Judaism discovered

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England, it is an occult jest to announce that God is responsible and that the English Christians enjoy heavenly approbation.36

This partisan anthropomorphic depiction of God and the heavenly host has deep roots in the kingdoms and governments of the West and was applied as recently as the early twenty-first century to the administration of President George W. Bush by millions of militarized, crusader "evangelical 'Christians." Zionism is both secular and religious. Rabbi Kook taught that Zionist politics represented a messianic process, the "State of Israel" as "an embodiment of redemption." When cooler heads had prevailed back in 1891, the Rosh Yeshiva of Volozhin, Rabbi Naftali Zvi Judah Berlin "feared a harsh gentile backlash" as a reaction to this forcing of Judaic messianic agitation as entailed by Zionism.

When Jesus said that Jerusalem was the "killer of the prophets" (Luke 13:34-35), He was indicating a satanic propensity of that city when it is denuded of God, and when man's pride and ego — as symbolized by Judaism — comes to the ascendant. Under these conditions, the so-called "Holy Land" is nothing of the kind. It becomes, rather, a God-forsaken sandbox where the spiritual heirs of the Pharisees further multiply their transgressions in a land where the sitra ahra (evil force) is more powerful than anywhere else in the world, including the diaspora lands where Judaics formerly resided prior to making aliya. The immensely profitable image of pious Judaic sages and saints spending their lives exclusively engaged in holiness, purity, study and prayer under Islamic (or other gentile) rule in old Palestine, has been replaced by the reality of Zionist murderers engaged in a Herodian project of the massacre of Palestinian innocents.


"The Massacre of the Innocents"

Inclinable woodcut from The Vita Christi by Ludolph of Saxony (Antwerp: Gerard Lieu, 1487)

The Kabbalistic understanding of the Zionist enterprise is that "Satan

has chosen Jerusalem to seduce and corrupt the entire world wrapped in the

mantle of Jerusalem's glory."37 Kabbalistically, Palestine without Christ is an

evil land for people inclined toward evil. It is under such circumstances that

this "land consumes its inhabitants." This is the "temple sacrifice" in

Kabbalah, since Judaics under Kabbalistic auspices are under the dominion

if the sitra ahra. In these circumstances, terrible spiritual decline befalls

-Judaics who reside there. Hence, if such a thing were possible, the Zionist-

Talmudist is more evil than the Talmudist. His evil metastasizes in the land of "Israel." Here is Satan's glory and the destruction of Judaics. The Kabbalah makes reference to the evil forces that will control Eretz Israel "in the secrecy of the steep," when the spirits of the former zealots become reincarnate, forsaking their post-Second Temple exile to take up residence in Jerusalem yet again. As long as they were exiled "in the lands of dispersion" then the "others enjoyed prosperity and tranquility." Once they returned from exile, this was reversed.38

This reversal overturns our normal understanding of holiness. In Kabbalistic terms, "Evil forces attach themselves to holiness." Patently, what is being called "holy" is not in accord with any Christian understanding of holiness, but rather in the pagan (Tantric) understanding that "defilement is a source of holiness." That Jerusalem is the gateway to hell is celebrated in this mystical sense, since it was known to and admitted by the rabbinate for centuries, that the evil forces are "most powerful in the Land of Israel, particularly in Jerusalem," with the land's "awesome powers" facilitating the process of demon worship and the resulting acquisition of material power on earth.39

"We shall not be drawn into exposing ourselves, our wives and our children...to die for the sake of the Zionist idolatry. It is inconceivable that wicked...utterly irresponsible heretics should come along and drag the entire population, several hundred thousand Jews, like sheep to the slaughter, because of their false, insane ideas..."

Oh, but it is being done. It is very much underway and in full swing in Jerusalem, because, like the Judaics trapped under the Nazis, it is all part of the magical sacrifice that must be implemented in Molech's fire, in this instance, nuclear fire, at the behest of the "evangelicals" of Churchianity, the neocons of the Republican and Democrat parties, the atheists and hedonists

of the European Union, the brilliant Kabbalists, the frum Zionists and all the other much-ballyhooed "friends and allies of the Jewish people," who would never harbor an "antisemitic" thought in their heads, and who are, in fact, at the forefront, indeed at the very head of the march against "the Jew-baiting diatribes of ."

We trust that the Judaic reader will embark upon his or her journey through the following pages in the seeker's spirit of good will, marked by the willingness to allow one's self to be surprised by truth.

To the Christian Reader

Judaism is a kind of cosmic red line even for the wealthiest, the most famous and most powerful movers and shakers on this planet. Astonishing, is it not? There are men and women of steel and kings of the business deal who will face down any foe or competitor, but flee in dread from the least sign of rabbinic opposition. They won't cross that red line. They know it means the termination of their reputation, career and business, no matter who they are or how much they command in resources and materials. Presidents, popes, prime ministers and moguls all fall down like dominoes before Talmudic supremacy. In our colleges and universities Talmudic and Zionist thought cops are on patrol, vigilantly detecting the least whiff of critical investigation and skepticism toward Judaism's claims about itself, quick to expose this "slander" and document that "chilling" account of academic freedom "misused" to question the facade which Orthodox Judaism projects to the world.

One of these thought police is Amy-Jill Levine, a professor at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Her 2006 opus, The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus is an exegesis based on the intellectual equivalent of rabbinic masturbation fantasies as applied to the gospel of Christ. Her book's subtext is a guilt-trip imposed on her fellow professors to ensure that they conform to the red line in their teaching and studies: "Ms. Levine's chilling tales of casual anti-Judaism among scholars who should know better rekindles the urgency of the task...Ms. Levine's documentation of the insouciance with which liberal Christians slander Jews and Judaism is perhaps the book's most important contribution."41 We note that those same scholars are free to exhibit "casual" anti-Catholicism and "slander" Muslims without fear of public censure or threats to their tenure.

There is something in the preceding scenario that we find terribly wrong, and more than that, a kind of ritual defilement and mockery of the promises of Christ. We claim to be Christians, we claim the power bequeathed to us at Pentecost by the Holy Spirit, and yet we utterly tremble when we even consider setting straight rabbinic mendacity and supremacy. If a book is worthy of its mission, if it is studied by men and women of good will,


then it can indeed undercut and eventually overthrow the horrible and cowardly idolatry of the soothsaying scions of renascent Babylon, whom the world calls "rabbis." In a field that others more qualified than this writer have abandoned, we have ventured into the vacuum.

The decay of original law and doctrine is not unique to Judaics. We could just as readily write a book titled, "Churchianity: The Anti-Christ Religion of Usury, Greed, War-Mongering, State-Worship and Scripture-Twisting." Although it will be a difficult point for some people to grasp, because racial stereotyping is Hitlerian and at the same time rabbinic, any notion that the decay and destruction of Biblical doctrine in the hands of Judaics is a spiritual or racial characteristic unique to them, is essentially a rabbinic viewpoint, and if we mirror it we are re-creating the suicidal/self-extinguishing Hitler meme, which is a rabbinic creation.

The rabbis want to murder and destroy the am ha'aretz, the Judaics who reject the Oral law/ Traditions of the Elders. We see this in their praise for their agent, Hitler, who they hail as an "avenging angel" who executed the Judaic "sinners" who had rejected the authority of the Talmud (the majority of the Judaics of Germany were "sinners" along these lines). Yehuda Bauer writing in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz:

"The panel discussion on 'Haredim and the Holocaust' that recently aired on (television) Channel 1 should have included the views of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Chabad's so-called 'King Messiah'), Rabbi Menachem Schneerson. On the subject of the Holocaust, the Rebbe...compare(s) God to a surgeon who amputates a patient's limb in order to save his life. The limb 'is incurably diseased ... The Holy One Blessed Be He, like the professor-surgeon... seeks the good of Israel, and indeed, all He does is done for the good.... In the spiritual sense, no harm was done, because the everlasting spirit of the Jewish people was not destroyed.'

"The Rebbe's stance, therefore, is clear: The Holocaust was a good thing because it lopped off a disease-ravaged limb of the Jewish people — in other words, the millions who perished in the Holocaust — in order to cleanse the Jewish people of its sins (cf. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Mada


Ve'emuna, Machon Lubavitch, 1980, Kfar Chabad). After this text was published in the summer of 1980, kicking up a storm, Chabad claimed it was based on an inaccurate Hebrew translation of talks that the Rebbe delivered in Yiddish. The Rebbe, they said, had no idea his remarks were being published. It seems hard to believe Schneerson would not go over every word published in his name, let alone a text put out in Hebrew by Machon Lubavitch in Kfar Chabad. In fact, there is a document written by the Rebbe himself, in Hebrew, which bears his statements about the Holocaust. The late Chaika Grossman, a leader of the underground in the Bialystok ghetto, who survived the war...published an article in Hamishmar newspaper on August 22, 1980, quoting Schneerson and expressing her profound shock at his words. On August 28, 1980, the Rebbe sent her a reply on his personal stationery. The letter, apparently typewritten, contains a number of corrections in his own handwriting, and is signed by him. In it, the Rebbe confirms everything in the published text. His remarks, Schneerson explained, were based on the Torah. Hitler was a messenger of God...The 'surgery' he spoke of was such a massive corrective procedure that the suffering (i.e., the murder of the Jews) was minor compared to its curative effect.

"I was invited to take part in this television debate, but my appearance was canceled at the last moment, perhaps because of my opinions on the subject..Chabad is a large and influential Hasidic dynasty. It has a messiah who lived and died, and many look forward to his resurrection....Therefore it is important to know what its leader said. The 'Ring Messiah' did not deny the Holocaust. He justified it." (End quote).

Another rabbi who has praised Hitler for cleansing the earth of Talmud-doubting Judaics is the distinguished Israeli, Ovadia Yosef: "An eminent rabbi who heads Israel's third biggest political party sparked an uproar in Israel for saying that 6 million Jews perished in the Holocaust because they were reincarnations of sinners. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef...was speaking in his weekly Saturday night sermon that is broadcast over the party's radio stations and is beamed overseas by satellite. He said the six million Holocaust victims 'were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who


transgressed and did all sorts of things that should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone.'

"...Tullia Zevi...a leading figure in the European Jewish Congress...said if Yosefs remarks, 'The idea that the Nazis were divine instruments to

punish Jews for being reincarnated sinners is intolerable." This was answered as follows: "Don't take a monopoly on interpretation of the Holocaust' a Shas legislator said in an Israeli radio interview. 'The rabbi's commentary was based on Judaism."

Why wouldn't rabbis identify with Nazism? Both Judaism and Nazism "National Socialism") begin from the same premise of racial supremacy, as notted by Rev. Fr. Denis Fahey, "The Jews as...well as the National Socialists want to impose on God their plans for the glory of their race and nation. They verify their own nation...And both these forces are being used by Satan to inflict disaster on the world. There is laughter in hell when human beings surcumb once more to the temptation of the Garden of Eden and put themselves in the place of God, whether the new divinity be the Jewish race in the German race."

Hitler did the work of the rabbis and was their occult agent. If we wish to be free of that dead-end, we will recognize that since Judaics are fully

human beings in every sense, they have been deceived and in turn deceive because they have the human capacity for it, just as we all do. This is something we truly need to work on: the false notion that because Judaics, either due to being born into the religion of Orthodox Judaism, which is certainly not their fault or choice; or, second, by their mistaken apprehension if Judaism as a benevolent and humanitarian creed, are, as a result of those circumstances, somehow defective or lesser human persons. Such an erroneous attitude reflects a hubris in ourselves, as we preen in front of the mirror of our alleged righteousness: "Thank you Lord for not making me like that Talmud-following Judaic. I am so much better than he is!"


No authentic Christian has the right to say or think any such thing, and as soon as we do, we are heading down the road that leads toward the political parties, the ideologies and the cults that traffic in seeking partisan advantage and superior position and status in society, on the basis of comparisons between themselves and Judaics. Let us pray we do not succumb to that exhausted, histrionic trope.

When I was a child in the company of my mother, and she would see some unfortunate person, a drunkard, a vagrant or a petty criminal, she would pray softly, but loud enough for her children to hear, "There but for the grace of God go I." She was teaching us that she had avoided becoming a drunkard, an indolent person or a criminal herself, not because of any superior moral orientation innate in her, but solely through the grace of God. "Were it not for God's grace," my mother was telling us, "I might be one of those unfortunates." This was a shocking statement that impressed itself gradually on our minds as we were growing up, and heard it repeated over the years, almost inaudibly.

All that separates Christians from Talmudists is the merciful grace of God, not any supposed worth on our part or any supposed unworthiness in their soul or being. We could not write this book or tolerate it being published and disseminated if we thought that it would be used to support any racial contempt for Judaics on the part of some demagogic churchman or racial-nationalist leader. If there wasn't one rabbi on earth, the stench of our own sins and abominations would offend God. We would still stand in need of salvation and forgiveness for our countless transgressions. Let no Christian or gentile preach their own righteousness, for none are righteous (Romans 3:10); whether in comparison to Judaics or any other race, tribe or people.

"Halacha hi beyoduah shefEisav soneh I'Yaakov"

Throughout much of their storied history, Chazal have controlled their opposition, so that investigation of the halakot has been made synonymous with "Jew hate" and, after Wilhelm Marr in the nineteenth century, with "antisemitism," the parlous category of his pseudo-scientific taxonomy, which,


pil'ei pilei plaim, was subsequently adopted as a pejorative adjective by Zionism and the rabbis.

From their position within Judaism, Orthodox Judaic children are raised amid a milieu saturated with repetition of the rabbinic maxim of the revered Kabbalist, Shimon ben Yohai, which is often made to ring in their diminutive ears throughout their childhood: Halacha hi beyoduah she'Eisav Soneh I'Yaakov ("it is a given law — it is known, that Esau hates Jacob). Easing himself in this famous rabbinic adage, Meir Lau, the Israeli Chief Rabbi, equated opposition to Judaism with a form of ineradicable "mental illness." This is the prevalent view and it represents a brilliant tactical response to opposition, which has resulted in the defeat of virtually every skeptical, scholarly investigation of the Oral Law since the waning of the Zarly Church era, because all such investigation is always omnisciently and infallibly smeared as a blindly bigoted act of an "Esau" seizing on any flimsy pretext to defame and destroy the hated "Jacob."

This book is a departure from that old story. "Jew hate" is almost entirely irrelevant as an issue, since there is serious doubt about these racial claims to being the blood-divine on the part of Israelis, American Zionist Brooklynites and the descendants of the tribes that settled historically in the shetls of Eastern Europe. As noted, with us the name "Jew" is sacred and we are loath to attach it to impostors (Rev. 2:9; 3:9) who have erected a counterfeit "Israel" in partnership with atheist-Communist mass murderer Joseph Stalin and President Harry Truman, the two unholy gentiles most responsible for the founding of the Israeli entity in 1948. Hence, "Jew hate" is a dead issue in this book, particularly in light of the fact that it is the christians who are the true Jews: Matthew 8:11-12; Romans 2:28-29; Galatians 6:15-16.

When Our Lord stated that "Salvation is of the Jews," He was talking about Himself, the most righteous of all Jews, the issue of Adam who remained sinless throughout His life, descended from a lineage of holy and pious Jews: His pure Mother Mary, her parents Joachim and Anna, and their ancestors as described in Matthew 1 and Luke 4. Joachim was of the Davidic line from the tribe of Judah, and Anna was the daughter of Matthan the priest, of the Aaronic line from the Levitic tribe. Thus Christ combined in


Himself the Kingship and Priesthood of Israel. The true Jews and true Israelites are the true Christians. Jesus Christ was born a Jew. As the Apostle Peter, also a Jew, declared to all sincere believers in Jesus, "You are a Chosen Race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation" (1 Peter 2:9). There is no other. The Pauline Jewish "remnant" is that portion of racial and genetic Jews who exist now or will exist in the future as members of the Christian ecclesia.

No other Jews have salvation and certainly no Jew has salvation by virtue of His race. Salvation comes solely through the grace of Jesus Christ. Those who uphold Ku Klux Judaism's notion that Judaics are saved by their race, are trafficking in one of the most diabolic acts of Jew-hate, since believers in this demonic delusion are destined to be eternally cut off from God. This is the "Flesh Merchant" twisting of scripture. None but those who possess the indwelling of the Spirit of Christ can inherit the kingdom of God. It was Abraham's faith that won favor with God, not his race.

The Israelite race is not responsible for Christ's victory. Jesus is solely responsible. Christian Israel is indeed responsible for bringing the Gospel of Christ to the far corners of the world after the Resurrection, but how much chutzpah would be required to claim that those efforts by Christian Israel are somehow the legacy of unregenerate Israel? Whatever was accomplished on behalf of the Gospel was achieved by those who were regenerated through the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ, not through the supposed inherent goodness —whether "remnant" or otherwise — of those implicated in all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah.

Ku Klux Judaism and neo-Nazi Zionism are calmly and respectably preached from nearly every Roman Catholic and Protestant fundamentalist pulpit in the land. These supposedly fervent Catholic and Protestant anti-racist campaigners are among the biggest promoters of racist mentality on the planet. They might as well be wearing an armband while they merchandize the flesh, although instead of a swastika, their armband would be emblazoned with a hexagram and the flesh is of the "Chosen" rather than the Aryan, but the sin is the same. The same despicable carnality which they dare to associate with a just God, informs the whole of their contemporary teaching on the Jews and through the dissemination of this Talmudic doctrine, under the auspices of the supposed ministers and priests of Jesus


Christ, mankind has not yet managed to escape, even at this late date, the curse of racism and the polluting mental fog consisting in the pernicious notion that one particular, divinely favored gene pool enjoys an exalted status above the rest of humanity.50

It is easy and reflexive to respond to this hypocritical abomination with hatred or racist disdain of our own. But if we do so, we are lost and through our failure and blindness, the truth which God wills us to impart on earth (fiat voluntas tua), also gets lost. In the following pages we confront, through a process of discovery, human beings like ourselves, ensnared by an ideology and it is this ideology and not the pitiable persons trapped by it, that is the subject of this book; all cavillations about our motives and intentions, not withstanding. Jesus ate with Pharisees, answered their trick questions, harshly admonished them and was a stern critic of their false doctrine. Their actions were evil in His sight, for they had sown evil and had, thereby, become the "children of hell" (Matthew 23:15). However, whenever they would have a change of heart, repent and convert, they became as the Apostle Paul, formerly the chief persecutor of Christians, transformed by the grace and mercy of the Messiah of Israel, into the chief of Christian missionaries. This is our prayer for every rabbi and every Judaic. May all we say, do and write facilitate their conversion, for it is their only hope. Their flesh will not save them. Rather, they direct much hateful falsification against Paul because he was a me-shumad (a convert to Christianity). A me-shumad is considered one of the worst of all "traitors to Judaism."

They are not Abraham's children who gain for those who bless them a "leasing from God and upon those who curse them, a curse from God: "Jesus

said unto them, 'If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abrraham. But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. Ye do the deeds of your maker.' Then said they to him, 'We be not born of fornication; we have one father, even God.' Jesus said unto them, 'If God were your Father, ye would

??? me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself,

he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word" (John 8:39-43). And neither can the Protestant TV and thepreachers who perpetually mouth the mantra that God blesses those

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