Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the republic uzbekistan state world languages university

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Questions for self-control:

1. What kind elements of language can be compared in syntactic level of linguistic typology?

2. What description of word combinations are different in compared languages?
3. How sentenced can be characterized in the syntax of compared languages?

Recommended literature:
1. Yusupov U.K. Contrastive linguistics of the English and Uzbek languages. Tashkent, 2013.
2. Аракин В.Д. Сравнительная типология английского и русского языков. Ленинград, 1979.
3. Буранов Ж.Б. Сравнительная типология английского и тюркских языков. М, 1983.
4. Мухитдинова Х., Худойберганова Д., Умиров И., Жиянов Н., Юсупова Т. Ҳозирги ўзбек адабий тили Т., 2004.

4.1. Typology of a word combination/phrase in English and Native languages

Key points for discussion:
- Definitions of word combinations/phrases in compared languages
- Structure and classification of word combinations of English, Russian and Uzbek languages.
- Criteria of connection of words in word combinations.

The definition given by the scholar Illiysh to the phrase (“every combination of two or more words which is a grammatical unit but is not an analytical form of some word”) leaves no doubt as to its equivalence to the term “word combination”.

The word combination, along with the sentence, is the main syntactic unit. The smallest word combination consists of two members, whereas the largest word combination may theoretically be indefinitely large though this issue has not yet been studied properly. In Russian it is described as non-communicative units served for concretization of object naming, actions, features and etc. In Uzbek it is defined as wider conception than a word, expressing description of object and action and even identifying the object of action. Distinctively, as a substitution of word expressed with word combinations is called descriptive expressions (тасвирий ифода) in Uzbek. Descriptive expressions are used for clarification of word meaning, making the text more literary, and avoiding repetition. They basically exist in nouns. E.g., пахта – оқ олтин (cotton – white gold), нефть – қора олтин (oil – black gold), маккажўхори – дала маликаси (corn – queen of field).
According to the structure word combinations are divided into:

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