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them, I declare one more that we support the program “Partnership for Peace”. 
The Azerbaij ani Minister of Foreign Aff airs, Minister of Defense and other rep-
resentatives take an active part in all the events held by NATO. 
I myself have been to Brussels, in the NATO headquarters several times. 
Javier Solano has visited Azerbaij an twice, and we have led broad negotiations 
with him. Of course, a visit of the new Secretary General Mister Robertson to 
Azerbaij an soon is also necessary. 
I took an active part in the meeting held by NATO in Madrid- that was the 
summit where the heads of all the states participated- and I stated the positions 
of Azerbaij an clearly. Last year at the meeting of the heads of states at the semi-
centennial meeting of NATO in Washington, I disclosed again my thoughts 
and position on the principal issues concerning the activity of NATO and our 
Shortly, you came here yourself and made sure that the work led practically 
here confi rm our words. Thus, the realization of the program depends on both 
of us. However, I think that now it depends on you more. We implement our 
duties and obligations. You also should approach it with att ention and care, 
and carry out your obligations.
Quido Venturioni: Mr. President, thanks a lot that you reminded us once 
the steps taken by Azerbaij an since the beginning of cooperation with NATO. 
Of course, we always have in mind the steps taken by Azerbaij an, always re-
member them. In drawing plans for the future we use those eff orts in order to 
establish a stable basis and to make our activity and co-work run faster. 
As an example of our good,  close cooperation I want to note the participa-
tion of the Azerbaij ani peacekeeping forces in the operations in Kosovo. 
Heydar Aliyev: That is our initiative. 
Quido Venturioni: Yes, we are grateful to you, and we know that your sol-
diers behaved the best way there. 
Yesterday before the meeting with the Minister of Defense, I met the head of 
the delegation which came to Azerbaij an for a few days. He told me that a lot 
of work has been done. 
We have programs, our aims have been defi ned, and we realize a stable ac-
tivity. So I will do my best for the expansion of our relations in order to orga-
nize our work bett er in future. 
Mr. President, besides, I want to say to you that this visit let me get direct infor-
mation about your country and see everything myself. Everything I have seen and 
learnt here will be reported at the NATO headquarters and disseminate among the 
participants. Defi nitely, I will report directly to the Secretary General.

Heydar Aliyev: Distinguished Secretary General!
Distinguished guests!
I welcome you in Azerbaij an. Azerbaij an joined the Partnership for Peace 
programme of NATO in 1994. I remember my meetings in the headquarters 
of NATO in Brussels and my signing the document on Partnership for Peace. 
Much work has been done for our cooperation in the past six years. We highly 
appreciate it. I think that we must intensify our cooperation.
I suppose that the main goal of your visit to the region is also connected with 
it. I am glad to meet you again. I remember our meetings in Moscow and Lon-
don. Finally you visited Azerbaij an. 
I am aware of your visit to Georgia a while ago. However, you hadn’t been 
to other countries of the Southern Caucasus. Finally you visited Armenia and 
Azerbaij an. I am very satisfi ed. Please.  
George Robertson: Mr. President, I am very glad to visit your country and 
meet you. I regret that I couldn’t come here in September as it was planned in 
advance. An emergency situation took place in Yugoslavia then; therefore, I 
had to change my plan and go to Georgia only. But then I declared that without 
visiting all the countries of the Caucasus, my task will not be complete. I am 
very satisfi ed with my visit to your country and meet you for the third time. 
You just mentioned that Azerbaij an joined Partnership for Peace program six 
years ago. We highly appreciate Azerbaij an`s important role in it. It is pleasant 
to see the Foreign Minister of Azerbaij an here, because your diplomats have 
been taking an active part in meetings during my tenure. You have been serv-
ing as President longer than my tenure as Secretary - General of NATO. But I 
think that we have a lot in common, including our interests on Partnership for 
Peace, peace, security and stability in this region. I am waiting to see Baku and 
the Caspian Sea soon. 
By the way, I was born near the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, I am very happy 
to have an opportunity to see one of the important seas of the Earth. 
Heydar Aliyev: Scotland and Azerbaij an have a lot in common. 
George Robertson: I am sure there are many similarities, which we shall fi nd 
out during our stay here. 
From the talk of The Azerbaij ani President Heydar 
Aliyev with the Delegation Headed by Lord George 
Robertson, Secretary - General of NATO
Presidential Palace, January 16, 2001

Heydar Aliyev: Mr. Secretary - General, thank you. I am satisfi ed with your 
visit. But you have very few time. Naturally, this time is enough for meetings 
here. But it would take more time to see Baku and the Caspian Sea. I suppose 
that our offi
  cials will help you see a lot during the short time. When joining 
Partnership for Peace in 1994, we accepted the establishment of peace in the 
world, as well as in the Caucasus as a priority. The title of the prorgamme 
proves it. But you are aware that there is no peace in the Caucasus now. The 
situation of no war, no peace prevails here now. 
You have come to Azerbaij an from Armenia, where you had some meet-
ings. Because of the unconstructive position of Armenia we haven’t solved the 
Armenian-Azerbaij ani confl ict yet. 
NATO is a military organization. You know who is guilty in the confl ict. 
Having claimed to the Nagorno-Karabakh region, which is an integral part of 
Azerbaij an, Armenia launched the confl ict in 1988, it was turned to a war later. 
As a result of the war, which lasted several years, the Armenian armed forces 
occupied 20 per cent of the territories of Azerbaij an. Over one million people 
forced to leave their homes who now live in hard conditions, mostly in tents 
for 7-8 years. 
The world community, as well as, NATO, still tolerates this injustice. I think 
that NATO`s main goal is to establish peace in Europe. Some call it a domina-
tion. But we think that your organization is responsible for peace. You inter-
vened Yugoslavia and fought against injustice. However, there is still an injus-
tice here in our region. I suppose that we shall talk about it. 
The security in the Southern Caucasus depends on many issues. At fi rst, the 
confl icts in the Southern Caucasus must be switched off . The Armenian-Azer-
baij an confl ict is important among them. Because, it is a confl ict between two 
independent countries, members of the UN, OSCE and Partnership for Peace. 
Thus, we think that international organizations, as well as NATO must pay 
more att ention to this issue. This situation can not last forever. 
We can discuss many issues. But this confl ict is our priority. That`s why I am 
disclosing my position on it. 
George Robertson: Mr. President, thank you. I would like to comment on 
one issue. I would like to thank you and your nation for the participation in 
peacekeeping forces in the stabilization in Kosovo. It may be the biggest peace-
keeping operation ever. The peacekeeping troops include military forces of the 
members of NATO, as well as of Russia and other non-NATO countries, such 
as Azerbaij an. We thank you for your help. 
As for the Nagorno-Karabakh confl ict, NATO is not engaged in this issue. 
Before my visit to Azerbaij an, I went to Armenia, where I met President Kocha-

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