Judaism discovered

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All but the most obtuse will be able to perceive the moral blackmail the Times is promoting with the equation they are setting forth: those who reject or attack Judaism are finishing the work the Nazis started. The Times thereby lays a guilt trip on Judaics who seek to be free of rabbinic fanaticism and fundamentalism. Yet no similar message is conveyed to Muslims, positing a link between Islam and Arab survival. The NY Times supports tribal religion in the case of Judaism; then, appealing to Enlightenment ideals and secular humanism, it does all in its power to undercut it with regard to Islam. The Times' heroine, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is quoted as stating, "I make a distinction between Islam and Muslims.' That is, 'I picture the defeat of Islam as large swaths of Muslims crossing the line and accepting the value system of secular humanism." Imagine a Judaic being lauded in the Times for stating "I picture the defeat of Judaism as large swaths of Judaics crossing the line and accepting the value system of secular humanism." Such a statement by a Judaic would be viewed as the precursor to "another Holocaust."

The Talmudic mentality insists on one set of standards for Judaics and another for everyone else. Dozens of Muslim dissidents, rebels and "apostates" have been accorded glowing coverage in the NY Times,18 while 'judaic women like Miriam Shear, who was beaten on an Israeli bus by


Talmudic males because she would not move to the rear of the bus, and who has led a campaign against this outrage, have never been mentioned by the NY Times.

David Mamet, the playwright celebrated by the liberal American intelligentsia, has written a disgraceful book, The Wicked Son: Anti-Semitism, Self-Hatred, and the Jews, in order to intimidate, shame and excoriate Judaic freethinkers. Mamet is both a celebrated man of letters and one of the most chauvinist and ethnocentric Zionist nationalists extant. If a militant traditional Catholic were to say in favor of the papacy and the Church what Mamet says in favor of Judaism and the Synagogue, he would be denounced as a reactionary bigot and hardly taken seriously in the literary salons of America. Instead, by some sleight of hand he may have picked up from his stage-magician pal Ricky Jay, Mamet's Talmudic jingoism is transformed into a "progressive appeal." To what? To blind faith in Judaic dogma and ideology as a path to salvation. Did anyone ever hear of the Enlightenment? Thank God for Nicholas Donin, Johannes Pfefferkorn, Baruch Spinoza, Israel Shahak, Simone Weil (1909-1943), Noam Chomsky, Evelyn Kaye, Norman Finkelstein and all the other "apostates" who have had the courage and integrity to break free. One reads Mamet's book as a case study in megalomania and psychopathology from one of the grandees directing contemporary culture in America. His heresy-hunting thesis is outrageous, but it has not dented his reputation as a deep thinker and benevolent beacon of insightful humanism.

Yet, in spite of the efforts of Mamet and other guardians of orthodoxy, we have found that a considerable number of Judaic persons are angered by Orthodox Judaic corruption, tyranny and dishonesty and are bursting at the seams with resentment and indignation. These dissidents are seldom accorded attention by the establishment media and academia. A case in point: the allegations (we do not know if the alleged crimes attributed to the individuals named below are true or false), made by the following New York Judaic who wishes to remain anonymous and who we will call Goldberg, are typical of the alienation and disaffection of many Judaic persons:

"There was another Joel Teitelbaum, who was a cousin of the rebbe. He came over after the war, and called himself the Satmar Rebbe. He raised


money, until his cousin and other people from Satmar came, and put an end to his fraud. He changed his name to the Kirhauser Rebbe. He was uncovered to be a kapo, or a Nazi collaborator, during the war. In other words, he beat the hell out of fellow Jews and worse. When one of his kids were doing a shidduch and the prospective machatunim met, the machatainester fainted on the spot because she recognized him as the kapo that beat her almost to death. No, this shidduch did not take place. He established a shul, and became a "mover and shaker" in the nursing home business. He "moved" dead bodies from freezer to freezer, collecting their social security checks in the meanwhile. The ones that were still alive, he "shaked" whatever money they had out of them, by stealing their mail and bank accounts. He defrauded the government and every single investor that trusted him. After all, he was a rebbe!22 He should rot in hell!

"The Spinka Rebbe was whisked away one Shabbos23 during davening, by the police, he screamed Shabbos, Shabbos! The people he abused in his nursing homes had nobody to scream to when he abused them, stole their social security checks, and gave them rotten food. When the old people died, this great zaddik, may he rot in hell, froze their bodies, to be able to keep collecting the government stipends. He was part of the notorious Bergman family, or the "Nursing Home Mafia" as described by the New York Times. Bernard Bergman, Israel Braunstein and Moses Braunstein went to jail.

"There is another Braunstein in the news, government auditors are looking into millions of dollars of medicaid money that can not be accounted for from his nursing home. It's in their blood, they are sick!

"...the mitzvah of burying the dead within twenty four hours of death goes in the garbage when there is money to be stolen. The mitzvah of 'escorting the dead' to him meant, escort, 'after' all the money was sucked out of the family and the social security number. His two behaimeshe gangster mamzeirim run Spinka today. Monkeys in black garb. Hertz Frankel, aka


the 'Satmar Gonniff stole tens of millions of dollars throughout his thirty years at Satmar. The government finally caught up with him, he plea bargained, and stayed out of jail. Do not tell me that the Rebbe did not know where all these millions came from. Leib Pinter, the notorious Bnai Torah fraudster, stole millions of dollars for non existent government lunch programs. Every single Chassidic Mosad participated willfully and knowingly with Pinter. Munkascz, Vishnitz, Ger, Belz, Satmar, Skver, Bobov, and all the other midgets with fur hats and long filthy black bathrobes, had a direct hand in this and all other government frauds through Pinter and his cohorts. Pinter went to jail. Pinter has been indicted again for mortgage fraud. He is the 'energizer' goniff, he keeps stealing & stealing & stealing When they got caught, these nice guys, rebbes, threw the front men to the dogs. There was drug money laundering, and drug selling through Bobov. Maher Reiss went to jail. The Munkaczer's brother, the Dinover Rebbe, brother in-law of the Vyepoler Rebbe (Frankel's shul in Flatbush), was caught drug smuggling. But they have pretty shuls and fancy homes. Every single time records had to be produced, all of a sudden the files somehow got destroyed by fire....Skver, Bobov, Munkascz, Satmar, Gur....all had fire sales.

"You criminals alter the Torah to suit your dementia. You all belong in mental hospitals when you get out of jail. You guys sicken me. There is not an honest person among you! I have more respect for Al Capone than I have for you. He did not hide his fraud and theft behind God.

"Shlomo Halberstam, the first misfit of Bobov, landed in New York after the war. He had his butt fired at the first shul that hired him...This holy genius moved to Crown Heights and ran a kindergarten. His job was to give the kids candies. I swear this is true, I spoke to one of those 'kids.' A few lunatic admirers of this Don Juan, decided to move him to Boro Park. So what that he had no clue about learning. He made them feel good, what else matters? He was a master at his game....his father advised his kehilla in Poland not to worry about the Nazis, and assured them that no harm would come to them. He was a "holy" man, surely his bracha had G-D's seal of approval. Well, you know the end of that story. The 'holy' men from Gur and Belz gave the same advice to their followers. They would do and say anything





to hold on to their little kingdoms. Can you not see that these guys are meaningless people, who without the soap box you put them on would be wagon drivers?

"The fight going on at Bobov...is about money and power, it has nothing to do with G-D. One guy is a bigger retard than the other. Take away the real estate and money, they both would be driving cabs. Years ago, Stoliner Chassidim crowned a nine year old kid as their rebbe. You tell me that these guys are normal. The Chabad telethon sums up the present day status of that group. The Rebbe's picture is their avoda zara.

"...A historical note of interest. None of the direct descendants of the first Lubavitcher Rebbe, R' Shneur Zalman, are frum. In matter of fact one of his sons converted to Catholicism.

"...If you will continue to rely on people for all that is wrong in your life, why not put true ehrliche Yiden at the helm? Why settle for ignoramuses and thieves? Do away with these purveyors of idiotic dogma and rituals." (End quote).

What do we say to "Goldberg"? That he should keep his mouth shut? That for telling his side of the story he hates himself ("self-hating")? That combating spiritual and mental tyranny, servility and alleged corruption have no place in American letters, no right to be heard? That it must solely and exclusively be shuttered in the claustrophobic containment of Talmudic family secrets?

If we examine such a see-no-evil suppressionist position closely, we find that it devalues Judaics, who only have value in western society when they support Zionism and when they at least exhibit some cerebral nostalgia for the Talmudic "sages." However, when they break free from that pattern, they become non-persons fated for the memory hole of oblivion, because their cri de coeur does not fit any neat pigeon-hole that the mythology has made available for them. The fact that Alan Dershowitz of Harvard University School of Law attempted to intimidate the publisher of Finkelstein's book Beyond Chutzpah30 into suppressing it; the fact that Dershowitz helped to get Finkelstein denied tenure at DePaul University — none of these outrageously


inquisitorial acts has harmed Dershowitz's credibility or standing with the American media, where he continues to be regularly called upon for interviews, as an "expert" on a host of subjects pertaining to human rights and moral and ethical issues. Dershowitz's wealth and affluence, reputation, power and access to an audience of millions is unimpeded, while Finkelstein the scholar has been marginalized to the fringes of impoverishment and obscurity. A similar process has afflicted Dr. Tony Martin, Professor of African History at Wellesley College.

The dissident Judaic who believes that Judaism itself is "antisemitic" has been policed out of the Talmudic and Zionist mythos, but he will not be policed out of this book, which in some respects is an attempt to give voice to the Judaic am ha'aretz and apikoros (heretics). Ein chavush meitir et atzmo m'bet haasurim: a prisoner does not free himself from prison. He needs assistance in order to get free. It is the job of the ADL, the SPLC, Agudath Israel, the American Jewish Committee, the World Jewish Congress, the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism and the police and intelligence agencies of the Israeli, German, British, Canadian and American governments deeply influenced by Talmudic propaganda and Zionist politics and graft, to criminalize the attempt to rescue and liberate Judaic "heretics." The institutionalized hatred directed against Judaics who oppose Zionism and Judaism is more intense than most people can imagine. It is the duty of all of the "watchdog" (espionage) thought police groups aforementioned (and many more in addition to the ones listed), to ensure that Judaic heretics remain silenced and marginalized, in part because charitable acts toward them, performed with compassion and understanding for their predicament, undercuts the ridiculous and incessant agit-prop that declares that exposure of the evils of rabbinic Judaism constitutes "Jew hate." That incredible con has been highly effective in intimidating people from exploring, investigating and questioning the rabbis and their Judaism. In point of fact, as this book intends to show, Orthodox Judaism is representative of some of the most savage, entrenched and virulent hatred on our planet. Hyperbole? Let us examine by way of corroboration, the halachic (legal) ruling from one of the highest rabbinic sources:


In.Avos de Rabbi Basan (end of Chapter 16) (it is stated) What is meant by 'hatred of people?"' It conveys this thought: 'A person should not think of saying "i will love the scholars but hate the students, I will love:the students but hate the unlearned." Rather, you should love them all, but hate the heretics and those who mislead and entice people, [to abandon the Torah and follow false doctrines], and also [hate] the informers.

"...hate the heretics and those who mislead and entice people (to abandon the Torah and follow false doctrines), and also (hate) the informers."

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch

The writing of this volume is done in the zechus of being mentchlich to you, the Judaic reader. It is intended to serve as a tremendous chessed for your liberation. May Yahweh bring the yeshuos for all in a bakavodike way, and may we all be zocheh to share in this mitzvah of bringing all humanity, of which you are a cherished part, to the freedom and grace of Jesus Christ. We pray that any rigor toward you be abated by those who may read this book; that the gentile reader will consider you a brother-debtor to Yahweh in an Infinite sum. May this fact incline us to have compassion on you. For centuries a fateful chess game directed attention from the Pharisaic ideology to an ugly, bigoted stereotype: the wicked "Jew," spawn of Satan, parasite and traitor, who must be hunted and hounded and brought to ground. This too is a tradition of men which betrays the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was He who was kicked in the teeth by Jew and Roman alike. He did no kicking in return. For some reason that datum was forgotten by certain campaigners who, on the basis of race, assigned to Judaic people and not just the rabbinic ideology, indelible qualities of cosmic evil. It was through that type of race-based opposition, that the Talmudists and Kabbalists were able to slowly build their vitally important stereotype of themselves as hunted fugitives and unjustly persecuted martyrs. The fugitive/martyr image possesses immense psychological attraction and elicits exceptional sympathy.

In truth, the rabbis are the archetypal persecutors, haters, killers and racists, but through the oafish clumsiness and downright stupidity of some of


their putative opponents, they were able, masterfully, to turn the tables and assume for themselves an almost indelible image as the eternally persecuted, beaten, gassed, bombed, hounded "people of God." No matter what Talmudists have done to destroy Christian culture in America, or Palestinian and Lebanese life in the Middle East, they always emerge from the carnage they have wrought, as innocent lambs wounded by "wicked antisemites." Even the undying rabbinic hatred of Christ has not prevented the deification of "The Jews" by the modern West, as The Victim; Auschwitz having replaced Calvary as the ontological pivot of post-modern western civilization.

The blundering racial animus that has been borne for individual Judaics has paid enormous dividends for the rabbis. The senile chess game, "The Merchant of Venice" melodrama laden with race-baiting apocalyptic innuendo, are mostly all scene flats from the rabbis' own alchemical, human behavior laboratory, carefully seeded throughout the ranks of their alleged enemies. For any scholar who wishes to educate humanity about Orthodox Judaism to re-subscribe to these tired, shopworn ruts and reruns of failed models of opposition, is to doom the world to more Talmudic supremacy. It is about time that those rightly concerned about the evil of Judaism abandoned the baggage of "Jew-hate" in the junkyard of history, and adopt a new strategy which is, paradoxically, 2,000 years old, and seldom faithfully implemented. It entails the loving embrace of all people, the Judaic man no less than the man from China or Africa, with an instruction to all — to get right with God. One's race, whether Nordic or Sephardic, Ibo or Han, is no passport to heaven. There are no good and bad races, just good and evil ideas and spirituality.

It almost seems as if a master template exists from which the thousands of columns and pamphlets have poured forth from western pens on the subject of "the venality of the Jew." What a terrific alibi and distraction is that phrase which diverts attention from the evil of the gentile and "Christian" capitalist buccaneer, wife-beater, loanshark, adulterer and warmongering butcher. Any focus on "inherent racial evil" or "moral taint" in a race is an immediate tip that one has entered the realm of the Talmudic mentality. We witnessed this in the book Hitler's Willing Executioners by Harvard University's Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, who suggested that Germans carry a genetic predisposition for homicide. Goldhagen is channeling the

sttrongest racist tradition in world history; the same one responsible for first linking the African race to perpetual enslavement, as we shall see.

You say you detest rabbinic ideology? Then don't practice or condone racism in any form, pro or contra, because to do so is quintessentially rabbinic. All western racism, whether Nazism, South African apartheid, American white supremacy or British imperial, are ideological scions of the Talmud, Kabbalah, and the Pharisees of the first century A.D. Quite a perverse irony! Quite a descent into a rabbinic snare!

To our dearly beloved Judaic reader we say, the truth cannot harm you and only a liar and a spiritual heir of the Father of Lies would accuse us of being a "Jew hater." If this writer were a "Jew hater" we would leave you to stew in your sins, as many of the Protestant preachers, Catholic bishops and trueblood "Aryan" aristocrats who cooperate with the rabbis, extol the Talmud and support Israeli leaders from their perch inside the masonic and other occult societies, are pleased to do. Classic Jew-hate is sown by the rabbis themselves. They render notorious (and thereby advertise) texts like the Protocols of the Learned Elders, while keeping people ignorant of Eisenmenger's Entedecktes Judenthum.

The Unholy Land

The Zionist regime in Palestine is Satanic to its core. By what criterion is this regime the "state of Israel," Yahweh's eternal holy sovereignty? This brazen usurper's coinage is itself only 108 years old.32 It was newly minted by Satanic Talmudists who hate all Judaics who do not follow their own abominable, prideful, rabbinic defiance of Yahweh. Their "love" for you as a Judaic is entirely conditional on your obedience to their Satanism. You can be lived by them and hated by Yahweh, or loved by Yahweh and hated by them.

It was the appropriately named Rabbi Avraham Kook who created in the £3th century a theological alibi for terming the Judaic dispossession of the Palestinians, "the foundation of God's presence in the world." What was actually accomplished by the Zionist blasphemy was the demonization of the Land of Israel. Without divine permission, the rebuilding of a hypothetical Israelite commonwealth would be, as Baruch Spinoza had the prescience to

foresee as far back as the seventeenth century, dependent on the prior secularization of the Judaic people. This is what occurred when the supposed "state of Israel" was created by the United Nations and the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R., with crucial assistance from their American particeps criminis, the 33rd degree Freemason, U.S. President Harry S. Truman. These three were the "angelic benefactors" of the alleged "state of Israel," without whom Palestine would still be Palestinian today. Meanwhile the actual pioneers of this "Israel" consisted mostly of secularized Judaics as Spinoza predicted: atheists, communists, "labor-socialists" and kibbutzniks.

The Zionist regime is a "Last Days" project of the Talmudists, dependent on the imminent emergence of the Moshiach (Messiah). It is the Kabbalistic incarnation of a Satanic entity in a land satanized by this very act of incarnation. This is deliberate. The Moshiach becomes not a man, but the transcendental and miraculous "state of Israel," the idolatrous Zionist regime itself, which, as a god of this world, is immune from criminal prosecution, and cannot commit a war crime that can be prosecuted before the World Court, the United Nations or any other western-dominated legal tribunal accustomed to judging everyone else, all goyim and Christians, all Germans, Japanese, Serbs, Africans and Muslims.

Only a tsunami wave of propaganda can hide the fact that the Israeli now presents to the world the image of the aggressive-killer, no longer ensconced within the cocoon of the "exiled, hunted Jew" image. The Israeli is now the hunter and the exiler of others. US and European media often mask this fact with a deluge of movies, newscasts, government ceremonies and enactments, and magazine, newspaper reports and other literature, but these outpourings do not effectively persuade the populations of Asia, Arabia, Latin America, Africa and Russia. The people of those lands view the Israeli Zionist for what he is, the king not of spiritual redemption but of corporeal stratagems and cluster bombs.

The Kabbalistic strategy is eschatological and judges that our age is the "End of Days," which signals the Judaic emergence from the post-zealot prudence of BT Ketubot 111a which Rashi paraphrased as, "Thou shalt not ascend by force." But as we see from the declaration of Zionist Rabbi Judah


Alkalai, the Judaics have been freed not by God, but by the Zeitgeist, by the god of modern times: "The spirit of the times has freed all the inhabitants of the earth to live where they wish and granted them freedom to travel from country to country; it calls upon us to say to the prisoners (Judaics in exile), 'Go free!' The spirit of the times summons every people to reclaim its sovereignty and rise up...so too does it demand that we establish (the 'state of Israel')."

In the Third World, "The Jew" is no longer the passive and pitiable scholar whose beard is yanked by the jackbooted Nazi. He is rather himself a jackbooted Zionazi. Very little has been written about this momentous transformation of the Judaic image on the world stage, or the consequences of it for the many Judaics who are not oriented to violence, military conquest and subjugation of other peoples through imperialist colonialism and crusading. Like the occult Elizabethan regime that saw the storms and British naval prowess that turned back the Spanish Armada as divine benediction upon the Protestant regime, the Zionists hold that their military victories over the Arabs are also a sign of divine favor. This appropriation of heavenly approbation is the worst kind of politicized religious delusion. The Armada was sailing to gain religious freedom for a large population of brutalized English Catholic "recusants" compelled to attend Elizabeth's Anglican church service; whose Catholic books were burned while English Catholic priests were tortured and hacked to death. What is more, the Spanish and English sailors on both sides of the conflict were Christians. Whose side is a politicized "God" supposed to take in such an encounter? The whole "God is on our side" mystification disseminated by military conquerors is demonic deception. Had the storms alone destroyed the Spanish fleet it might in some manner be appropriate to tentatively surmise that God's hand may have been in it, but when carnal means are employed to carry the day and burn and bomb the Christians of Spain at the hands of the Christians of

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