists of ints

  • Type inference system treats lists as Any’s

  • Could probably infer types of list elements

    • Mutable nature of lists makes this challenging
    • Might be easier to include type annotations
  • What if we leave this section of code out?

Complete Type Inference Limitations

  • Requires whole-program analysis to work

    • Can only be used with jpythonc/freeze
  • Gives up advantages of typing for documentation/safety

  • Solution is optional static types?

Optional Static Types

  • ML-style partial type inference

    • Deafult signature is Any
  • Allows mixing of typed/untyped code

  • Things that disable optimization

    • __getattr__, getattr(), __dict__, globals(), exec, eval, ...
  • Things that throw runtime exceptions

    • math.pi = “foo”

Add Java to Python or Python to Java?

  • How to merge Python and Java?

  • Python + Optional Static Types

  • Java + Syntactic Sugar + Dynamic Types

Little Things I Like About Java (Most could be added to Python)

  • interfaces

  • synchronized methods/blocks

  • labeled breaks/continues

  • block comments /**/

  • assign ops (+=, *=, ...)

  • boolean considered fundamental type

  • never write “from StringIO import StringIO”

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