Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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The situation is reminiscent of a well-known Hungarian joke: at the end of the Second World War, there was a group of Jews in an air raid shelter in Budapest. They were discussing the situation. When the bombing had ended, they decided to send a Jewish boy outside to find out what the order of society was like, so that they could adapt themselves to suit it from the very beginning. The boy asked: "How will I know?" An older Jew answered: "It is very simple. If young Jews are in power, it is Communism, but if old Jews are in power, then it is capitalism."

Here it is necessary to quote the Danish Jew Samuel Beskow, who said the following in a public speech on 8 December 1935: "We Jews have taken our place at the centre of society: stock-markets, banks, ministries, newspapers, publishing houses, courts, insurance companies, hospitals and schools. We are everywhere, since it is not just a question of taking possession of the gold in our struggle against the Gentiles." {Berlingske Tidende, 9th of December, 1935.)

The leading Swedish socialist and Member of Parliament Arthur Engberg stated in the newspaper Arbetet on 12 March 1921: "There is a justification for the claim that the dictatorship of the proletariat in Russia actually means the dictatorship of the Jew over the Russian."

Engberg was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Arbetet in Malmo.

Can the fact that the extremist Jews have not apologised mean that they intend to continue their activities in the future?


Soviet Communism fell on the 24th of August 1991 after the KGB's elite Alfa troops refused to obey the orders of the hard-line Communists.

Subscquently, the Soviet Union was officially abolished on the 25th of December 1991 at 7:33 in the evening. There was no alternative. Moreover, new plans had become more urgent - plans to found a new Soviet Union using trickery, with another ideology (mondialism) and

undcr a new name, the European Union, where the market economy would rule.

The truth about the evils of Communism has now begun to come out to an ever greater extent despite many Communists, primarily Jewish ones, telling us: "Do not dig up the tragedies and crimes of the past!", "We must forget history!" (Expressen, 6th July 1992.) Here one might ask the

question: what sort of future may we expect if we do not dare to face the truth? The great philosopher and doctor Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bom- bastus von Hohenheim, 1493-1541) has written: "It is just as necessary to understand evil things as good, for who may know what is good without knowing what is evil?"

In Sweden, no really important secrets have been revealed. The government has even made it impossible to watch Russian TV since it bcnan showing the break-up of socialism. This was an unpleasant experience for the Swedish socialists, who preferred to ignore the truth. Aftonbladet wrote in its editorial on the 5th of November 1989: "A break-up of the Soviet Union is nothing to be desired." Aftonbladet belicved the Soviet Empire to be a factor for peace. The Socialist foreign minister, Sten Andersson, even stated that Estonia was not occupied by the Soviet Union, a statement which upset the Baits. Guess who praised Andcrsson's statement. Yes, the Marxist Jews in the Baltic countries. I read about this in several newspapers there.

The Communist paradise died. Thousands of people in Moscow deman- ded: "Never again Lenin!" The dinosaur laid down its evil head and died

in peace. The Soviet Union perished like the scorpion, which takes its own life when surrounded by flames. The scorpion is a symbol of destruction. But it remains to be seen whether the scorpion of the Illuminati will reincarnate into a new body.

"He who controls our history also holds our future in his hands," to quote the author George Orwell. For this reason it is still very difficult to obtain true facts about Communism. It is also the reason why there has never been a "Nuremberg 2" to punish the crimes of the Communists - during such a trial it would quickly become apparent who really organised the mass murders of Russians and members of other races in the name of the Soviet Communist Party. Such an investigation would cause the worst imaginable backlash against the Zionist racists. That is why the names of the executioners must not be revealed. The advocates of justice in Sweden have been remarkably quiet about the awful crimes of the Soviet regime.

It would be quite justifiable to call the Soviet regime a spiritual Cherno- byl - a terrible social catastrophe. But Communism, Socialism, National Socialism, Fascism and Capitalism are in fact all just symptoms of one disease, which is best named Illuminism. For the name of the Beast is the Illuminati.

The West was totally against the independence of the Baltic states at the beginning of the process of liberation. The Lithuanian leader Vytautas Landsbergis was repeatedly mocked in Sweden. He said forthrightly: "The West is helping the Soviet Union to destroy our freedom!" (Expressen, 9th of May 1990.)

Nevertheless, the Communist Party sank like the Titanic. No one without insight into the real situation believed it possible. I predicted it already in the middle of the 1980s. The era of the Soviet Union was an age of mediocrity and dilettantism. The gifted were given a very hard time.

In order to prevent it from happening again, those who know must not remain silent. If they do, they will share the responsibility for those crimes against humanity and the lack of history caused by Illuminist propaganda. Edmund Burke said: "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for men of good will to do nothing." It is also against the law to conceal a crime.

There have always been naive and ignorant people who have tried to justify evil. One of them was the Swedish journalist Peter Kadhammar who thanked Lenin and said farewell to him in an article after the collapse of the Soviet regime. (Expressen, 25th of August 1991.) Communism may

therefore also be regarded as a touchstone, revealing a person's level of development through his attitude towards it.

But after people had got rid of Communism which, like a devil, had ruled their lives, they found that this devil had been grafted into their own

minds and bodies. The Estonian Commander-in-Chief, Aleksander Ein-

scln, an American colonel who returned to his homeland, confirmed: "The Estonians are a sick nation. There are no ethics or morals or honesty here." {Expressen, 5th of January 1994, p. 24.)

The Communists left behind them a Russia where half of the children in some regions are born deformed (Dagens Nyheter, 13th of May 1992). There were already 20 million alcoholics in the Soviet Union in 1987. Up to 50 million people live in a completely destroyed environment. The

number of cancer victims increases by two per cent every year. Four million people live by the dried up Aral Sea, earlier the world's fourth

largest lake. Enormous amounts of salt from the dead bottom of the sea are carried away by gales to destroy fertile ground. What is happening by the Aral Sea can also be called an ecological genocide of the Karakalpakians. The newborn are subjected to chemical attacks, since various en-viron- mental poisons are spread together with the salt. The drinking water is strongly polluted. The children are brain-damaged. But the most frightening thing is the genetic changes. Meanwhile, every fourth Russian woman who has an abortion becomes sterile. 10 million women had become sterile in this way by 1992.

A Russian doctor confirmed on Swedish TV in April 1994: "We are a dying nation!" Since 1992, more Russians die than those born. Four out of live Russian children are ill, according to Swedish TV-Aktuellt (TV News) on the 1st of August 1994.

No one ever demanded that Moscow should cease its destruction of the environment. Everything happened under the slogan: "We need no alms from nature. We take all we please from nature." The result was an

unparalleled catastrophe. A third of the Ukraine's once so fertile earth is now unusable. After the Second World War, the Red Army dumped

300 000 poison gas shells in the Baltic Sea. These have now become a serious threat to this already heavily polluted sea. Many places are also polluted by radioactive substances and have become dangerous disaster areas. The radioactive contamination in Russia is a very serious matter. We must all pay a high price for the lunacy of the Communists.

Lately Russia has begun pointing out the guilty parties. Many Jews became frightened of the possible reaction when the truth about the role of the extremist Jews in the Communist oppression came out. They emigrated to Israel, despite their privileges in Russia (this was actually admitted by Dagens Nyheter, which had earlier spread the myth about government-sanctioned anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union). They have become a burden to the Israeli public medical service, since a third of all the Jews suffering from cancer in the country are from the former Soviet Union. The Russian Jews make up just under 9 per cent of the population, according to the Israeli journalist Nurit Wurgaft. (Dagens Nyheter, 15th of August 1993.)

The mass immigration began in 1988, when the crimes and privileged status of the extremist Jews during the time of the Communists began to be questioned and discussed more often.

Stalin's grandson Yevgeni Dzhugashvili showed amazed Western jour- nalists a list of the responsible functionaries at the various People's Com- missariats, which practised the great terror against the population between 1936 and 1939. Every name was marked with a symbol. A star meant that the person in question was a Jew, a dash that he was Russian. "It is virtually all stars!" said Yevgeni Dzhugashvili. (Expressen, 18th of August 1991.)

It is due to those terrible events that at least a sixth of the Russian population is definitely anti-Semitic, according to several opinion polls. They are convinced that there is an international Jewish conspiracy {Dagens Nyheter, 4th of January 1991, A, 11).

The leading Russian authors Valentin Rasputin, Vasili Belov, Valentin Pikul, Yuri Bondarev and Viktor Afanasyev have all perceived the hidden power of the extremist Jews in Russia. Vasili Belov has written a novel filled with facts which show that it was Communist Jews who bore the responsibility for the incredible brutality of the forced collectivisation.

Meanwhile, one or two Jewish functionaries, including Rubanovich, have said also on Swedish TV that they will never apologise for their crimes.

The Jewish activists prefer to leave the scene when other people are in need of help. At the beginning of the civil war in Abkhasia, many Jewish doctors emigrated to Israel, leaving thousands of wounded to die. (Dagen, 18th of December 1992.) A fine example of doctor's ethics.

Many criminal Jews have also taken the chance to emigrate to the West (also Sweden). A large number of these immigrants became notorious, merciless gangsters in the United States, according to the New York Times (4th of July l989,p. 38).

The Russian Jew Boris Kagarlitsky even claimed in Dagens Nyheter (6th of July 1990) that socialism was not dead. But it definitely did not work, since 90 per cent of the state-owned factories, the kolkhozes and state farms had gone bankrupt. They had been kept alive only with


The Jewish Social Revolutionary Alexander Herzen's prophecy from 1850 has now come true: "Socialism will develop until it reaches its own extremism and absurdity. Then a shout of denial will break forth from the heart of a revolting minority. Once again, a battle of life and death will be fought when Socialism will either take the place which Conservatism now holds or be defeated by future but to us as yet unknown revolutionary forces." (Alexander Herzen, "From the Other Shore", Tallinn, 1970, p. 106.)

"Socialism has been a tragedy for our people. It was a bad thing that it had to happen to us. It would have been better if it had happened in a smaller country," proclaimed the Russian President Boris Yeltsin in September 1991 (Svenska Dagbladet, 7th of September 1991).

In Sweden the false Soviet "version" of this tragedy is swallowed without a second thought. Did not Napoleon say: "What is history but a myth that everyone has accepted?" Most Swedes have accepted the many myths about Communism. It was so nice to believe in the fairy tales, which claimed, among other things, that the citizens of the Communist countries at least had a social security. It was certainly a fine kind of security with security agents and spies everywhere! It was also claimed that the Soviet citizens had the right to work. The slaves could not work normally under oppression for worthless money, which could only be used in shops where there was nothing worth buying. It could also be proved that the workers in the Communist countries were in poorer health than those in the West.

On the 13th of December 1991, the Jewish cultural editor of Expressen, Leif Zern, published an article by Claudio Magris who wept and lamented over the fall of the Soviet empire: "I believe we must regard the tragic fall of Communism with respect and even love. We only need to think of the

thousands of men and women who died for this belief." This writer intensely disliked reading revealing articles about Lenin. He did not weep over the more than 300 million victims of Communism. He was on the side of the executioners.

The Jewish political scientist Amos Perlmutter warned in the

Washington Post in September 1989 that the break-up of the Soviet Union might become uncomfortable for the United States. He believed that the new states would not be able to do anything sensible with their liberty. He also maintained that the Baltic states lacked a democratic tradition.

The international financial elite has become very worried about the consequences of the fall of the Soviet Union, now that free discussion is no longer regarded as a serious crime in Russia. That is why the mass media have taken every opportunity to speak of the "fascist terror" of the Stalin regime, of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, Pol Pot and the others. They do not want those crimes to be labelled Communist terror. Instead, they want the ghosts of Lenin, Stalin and other mass murderers to escape via the back door of the vast slaughterhouse they built and ran so successfully.

Not one of the Western leaders wanted to halt Communism, despite the fact that its ideology, which was based on hatred and agitation, was directed against all intelligent people. It was all just one big babble circus.

A sensation hit Soviet Russia on the 26th of August 1990 when "Catechism for the Jews of the Soviet Union" was published. This text contained secret instructions, which had been worked out by Zionists in Tel Aviv in 1958. But this was not the first sign of a reverse. There were Jews who, in the press, informed the Russian public of the existence of such texts in order to publicly distance themselves from them.

On the 26th of October 1989, the newspaper Chelyabinsk)? Rabochy published a reader's letter from the Jew S. Peisner who said he was loyal to Russia and distanced himself from "Catechism for the Jews of the Soviet Union". He quoted the most cynical passages of the instruction text and wrote:

"I am a Jew, but not a Zionist. Why is there no one who can stop their criminal activities? How would they feel if someone were to publish 'Catechism for the Jews of the Soviet Union?1 Then everyone will understand that all their activities on the small and large scale were strategically planned and tactically determined."

The Zionists went completely silent. Russian nationalists had mean- while managed to obtain copies of the "instructions". Here are some typical excerpts from these directives:

"It is necessary to help our young Jews into leading positions. The Russians are not capable of profound thought, analysis... they are like pigs... Everything, which belongs to them today, is actually ours - they are using all this only temporarily. God has instructed us to take everything from them...

The goys [gentiles] are stupid and primitive, they can't even lie...

Slander their most eminent people who are capable of making speeches... our motto is respectable audacity...

Accuse all who try to work against us of anti-Semitism and label them anti-Semites. Constantly spread statements about the eternal suffering of the Jewish people, who have been persecuted in the past and are now discriminated against. The tactic of the 'poor Jew' has vindicated its practitioners for thousands of years.

God wanted us Jews to rule the world and this is what we do.

Keep the mass-media and information tools in our hands.

People without history are like children without parents. They must begin aII over again and then it will be easy to give them our world view and way of thinking. In this way we can liquidate entire races. They must lose their history and their traditions, following which we shall be able to shape them In our way...

Through marriage with Jewesses, there is a possibility to bring Russians under our influence and into our sphere of interest.

Buy up, destroy and prevent the publishing of books, which reveal our tactics and strategy. The goys must never know the real reasons behind Jew-pogroms.

They must be forced to choose chaos or us. When they try to do without us, we must cause complete chaos. Make sure that the disorder remains until the suffering and tortured gentiles desperately want our regime back. The gentiles must work under our leadership and be useful to us. Those who are not useful to us must be expelled. He who is not with us is against us 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,' that is what Moses taught us. Money is our God!"

The Jewish doctor Jacob Nussbaum, who is a highly placed functionary in an international organisation based in Vienna, also said virtually the

same thing to the author Lars Gustafsson, himself a Jew: "There is nothing, nothing standing between us [i.e. Jews in leading positions. - J. Lina.] and chaos any longer." (Svenska Dagbladet, 10th of April 1983, p. 14.) He also claimed: "Europe... in international organisations is of course to a very great extent quite simply an expression of Jewish universalism... Without Jewish universalism and without the Jewish faith in the stability of values, there will be no place for Europe."

He could probably not have expressed himself in a more insolent man- ner. Communism-Socialism was also an expression of Jewish universalise which resulted in over 300 million victims, ruined societies and destroyed environments. The Zionist-Frankists, through the blindness of the peoples, have been able to fool us with all those isms, which have led to impotent and idiotic social engineering.

In this book, which can be regarded as a study of evil, I have tried to inform the reader about the real background of this criminal and impotent universalism and to dispel the historical falsehood which presents Lenin as an immortal example of lofty moral strength (Gorbachev's book "Perestroika"), the collectivisation of agriculture as something positive, and other similar myths. I have at least tried to retrieve a part of our history, which the shadowy forces have stolen from us. I am sure that the material I have managed to collect for this book is but the tip of the iceberg. I am just as sure that we shall eventually hear of more and more horrible secrets.

What is awaiting us now? The international financial elite now wants to replace the former Soviet Union with the European Union, according to the Austrian political scientist Dr Karl Steinhauser's book "EG - die Super-UdSSR von morgen" (Vienna, 1992). Karl Steinhauser shows that the freemasons are in the process of creating a new federal superstate, the capital of which will be Brussels and which will have its citizens supervised by electronic means. A control system with an 18-figure personal ID number has already been built up. We shall never be able to pass certain control points without being identified. The Masonic and Illuminist leader Giuseppe Mazzini's dream of the United States of Europe seems about to come true.

On the 30th of September 1992, the Hungarian journalist Andras Bencsik, editor-in-chief of Pesti Hirlap, published in his newspaper the article "The Art of Crushing the Hard Core" where he allegorically

described the basic problems which every post-Communist society has to grapple with. Andras Bencsik declared: "The internal political crisis in the Republic of

Hungary is a result of the trap whose nature is to pull the society which falls into it further into the trap, the harder that society tries to break free of it. If the nation would patiently wait and accept its fate, it is still not certain that this would see it to safety.

This trap is reminiscent of a spider's web, where the captured fly, desperately buzzing, tries to tear itself loose. The fly seems to tear asunder

the finest strands of the web, but the spider, which sits concealed at the edge of the web, feels the strength of the filaments and patiently waits, keeps out of sight, becomes nearly invisible. But this is not because it is shy.

...This drama is tragic for the fly. It is about the fly's life. For the spider it is natural - this is how it feeds.

It is really about a struggle for survival. The nature of the struggle is that both sides believe themselves to be in the right. That is why the possible final results are also similar. Either the flies' or the spiders' order of society will be victorious. If the flies win, there will not be many opportunities left for the spiders. If the spiders win, the flies' society will degenerate into a mere food-farm. They will procreate just to feed the spiders. In the society of flies, there is democracy whereas in that of the spiders there is dictatorship. Today we know both forms.

Only a few among us have discovered that, while our old and dear spider's web dried up and withered, the new spiders stretched a new, dazzling web beneath us, so that our liberation actually means that we fall into a newer, stronger web instead of being able to fly about freely.

The spiders, who had organised their parasitic nation into a hard core, had a more advantageous situation when they began reorganising the structure of society which had broken apart. Their advantage lay in the fact that they knew their own culture very well and had no doubts that their position had become considerably worse. The world was not created for the spiders, but the heavenly will had a place also for them, as for the mosquitoes. We may express it in this way; that it happened so that the peaceful creatures would not start feeling too secure..."

This is the best analogy I have seen regarding the current situation in Europe.


The Hungarian author and Member of Parliament Istvan Csurka wrote an article where he said outright that there was a conspiracy, which was consciously damaging Hungary. The Jews, the Liberals and the IMF (the International Monetary Fund) led the conspiracy. Of course, a big scandal broke out. It is not permitted to describe one's beliefs if they are unpleasant and disturbing.

The plans for the future Europe were ready well in advance. Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972), who was the first president of the Pan-European Union founded in 1923, wrote the following in his book "Praktischer Idealismus" / "Practical Idealism" (1925):

"The future man will be a mongrel. As for a Pan Europe, I wish to see there a Eurasian-Negroid mixture with great variation in personality types... The Jews shall take the leading positions, since good providence has given Europe a spiritually superior race of nobility called the Jews." (Pages 22 and 50.)

I found the freemasons' plans for the future Europe in Wiener Freimaurer Zeitung (Vienna, September 1925 and October 1926).

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