Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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This book outlines how the Illuminati's most important ideology - Communism - was spread using guile and violence. The author reveals numerous lies which uninformed people have swallowed in good faith. The Illuminati knew their business. The French socialist and Illuminatus Louis Blanc called Weishaupt the most skilful conspirator through the ages.

Telling the story of the rise of Communism means revealing the histories of the worst of the criminals involved at the time. But this is necessary, for without knowledge of the secrets of evil, we cannot properly develop the good, either. As the Swedish philosopher Henry T. Laurency wrote: "Only he who knows evil knows good."

Then we shall appreciate goodness above everything else on earth. Then we may really be able to welcome the truth, even if it is frightening and dismiss lies, even if they are pleasant.


On the 5th of May 1818, in the German town of Trier, a baby boy was born and given the name Moses Mordecai Levi Marx. In his early youth, he became known as a Christian. His father, Hirschel ha-Levi Marx, Justice of the Supreme Court, had opportunistically converted to Christianity in 1816. Hirschel's father was a famous Chief Rabbi in Cologne. His father-in-law was also a rabbi.

The historian Richard Laufner proved in 1975 that Karl Marx was not born into a Christian family, as they had secretly kept their Jewish faith. This is why he was given a Mosaic name just after his birth. Moses Mordecai Levi was only baptised in 1824, at six years of age, and given the Christian name Karl Heinrich.

Young Marx went to a Jesuit school, which had been restructured as a secular high school. At the same time, he went to a Talmudic school, where he learned that the Jews must rule the world. Bernard Lazar (Lazana), (1865-1903), a well-known functionary and publicist within Judaism, confirmed that Marx had been affected by Talmudism.

In August 1835, Marx wrote his examination essay for religious studies: "The Union of the Faithful in Jesus". In it he wrote, among other things, the following: "Through our love of Christ, we turn our hearts simultaneously towards our brothers, who are spiritually bound to us and for whom He gave himself as a sacrifice." (Marx and Engels, "Collected Works", Volume I, New York, 1979.)

In his examination essay in German, "Considerations of a Young Man on Choosing his Career", he admitted: "Religion itself teaches us that the Ideal towards which all strive has sacrificed Himself for humanity, and who shall dare contradict such claims?"

After high school, he studied at the University of Bonn and later, in the autumn of 1836, in Berlin, but he took his doctorate in Jena, where the requirements were lower than in Berlin.

As a young student, Karl Marx went through a total transformation. He began to hate God. This was something he admitted in his brutal poetry. Two of Marx's poems were published during his lifetime in the periodical Athenaeum in Berlin, under the title "Wild Songs", on the 23rd of January 1841. Forty poems and the verse drama "Oulanem" written by Marx (the title is an anagram of Emanuel, meaning God is with us) have been found to date. He wrote the latter at eighteen years of age.

But no one cared about his poetry, which had mostly to do with the end of the world and his love for the girl next door, Jenny von Westphalen. In

his poems he threatened to revenge himself upon God and time after time expressed his hatred for the world. He vowed to throw humanity into the abyss and follow after with laughter on his lips. He flung terrible curses at humanity. He did not become an atheist, though. In his poem "Der Spiel- mann" ("The Fiddler"), he admitted:

That art God neither wants nor wists,

It leaps to the brain from Hell's black mists.

Till heart's bewitched, till senses reel:

With Satan I have struck my deal.

In another of his poems, Marx promised to lure mankind with him into hell in the company of Satan. These words are reminiscent of Jakob Frank's expressions. This shows that Marx was affected by Frankism. Karl Marx's father had come into contact with Frankism and had also instructed his children in this ideology. This is how young Marx got to know of Frankism, as was mirrored in his poetry. His family's conversion

to Christianity was just a social manoeuvre. Jakob Frank himself had done the same, when he became a "Catholic". Frank had, in his turn, followed the dreaded Sabbatai Zevi's example of "changing religion" for the sake

of the cause.

Marx was delighted with the idea of humanity's moral ruination. In his poetry, he dreamed of a pact with Satan. He was especially fascinated by violence. Later, in his own ideology, he stressed that one must fight violence with violence. He called humanity "the apes of the cold god".

Marx's religion is clearly revealed in his poem "Invocation of One in Despair" (Karl Marx, "Collected Works", Vol. I, New York, 1974):

So a god has snatched from me my all In the curse and rack of destiny.

All his worlds are gone beyond recall! Nothing but revenge is left to me.

I shall build my throne high overhead, Cold, tremendous shall its summit be. For its bulwark - superstitious dread. For its Marshal - blackest agony. Who looks on it with a healthy eye,

Shall turn back, deathly pale and dumb, Clutched by blind and chill mortality, May his happiness prepare its tomb.

Here is the ending of the drama "Oulanem" (from Robert Payne's "The Unknown Karl Marx", New York University Press, 1971):

If there is something which devours,

I'll leap within it, though I bring the world to ruins -

The world which bulks between me and the abyss

I will smash to pieces my enduring curses. I'll throw my arms around its harsh reality, Embracing me, the world will dumbly pass away,

And then sink down to utter nothingness,

Perished, with no existence - that would be really living.

In his poem "The Pale Maiden" Marx writes: Thus heaven I've forfeited,

I know it full well.

My soul, once true to God,

Is chosen for hell.

In another of Marx's poems, "Human Pride" (published in "World Revolution" by Nesta Webster, p. 167), he writes the following:

With disdain I will throw my gauntlet

Full in the face of the world,

And see the collapse of this pygmy giant

Whose fall will not stifle my ardour.

Then I will be able to walk triumphantly

Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom.

Every word of mine is fire and action.

My breast is equal to that of the Creator.

The spirit of these poems was also evident in his "Communist Mani- festo" and his later speeches. On April 14th, 1856, he said: "History is the judge, the proletariat its executioner." (Paul Johnson, "The Intellectuals", Stockholm, 1989, p. 74.)

Marx found great pleasure in talking about terror, about houses marked with red crosses indicating that the inhabitants were to be killed.

Moses Hess - the Teacher of Marx and Engels

Karl Marx's worship of violence was strengthened by a Frankist commu- nist whom he met in 1841, when he was 23 years old. This man was called Moritz Moses Hess. Moses Hess was born on the 21st of June 1812 in Bonn, the son of a wealthy Jewish industrialist. He died on the 6th of

April 1875 in Paris and is buried in Israel. It can be mentioned that he founded the German Social Democratic Party. In "Judisches Lexikon" (Berlin, 1928, pp. 1577-78) he is called a communist rabbi and the father of modern Socialism.

In 1841, he founded the newspaper Rheinische Zeitung and one year later he made the 24 year-old Marx its editor. Theodor Zlocist published an interesting book about him in 1921, "Moses Hess, der Vorkampfer des Sozialismus und Zionismus".

Part of Moses Hess' terrifying world of ideas is disclosed in his book "Rome and Jerusalem".

Moses Hess quickly transformed young Marx into a freemason, a socialist agitator and his minion. Marx was still no communist. He wrote in Rheinische Zeitung, which he edited during the years 1842-43: "Attempts by masses to carry out Communist ideas can be answered by a cannon as soon as they have become dangerous..." He then believed these ideas to be impracticable. Moses Hess essentially corrected all these opinions. He became the grey eminence behind Marx, intensively guiding and influencing his protege's work.

In Paris, in the autumn of 1844, Moses Hess presented the 26-year-old Marx to the half-Jew Friedrich Engels, who was two years younger. This meeting laid the foundations for their long collaboration. Engels had also expressed Christian ideas in his youth: "I thirsted for a connection with God. My religion was and is a peaceful and blessed world and I should be pleased with it if it were to be with me also after my funeral. I have no reason to suppose God should take it away from me. Religious persuasion is a thing of the heart. I pray every day, indeed almost all day, for truth. I seek the truth everywhere, even where I hope to find just a shadow of it.

Tears are welling forth as I write this. I am moved through and through, but I feel I will not be lost. I will come to God, for whom my whole soul longs." (Marx and Engels, "From Early Works", Moscow, 1956, p. 306.)

But Engels fell, after he happened to meet Moses Hess in Cologne. After this meeting Hess wrote: "He parted from me as an over-zealous Communist. This is how I produce ravages..." (Moses Hess, "Selected Works", Cologne, 1962.)

It was this same Moses Hess who thought up the rancorous basis of the socialist-communist ideology. He was also the first to recommend, as a fundamental idea, that all personal property should be abolished. Alexander Volodin actually called Moses Hess a "philosopher" in his

book "Herzen" (Tallinn, 1972, p. 97).

What were his remarkable ideas then? In his writings, Moses Hess

stressed the need to agitate the social classes against each other and in this way hinder their co-operation. He wanted to bring about a socialist

revolution with the help of Judaism, racism and the class struggle. He strcssed that Socialism was inseparably bound to internationalism, as the socialists have no fatherland. The true socialist cannot have anything to do with his nationality. He also declared: this does not apply to Jews! Hess believed that internationalism served the interests of Judaism. He wrote: "Whoever denies Jewish nationalism is not only an apostate, a renegade in the religious sense, but also a traitor to his people and to his family." (Moses Hess, "Selected Works", Cologne, 1962.) The Bolshevik Rosa Luxemburg was also simultaneously an internationalist and a great Jewish patriot - she even ate exclusively kosher food.

In his "Red Catechism for the German People", Moses Hess revealed: "The socialist revolution is my religion." He thought it suitable that this brutal struggle for socialist power should be waged under the red family banner of the Rothschilds. Moses Hess wrote to the Jewish socialist leader Ferdinand Lasalle: "I use the sword against anyone who opposes the struggle of the proletariat." (Moses Hess, "Correspondence", The Hague, 1959). What he actually meant was the struggle of the Judaists.

The radical agitator Hess was not an atheist, however. He wrote: "I have always been edified by Hebrew prayers." (Moses Hess, "Rome and Jerusalem", 1860.)

Hess also explained that Judaism was to pass into a godless socialist, revolutionary ideology. He stressed that the Jews had been given the role

of changing mankind into a savage animal, as described in his article "About the Monetary System". ("Rheinische Jahrbucher", Vol. 1, 1845.)

Later, Marx and Engels stated quite openly that many of Hess' ideas deserved a wide recognition. The Hungarian Jew Theodor Herzl further developed Hess' Zionist doctrine in the 1890s.

Another of Marx's guides, Levi Baruch, emphasised to him that the revolutionary elite of Jews were not to reject Judaism and that they should be called traitors to their own people if they did so. As sham Christians, some Jews had reached the highest positions in the Church and civil town administration in Spain in the 16th century (the Inquisitor Lucero and many others). Baruch propagated the same tactics for "revolutionary Jews" - they were to hide their Judaism behind Marxist phrases.

When one of Baruch's letters to Marx was published, its contents caused a big scandal, which they wanted to silence at once. This letter explained, among other things, that it would be easy for Jewry to get into power with the help of the proletariat. Thus the new governments were to be led by Jews who would forbid all private property so that all these riches came into Jewish hands, or made the Jews administrators of the fortunes and estates. In this way an old dream which the Talmud speaks of, namely that all the riches of the world would come into the hands of the Jews, was to be fulfilled. In his letter, Baruch also made it clear that the goals of Judaism were power over the whole world, a mingling of the races, abolition of national frontiers, elimination of the royal families and finally the founding of the Zionist world state. (Salluste, "Les origines secretes du bolchevisme", Paris, 1930, pp. 33-34.)

The Background to Marx's View of Humanity

According to Professor Jan Bergman in Sweden, the Cabbalists regard all non-Jews as cattle. The Talmud also states this opinion in several places: "Only the Jews are called human, the goyim are called animals." (Baba Batra 114b, Jebamot 61a, Keritot 6b and 7a.)

The lives of non-Jews are worth less than the lives of Jews. This supposition is confirmed in the Talmud: "If a non-Jew murders a non-Jew or an Israelite, he shall be punished. But if an Israelite murders a non-Jew, the death penalty cannot be imposed." (Sanhedrin 57a, which in Epstein's

English translation corresponds to Sanhedrin I, p. 388.) The Talmud also exhorts: "Even the best of the goyim (Gentiles) must be killed." (Avodah Zara 26b, Tosefoth.)

The Jews even believe that the products of the Gentiles' work belong to God's chosen people. "The property of the Gentiles is like a masterless desert; anyone who takes it has thereby acquired a right to it." (Baba Batra 54b.)

As can be seen, Judaism is an extremely racist doctrine. This is con- firmed time after time in both the Talmud and Torah. "Humanity is blessed solely for the sake of the Jews." (Talmud, Jebamot 63a.) "All Jews are born the children of kings." (Shabbat 67a.) "The Jews are more agreeable to God than the angels." (Chullin 91b.)

The Jewish writer and freemason Heinrich Heine (Chaim Budeburg)

has admitted: "The Jewish religion is not a religion at all, it is a calamity." Israel Shahak also believes Cabbalistic mysticism to be deeply misanthropic. ("Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years", London, 1994, pp. 16-19.)

In Deuteronomy 20:10-17 we are informed that all other nations must work for the Jews if they come into the Jews' dominion. If they resist, they must be killed and their property robbed. All goyim must be exterminated

where the Jews already live. In Deuteronomy 7:16 (King James' Bible), one can read the following: "And thou shalt consume all the people that the LORD thy god shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them." The Jews have unfortunately followed these incitements to genocide

from time to time. The Greek historian Dio Cassius (who was also a Roman official) described in detail how the Jews in the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire, in the year 116 A.D., during a rebellion began to murder various races they lived among. Judaists killed both women and children, at times using terrible torture. The most infamous bloodbaths were committed in the city of Cyrene and the province Cyrenaica (in the eastern part of present-day Libya) and on Cyprus and above all in its capital Salamis. The Greek historian Eusebius confirmed this. Mass murders were also perpetrated in Mesopotamia and Palestine. In Cyrenaica alone, the Jews killed 220 000 Romans and Greeks.

On in Cyprus, their victims were estimated at 240 000. On this island the Jew Artemion led the murders. Understandably, the Jews were no longer welcome on Cyprus after this.

The Roman Emperor Marcus Ulpius Traianus (53-117 A.D.) sent troops to stop the killing. It took Rome a year to rein in the bloodlust of the Jews. Dio Cassius tells us how the Jews even ate their victims and smeared themselves with their blood. (William Douglas Morrison, "The Jews Under Roman Rule", London and New York, 1890, pp. 191-193.) The most brutal murders were committed in Egypt. Dio Cassius describes how the Jews even attacked the ships in which fear-stricken people tried to escape. (Dr Emil Schurer, "Geschichte des judischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi" / "History of the Jewish people in the time of Christ", Leipzig, 1890, p. 559.)

I shall give some further examples of massacres perpetrated by Judaists. In A.D. 517, Judaists headed by Joseph (Jussuf) Mashrak Dhu Nuwas seized power in the north of Himyar in southern Arabia (now Saudi Arabia) and at once began to destroy the Christians and other Gentiles in the area. This wild slaughter shook all of Europe. Dhu Nuwas had seized power by force and introduced Judaism as the new national religion. Allied troops from Byzantium, Arabia and Aksum (Ethiopia) managed to overthrow Dhu Nuwas in May, A.D. 525. The mass murderer was executed. (Y. Kobistyanov, A. Drizdo, V. Mirimanov, "The Meeting of Civilisations in Africa", Tallinn, 1973, pp. 84-85.)

But those were not crimes according to the Jews because, as the Talmud tells us: "Even the best of the goyim must be killed." The Jews have themselves written of their massacres in the Bible. In Esther 9:16, we find the story of how the Jews, with Mordocai at their head, murdered 75 000 Persians and members of other nations. The Judaists celebrate this genocide every year in February or March as the feast of Purim.

Against the background of these Cabbalistic beliefs we are able to explain Marx's extreme contempt for other races. The Russians were a totally inferior people according to him. He called all the Slavic peoples an "ethnic sewer". He also disliked the Chinese. {New York Times, 25th of June 1963.) He rejected everyone who was unwilling to participate in his "revolutionary" struggle against God. He called the workers, for whom he had created his ideology, idiots and asses. He called the peasants cave- men.

Another reason why Bakunin later distanced himself from Marxism was that it was a further development of Judaism. For Yahweh gave the Jews the right to steal the lands of others (Deuteronomy 6:10-13, 6:18-19, 7:1-

2). Yahweh gave the Israelites the right to commit genocide, to totally annihilate the peoples whose lands they had the God-given right to take as their own (Deuteronomy 7:16). Yahweh gave the Israelites the right to "destroy them (other peoples) with a mighty destruction until they be destroyed" (Deuteronomy 7:23). Yahweh gave the Israelites the right to murder and plunder other races of their property (Exodus 3:20-22). Yahweh has made the Israelites a "holy" people, a master race among other races (Deuteronomy 7:6).

In his book "God and the State", Bakunin declared: "Of all the good gods who have ever been worshipped by men, Yahweh is the most jealous, the most vain, the cruellest, the most unjust, the blood-thirstiest, the most despotic and the one who is most hostile against human dignity and liberty..."

Incredible Admissions by Marx, Disraeli and Others

To maintain the illusion that Judaism had nothing to do with Marxism and that the Mosaic religion actually posed an ideological threat to Marxist Communism, several Communist leaders (among others Marx himself,
Pierre Joseph Proudhon, Francois Marie Charles Fournier - all Jews) made some so-called critical statements about Jews.

Several more recent Communist leaders have also made sure that they were accused of anti-Semitism to divert suspicions from the Frankist- Cabbalist aspect of Communism. Most so-called Sovietologists and researchers (who have no personal experience of Communism) have allowed themselves to be fooled by this pantomime. Even Tommy Hansson, whose sympathies lie with the bourgeoisie, spreads this myth further in his book "Marxismens ideologi" / "The Ideology of Marxism" (Stockholm, 1989).

In 1844 Marx wrote in his article "On the Jewish Question", that the Jews more or less controlled Europe, that their worldly god was money and that their most important business was to swindle money from people by means of extortionate interest rates. Marx reasoned:

"Which is the deepest foundation of the Jewish religion? The practical needs, egoism... What is abstract in the Jewish religion? Contempt for theory, art, history, for man as a goal in himself - this has become the money-loving man's true conscious position and virtue... As soon as society has managed to rid itself of the empirical nature of Judaism, bartering and its conditions, the Jew will become unimaginable, because then his conscious-ness no longer has an object..."

He also firmly asserted: "Behind every tyrant there is always a Jew."

Marx admitted that the Christian society was being Judaised, so becoming ever more capitalistic and increasingly worshipping money.

Every intelligent person knew this. How the Jews took over commerce in Polish Galicia in the 19th century was no secret. Polish businesses were ruined by the amalgamation of Jewish merchants. The competing Jewish businessmen suddenly began to sell their merchandise at much lower prices than the Poles, so that their businesses eventually went bankrupt. Then the Jewish businessmen raised their prices, thereby gaining control over the entire market in Galicia.

Centuries before, the Roman writer Tacitus (54-119 A.D.) stated: "The Jews show only their tribesmen loyalty and mercy." The Jewish business- men did not see this ruination of Polish merchants as criminal, because it is written in the Talmud: "Whatever sins a Jew commits, God still sees him as good and faultless." (Chagiga 15b.) Neither was it a crime that Jewish revolutionaries lied to Christians and other easily fooled people.

According to the Talmud, "God's name is not profaned if a Jew lies to a Goy." (Baba Kamma 113b.)

In the middle of the Crimean war, on the 4th of January 1856, Marx arrogantly revealed to the New York Daily Tribune that there was an orga- nisation, which was intriguing in Europe and was the real winner when England, France and Russia became weakened after losses in wars.

Other Jews have also been just as open. In his novel "Coningsby", Bcnjamin Disraeli described how a secret Jewish organisation ruled the world by means of banks. He showed how easy it was for this organisation to destroy empires and establish others, to overthrow rulers and install new ones in their stead. Disraeli, whose father had immigrated to England from Italy, was well-versed in the secrets of the Frankists and wrote that Germany faces a terrible revolution, which is being prepared with the help of the Jews; at the head of the communists and socialists stand Jews. The purpose was to neutralise the Christians and transform the world into a Jewish world with values built on violence, the basic idea being that problems can only be solved by the use of force.

Disraeli stated: "We create our luck and call it fate." It was Disraeli who first officially used the term "big brother" (a Masonic term) about a dictator. George Orwell made the idea widely known in his book "1984". Disraeli was, as is commonly known, the prime minister of Great Britain in 1868 and in 1874-80. He was later knighted and became Lord Beacons- ficld.

Wasn't it strange that Marx was later accused of anti-Semitism but not Disraeli, who described the same phenomenon? Or did it have something to do with the fact that Marx openly became a communist but not Disraeli, who was a conservative?

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