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erations in the confl ict zone and the opportunity of their peaceful and free life 
there. Today, we reassert this principal position. 
During the military aggression against Azerbaij an for more than six years, 
numerous steps have been undertaken to prevent the confl ict. Unfortunately, 
these steps did not yield the desired results due to the destructive and aggres-
sive policy of Armenia. 
The fact of occupation of the Azerbaij ani territories and claims on immedi-
ate, full and unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian troops from these ter-
ritories have been refl ected in resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 of the United 
Nations Security Council. However, Armenia refuses to fulfi ll these four reso-
lutions on various pretexts so far. 
Openly challenging the world community with its behavior, Armenia un-
dermines in the bud all the eff orts made for the political sett lement of the con-
fl ict. It does not recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaij an and does not 
want to liberate the occupied territories of Azerbaij an. 
Azerbaij an, in its turn, does the utmost to back up the activity of the Minsk 
Group and provides this group with every possible support. However, I want 
to focus your att ention on the fact that as soon as the Minsk Group assembles, 
the world becomes a witness of escalation of military operations by Arme-
nia and occupation of new territories of Azerbaij an. It happened just during 
the visit of the OSCE Minsk Group Chairman-in-Offi
  ce to the region, during 
the conference of the Minsk Group in Prague, in April, this year, and in other 
times. A delegation of Minsk Group was in the region from April 25 to May 
2. We rendered them every kind of assistance. If all the countries represented 
in the Minsk Group speak resolutely in support of the termination of war and 
restoration of peace, I am confi dent that success will be provided. Therefore, 
taking the opportunity of my presence in the NATO residence in Brussels and 
appealing to the North-Atlantic alliance, which unites all the leading states of 
the OSCE Minsk Group, I call to take all urgent measures for ensuring peace 
and stability in the region where blood is still being shed. 
Azerbaij an respects the North-Atlantic alliance and highly estimates its 
activity in ensuring peace, stability and progress in Europe over the last ten 
years. Today, NATO, as an actually existing structure, provides the protection 
of democratic values and propagation of these values in the new independent 
states which have emerged in Eastern Europe and in the territory of the former 
We regard NATO as an institution capable of rendering assistance to Azer-
baij an in establishing close and multilateral relations with the western world 
and in the acquision on of the extremely rich experience of the western world. 

Strengthening the independence of Azerbaij an, as well as other new European 
states will be an actual proof of stability of the principles underlying the NATO 
We are grateful to NATO for expressing concern for the situation in the 
Transcaucasia, for respecting the territorial integrity, independence and sover-
eignty of states of this region, including Azerbaij an. Principles of NATO regu-
late the relations, among its members peaceful sett lement of all controversies, 
and mobilize individual and collective eff orts for the suppression of aggres-
sion against one or more members of this institution. These principles prove 
their vitality for many years and could become a ground for the creation of a 
new system of collective security in Europe aft er the confrontation period. The 
young independent Azerbaij an has chosen the way of building an independent 
democratic state with market economy, rests its hopes upon the states, which 
have achieved great progress on this path, and waits for their help and assis-
tance. Therefore, we highly appreciate the “Partnership for Peace” initiative of 
NATO just as many other countries. For us, the North-Atlantic union itself is a 
guarantor of security for its members as Secretary-General of NATO Manfred 
Wörner declared at the NATO Summit on January 10, this year, since this insti-
tution fulfi ls the most effi
  cient activity in the fi eld of collective security.
We, being in the state of war and exposed to the aggression by a neighboring 
country- Armenia, hope that the participation in the “Partnership for Peace” 
NATO program will allow put an end to the Armenian-Azerbaij an confl ict in 
the nearest future by a peaceful and fair way, liberate the occupied territories 
of Azerbaij an and remove all the consequences of the war. The high authority 
of NATO can become a weighty factor in the process of cessation of this bloody 
We hope that our participation in the “Partnership for Peace” program will 
allow the promotion of our participation in the establishment of an eff ective 
system of collective security in Europe. 
I think that the democratic principles, which form the basis of the North-At-
lantic union, will help our successful cooperation in the elimination of the ob-
stacles preventing peace and stability in the Transcaucasia and other regions, 
as well as contribute to the progress and development of all the nations.

Distinguished Mr. Secretary - General! 
I am pleased to be here, in the headquarters of NATO, and talk to you. You 
already mentioned that it is not my fi rst visit. In May, 1994, I came and signed 
the program “Partnership for Peace”. We sincerely accepted to the call of NATO 
to join this program. We highly appreciate it. This program is a great stimulus 
to establish peace and security in Europe and in the world as well. Therefore, 
Azerbaij an joined this program two years ago. I have put my signature on it. 
Mr. Secretary - General, today I submitt ed to you the presentation of Azer-
baij an to you on this program. I am satisfi ed with the talks I had with you, and 
the views we exchanged. They are of utmost importance for bilateral relations, 
including for peace and security in the Caucasus. We also discussed peaceful 
sett lement of the Armenian-Azerbaij ani confl ict. I hope that NATO will make 
an eff ort for the peaceful solution of the confl ict. 
We made a joint statement with the Armenian president Levon Ter-Petrosyan 
as the result of negotiations held in Luxembourg on the peaceful sett lement of 
the confl ict. I also gave comprehensive information to you. Two years ago, we 
reached an agreement on cease-fi re. At the same time, we proceed the peace 
talks and intend to put an end to the confl ict peacefully. I repeate that the Ar-
menian armed forces have to be withdrawn from the occupied territories of 
Azerbaij an and more than a million internally displaced people must return 
to their homes. Consequently, the territorial integrity of Azerbaij an has to be 
restored. The Mountainous Garabagh within Azerbaij an is likely to be granted 
an autonomy.   
I am confi dent that NATO will extend its eff orts for the peaceful sett lement 
of the Armenian-Azerbaij ani confl ict on these conditions. We regard NATO’s 
activity as a peaceful activity. We consider NATO’s activity as an improtant 
requisite for establishing peace and security in Europe and in the world. I wish 
great success to NATO and new members of NATO.
Mr. Secretary - General, I have invited you to offi
  cial visit to Azerbaij an. You 
have accepted my invitation and I am sure that you will realize it soon. You 
have undertaken this duty recently. I am sure that you have done much in this 
fi eld. Personally, I wish you success in your work.
Azerbaij an will maintain its independence. I thank you for your high appre-
ciation of my policy as President. I extend my gratitude to you for the conver-
sation, att ention and kindness. Once more, I wish you great success.
Speech of the Azerbaij ani President of the Republic 
of Azerbaij an Heydar Aliyev with Secretary 
- General Javier Solana – Brussels
April 23, 1996

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