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Kelbadjar district of Azerbaij an, and to submit a further report to the Council
Decides to remain actively seized of the matt er. 
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3205th meeting, on 30 April 1993 
Resolution № 853
July 29, 1993
The Security Council, 
  rming its resolution 822 (1993) of 30 April 1993, 
Having considered the report issued on 27 July 1993 by the Chairman of the Mink 
Group of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) (S/26184), 
Expressing its serious concern at the deterioration of relations between the Republic 
of Armenia and the Azerbaij ani Republic and at the tensions between them, 
Welcoming acceptance by the parties concerned at the timetable of urgent steps to 
implement its resolution 822 (1993), 
Noting with alarm the escalation in armed hostilities and, in particular, the seizure 
of the district of Agdam in the Azerbaij ani Republic
Concerned that this situation continues to endanger peace and security in the 
Expressing once again its grave concern at the displacement of large numbers of 
civilians in the Azerbaij ani Republic and at the serious humanitarian emergency in 
the region, 
  rming the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Azerbaij ani Republic and 
of all other States in the region, 
  rming also the inviolability of international borders and the inadmissability of 
the use of force for the acquisition of territory
Condemns the seizure of the district of Agdam and of all other recently occupied 
areas of the Azerbaij ani Republic; 
Further condemns all hostile actions in the region, in particular att acks  on 
civilians and bombardments of inhabited areas; 
Demands the immediate cessation of all hostilities and the immediate complete 
and unconditional withdrawal of the occupying forces involved from the district of 
Agdam and all other recently occupied areas of the Azerbaij an Republic; 
Calls on the parties concerned to reach and maintain durable cease-fi re 
Reiterates in the context of paragraphs 3 and 4 above its earlier calls for the 
restoration of economic, transport and energy links in the region; 
Endorses the continuing eff orts by the Minsk Group of the CSCE to achieve a 
peaceful solution to the confl ict, including eff orts to implement resolution 822 (1993), 

and expresses its grave concern at the disruptive eff ect that the escalation of armed 
hostilities has had on these eff orts; 
Welcomes the preparations for a CSCE monitor mission with a timetable for 
its deployment, as well as consideration within the CSCE of the proposal for a CSCE 
presence in the region; 
Urges the parties concerned to refrain from any action that will obstruct a peaceful 
solution to the confl ict, and to pursue negotiations within the Minsk Group of the 
CSCE, as well as through direct contacts between them, towards a fi nal sett lement; 
Urges the Government of the Republic of Armenia to continue to exert its 
infl uence to achieve compliance by the Armenians of the Nagorny-Karabakh region of 
the Azerbaij ani Republic with its resolution 822 (1993) and the present resolution, and 
the acceptance by this party of the proposals of the Minsk Group of the CSCE; 
Urges States to refrain from the supply of any weapons and munitions which might 
lead to an intensifi cation of the confl ict or the continued occupation of territory; 
Calls once again for unimpeded access for international humanitarian relief eff orts 
in the region, in particular in all areas aff ected by the confl ict, in order to alleviate the 
increased suff ering of the civilian population and reaffi
  rms that all parties are bound to 
comply with the principles and rules of international humanitarian law; 
Requests the Secretary-General and relevant international agencies to provide 
urgent humanitarian assistance to the aff ected civilian population and to assist displaced 
persons to return to their homes; 
Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Chairman-in-Offi
of the CSCE as well as the Chairman of the Minsk Group, to continue to report to the 
Council on the situation; 
Decides to remain actively seized of the matt er. 
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3259th meeting, on 29 July 1993
Resolution № 874
October 14, 1993
The Security Council, 
  rming its resolutions 822 (1993) of 30 April 1993 and 853 (1993) of 29 July 
1993, and recalling the statement read by the President of the Council, on behalf of the 
Council, on 18 August 1993 (S/26326), 
Having considered the lett er dated 1 October 1993 from the Chairman of the 
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Minsk Conference on 
Nagorny Karabakh addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/26522), 
Expressing its serious concern that a continuation of the confl ict in and around the 
Nagorny Karabakh region of the Azerbaij ani Republic, and of the tensions between the 
Republic of Armenia and the Azerbaij ani Republic, would endanger peace and security 

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