Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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forces can provide for themselves when empires break up. The public never got to know about another, still more decisive, secret manoeuvre performed by the financial circles to dismantle the Soviet

Union. In 1991, between 14 and 19 billion dollars in foreign currency were taken out of the Soviet Union. As a result, production sank drastically. (Noam Chomsky, "You Cannot Murder History", Gothenburg, 1995, p. 511.) This action immediately ruined the Soviet Union, since 79 per cent of the workforce worked, in one way or another, in the war industry, which constantly needed foreign currency.

Even the Tsar's wines were sold at various auctions in the 1980s. 13 000 bottles of Massandra wine, as well as 62 other bottles which had belonged to the cabinet office, were sold at Sotheby's in London in March 1990. These bottles of wine were worth nearly a million dollars. They fetched a price of 280 dollars per bottle in 1987. The gold and diamond supply had also been significantly reduced in order to pay running bills already in the 1980s.

President George Bush informed Mikhail Gorbachev on 27 May 1991 that 150 million dollars had been transferred to the latter's bank account in Switzerland. Gorbachev used to call President Bush "my friend George". All this is evident from an interview with the KGB general N. Leontiev. The interview was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda on 26 December 1995. Gorbachev had forbidden his telephone conversations with Bush to be tapped. The KGB tapped and recorded all the conversations anyway.

The Soviet leaders made a secret pact with the United States after the collapse of the Soviet Empire, according to which the most important pieces of art in the country were to be transported to the United States. Russia received tractors and grain in return. These lines can be read in the pact: "This contract is secret. Art experts do not know about it. If they got to know about it, they would become hysterical. This is why it is important to keep it secret." TASS still managed to obtain a copy of the contract in New York. This art for wheat deal was made on the 29th of October 1991, after the breakdown of the Soviet Union! This was one of Gorbachev's last crimes against the Russian people before his resignation in December. His previous crimes are exposed in my book "Bakom Gorbatjovs kulisser" / "Behind Gorbachev's Scenes" (Stockholm, 1987).

Soon after this, President Bush sent aid money for food in the form of a loan of 1.5 billion dollars to the Soviet Republics (except for the Baltic states, which had become independent) which was to be repaid {Expressen, 19th of November 1991.) At the same time he demanded that Gorbachev should use violence if necessary. On the 8th of July 1992 in

Munich, George Bush said: "There is not enough money in the whole world to save Russia. Now the Russians have to start working too." (Swedish TV-Aktuellt, 8th of July 1992.) Being a member of the influential Trilateral Commission, Bush of course knew what he was speaking about.

The Phasing Out of Communism in Eastern Europe

The KGB made some important contributions to the demolition of the Communist dictatorships in Moscow's satellite states. The KGB quite simply helped to overthrow the totalitarian regimes in East Germany (Erich Honecker later stated that there had been a plot to depose him), Czechoslovakia, Poland and Romania. Sweden's television has even shown documentaries where various representatives of the former Soviet regime confirmed that a conspiracy of this kind was controlled from Moscow. That was why it was so easy to breach the Berlin wall.

It was the Jew Kurt Goldstein who conceived the idea of building such a wall. The Jewish Party chief at the time, Walter Ulbricht, immediately

approved the idea. This was revealed in Der Spiegel (No 16, 1991). That evil plan was realised on the 15th and 16th of August 1961. I can mention here that the relatives of those who were shot trying to cross the wall had to pay for the bullets.

The democratic president of Czechoslovakia, Vaclav Havel, who is a freemason, also confirmed that the KGB had made preparations for a coup d'etat to depose the Communist leader Milos Jakes. Not everything went according to their plans, but the preparations of the KGB led directly to

the so-called velvet revolution, which swept the Communists from power and brought Vaclav Havel to the fore. The KGB presidential candidate Zdenek Mlynar, who lived in Vienna and was Gorbachev's boyhood friend, refused to take part in the coup. (Dagens Nyheter, the article "KGB planerade kupp mot Jakes" / "The KGB Planned a Coup Against Jakes", 31st of May 1990.)

It was stated in the BBC documentary "Czech-mate Inside the Revo- lution" that the KGB recruited people to provoke trouble among the students in order to depose Jakes on the 17th of November 1989. The chief of the secret police, Alois Lorenz, had received precise instructions 369

from Viktor Grushko, the vice-chief of the KGB, who had arrived from Moscow. Rumours were to be spread about a student who had supposedly been killed in a clash with the police. The agent Ludek Zivcak was given the task of pretending to get killed. An ambulance was immediately sent to take away the "body". This operation (wedge) was only partially successful. Jakes was deposed but the KGB agents could not silence the demands of the students afterwards.

The KGB also helped to liquidate Communism in Poland. Several political observers revealed this. After this it was time to overthrow tin- hard-line Communist regime in Romania. In July 1994, the new Romanian Security Service, RIS, released a report about the hitherto concealed circumstances surrounding the deposition of the dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. RIS referred to secret agreements between Bush and Gorba- chev. About 1000 Soviet cars suddenly began arriving every da\ beginning on the 9th of December 1989 (only 80 cars had previously passed the border every day). In each car were two or three "tourists" well-built men between 25 and 40 years old.

Voice of America had earlier revealed how coded messages to the conspirators had been printed in the Romanian press. RIS asserted that agitators suddenly began turning up before the 21st of December 1989. They handed out drugs, which made people brave enough to challenge tin- tanks. The Soviet "tourists" (actually KGB officers) also took part in the clashes near the town of Craiova (Hommikuleht, 19th of July 1994, p. 7). Romania was the only nation in the Eastern block to have a bloody anti- Communist "revolution". It claimed thousands of lives. The dictator Nicolae Ceausescu perceived the conspiracy behind the events already at an early stage and tried to speak of the foreign involvement on television He was eventually arrested whereupon the victors decided to quickly execute him and his wife, which they did on the 25th of December 1989. The government power was taken over by the KGB agent Ion Iliescu, who immediately began to "democratise" Romania.

To overthrow all the Eastern European regimes which refused to give in was also important to Moscow who needed to persuade their own old hard-line Communists to take a new direction. The United States of America was behind everything, as a Soviet representative hinted to the news agency Reuters in November 1989. {Dagens Nyheter, 30th of November 1989.)

It was also the United States of America that incited the Soviet Union to crush the rebellions in Eastern Europe in 1956 and 1968, since the

interests of the lofty financial circles demanded it. The Swedish red writer Jan Myrdal revealed in the periodical Folket i Bild (No. 20, 1979, p. 31) that "the American State Department, through Swedish diplomats, before the invasion in 1956, asked the Soviet Union to re-establish order in Hun- gary". Before the 4th of November 1956, the State Department sent an explanatory telegram to the Communist leadership in Moscow, in which it was made clear that the American government does not look with favour upon governments unfriendly to the Soviet Union on the border of the Soviet Union. ("Congressional Records", 31 st of August 1960, p. 17 407.) Several Hungarian historians admit that the U.S. government wanted to put down the Hungarian anti-Communist revolt. The American propa- ganda also claimed that Hungarians began murdering Jewish Communists and that it was therefore time to intervene. That was a false statement, however. Not even the Jewish executioners within the Communist security service were killed. In fact, not even the hated Jewish chief of the security police, Gabor Peter (actually Benjamin Ausspitz), suffered that fate.

Voice of America, meanwhile, encouraged the Hungarians to revolt.

They were convinced that the United States would come to their aid. This was a mere play for the gallery, like Allen Dulles's speech about liberating Hungary from Communism. The United States calmly watched when Moscow violently and cruelly put down the revolt. 1945 people were

killed in Budapest and a further 557 were shot in the province. 20 000 people were injured. {Dagens Nyheter, 1st of December 1990.) Moscow used 1500 tanks and 150 000 infantry troops. 200 000 people fled from Hungary. 40 000 were arrested.

In contrast, both the United States and Moscow condemned British and

French aggression during the Suez crisis in the autumn of the same year. Washington also gave the Kremlin the green light before they marched into Czechoslovakia. Zdenek Mlynar, who was a member of the Commu- nist Party's Politburo in Czechoslovakia in 1968, revealed after his escape to the West that Leonid Brezhnev had told the leaders in Prague at the end of August 1968 that the American President Lyndon Johnson had assured the Soviet Union that the United States of America would not interfere with the Soviet aggression in Czechoslovakia. (Zdenek Mlynar, "Nacht- frost" ! "Night-frost", Cologne! Frankfurt am Main, 1978, p. 301.)

The United States refused to give the go-ahead when the Soviet Union wanted to attack China in 1969. (Mikhail Heller and Alexander Nekrich, "Utopia in Power", London, 1986, p. 713.) Moscow had to shelve its plans to attack China. But it was quite all right to occupy Kabul in 1979.

The United States also helped to put down the anti-Communist popular movement Solidarity in Poland. The Swedish journalist Ulf Nilson told Expressen the following on July 24, 1989: "The man whom the American president valued most highly - and helped the most - was the ex-dictator Jaruzelski. Without Bush's help, the man who prohibited Solidarity would not have been elected president, but the United States sided with, paradoxically, the Communists."

The CIA headquarters made sure that the operation with 1200 men in the Bay of Pigs at the beginning of April 1961 was foiled. The invisible hand in this case was not at all interested in deposing the freemason and Marrano Fidel Castro, whom it had itself helped into power. Guess who paid for his equipment, food bills and weapons in the Mexican training camps! The historian Jean Boyer stressed that Castro's money and weapons did not come from Moscow but from the United States. It was the freemason Eisenhower who helped Castro to power. The military aid to Cuba was later sent via the Soviet Union. So we need not be surprised at the fact that 5000 Cuban soldiers were used to protect the American and French oil companies in the Cabinda area of Angola when UNITA guerilla forces attacked foreign oil plants. {The Economist, Contra No. 5/1988.)

The United States ceased supporting President Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua and began secretly helping the Marxist Sandinistas instead. (Svenska Dagbladet, 21 July, 1989.) President James Carter cut off all military assistance to Nicaragua and prohibited sales of military hardware to the country. The Carter administration successfully closed all markets where Nicaragua could purchase arms and ammunition. The International Monetary Fund twice blocked badly needed standby credit for Nicaragua The White House successfully pressured all shipping companies to boycott Nicaragua so that the coffee crop could not be exported. The U.S. Department of Agriculture gave arbitrary instructions to beef inspectors to stop Nicaraguan beef exports to the United States. Public support was given to the Sandinista Communist movement. The White House chose to let the Marxists take over Nicaragua. (Anastasio Somoza and Jack Cox, "Nicaragua Betrayed", Belmont, 1980.)

According to the official version of history, the CIA's aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, on December 24, 1979. But this is not correct. On July 3, 1979, President Jimmy Carter secretly signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet government in Kabul. Zbigniew Brezinski, National security Adviser in the Carter Administra- tion, wrote a note to the president in which he explained to him that this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention against Afghanistan. (Le Nouvel Observateur, interview with Zbigniew Brezinski, January 15- 21, 1998.) Carter wanted to provoke a war in Afghanistan.

As if this was not enough, the CIA even helped the KGB to persecute and expose critics of the regime. The Soviet propaganda poet and freemason Yevgeni Yevtushenko (actually Gangsnus) in the periodical Ogonyok claimed this on the 6th of December 1988. Senator Robert Kennedy admitted during a conversation with him in 1966 that it was the CIA exposed the regime critics Yuli Daniel and Andrei Sinyavsky,

who were soon put on trial.

The United States Also Helped the Chinese Communists Gain Power The stablishment of Communism in China was also supported by the

Americans through Moscow or sometimes even directly. As early as in the 1920s, highly placed Jewish functionaries were visiting China to introduce Communism into certain areas. Among those "advisers" were Adolf

Yoffe, Michael Borodin (real name: Jakob Grusenberg, founder of the Communist Party in Mexico in 1919), Bela Kun, Enrique Fischer (actually Heinz Neumann) and Vasili Bluecher (Galen-Chesin), who became responsible for gruesome atrocities against the Chinese people. Another Soviet Jew, Anatoli Gekker, who had been the veiled power behind the puppet Communist leaders Damdin Sukhkhe-Bator (1893-1923) and Khorlogin Choibalsan (1895-1952) in Mongolia in 1922, became political commissar for the Communist regions of China in 1924. Communism was introduced into Mongolia in 1921. Two Jews from Russia, V. Levichev and Yan Gamarnik, led the Chinese Red Army. An English Jew named Billmeier saw to it that the Chinese Reds were armed with Soviet weapons.

The Chinese Marxist Sun Yatsen (Sun Yixian) was an eminent freema- son. Even Chiang Kaishek (Jiang Jieshi) co-operated with the Communists in the beginning. He was a 33rd degree freemason (of the Scottish rite) who later broke away from the Communists and became the leader of bourgeois China.

The United States demanded of the Japanese to stop fighting the Chinese Communists between 1937 and 1945. The American government betrayed Chiang Kaishek's anti-Communist front in the autumn of 1948. General George C. Marshall (1880-1959), then secretary of state, demanded that Chiang Kaishek allow the Communists into his govern- ment. Marshall had been President Truman's special envoy in China from 1945 to 1947. He asserted that the Communists were good people but Chiang Kaishek refused to comply. This refusal was all the Americans needed and Chiang Kaishek was left without help. Instead, the support for Mao Zedong increased (the aid to the Chinese Communists went via Moscow). On the 31st of January 1949, Communists in American tanks rolled into Beijing and on the 31st of October, the People's Republic of China was officially proclaimed. The civil war ended after having claimed 20 million lives. In the following year the United States claimed that Mao Zedong had distanced himself from dictatorship and sought to introduce democracy. Of course this was a lie, but they needed to show a good picture of the Chinese Communists.

This was planned as early as the Potsdam Conference in the summer of 1945, according to Gary Allen. Understandably, USA wished to conceal its role in this process. This was confirmed by the representative of the State Department, Owen Lattimore: "The problem was how to allow them [China] to fall without making it look as if the United States had pushed them."

China is now an environmental disaster area. The most infamous area of industrial pollution in Russia and Eastern Europe seem like nature reserves by comparison. There are towns like Benxi (perhaps the world's dirtiest town) where 25-year-old Chinese die of cancer. (Dagens Nyhetcr, 9th of January 1994.)

Mao Zedong had several Jewish advisers behind him. One of these was the British Jew Sidney Rittenberg who worked for Mao from 1946 to 1976. They were called "voluntary advisers". Thanks to such advice, Mao murdered 46 000 well-educated people in his campaign against intel-

lectuals in 1957. The number of such victims was later to rise. 43 million people died of starvation during a three year period in connection with the "Great Leap Forward". Another two million were murdered. The agri- cultural "reforms" had earlier killed 1.5 million landowners. During the cultural revolution, the Red Guards persecuted 100 million people, approximately half of which are believed to have died. It is known that at least 400 000 were murdered. No one knows the exact figures - the real figures may well be twice as high.

90 000 people were reported to have been massacred in Guangxi alone, according to incomplete statistics. (Dagens Nyheter, 17th of August 1992.) At the same time, an epidemic of cannibalism swept across

Wuxuan. Its most extreme forms were "cannibal banquets": meat, liver, heart, kidneys, thighs, shins... boiled, fried, roasted. At the "highest" point

of this epidemic, human meat was even prepared in the dining rooms of the revolutionary committee for the town of Wuxuan. (Dagens Nyheter, 17th of August 1992.)

Zheng Yi, a Beijing Red Guard, related the following in an interview

for a BBC documentary about Mao Zedong in 1993: "In the beginning people murdered one another because of their political convictions. Then they began to eat people. Just killing them wasn't enough. Only by eating the flesh of their enemies could they show their class-consciousness. You would torture someone first, then cut up their stomach while they were still alive. Like at the slaughter of a pig, you would cut out the heart and liver, chop them up and eat them."

Zheng Yi later became a dissident and succeeded in photographing

some secret documents concerning Communist crimes in China. At least 137 people and probably hundreds more were eaten, according to secret documents about cannibalism among the Red Guards in the Guangxi province at the end of the 1980s. (Dagens Nyheter, 8th January 1993.) Approximately 30 million people are assumed to have been killed

during the first ten years up to 1959. The bloody terror began in Beijing on the 24th of March 1951 and spread to other major cities. In 1960 alone, morc people were killed in China than during the entire Sino-Japanese War. Professor Richard L. Walker at the University of South Carolina estimated the casualties of Chinese Communism up to 1971 to be 62.5 million at the least. In July 1994, after the release of new, shocking

documents, Chen Yizi at Princeton University told the Washington Post 375

that the total number of Chinese killed during the Communist terror was at least 80 million. (Dagens Nyheter, 19th of July 1994, A 9.) It came to light later that the number of victims to Communism in China was 140 million. (Hufvudstadsbladet, Helsinki, 23 December 1997.) The United States of America is also responsible for those lives.

The wealthy Jewish banker and Illuminatus, David Rockefeller,

described Chairman Mao's terror regime as "one of the most important and successful in human history". He believed that it had succeeded in fostering high moral and common purpose in China. (The New York Times, 10th of August, 1973, Gary Allen, "The Rockefeller File".)

After the massacre in Tienanmen Square in 1989, when Washington imposed official sanctions against Beijing, American companies continued to sell their products in China as if nothing had happened. The sanctions were not observed; they were just a play to the gallery. (Dagens Nyheter, 13th of December 1989.) Israel has also given China military and economic aid.

The United States helped Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot's terrorists in Cambodia, Saddam Hussein (who, with this help, murdered at least 300 000 Arabs living in the oil-rich marshes between the Tigris and Euphrates in March 1991) and other political terrorists. But that is another story...


The difference in living standards between the Soviet Union and its neighbouring states (above all Finland and the Baltic states Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which had been spared from Bolshevism) was all too obvious and in order to even out this difference, Moscow made prepa- rations to incorporate those states in the Soviet Empire. The international financial elite gave Stalin a free hand to act. The Baltic states were to have been the Soviet Union's base for its planned attack against Germany. (Carl O. Nordling, "Defence or Imperialism? An Aspect of Stalin's Military and Foreign Policy", Uppsala, 1984.)

The extremist Jews of course played the key role in this action. A

certain part of the Jewish population (the initiated) in the Baltic states had been prepared for the take-over for a long time. In Moscow, the

preparations were finished as early as in 1937, when the Kremlin had the first maps of the Baltic states printed with the names "Latvian SSR" and "Estonian SSR". Phrase books in the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian languages were printed for the Soviet soldiers in 1940 (just before the occupation).

The preparations also included plans for the deportation of Baltic citi- zens. Information about this was immediately spread to the international Zionist organisations. Vladimir Jabotinsky (born in Odessa 1880, died in 1940), a well-known Zionist activist who also founded the terror organi- sation Warriors of Zion, wrote a letter to one of the leading Zionist functionaries in the United States on the 2nd of November 1939. The letter dealt with the treatment of the Palestinians, whom the Zionists wanted to deport from Palestine. There was one very remarkable sentence in the letter concerning plans for a future deportation of the Palestinians: "If it was possible to transfer the Baltic peoples, it is also possible to move the Palestinian Arabs."

Jabotinsky's letter is preserved in the Israeli National Archives. (The Washington Post, 7th of February 1988.) The letter was quoted and

commented upon by the Jewish nationalist David Ben-Gurion in "War Diary", Vol. Ill, p. 788.

No ordinary politician had any knowledge whatever of the future Soviet occupation of the Baltic states at this point. Much less could anyone imagine anything as despicable as deporting the original population. A strictly secret decision to deport the anti-Soviet element from the Baltic states was signed by Ivan Serov (who was vice-people's commissary for security) in Moscow on the 11th of October 1939. The Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky not only knew about this planned crime, but also had a positive attitude towards it. Jabotinsky was not even a Communist -he was a right-wing extremist. Tens of thousands of people were deported to Siberia from the three Baltic states on the night before the 14th of June. 1941. Over 10 000 were deported from Estonia. The Communists wanted to deport over 700 000 Estonians to leave just 358 000 behind us administrators, but there was not enough time. A new deportation took place in Estonia on the 25th of March 1949, when over 20 000 people were sent away. People were also deported from the other Baltic states in the same year (43 231 from Latvia). 259 Christians were deported from Estonia in 1951.

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