Judaism discovered

Non-Jews are "Supernal Refuse"

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Non-Jews are "Supernal Refuse"

Not only blacks and Christians, but gentiles of all races are regarded as "supernal refuse" (garbage) by gedolim such as the "towering sage" and founder of Chabad-Lubavitch, Rabbi Shneur Zalman. This was analyzed in the Judaic magazine, New Republic: "...there are some powerful ironies in Habad's new messianic universalism, in its mission to the gentiles; and surely the most unpleasant of them concerns Habad's otherwise undisguised and even racial contempt for the goyim....medieval Jewish theologians—most notably the poet and philosopher Judah Ha-Levi in twelfth-century Spain and the mystic Judah Loew in sixteenth-century Prague—sought to define the Jewish distinction racially rather than spiritually...this...view, according to which there is something innately superior about the Jews, was rehabilitated in its most extreme form by Shneur Zalman of Lyady.

"The founder of Lubavitcher Hasidism taught that there is a difference of essence between the souls of Jews and the souls of gentiles, that only in the Jewish soul does there reside a spark of divine vitality...Moreover, this characterization of gentiles as being inherently evil, as being spiritually as well as biologically inferior to Jews, has not in any way been revised in later Habad writing." 623 Dr. Roman A. Foxbrunner of Harvard University quotes the founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidim, Rabbi Zalman, as follows:

"Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.,.Their material abundance derives from supernal refuse. Indeed, they themselves derive from refuse, which is why they are more numerous than the Jews..." According to Rabbi Zalman, "All Jews were innately good, all gentiles innately evil...For RSZ (Rabbi Shneur Zalman)...gentiles were simply the

embodiment of the kelipot..." 624

Foxbrunner's quotations are from the works of Rabbi Zalman, whose masterwork was Likutei Amarim Tanya, or simply Tanya. The authoritative English-language version of this work was published in 1973 and reissued in 1984 by the "Kehof Publication Society." In chapter 19 of Tanya, Rabbi


Zalman defines the Kabbalistic term, kelipah (also spelled as kelipot and kelippot): "... kelipah.. .wherefrom are derived the souls of the gentiles." In Tanya chapter 10 (p. 948), Rabbi Zalman states that kelipot and another name for the condition which a Gentile represents, sitra ahra, "...are synonymous (with)...evil and impurity...the three kelipot which are altogether unclean and evil containing no good whatever...From them flow and derive the souls of all the nations of the world." (Rabbi Zalman, ch. 6).

The foundational teachings of Judaism do not regard these "nations of the world" as human, as being "mankind." Only a "Jew" is a man: "The candle of G-d is the soul (neshamah) of man. What it means is that the souls of Jews are called 'man." (Rabbi Zalman, ch. 19). According to the Kabbalistic Zohar, the kelipot are: "...shells or husks of evil...waste matter...bad blood...foul waters...dross...dregs...the root of evil..." It is in the book of the Zohar that we read for the first time of a twofold though corresponding division of souls into non-Jewish and Jewish. "The first group has its source in the 'other side' or sitra ahra, the second in the 'holy side'...Interest in the Zohar is almost entirely confined to the psychic structure of the Jew. In the later Kabbalah...this duality between the 'divine soul' (ha-nefesh ha-elohit) and the 'natural soul' (ha-nefesh ha-tiv'it) is given enormous emphasis." 625

In 1800, Avigdor ben Khayim sent a dossier brimming with racist hate speech quotations from the works of Rabbi Shneur Zalman to the government of St. Petersburg, Russia, which resulted in Zalman's arrest. 626 Zalman himself derived his teaching on the gentiles as being taboo, impure, blemished kelipah/kelipot, from the Talmud and the teachings of the Kabbalist luminary Rabbi Yitzhak Luria, as transcribed by Rabbi Hayyim Vital: "Indeed, the amusements of the Holy One, Blessed is He, with the Torah, and His creating the worlds with it, was through His laboring with the Torah according to the inner soul that is in it. This is called 'the secrets of Torah,' and 'the works of the merkavah.' This is the wisdom of the Kabbalah, as is known to those who know. And the meaning of this is its being the world of Atsilut, the very highest, good, and not bad, which does not contain any admixture with the husk (kelipah). And about it is said: 'And I will not give my Glory to another,' as is mentioned in the Book of Tikkunim 4, 66, Tikkun



18, and in the Zohar on Genesis 28a, see there. As such, the Torah that is there is divested of all physical clothing. This is not the case below in the world of Yetsirah, the world of Metatron, called 'the Good Servant,' and 'the Tree of Knowledge of Good from the side (of good).' From the left side are its husks (kelipah deliah), called 'the Evil Servant.'...Evil from the side of'the Evil Servant,' taboo, impure, blemished."627

Judaism holds that Eve copulated with Satan when she succumbed to temptation in the Garden of Eden and that the negative effects of this copulation were felt racially, tainting even Abraham. BT Shabbat 145b-146a: "For when the serpent came upon Eve he injected a lust into her: (as for) the Israelites who stood at Mount Sinai, their lustfulness departed; the idolaters, who did not stand at Mount Sinai, their lustfulness did not depart...Until three generations the lustful (consequence of Eve's copulation with the serpent) did not disappear from our Patriarchs: Abraham begat Ishmael, Isaac begat Esau, (but) Jacob begat the twelve tribes in whom there was no taint whatsoever." According to the rabbis, the descendants of the Ishmaelites (the Arabs) and the descendants of Esau (the Edomites) are the spawn of Satan. According to them, Israelis, by definition being descended from Jacob, and all who were present at Mt. Sinai, are free of this racial taint.


Desecration of Crucifixes / Spitting

There are many ways in which believers in Judaism, and for that matter ethnic Judaics and Zionists, demonstrate their hatred for the cross of Christ and the crucifix (e.g. a cross [cruci] with a representation of the body of Christ affixed [fixus] to it). First let us explain what we signify when we say "ethnic Judaics."

These are people who are not religious, but who maintain a tribal link and self-identification with the idea of a Judaic "race" (Klal Yisroel) and culture, and who see the embodiment of these two elements in the sacred books and theology of Judaism (we will have more to say about this phenomenon when we study the life of Moses Hess).

An example of the tenacity with which even Judaic atheists cling to the religious props and ethnic chauvinism of what they perceive to be their tribe,


is Alan Greenspan, the former director of the Federal Reserve bank. Under President Gerald Ford, Greenspan's first federal job was as Chairman of the White House "Council of Economic Advisers" (CEA). Greenspan chose not to be sworn into office on a copy of the Bible, however. The magazine Worth Financial Intelligence recounts what book Alan Greenspan did take his oath upon:

And so in September 1974 the man without a Ph,D, in economics was sworn in as the nation's leading economist. The man who defined himself by a moral objection to bureaucracy went into government service. In the front row of Greenspan's swearing-in ceremony at the White House sat Ayn Rand herself, who must have been amused by the sight of the ardent atheist placing his right hand on a Talmud held by his aged mother.

Alan Greenspan swears his oath of Federal office on a copy of the Talmud Worthy vol. 4, no, 4, (May, 1995), p. 102


Spitting on the cross, on Christians and on churches is a permissible practice among Orthodox and ethnic Judaics and is a not uncommon practice. When rabbis banned the book, The Making of a Godol, they considered it so wicked they regarded it as worse than a crucifix: "The head of a yeshiva in Brooklyn said last year (2002), that it would be better to buy a crucifix than to read the book." 628

Israel Shahak states: "...the Talmud lays down (in BT Berakhot, 58b) that a Judaic who passes near an inhabited non-Jewish dwelling must ask God to destroy it, whereas if the building is in ruins he must thank the Lord of Vengeance...it became customary to spit (usually three times) upon seeing a church or a crucifix, as an embellishment to the obligatory formula of regret..."629

Cursing the homes and graves of gentiles Cursing Cemeteries and the Graves of Christians and Gentiles

Shahak: "...one can read quite freely —and Jewish children are actually taught —passages...which command every Jew, whenever passing near a cemetery, to utter a blessing if the cemetery is Jewish, but to curse the mothers of the dead if it is non-Jewish." 630

This particular curse is actually one of a number of curses that Orthodox Judaics are required to hurl at the burial places of the gentiles. The curse to be said when passing a Christian church is as follows: Beis gee'im visach Hashem ("May Hashem destroy this house of the proud").

In BT Berakhot 58b it is stated, "Our Rabbis taught: On seeing the houses of Israel, when inhabited one says, Blessed be He who sets the boundary of the widow; when uninhabited, Blessed be the judge of truth. On seeing the houses of heathens, when inhabited one says, The Lord will pluck up the house of the proud; when uninhabited he says: O Lord, thou God, to whom vengeance belongeth thou God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shine


forth." 631 ("Heathen" in this passage from the Soncino edition is a euphemism for gentile).

Further in BT Berakhot 58b we read, "Our Rabbis taught: ...On seeing the graves of heathens one says: Your mother shall be sore ashamed etc."

Occasionally in the past, even liberals such as King Charles IV took offense at Talmudic spitting on the cross, and tried to stop it, in this case with a clever stratagem: "This custom gave rise to many incidents in the history of European Jewry. One of the most famous, whose consequence is still visible today, occurred in 14th century Prague. King Charles IV of Bohemia (who was also Holy Roman Emperor) had a magnificent crucifix erected in the middle of a stone bridge which he had built and which still exists today. It was then reported to him that the Jews of Prague are in the habit of spitting whenever they pass next to the crucifix. Being a famous protector of the Jews, he did not institute persecution against them, but simply sentenced the Jewish community to pay for the Hebrew word Adonay (Lord) to be inscribed on the crucifix in golden letters. This word is one of the seven holiest names of God, and no mark of disrespect is allowed in front of it. The spitting ceased." 632 Hundreds of years later only a part of this history was reported when rabbis protested the "bigoted" nature of Charles IVs monument, retailing only half of the story.

"Macy Newman's Encyclopedia of Jewish Prayer explains that the Alaynu prayer (also spelled 'Aleinu,' the prayer which concludes the regular synagogue service) began to become suspect after a Jew around 1400 revealed that the term for Vanity' (varik) also has a numerical value of 316. Christian authorities took this as an equation of Jesus with vanity, and often forbade the line to be uttered. Eventually it was removed from Ashkenazi prayer books, but in recent years the line has been restored on the urging of some rabbis and is in fact now given in parantheses in Siddur Kol Yakov/The Complete Artscroll Siddur. Since the word for emptiness, Varik,' can also be read as 'varok* (saliva or spittle) there was a customary practice of spitting when uttering this phrase...Johann Andreas Eisenmenger cites this practice


as being a direct insult to Christians. Pranaitis does not seem aware of this practice." 633

To be strictly accurate, it was not the Aleinu prayer itself that was suppressed, but rather the line in that prayer that inspired spitting when the code-word for Jesus was pronounced; that line is "sheheim mishtachavim" Many Ashkenazi Orthodox rabbis have since restored it to the Aleinu prayer book. The Sephardic rabbis never suffered to allow it to be removed. "According to many sources, including Rav Hai Gaon, Yhoshua (Joshua) composed the text of Aleinu after he led B'nai Yisroel across the Jordan River. During the Talmudic period, it was part of the Rosh Hashana Mussof Shemonah Esrei. Some time later it was incorporated into the daily davening as a conclusion to tefillah." 634

It will be said that the eighteenth century Christian insistence on the removal of this prayer which entails spitting on the memory of Jesus, is "yet another antisemitic example of Christian intolerance and bigotry toward Jews." Yet by the logic of the rabbinic mentality it is an ethical act of lofty moral righteousness as part of the noble struggle for human rights, when the ADL dictates to the Catholic Church the nature of its divine liturgy and Easter week services. When on July 7, 2007 Pope Benedict XVI granted wider latitude for the celebration of the old Tridentine Mass, ADL National Director Abraham Foxman responded with a July 19 press release in which he stated, "ADL has called on the Holy See to re-examine its decision to sanction the anti-Jewish Good Friday prayer, which is included in a new papal decree that grants wider usage of the Latin Mass, a worship service that has been restricted since the progressive reforms of the Second Vatican Council..." It would seem that while Christians have no right to intervene in Judaic worship services which they perceive as blaspheming the holy name and blessed memory of Jesus Christ, Talmudists are of course fully entitled to do just that with regard to Christian services. This ADL intervention followed an earlier declaration from the ADL titled, "Latin Mass Cause for Concern." This earlier article was published by newspapers and distributed by wire


services worldwide.635 In it, Mr. Foxman wrote, "...the decision by the Vatican to restore a wider use of the Latin Mass with the inclusion of the prayer for the conversion of the Jews...is so disturbing. I was in Rome in the days leading up to the announcement of the revival of the Latin Mass containing the conversion prayer, and quickly made my strong objections known in meetings with Vatican officials. It is not merely that such a conversion call and condescending references conjure up the great suffering and pain imposed on the Jews by the church through the centuries, though that is surely reason enough to be upset. And it is not merely that the tone of this prayer runs counter to the new relationship and language fostered by the Vatican for decades to change Catholic attitudes toward Jews - though that, too, would be reason enough for anger. The main reason to be disturbed by the return of this Vatican-sanctioned prayer is that it threatens to undermine the conceptual underpinnings of so much that has happened over 40 years — Pope John Paul IFs eloquently expressed statement that Judaism is 'the elder brother' of Christianity; that it has a legitimacy and validity of its own; that it has an unbroken covenant with God. It is this conceptual breakthrough — one that has provided the framework for all the specific, positive steps to emerge — that is now being challenged. ...The wider use of the Latin Mass will make it more difficult to implement the doctrines of Vatican II and Pope John Paul II...It is our hope that the decision is not one written in stone and that Catholics and Jews of good will can work together to persuade the Holy See to re-examine its decision."

The "offending" Catholic prayer that was recited from 1962 to 2007,636 once annually in the Tridentine Rite, during a Good Friday service, reads as follows: "For the conversion of Jews. Let us pray also for the Jews that the Lord our God may take the veil from their hearts and that they also may acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray: Almighty and everlasting God, you do not refuse your mercy even to the Jews; hear the prayers which we offer for the blindness of that people so that they may acknowledge the light of your truth, which is Christ, and be delivered from their darkness."

There was no daily or weekly spitting, no hatred, just a once-a-year heartfelt cry to God that Jesus Christ's mission of liberation of Israel from



darkness, would be fulfilled. But horror of horrors, this prayer expresses an authentic Christian belief (the desire for all those in darkness to be converted to Christ) and for that reason alone, it cannot be tolerated. The ADL is comfortable only with counterfeit Christianity. And Mr. Foxman is far from the only Zionist leader to seek to influence how Christians will pray, in this case, the Tridentine rite's older prayer for Judaic conversion. Rabbi Michael Barclay, who teaches theology at the Jesuit Loyola Marymount University, invoked the usual "persecution" shibboleth as a means of casting intimidating aspersions on those who dare to cling to the annual Good Friday prayer of the old Catholic liturgy: "...this prayer is clearly antithetical to any sort of meaningful ecumenical dialogue....After centuries of persecution, it is only understandable that the pope's reintegration of the Tridentine Mass is interpreted by many as potentially dangerous...every Catholic can now choose whether he or she wants to pray utilizing liturgy that is associated with antisemitism, or cast away that practice..." 637

Dr. Mordechai Zalkin, Senior Lecturer in Jewish History at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, reports that a term of insult hurled at Lithuanian Judaics by Polish Judiacs was "tselem kep" ("Crucifix heads"). The New York Zionist newspaper Forward reports:

"It has been Jerusalem's dirty little secret for decades: Orthodox yeshiva students and other Jewish residents vandalizing churches and spitting on Christian clergyman.. .Natan Zvi Rosenthal...a yeshiva student at the respected Har Hamor yeshiva spat on Archbishop Nourhan Manougian... Manougian was spat upon while leading a procession marking the Exaltation of the Holy Cross near the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City... Har Hamor is one of the leading institutions of religious Zionism... the practice has recently been picked up by other segments of the Orthodox world, including visiting American yeshiva students....In the wake of the incident, a top Armenian Church official told the Forward...(of)...decades-long abuse. 'These ultra-Orthodox Jews are the ones causing this scandal, those that live here in our neighborhood and the ones that come visit the Western Wall,' said the church official, Aris Shirvanian...Besides the Armenian rite, clergy of other Christian churches have been targeted, Shirvanian said. 'This



is not happening only to Armenian clergy, but also to the Catholics, Syrians, Romanians and Greek Orthodox.'

"...According to Shirvanian, church officials are frequently subjected to spitting, from yeshiva students as well as from ultra-Orthodox women and young children. He said ultra-Orthodox Jews also throw garbage on church doorsteps and break windows at churches and at Christian homes. Daniel Rossing, a former adviser on Christian affairs at Israel's Religious Affairs Ministry, said there has been an increase in the number of such incidents recently... 'I know Christians who lock themselves indoors during the entire Purim holiday' for fear of being attacked by Jews, said Rossing, now the director of a Jerusalem center for Christian-Jewish dialogue...a 6-year-old Haredi (Hasidic) boy spat on a young Armenian priest, Shirvanian told the Forward.... 'When a little boy and little girl do this, they are being taught by their parents,' Shirvanian said. The spitting on priests has been occurring 'since the unification of Jerusalem in 1967,' Shirvanian said. Scholars contacted by the Forward cited several ancient rabbinic sources as potential sources of anti-Christian attitudes. At least one talmudic passage advises Jews to say pejorative things when passing the homes or graves of idolators... Shirvanian said...most Christians do not report the incidents to the police because the authorities ignore them. 'They just take the reports and of course, they release the offenders.'...Shmuel Evyatar, a former adviser on Christian affairs to the mayor of Jerusalem...(stated)... that most of the instigators are yeshiva students studying in the Old City who view the Christian religion with disdain. '...In practice, rabbis of yeshivas ignore or even encourage it,' he said. Rabbi Avi Shafran, a spokesman for Agudath Israel of America, the leading advocacy organization of ultra-Orthodox Judaism here, said he was unfamiliar with assaults on Christians and his organization has no role to play in stopping the harassment." 638

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports: "Religious Jews, among them yeshiva students, customarily spit on the ground as a sign of disgust on seeing the cross. The Armenians, who live adjacent to the Jewish Quarter of the Old City, suffer from this phenomenon more than any of the other Christian sects in the Old City. Manougian says he and his colleagues have already learned to live with it. 'I no longer get worked up by people who turn



around and spit when I pass them by in the street; but to approach in the middle of a religious procession and to spit on the cross in front of all the priests of the sect is humiliation that we are not prepared to accept,' he notes. A policeman is customarily posted to guard the Armenians' religious processions, but doesn't generally do anything to prevent the spitting. The Armenians took the matter up with Interior Minister Avraham Poraz some seven months ago, but nothing has been done about till now. 'The Israeli government is anti-Christian,' Manougian charges. 'It cries out in the face of any harm done to Jews all over the world, but is simply not interested at all when we are humiliated on an almost daily basis." 639

According to the New York Times: "Rabbi David Rosen, based in Jerusalem as head of inter-religious affairs for the American Jewish Committee...said the matter has to be understood in an ultra-Orthodox context. 'Ultra-Orthodox Jews don't by definition live in the modern world,' Rabbi Rosen said. Many, to varying degrees, see Christianity as idol worship. 'For them, the cross is a symbol of idolatry...' he said. Wadie Abunassar (is) an Israeli-Arab Roman Catholic who worked as a spokesman...for the Latin Patriarch, a leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church. For the ultra-Orthodox, Mr. Abunassar said, 'Jesus is not just a bad Jew, but almost Satan's messenger. They avoid writing his name,' he said. 'Some won't wear neckties, to avoid making a cross around their neck, or use shoelaces. In math, instead of the plus sign, a cross, they use an upside-down T.' ...Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, head of Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva in the Muslim quarter and an ultra-Orthodox leader, said he had not known of the controversy..." 640

Judaic playwright Arthur Miller recounts in his biography the strong admonition his grandfather imparted to him concerning walking under a neon cross which extended over the sidewalk in front of a New York-area church. If he did happen to pass under the cross he was ordered to spit whenever he did so. 641

In Judaism the Cross of Christ is an abomination, the "He-emid tzelem b-hachal" (BT Ta'anit 26b) and every faithful galach (priest) is an evil-doer.

When a true Christian priest, minister or bishop is mentioned by name in Judaism, as we noted earlier, it is customary to follow his name with the traditional curse words, yemach shemo ("may his name be blotted out").

The authoritative Mishnah Berurah (151:24) warns that "one should never spit in front of another person who may be disgusted,' but the reference is confined to Judaic persons. There are Talmudic rules concerning spitting in Eruvin 99a (alternate spelling "Erubin"):

Spitting—Eruuin 99a

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