Million Dollar Habits

Your Two Natural Qualities

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Your Two Natural Qualities 
When you are born, you come into the world with two natural qualities. First, you 
are completely 
. You are totally fearless. You have no reason to be afraid 
because you have had no experiences to make you afraid. The second natural 
quality that you are born with is that you are completely 
. You laugh, 
cry, pee, poop, sleep and express yourself with no thought or concern about 
whether anybody approves or disapproves. These are your natural qualities in a 
state of nature.
As an adult, when you feel completely relaxed and safe, surrounded by people 
whom you like and trust, your natural tendency is to revert to being completely 
open and unafraid, spontaneous and expressive. This is the ideal condition of the 
completely happy, fully functioning adult. 
Starting early in childhood, as the result of the things your parents do and say, you 
begin to learn the two basic 
negative habit patterns
that then become the most 
destructive influences in your life as an adult.
The first negative habit pattern that you learn is called the 
inhibitive negative habit 
This is what soon becomes the 
fear of failure, risk and loss
. As a child

Million Dollar Habits – Page 39 
your natural urge is to explore your environment. You eagerly reach out to touch, 
taste, feel and experiment with everything around you. But often your parents react 
and even over react to this behavior by discouraging you as much as possible. They 
“No! Get away from that! Don’t touch that! Leave that alone!”
Many parents 
reinforce their words and threats with spankings and punishment. 
Children need love like roses need rain. Love is as important to the developing 
child as is food. Any interruption of the flow of unconditional love to the child 
causes the child to feel nervous and frightened. Psychologists say that virtually all 
adult problems are rooted in the phenomena of 
“love withheld”
in early childhood. 
When your parents become angry with you as the result of your natural desire and 
drive to explore your world and your environment, you have no way of 
understanding that this is because of their fear for your safety. Instead, as a child
you merely react and respond with the idea that, 
“Every time I try or touch or taste 
something new or different, my mother or father gets angry at me. It must be 
because I am incapable and incompetent. It must be because I am no good. It must 
be because I can’t do it.” 

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