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ing for additional ways for the stabilization of situation in the region, to the 
termination of war, establishment of peace and good neighborhood between 
Azerbaij an and Armenia. 
We have arrived with such ideas and hopes, and we are ready to sign to-
day the program “Partnership for Peace”. Once again, I wish to express the 
hope that this step by the Republic of Azerbaij an will be decently estimated 
by NATO, it will bring mutual benefi t, and what the most important for us is 
that it will contribute to the stabilization of situation in our region. I wish your 
organization further successes. Thank you for the att ention and I am ready to 
sign the framework document “Partnership for Peace”.

The Azerbaij ani Republic, has a  rich and centuries-old history, it has passed 
a long road of development, and restored its national independence three years 
ago as a result of the collapse of the soviet totalitarianism. Today it is repre-
sented in UNO, CSCE and other international institutions, can be regarded by 
NATO as an equal full member of the world community. 
Today Azerbaij an att empts to occupy its worthy place in the world commu-
nity and it is determined to build a democratic society loyal to the fundamen-
tal principles and values created by human civilization in all the stages of its 
development by taking into account the actual principles of the development 
in the world. 
The policy of Azerbaij an is based on the principles of peace, political plural-
ism, recognition and protection of freedom and human rights. We have adopt-
ed laws on political parties, freedom of religion, protection of rights of national 
minorities and others. 
Azerbaij an is building its foreign policy guided by the universal global ob-
jectives facing all of us and based on the recognition of interdependence and 
interrelation of the world. We are strongly convinced that mutual respect for 
the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders of states are the 
bases of security in the present anxious period full of threats. 
Azerbaij an has started the conduction of economic reforms for establishing 
market economy open to the world which allows to use the huge potential of 
the country. To that end, we take measures to provide infl ux of foreign invest-
ments into our economy and establish cooperation with the largest companies 
of the world. The process of the conduction of reforms based on the legislation 
is ongoing. 
Today, Azerbaij an suff ers the deepest economic crisis. It is the result of the 
collapse of the soviet regime. Never the less, we intend to eliminate the diffi
ties of current period and create a prosperous sovereign state by implementing 
planned reforms. 
 In September, 1993, Azerbaij an became a member of the Commonwealth 
of Independent States. Regarding it as an important factor of political and 
economic cooperation with the countries that emerged aft er the break of  the 
Statement of the Azerbaij ani President of the Re-
public of Azerbaij an Heydar Aliyev at the ceremony 
of the signature of the frame document “Partnership 
for Peace” - Brussels, NATO residence
May 4, 1994

USSR, Azerbaij an has signed the agreement on collective security. 
The situation of my country is aggravated by the fact that it has been subject 
to aggression by the neighboring Armenia which has territorial claims against 
Azerbaij an. 
Armenia, being an aggressor, uses a group of ethnic Armenians living in the 
territory of  the Nagorno-Karabakh province of Azerbaij an as a separatist tool 
for the annexation of our territory. Armenia uses its territory to wage war in the 
territory of Azerbaij an, but it cannot already conceal these facts. 
While committ ing aggression against Azerbaij an, Armenia has occupied over 
20 percent of the Azerbaij an territory. As a result of ethnic cleansing carried 
out by the Armenian troops, more than 20 thousand people have been killed, 
about 60 thousands have been wounded or become disabled, four thousand 
have been captured or taken captive and nearly one million Azerbaij anis have 
become refugees in their own country. 
All the Azerbaij anis, who ran the danger of annihilation in the occupied ter-
ritories, were banished from these territories. The occupants use the tactics of 
“scorched earth”. About 900 thousand dwelling houses, more than one thou-
sand economic entities, 250 schools and other educational institutions 250 med-
ical institutions have been burnt down, plundered and destroyed. The damage 
caused to Azerbaij an is estimated at millions of the US dollars. 
The Armenian nationalists have ignited the torch of war and caused the 
clash of two nations who had to live in peace and security as neighbours. I am 
quite confi dent that the confl ict between Azerbaij an and Armenia cannot be 
sett led by a military way. The prolongation of the military operations exposes 
the two nations to inconceivable disasters. The confl ict prevents their recovery, 
establishment of independence, conduction of full-scale economic reforms and 
construction of democratic states. 
Azerbaijan has always adhered to a constructive position in the issues 
related to the settlement of the conflict. Our primary principle is the ter-
ritorial integrity and inviolability of borders of our state. We will try to 
liberate all the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and return the refugees 
and the internally displaced, including 50 000 Azerbaijanis of Karabakh, 
to their lands. We undertake the commitments to provide security and 
civil rights of the Armenians in Karabakh and grant them autonomy with-
in Azerbaijan. 
On April 12, of the current year, appealing to the citizens of Armenia and 
the Armenian population of the Nagorno-Karabakh, I called them on to stop, 
to put an end to the military operations. The administration of Azerbaij an has 
guaranteed personal security to all the inhabitants involved in the military op-

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