Neil Alden Armstrong

All-optic fiber cable that uses optical amplifiers is laid across the Pacific Ocean

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1996 All-optic fiber cable that uses optical amplifiers is laid across the Pacific Ocean TPC-5, an all-optic fiber cable that is the first to use optical amplifiers, is laid in a loop across the Pacific Ocean. It is installed from San Luis Obispo, California, to Guam, Hawaii, and Miyazaki, Japan, and back to the Oregon coast and is capable of handling 320,000 simultaneous telephone calls.

  • 1997 Fiber Optic Link Around the Globe The Fiber Optic Link Around the Globe (FLAG) becomes the longest single-cable network in the world and provides infrastructure for the next generation of Internet applications. The 17,500-mile cable begins in England and runs through the Strait of Gibraltar to Palermo, Sicily, before crossing the Mediterranean to Egypt. It then goes overland to the FLAG operations center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, before crossing the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal, and Andaman Sea; through Thailand; and across the South China Sea to Hong Kong and Japan.

  • Beating swords into plowshares—that's how advocates of nuclear technology have long characterized efforts to develop peaceful applications of the atom's energy. In an ongoing controversy, opponents point to the destructive potential and say that, despite the benefits, this is almost always a tool too dangerous to use. Beyond the controversy, however, lies the story of scientific and engineering breakthroughs that unfolded over a remarkably short period of time—with unprecedented effects on the world, for both good and ill.

    • Beating swords into plowshares—that's how advocates of nuclear technology have long characterized efforts to develop peaceful applications of the atom's energy. In an ongoing controversy, opponents point to the destructive potential and say that, despite the benefits, this is almost always a tool too dangerous to use. Beyond the controversy, however, lies the story of scientific and engineering breakthroughs that unfolded over a remarkably short period of time—with unprecedented effects on the world, for both good and ill.

    • Although a cloud of potential doom has shadowed the future since the first atomic bomb was tested in the New Mexico desert in July 1945, the process that led to that moment also paved the way for myriad technologies that have improved the lives of millions around the world.

    • It all began with perhaps the most famous formula in the history of science—Albert Einstein's deceptively simple mathematical expression of the relationship between matter and energy. E=mc2, or energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared, demonstrated that under certain conditions mass could be converted into energy and, more significantly, that a very small amount of matter was equivalent to a very great deal of energy. Einstein's formula, part of his work on relativity published in 1905, gained new significance in the 1930s as scientists in several countries were making a series of discoveries about the workings of the atom. The culmination came in late 1938, when Lise Meitner, an Austrian physicist who had recently escaped Nazi Germany and was living in Stockholm, got a message from longtime colleagues Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in Berlin. Meitner had been working with them on an experiment involving bombarding uranium atoms with neutrons, and Hahn and Strassman were reporting a puzzling result. The product of the experiment seemed to be barium, a much lighter element. Meitner and her nephew, physicist Otto Frisch, recognized that what had occurred was the splitting of the uranium atoms, a process Meitner and Frisch were the first to call "fission." Italian physicist Enrico Fermi had achieved the same result several years earlier, also without realizing exactly what he had done. Among other things, fission converted some of the original atom's mass into energy, an amount Meitner and Frisch were able to calculate accurately using Einstein's formula. The news spread quickly through the scientific community and soon reached a much wider audience. On January 29, 1939, the New York Times, misspeaking slightly, headlined the story about the discovery: "Atomic Explosion Frees 200,000,000 Volts."

    Fermi knew that when an atom splits it releases other neutrons, and he was quick to realize that under the right conditions those neutrons could go on to split other atoms in a chain reaction. This would lead to one of two things: a steady generation of energy in the form of heat or a huge explosion. If each splitting atom caused one released neutron to split another atom, the chain reaction was said to be "critical" and would create a steady release of heat energy. But if each fission event released two, three, or more neutrons that went on to split other atoms, the chain reaction was deemed "supercritical" and would rapidly cascade into an almost instantaneous, massive, explosive release of energy—a bomb. In the climate of the times, with the world on the brink of war, there was little doubt in which direction the main research effort would turn. Fermi, who had emigrated to the United States, became part of the top-secret American effort known as the Manhattan Project, which, in an astonishingly short period of time from its beginnings in 1942, turned fission's potential into the reality of the world's first atomic bombs.

    • Fermi knew that when an atom splits it releases other neutrons, and he was quick to realize that under the right conditions those neutrons could go on to split other atoms in a chain reaction. This would lead to one of two things: a steady generation of energy in the form of heat or a huge explosion. If each splitting atom caused one released neutron to split another atom, the chain reaction was said to be "critical" and would create a steady release of heat energy. But if each fission event released two, three, or more neutrons that went on to split other atoms, the chain reaction was deemed "supercritical" and would rapidly cascade into an almost instantaneous, massive, explosive release of energy—a bomb. In the climate of the times, with the world on the brink of war, there was little doubt in which direction the main research effort would turn. Fermi, who had emigrated to the United States, became part of the top-secret American effort known as the Manhattan Project, which, in an astonishingly short period of time from its beginnings in 1942, turned fission's potential into the reality of the world's first atomic bombs.

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