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Operation Plan includes partnership actions, reforms plans and political dia-
logues. Establishment of total democratic control on armed forces, formation 
of defence measures, as well as creation of organizational structures of armed 
forces according to the NATO norms and standards are the main spheres of the 
In June 2004 the Azerbaij ani President Ilham Aliyev took part and made a 
speech in the NATO summit held in Istanbul. The participation of President 
Ilham Aliyev in the summit, the meetings and negotiations held within the 
frames of the summit are the beginning of a new stage of the partnership of our 
country with NATO. The Azerbaij ani President noted the continuation of our 
policy on the integration into Europe and into the Euro-Atlantic structures, as 
well as expectations of support from NATO in the struggle against the aggres-
sive separatism. 
Organization of Cooperative Best Eff ort 2003, land-based exercise and the 
seminar on “Reform of integrated borders administration: establishment of 
joint borders security standards within the frames of the Euro-Atlantic Part-
nership Council” held in Baku on June 23, 2005 according to the Individual 
Partnership Operation Plan prove the importance which the organization at-
taches to the cooperation with Azerbaij an. 
In May 2006 the Azerbaij ani President Ilham Aliyev participated in the spring 
session of the NATO Parliament Assembly in Paris. In his speech there he 
spoke about the signifi cance of the Azerbaij ani-NATO relations and informed 
the participants of the session about the Nagorno-Karabakh confl ict between 
Armenia and Azerbaij an.
In November 2006 the Azerbaij ani President Ilham Aliyev met Secretary-
General of NATO Jaap de Hoop Scheff er in Brussels. In the press conference af-
ter the meeting the Secretary-General stated: “Azerbaij an’s participation in the 
operations in Afghanistan and Kosovo is of great importance for NATO and 
its partners. I can not forget it, because this step makes Azerbaij an important 
in the security system.”
The information center of NATO in Baku started its activity in 2006.
The Azerbaij ani-NATO relations can be evaluated briefl y: the Republic 
of Azerbaij an cooperates with NATO in prevention instability, confl icts and 
threats in Europe and the Euro-Atlantic area; it is ready to contribute to the 
establishment of a common security system in its region and Europe entirely. 

Azerbaij an cooperates with NATO within the frames of the Euro-Atlantic Part-
nership Council and Partnership for Peace. The Individual Partnership Opera-
tion Plan is an important means for strengthening the cooperation of Azerbai-
jan with NATO in future. 

The most important area of the Azerbaij ani-NATO cooperation is within the 
frames of the "Partnership for Peace” Program. Within the program offi
  cers of 
the Azerbaij ani armed forces participate in hundreds of exercises and seminars 
annually. Partnership for Peace is a NATO program proposed on 10-11 January 
1994 NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium. 
Azerbaij an joined the "Partnership for Peace” Program in 1994. During his 
visit to Brussels on May 4, 1994, the Azerbaij ani President Heydar Aliyev signed 
the "Partnership for Peace Program". 
PfP includes defense planning and budgeting. NATO experts regularly visit-
ing Azerbaij an have declared their assistance to Baku in this area. 
One of the main goals of PfP is the establishment of democratic control on the 
armed forces. During his last visit to Baku the NATO Secretary-General’s Spe-
cial Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia Robert Simmons stated 
that Azerbaij an will be provided assisstance within this frame, emphasizing 
the importance of democratic control on the armed forces.
PfP`s goals also include ensuring conduction of UN-sponsored or OSCE-
sanctioned international operations. 
Thanks to regular participation in PfP activities, Azerbaij an has been able to 
contribute actively to Euro-Atlantic security by supporting NATO-led peace-
support operations. Azerbaij an military units have served alongside NATO 
forces, as part of a Turkish contingent, in the International Security Assistance 
Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan and in Kosovo.
Improvement of capabilities of the participating countries in peacekeeping, 
research and humanitarian operations is paid att ention as well. Development 
of relations of military cooperation with NATO in organization of planning 
and exercises, as well as in establishment of long-term multinational forces of 
NATO members are included on the program.  
Expansion of political and military cooperation in Europe, ensuring stability, 
prevention of threats to war, as well as practical cooperation and strengthening 
relations on the basis of democratic principles of NATO are important issues 
for PfP. 
From CIS countries only Azerbaij an, Ukraine and Moldova take part in the 
realization of PfP process. Annually offi
  cers of the Azerbaij ani Armed Forces 
Key Areas of the Azerbaij ani-NATO Cooperation

participate in nearly 500 NATO activities. It helps our offi
  cers improve their 
skills and establishes a ground for Azerbaij an`s integration with NATO stan-
The Centre of Partnership for Peace att ached to the Educational and Training 
Centre of the Azerbaij ani Defense Ministry has been established. Our offi
are trained there according to the NATO standards. 
Partnership for Peace includes the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Work Plan (WP), 
Individual Partnership Plan (IPP), Planning and Review Process (PARP), Mem-
bership Action Plan (MAP) and Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP). 
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Work Plan includes an overview of activities (dif-
ferent exercises, courses, seminars, working meetings, etc.) proposed by the 
International Staff  and Military Command. Individual Partnership Plan is a 
two-year program elaborated jointly with one of the partner countries. Indi-
vidual action option within PfP depends on the wills and capabilities of the 
country. Selected areas are included on the Presentation Document, a source 
document for mutually agreed Individual Partnership Plan between NATO 
and the partner country. 
Planning and Review Process is a voluntary mechanism refl ecting Defense 
Planning Process of NATO. PARP has 16 participating countries, including 
Azerbaij an. PARP includes diff erent liabilities for the participating countries 
on conformation their Armed Forces to NATO standards.
Membership Action Plan is a NATO program of advice, assistance and prac-
tical support tailored to the individual needs of countries wishing to join the 
Alliance. MAP includes fi ve parts - political and economic issues, defense and 
military issues, resource issues, security issues and legal aspects. 
Individual Partnership Action Plan is designed to bett er support domestic 
reform eff orts of a partner country. The Alliance off ers its advice and assis-
tance to a partner country wishing to lead defense, political reforms. The Euro-
Atlantic partnership supports many partner countries in their defense reforms 
and encourages them for democratic changes. It helps creation eff ective and 
democratic armed forces and other defensive institutions and assists a partner 
in controlling outcomes of the reforms. 
 Azerbaij an cooperates with NATO and Partner countries in a wide range of 
other areas through the Partnership for Peace (PfP) and the Euro-Atlantic Part-
nership Council (EAPC):

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