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Distinguished Mr. Chairman!
Distinguished colleagues!
The world lives an extremely complicated period. The international terror-
ism, enjoying the support of some states, att acks the world law order, tries to 
establish new confrontations on the basis of the extremist ideology of aggres-
sive nationalism and militant separatism, tries to divide and change the bor-
The international system takes a serious test for the capacity to fi ght eff ec-
tively against the common threat. Aft er the tragedy of September 11 the Eu-
ro-Atlantic Community immediately established an antiterror coalition and 
Azerbaij an joined it since the fi rst days. Today we do our best in corporation 
with other countries and international organizations for the counteraction of 
these threats. Their character and scales remove any restrictions, including 
geographical, for joint and all-round struggle in the frames of NATO Euro-
Atlantic Partnership Council. 
But the threat existed before September 11. The hearth of terrorism and in-
ternational criminality emerge in confl ict zones and in uncontrolled territories
which have appeared as a results of wars and policy of aggressive nationalism 
and violent separatism. The region of the Southern Caucasus is more vulner-
able in this sense.
Leading an irreconcilable struggle with international terrorism and extrem-
ism, Azerbaij an directs its main eff orts to the liberation of its territories from 
the Armenian occupation and to the reestablishment of law order and control 
there. The sett lement of the Armenian-Azerbaij ani, Nagorno-Karabakh confl ict 
meets to the interests of all the states of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership. As it is 
not late, the world community must do everything in its power for the peaceful 
sett lement of the confl ict on the basis of the absolute restoration of the sover-
eignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaij an in accordance with the norms and 
principles of the international law.
 Considering the partnership with NATO as a basis for the future Euro-At-
lantic security system, Azerbaij an strives to integrate into the partnership with 
the alliance and for an intensive bilateral dialogue. At the same time, I want to 
underline the growing interrelation of the members of the alliance and part-
Speech of the Azerbaij ani President Heydar 
Aliyev at the Summit of the Euro-Atlantic 
Partnership Council - Prague
November 22, 2002

nership, and the necessity of taking into account the interests and needs of the 
We marked the increase of att ention of NATO to the Southern Caucasus. But 
all the regional initiatives and suggestions fi rst of all must be directed to the 
overcoming the consequences of the war and reestablishment of the interna-
tionally recognized boarders.
We marked with satisfaction the development of new mutual relations be-
tween NATO and Russia which can have a vital importance in the elimination 
of crisis in diff erent regions of Europe. 
I congratulate the states which have got the invitation to join to the alliance 
and, I appreciate the open door policy of NATO. 
Mr. Chairman!
The goals facing before us demand enormous eff orts. But we have no right 
to step back. Our holy duty is to present a safe and stable world to our descen-
Thank you for the att ention!

President and co-chairman of the U.S. Committ ee on NATO Bruce Jackson 
opened the conference:
I welcome you in the discussions on the perspectives of the Euro-Atlantica in 
the Black Sea basin. I suppose that even the name of the topic promises a lot. 
The speakers are going to express their views on this issue. 
Let me introduce you the speakers. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. 
The famous “rose revolution” led by him is compared to Vaclav Havel`s “vel-
vet revolution”. Many people think that the events held in Tbilisi recently are 
very similar to those that took place in Prague in the last decade of the past 
Azerbaij ani President Ilham Aliyev. His country plays the role of a window 
from Europe to the Central Asia like Turkey does between Europe and the 
Near East. His country is of great importance for the European energy secu-
rity. At the same time, there is a frozen confl ict in his country. During Aliyev`s 
presidency many transformations are underway in Baku. 
Mircea Geoană is one of the prominent foreign ministers in Europe. He does 
his best for the foreign policy of his country. During his tenure his country 
achieved successes. At this summit his country is represented as a new mem-
ber of NATO. Over 50% of the population of the new member-states of NATO 
are the Romanian citizens. He has led the campaign on admission to NATO, 
initiated the southern strategy of NATO. Since Poland`s admission to NATO, 
Romania has been very active in this fi eld. 
Ahmet Davudoglu is merely the Condoleezza Rice of Ankara. Usually, 
achievements are presented as prime minister`s successes, while advisors are 
not mentioned. He has played a signifi cant role in the democratic reforms in 
Turkey in the recent 18 months. I hope that these successes will be taken into 
consideration, when the Turkish issue will be discussed in the European Union 
in December and the EU will set a date for negotiations with Turkey. I have 
briefl y introduced our speakers.  
When talking about democracy in the Near East and the neighbouring re-
gions, we should think why we believe that democracy may be exported to our 
Speech of the Azerbaij ani President Ilham Aliyev at 
the International Conference 
"Euroatlantic Alliance at Crossroad" held 
in Istanbul
Chiragan Palace, June 26, 2004

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