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damage and of over a million IDPs, we make  eff orts to sett le the confl ict peace-
fully. It is more than four years that we achieved ceasefi re. I further note the 
importance of sett ling the Armenian-Azerbaij ani  confl ict in accordance with 
the three principles adopted in the Lisbon Summit of OSCE. You are aware of 
the activity of the Minsk Group of OSCE, and of the proposals made by the co-
chairs-Russia, the U.S., and France. I hope that it will be possible to resolve the 
confl ict peacefully.      
Javier Solana: Mr. President, I carefully watched the successfully organized 
international conference in Baku on the restoration of historical Silk Road that 
was on the focal point of the world. 
This conference was of utmost signifi cance not only regionally, but also in-
ternationally, since it served  the realization of invaluable initiative. Thus, I 
extend my appreciation to Mr. President Heydar Aliyev for initiating and for 
having the conference organized in Baku. Participation of high ranking dele-
gates from more than 30 countries and international organizations in this pres-
tigious conference proves that countries are willing to advance towards the 
future by holding close economic cooperation. It is not just an economic issue, 
but also an intention of achieving a security.  I want to emphasize that coopera-
tion is being established between Asia and Europe thanks to the wise and pre-
scient policy of the President Heydar Aliyev. Implementation of the program 
will boost Azerbaij an’s prestige in the world community and help integrate its 
economy into the world economy. 
Heydar Aliyev: Mr. Solana, I thank you for your kind words and for your 
high appreciation to international conference of Baku. With the restoration of 
historical Silk Way we establish a milestone of history at the crossroad of the 
third millennium. For the fi rst time, delegates from 32 countries, including 9 
heads of states, delegates of 13 international organizaions came together in 
Baku. All shared the same views on this project. It is worth mentioning that cru-
cial economic issues have been discussed in a comprehensive way, and further-
more, important documents have been adopted aiming at maintaining peace 
and security in the areas that the Silk Road cross. Azerbaij an takes key actions 
in this regard. I think that the cooperation between the countries should serve 
to ensure security of peoples of the world, including the people of Azerbaij an. 
Javier Solana: Mr. Heydar Aliyev, I share your views, and I am pleased that 
I had an effi
  cient talk with you today. I look forward to meeting you again. 
Heydar Aliyev: I extend my gratitude to you, Mr. Secretary - General, and 
I am sure that your visit and the negotiations conducted will be benefi cial for 
the two involved parties.

Heydar Aliyev: Distinguished representatives of mass media !
You took part in our negotiations, and therefore, there was no reason to hold 
additional meeting. But we had to meet you as it was planned in advance.   
I would add that I had a warm talk with the Secretary - General of NATO, 
Javier Solana. We appreciated our cooperation within “Partnership for Peace” 
program between Azerbaij an and NATO. We emphasized that we are capable 
of proceeding this cooperation.  
Today’s meeting is of great importance. Prior to this meeting, Mr. Javier So-
lana met the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense of Azerbaij an  and 
had eff ective talks. I think we strengthen our relations and cooperation. The 
Azerbaij ani government appreciates this cooperation and att aches  special at-
tention to it. Today’s meeting and talks provide a good stimulus to boosting 
this cooperation.      
Mr. Secretary - General, the fl oor is yours. 
Javier Solana: Mr. President, many thanks. 
Apparently, I have no more additions to your words. Simply, I am glad to 
be here and to meet not only the President, but also the Prime Minister and 
Minister of Defense. I am pleased to evaluate what has been done so far within 
“Partnership for Peace” program and Euroatlantic Cooperation Council. In re-
ality, much work has been done. However, I want to emphasize two points. I 
extend my gratitude to you, to your government and to your nation for par-
ticipation of the Azerbaij ani armed forces in trainings. For instance, important 
trainings have been organized in Macedonia, and Azerbaij an att ended them. 
Other trainings have been organized in the Central Asia with the broad partici-
pation of partner states. Azerbaij an took part in them as well.    
Indeed, we are working for ensuring peace and security  in the region. I fur-
ther note that we shall continue on cooperation in the years to come. I express 
my gratitute to Mr. President and to your government for the hospitability. 
Many thanks.
Question: Mr. Secretary -  General, today it was mentioned that Serbia had already 
Joint press conference of the Azerbaij ani President 
Heydar Aliyev with Secretary - General of NATO 
Javier Solana, for Local and Foreign Mass Media af-
ter the Negotiations with the Delegation of NATO
Presidential Palace, September 30, 1998

withdrawn part of its armed forces, but this is not suffi
  cient. Most people cast doubt 
that Serbia will be able to achieve a practical outcome in this regard. Does NATO have 
enough will and opportunity to fully support its position?   
Javier Solana: It should be noted that we shall charge President Milosevic 
not for his words, but for his deeds. We have heard much from him, but un-
fortunately he does not live up to his promises. It is worth noting that two 
important decisions on Kosovo have been made lately.  The fi rst is a resolution 
adopted by the Security Council of the U.N. It clearly sets what we expect from 
the president Milosevic. This decision was adopted unanimously. Only China 
abstained, while others were in favor of this decision. The second is the deci-
sion adopted by the NATO Council. It appeals to our commanders to fi nd out 
which allied country will provide technical support if there is a need for that. 
However, no action will be taken without the mandate of the Security Coun-
Question: Mr. Solana, while negotiating in Baku, you mentioned that NATO is 
interested in strengthening the relations with Azerbaij an. We would like to know: do 
you mean to expand relations within “Partnership for Peace” program in the frames of 
Euroatlantic Cooperation Council, or a new form of cooperation?
Javier Solana: You are right about the expansion of cooperation within “Part-
nership for Peace” program and Euroatlantic Cooperation Council. They pro-
vide great stimulus. Many countries participate in these programs and there 
is a room to improve relations with NATO. We are engaged in these programs 
and intend to strengthen the relations. 
Question: Excuse me, is it possible to sign a Transcaucasian  charter like the Baltian 
Javier Solana: No, there is no a Baltian charter in NATO.
Correspondent: There is one present between Ukraine and Russia.  
Javier Solana: No, it has nothing to do with NATO.
Question: Mr. Solana, when we, the Azerbaij ani journalists, were in Brussels at 
your invitation, you mentioned the Mountaious Garabagh confl ict and raid that the 
OSCE was entirely responsible for it. Now we ask you in Azerbaij an: if Armenia does 
not  sign the Great Peace Agreement,  and Azerbaij an appeals to NATO, what will be 
the reaction of your alliance?
Javier Solana: I repeat it again. Framework conception has been made to 
deal with this problem. All of them were adopted by the OSCE in 1996. Thus, 
the way-out of the confl ict goes through this framework.

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