Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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The principal reason for the murder was Yesenin's new poem, "Land of Crooks" in which he surprisingly describes a Jewish tyrant - Leibman- Chekistov. All his acquaintances recognised Bronstein-Trotsky by the description. Yesenin welcomed the "revolution" at the beginning but soon

grew disillusioned with it and managed to perceive the dark forces at work behind the political spectacle. That was why he wrote his revelatory poem in which he described how American businessmen took power in Russia with the help of political gangsters who became Soviet prospectors speculating in Marxism. He called the new power-mongers parasites and actually said that the Soviet republic was a bluff (this word was romanised!). He also described Trotsky's burning hatred of the Russian culture.

Sergei Yesenin had declaimed passages from this poem to many of his acquaintances. Trotsky was informed about the content of the poem and was unable to forgive this.

Yesenin's friend Alexei Ganin, who was also a poet, was arrested in March 1925. He was charged with the libel of comrade Leon Trotsky, sentenced to death and executed. He had, together with the other well- known poets Peter Oreshin, Sergei Klychkov and Yesenin, proclaimed officially that in Russia exclusively the Jews held power. These four had spoken loudly of the injustices of the Communist Jews against Russia in a bar at the end of 1923, according to a secret police report.

Disposing of Yesenin was not so easy, however. He was already world famous. He had spent the years 1922-23 in several European countries and the United States of America, together with his American wife, Isadora Duncan, who was a ballet dancer. As early as the 20th of February 1924, Judge Kommissarov in Moscow had decided to arrest Yesenin for anti- Semitic statements. Yesenin learnt about this and went underground.

In the beginning of September 1924, Yesenin was hiding in Baku when the GPU man Yakov Blumkin suddenly turned up at Yesenin's hotel and threatened him with a revolver and described what awaited such as him in the GPU cellar in Moscow. Yesenin escaped to Tiflis (Tbilisi) in Georgia, where he acquired a revolver, upon which he returned to Baku.

On the 6th of September 1925, Yesenin took a train back to Moscow together with Sofia Tolstaya. Two Jews - A. Rog and Levit - suddenly turned up and provoked Yesenin to make statements critical of Jews. Levit and Rog held Yesenin at the station of Kursk and handed him over to the militia. Judge Lipkin demanded his arrest. But he was released, just as had been done in Moscow on the 23rd of March 1924, when the secret agents of the GPU, the Jewish brothers M. and I. Neiman wanted to charge him with anti-Semitism (pursuant to paragraphs 172 and 176 of the criminal

code). The GPU had then gathered together a large amount of de- nunciations describing anti-Semitic statements made by Yesenin, who was well aware of the real situation in Russia. This trial would probably have attracted too much attention and the names of several secret agents who had infiltrated Yesenin's circle of acquaintances would also have been revealed. That was why they chose on a number of occasions not to take him to trial, despite the fact that indictments of anti-Semitism (i.e. counter- revolution) had already been brought in against him.

So Trotsky decided to dispose of Yesenin in another way. Yesenin moved from Moscow to Leningrad on the evening of the 23rd of December 1925. He wanted to find a good new flat there, to give out his poems in two volumes and begin publishing his own periodical. He intended to stay at the hotel Angleterre in the beginning.

Yesenin's murder became a special mission for the GPU, who had earlier kidnapped opponents of the Soviet regime, even abroad, and taken them to Moscow to execute them there.

A group of assassins led by Yakov Blumkin arrived at Yesenin's hotel on the night before December 28, 1925 and broke into his room. Their henchman was Wolf Erlich, who was later given the task of leading astray the investigation into Yesenin's death. Yesenin resisted, surprisingly enough. His neighbours heard this. Then the murderers kicked Yesenin and seriously injured his head with an object before they hanged the great poet. This was how the brave Sergei Yesenin died.

Yesenin's murderer Yakov Blumkin began his career as a rabbi in the synagogue in Odessa. Like many other orthodox extremist Jews, he sought a position in the Cheka after the Bolsheviks came into power. At the same time he was an official member of the Social Revolutionary Party. Trotsky gave him the mission of murdering the German ambassador Count Wilhelm von Mirbach, on the 6th of July 1918, to prevent the Brest- Litovsk peace agreement. The Social Revolutionaries were accused of this murder. Also the Communist Aino Kuusinen related in her memoirs that Blumkin murdered Mirbach.

After the murder of Ambassador Mirbach, Blumkin was appointed to the Cheka in Kiev in April 1919. In the summer of 1920 he returned to Moscow, where he studied at the military academy. Blumkin was later named military inspector of Caucasia, where he led the crushing of an anti-Soviet rebellion in Georgia in the summer of 1924. Blumkin became

truly infamous. He was later sent to Mongolia, where he was made chief of the political police. He began to murder people there with such insane eagerness that the GPU leadership in Moscow had to call him back, according to information from Boris Bazhanov's memoirs. He later helped Trotsky write the propaganda book "How the Revolution Armed". In 1925, Trotsky gave him the mission to pursue the poet Yesenin unto his death. All this has now been revealed in the Russian press.

The Journalist Georgi Ustinov and his wife Yelizaveta, who also stayed at the hotel, were the first to enter Yesenin's room on the morning of December 28th. The assassins had searched through Yesenin's papers and other belongings. They were probably searching for the manuscript of "Land of Crooks". (Molodaya Gvardiya, No. 19, 1990.) Wolf Erlich also turned up soon after. Ustinov understood what had really happened and promised to tell the whole truth about the poet's murder. On the following day Georgi Ustinov and his wife were found hanged in their room. It was certified that violence had been used against them before they died.

On the 29th of December 1925, the evening press announced that the 30-year-old poet Yesenin had taken his own life.

Blumkin was finally sent to the Middle East as soviet spy-chief. He recruited agents in Syria, Palestine and Egypt. He used a passport in the name of Sultan-Zade. Blumkin's chiefs then were Vyacheslav Menzhinsky and Mikhail (Meier) Trilisser.

Hangman Blumkin's days also ended by the aid of hangmen. Stalin had him executed on the 3rd of November 1929 for his meeting with Trotsky in Constantinople in the summer of 1929. Before Blumkin died he shouted: "Long live Trotsky!" (Yuri Felshtinsky, "Collapse of the World Revolution", London, 1991, pp. 617-618.)

Stalin as Victor

When Trotsky finally realised that it was impossible to manipulate through Stalin, he began to attack the General Secretary, since Stalin took his post seriously. At a meeting of the Politburo in the beginning of 1925, Trotsky called Stalin the gravedigger of the revolution. In spite of Trotsky's incredibly cruel contributions to the implementation of the llluminist-Communist policies, Stalin wanted to get rid of him and his

companions after this statement. So Trotsky was relieved of the post of people's commissary for military affairs in January. Trotsky's successor was Mikhail Frunze. Trotsky was expelled from the Politburo on the 23rd of October 1926. In August 1927 Stalin managed to manoeuvre him out of the Party, and on the 16th of January 1928, he was exiled to Alma-Ata in Kazakhstan.

In October 1927, Trotsky had tried to combat Stalin by referring to Lenin's "testament". It was already too late. Stalin, meanwhile, tried to gain access to Adolf Yoffe's bank accounts. Trotsky's close comrade Yoffe refused to give his money to Stalin and chose to commit suicide on November 17, 1927. Trotsky had thereby lost his chief of propaganda. Parvus, Trotsky and Skobelev used to hold their meetings at Yoffe's in their youth.

On the 31st of January 1929, Trotsky was expelled to Turkey, accused of espionage and counter-revolutionary activities. Trotsky later lived in France and Norway. The Norwegian authorities demanded, after pressure from Moscow, that Trotsky should leave the country. Leon Trotsky had, in fact, published a book criticising Stalinism. He moved to Mexico where he founded his criminal organisation, the Fourth International - which became a Trotskyist subversive world movement for naive and immature people. In 1937, Trotsky inadvertently revealed his knowledge of the fact that the Second World War would break out within two or three years.

Leon Trotsky was no longer useful to freemasonry as a confuser of the masses, so the freemasons began fighting him and his ideology. Trotsky admitted this himself in 1932. Trotsky's co-workers Zinoviev, Kamenev and many others perished in the Stalinist Soviet Union.

The Murder of Trotsky

Professor of history N. Vasetsky wrote in Literaturnaya Gazeta in January 1989 that Stalin personally gave the order to murder Trotsky. "It is about time to put an end to Trotsky," he said. (Aftonbladet, January 17, 1989.) Stalin could not forget a past insult. This information comes from Soviet archives.

It was earlier claimed in the Soviet Union that frustrated Trotskyists killed him.

Leonid (Naum) Eitington, colonel in the NKVD, recruited the Spanish Communist Ramon Mercader to commit the murder. Eitington had been Ramon's mother's lover. Mercader, who was also a skilled mountaineer, infiltrated Trotsky's closest circle of acquaintances in his house in Coyoacan, then a suburb of Mexico City. Mercader crushed Trotsky's skull with an ice-pick on the 20th of August 1940. Trotsky died one day later, on the 21st of August. Unfortunately, his insane ideas did not die with him. On the 28th of March 1993, I noticed a disturbing piece of graffiti on a wall in Tarifa in southern Spain: "Lenin's and Trotsky's business lives on."

Stalin also had most of the Trotskyists killed. They were then in the concentration camps. In April 1938, Stalin gave orders to execute Trotsky's oldest brother Alexander Bronstein. In July of the same year, Trotsky's secretary Rudolf Klement was found, headless, in the river Seine in France. Trotsky's son Leon Sedov was poisoned in a Paris hospital.

In 1989, there was a thaw for Leon Trotsky's writings also in the Soviet Union. The newspaper Komsomolets (Moscow) published several of Trotsky's articles in August 1989. In the summer of 1990 the authorities in Mexico City opened a Trotsky museum. Several hundred Mexicans praised his memory on the 50th anniversary of his death on the 21st of August 1990 (Dagens Nyheter, 22nd of August 1990). Trotsky's grandson Esteban Volkov complained that there was not yet a Trotsky museum in Moscow.

The Trotskyists in Russia managed to form their own Workers' Democratic Party in March 1992, and promised to reinstate Communism as it was before Gorbachev's perestroika. (Aftonbladet, 22nd of March 1992.) Have we not learned anything from all the violence and terror? When will enough be enough?

Leon Trotsky's great-grandson David Axelrod also followed in the terrorist tradition. He emigrated from the Soviet Union to Israel, where he was arrested in his 28th year on June 12, 1989 for having destroyed the property of Palestinians and later insulting some Israeli soldiers, according to Reuter's news agency.

Trotsky's murderer was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment. In 1960 he moved first to Czechoslovakia and later to Moscow where he was proclaimed a hero of the Soviet Union and was given a gold star for his

deed. He later changed his name to Lopez. Ramon Mercader died in November 1978 in Havana at 65 years of age.

Such is the untainted picture of the "hero of the revolution" Leiba Bron- stein and his misanthropic heritage, which has been concealed from us for so long behind cunning myths. The fanatical Trotsky wanted to use even more force and violence against the peasants than Stalin and his chief ad- visor, Lazar Kaganovich. Together with Lenin, Trotsky screamed: "Death to them!" There were six million peasants in Russia. "Death to them!"

It has been claimed that Lenin was the brain of the revolution and Trotsky the soul. What a monstrous soul! He wrought immense havoc on Russia in order to subdue its inhabitants. While the Trotskyists claimed that their teacher never wove any intrigues, we can by the aid of docu- ments and his own quotes confirm that Trotsky was a particularly nasty sadist who destroyed everything of value and finally became a simple idiot, a cunning demagogue and an unfortunate criminal who died horribly.

Trotsky was without doubt the cruellest and most dangerous "revolutionary" in the world, who ordered literally millions of Russians to be shot. He took children as hostages and, if necessary, ordered them mur- dered. It was Trotsky who released criminals from the prisons and thereby also terrorised the people. Trotsky was a hard, cold devil, as the Swedish historian Peter Englund (once an active Trotskyist) characterised him. (Expressen, 21st of August 1990.) He had so much satanic evil in him that everything we learned about the inquisition of the Middle Ages pales in comparison. The brutal Trotsky successfully developed the violent tra- ditions of the Jacobins. It was Trotsky who said: "We need no ministers, but we shall use people's commissaries." (The Jacobins in France had used commissaires.)

Together with Lenin, Trotsky propagated the United States of the World. In October 1917 he said: "The United States of Europe must be founded." Together with Lenin, he introduced the red cacistocracy's (the rule of the incompetent) cruel grip on Russia, which had to pay an enormous price for this destructive crime.

It is easy to understand the logic behind those who popularised and spread the myths about Trotsky. Since Stalin was evil, Trotsky must have been good. But they were both evil. Stalin was just untalented and lacked ideas of his own. Neither Stalin nor Trotsky had any personal friends.

The Russian feature film "Trotsky" premiered in the autumn of 1993. For the first time it was shown what a monster Leiba Bronstein really was. The content of the film is true and based on well-documented facts...

But it is now high time to relate how the most brutal Marxist state in the world was actually founded...


The great Russian author Fiodor Dostoyevsky predicted that Communism would come from Europe and that its introduction would claim tens of millions of victims and that Communism would be a catastrophe for man- kind. In the same vein, the exiled Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyayev, in his book "The Meaning of History" (1923), warned about an ever darker anti-humanist period presaging an apocalyptic horror.

Only now has it become relatively easy to describe the chain of events, which led the Bolsheviks to the seat of power. The material, which has so far been made available, is, in itself, very shocking and it can definitively be shown that there was an international conspiracy behind the "revolutions" in Russia.

In 1915 Alexander Parvus (Israel Helphand) made plans for the Bolshe- viks' (i.e. the Illuminati's) seizure of power by the aid of the German secret service. He had written the leading role for Vladimir Ulyanov- Lenin. In the same year, Parvus received 7 million marks from the German Department of Finance "to develop revolutionary propaganda in Russia".

Parvus met Lenin in Zurich in May 1915 to discuss his plans. Lenin stubbornly preferred Switzerland as the victim of the conspiracy.

According to the American newspaper The New Federalist (11th of September 1987) Parvus contributed to the First World War with his intrigues. In any case, he was extremely well informed. He predicted in 1904 that the industrial countries would be drawn into a world war, which would be the bloody dawn of great events.

Meanwhile, Lenin could not believe that the Communists would reach power in his lifetime. He said this in a lecture in Bern on the 22nd of January 1917, thus just before the February coup. ("Collected Works", Vol. 19, p. 357.) Nor did Lenin believe there would be a world war. This, too, shows that he was just a puppet in the hands of the international financial elite.
The Background of the First World War

Here I should mention something about the background to the First World War. It was revealed during the trial of Gavrilo Princip and Nedelko Cabrinovic, the assassins of Franz Ferdinand (the heir to the Austrian throne), that the French Masonic organisation Grand Orient was behind the assassination plans, and not the Serbian nationalist organisation the Black Hand. This enormous provocation had been planned in Paris in 1912 at 16 Rue Cadets, the headquarters of Grand Orient. Nedelko Cabrinovic revealed in court how the freemasons had sentenced Franz Ferdinand to death. He learned this from the freemason Ziganovic (it was he who gave the Jewish assassin Princip a Browning pistol). Princip was also a freemason. The sentence was executed on the 28th of June 1914. Everything according to the stenographic report of the court published in Alfred Mousset's book "L'Attentat de Sarajevo", Paris, 1930. This information was later hushed up.

It has also been kept secret that an attempt was made to murder Grigori Rasputin in Pokrovskoye in Siberia at exactly the same time. Rasputin was the magician of the Tsar's court and the Tsarina's favourite and was decidedly against Russia being drawn into a major war. (Colin Wilson "The Occult", London, 1971, p. 500.) The freemason Prince Felix Yusupov managed to kill Rasputin on December 29, 1916.

The Austrian freemason and Bolshevik Karl Radek (Tobiach Sobel- sohn) also knew about this. He had always been well informed. Radek knew Ziganovic personally from his time in Paris. He tried to reveal the secrets about the war during the trial against him in Moscow in 1937, but Stalin's lackeys shut him up. He was not given another chance to speak and carried these secrets with him into the grave (Molodaya Gvardiya, No. 2, 1991, p. 121).

What were the Grand Orient's motives? I do not need to speculate here. It is best to cite Zionist sources. The Zionist newspaper Peiewische Vordle wrote on the 13th of January 1919: "The international Jewry... believed it necessary to force Europe into the war so that a new Jewish era could begin throughout the world."

The periodical British Israel Truth stated in 1906: "We must prepare our-selves for big changes in a Great War which faces the peoples of Europe."


The Jewish periodical Hammer was unusually forthright just before the February coup: "The fate of the Russian empire has been staked upon one card... there is no rescue for the Russian government. The Jewry have decided this and thus it shall be."

Litman Rosenthal explained in the newspaper American Jews' News on the 19th of September 1919 that the First World War was brought about through the intrigues of the Jews and that all this was planned in Basel as early as 1903.

The rabbi Reichhorn in the periodical Le Contemporain proves that those plans were far-reaching on the 1st of July 1880: "We shall force the goyim into a war by exploiting their pride, arrogance and stupidity. They will tear each other into pieces. They will force each other out of their countries, which we shall then be able to give to our people."

At the same time, the plan was that the world war would diminish the success of the Germans on the international market, according to the historian Gary Allen.

Karl Heise published the British freemasons' map of Europe from 1888. The map presented the new national borders of Europe, which became reality after the First World War. (Pekka Ervast, "Vapaamuurareiden kadonnut sana" / "The Freemasons' Lost Word", Helsinki, 1965, p. 78.) His interesting book "Entente - Freimaurerei und Weltkrieg", an analysis of the treacherous role of the freemasons in causing the First World War, was published in Basel in 1919.

In the newspaper Truth, December 1890, a map was published that depicted the borders of Europe, which became reality in 1919. Three empires were gone. This was published as a satire: "Look what the opponents of the freemasons have come up with!" But in 1919, nobody was laughing any more.

As I have related earlier, Parvus also found the money for the coup attempts in 1905. Now he took good care of Lenin. He made him editor of the newspaper Iskra as early as 1901, from his home in a Munich suburb, and also organised a printing office in Leipzig. Parvus made sure that the newspaper reached Russia. Parvus even let Lenin live in his flat in Zurich. (Lenin lived in Switzerland between 1914 and 1917.)

Parvus had explained to Lenin that the organisation of the revolution needed money and that even more money was needed to stay in power. Parvus knew what he was talking about, since he acted as a financial

adviser to both the Turks and the Bulgarians during the Balkan wars, 1912-13. At the same time he became immensely rich through his own arms deals. Parvus had worked from Salonica in Greece, where he got into contact with the powerful local Masonic organisation.

The most important force behind him was Prince Volpi di Misurata - perhaps the most powerful man in Venice - who helped Parvus with finance, deals and Masonic contacts. It was this Volpi who, in October 1922, brought the socialist-fascist Benito Mussolini into power, making the King appoint him prime minister. He was also behind the founding of Libya in 1934. Mussolini had been especially pleased with the murder of the Russian Prime Minister Stolypin, whom he called "the tyrant by the Neva" in an article. Volpi became minister of finance in Mussolini's government. Volpi had been in the centre of the financial circles that provoked the Balkan War in 1912-13. (The New Federalist, 11th of September 1987.) In 1916, Alexander Parvus suggested that the German government should finance Lenin and his Party still more intensively. They would be able to make a separate peace with Germany if they reached power in Petrograd. It was also clear to the Germans that the Bolsheviks would be able to efficiently weaken Russia.

The Kaiser's Zionist adviser Walter Rathenau (1867-1922), who was a rich industrialist, also recommended financing the Bolsheviks. Germany's ambassador in Copenhagen, Count Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau, who was a well-known 33rd degree freemason and Illuminatus, was of the same opinion. (Nesta Webster and Kurt Kerlen, "Boche and Bolshevik", New York, 1923, pp. 33-34.) Parvus was close to him and had great influence over him. Parvus himself made 20 million marks from this suggestion.

It was Ulrich Brockdorff-Rantzau's letter on the 14th of August 1915 which finally decided the question of financial support to the Bolsheviks. This letter, addressed to the German vice-state secretary, summarised a discussion between Brockdorff-Rantzau and Helphand-Parvus. The am- bassador strongly recommended employing Helphand to undermine Russia since "he is an exceedingly important man, whose unusual power we should be able to utilise during the war". But the ambassador added a warning: "It is probably dangerous to use the forces which are behind Helphand, but if we should refuse to use their services, since we fear that we may not be able to control them, it will surely only demonstrate our

weakness." (Professor Z. A. B. Zeman, "Germany and the Revolution in Russia, 1915-1918. Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry", London, 1958, p. 4, Document 5.)

Actually, the first transfer of five million marks from the German Foreign Ministry to the Bolsheviks for "revolutionary propaganda" had already occurred on the 7th of June 1915. The Germans' Estonian agent Aleksander Keskula acted as one of the go-betweens in the transfer. His co-operation with the Germans began on the 12th of September 1914. Keskula met Lenin for the first time on October 6, 1914. Lenin also had demands to make on the Germans. He demanded, among other things, the chance to occupy India.

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