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Distinguished Mr. Javier Solana!
I warmly greet you in Azerbaij an and hope that you will have a good imagi-
nation about Azerbaij an in your meetings and talks during your visit. Azer-
baij an joined NATO’s “Partnership for Peace” program in 1994, a necessary 
presentation document was submitt ed during the visit of the President of 
Azerbaij an to the headquarters of NATO in Brussels in April 1995 and thus, co-
operation between the Republic of Azerbaij an and the North Atlantic Alliance 
began. Azerbaij an fulfi lls the tasks undertaken due to this document and the 
Secretary general of NATO can be confi dent about it during his stay in Baku. 
At the same time, there are a lot to be done. A number of issues need to be de-
termined and we shall achieve it during the visit.
The Caucasian region, where Azerbaij an is situated, is very spesifi c. Azer-
baij an is independent for fi ve years. Our main task is to protect and strengthen 
our independence. We build a democratic and legal state. We adopted the fi rst 
constitution of our independent state in 1995, and held free parliamentary elec-
tions the same year. Presently, we conduct economic and political reforms. I 
think that democratic principles, political pluralism and freedom of press have 
been established in our state. Various political parties function in our country. 
In brief, we have taken serious steps on the path of establishment of a demo-
cratic society and continue to do it.
As regards the economic reforms, I want to say that we conduct reforms to 
ensure the democratic development of the national economy and some positive 
results have already been achieved. From this point of view, the land reform 
and privatization of the lands are of great importance. I think that free market 
relations will be established in Azerbaij an in two-three years. 
Let me to add that foreign investments are of great importance for the de-
velopment of the economy. As you know, Azerbaij an signed a number of con-
tracts with foreign companies on joint oil developments and these contracts are 
implemented into life at present.
Azerbaij an lives its transition period and this period, is accompanied by a 
number of problems. But the reforms provide the elimination of present hard-
ships. However, the Armenian aggression against Azerbaij an, occupation of 20 
per cent of our territory as a result of this aggression and displacement of more 
Speech of the Azerbaij ani President Heydar Aliyev at 
the meeting with the Secretary-General of NATO Javier 
Solana visiting Azerbaij an - Presidential Residence
February 13, 1997

than one million of our citizens make the situation more complicated. You are 
aware that in May 1994, we signed a ceasefi re agreement with Armenia, and 
we live in the ceasefi re regime for two years and nine months. Undoubtedly, 
it is a positive case to sett le the confl ict peacefully. Last December, the OSCE 
Lisbon Summit defi ned the principles of the peaceful sett lement of the con-
fl ict. We hold negotiations in the framework of these principles in order to 
end the armed confrontation. As you know, the OSCE Minsk Group is charged 
with the sett lement of the Armenian-Azerbaij ani confl ict. Some changes have 
already been done in this Group, and it will be co-chaired by the USA, France 
and Russia. We hope that the Minsk Group will work more active by aft er the 
appointment of new co-chairs. 
I want to point out that NATO is charged with such an important issue as se-
curity in Europe. Azerbaij an is a part of Europe. I suppose that you also make 
eff orts to provide stability in our region, and your talks will contribute to the 
solution of this issue.

Distinguished Mr. Chairman, 
Ladies and gentlemen,
I cordially welcome you and wish you successful joint work for the sake of 
security, freedom and prosperity of all the peoples of the world.
We att ach signifi cant importance to the constructive dialogue and coopera-
tion between NATO and the new independent states which have emerged aft er 
the collapse of  the Warsaw Pact.    
With the end of the cold war, menace of nuclear catastrophe, division of 
the world into two hostile camps, mankind encountered such new challenges 
and threats as military confl icts, aggressive separatism, uncontrolled spread of 
weapons, heavy military arsenal and missile systems capable to carry nuclear 
and chemical warheads.   
These negative processes greatly damage the interests of our peoples, para-
lyze economy, hamper rapid integration of the newly independent states to the 
world community, and violate human rights of millions of peaceful civilians. 
As you know, the Republic of Azerbaij an was subjected to an aggression by 
Armenia. As a result of this aggression twenty percent of territo¬ries of our 
republic has been occupied by the Armenian military forces, more than one 
million of our citizens have been ousted from their native lands and live in the 
refugee camps in the hardest conditions.
Azerbaij an does its utmost to achieve a just and durable peace, and holds the 
most constructive position in the framework of the Minsk process of the OSCE. 
It has been more than three years that the cease-fi re con¬tinues and we are 
determined to maintain it till the fi nal sett lement of the confl ict. At the Lisbon 
Summit of the OSCE all the member-countries except Armenia supported the 
main principles of sett lement of the Armenian-Azerbaij an confl ict: territorial 
integrity of Azerbaij an and Armenia, high status of self-rule to the Nagorno-
Karabakh within Azerbaij an and security guar¬antees for all the population of 
the Nagorno-Karabakh. However, because of non-constructive position of the 
Republic of Armenia, the eff orts of the Minsk Group of OSCE have not pro-
duced desirable results yet. We hope that Russia, USA and France as cochairs 
of the Minsk Conference could achieve signature of a peaceful agreement and 
durable peace between Armenia and Azerbaij an.
Speech of the Azerbaij ani President Heydar Aliyev at 
the Summit of the Council of 
Euro-Atlantic Partnership - Madrid
July 9, 1997

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