Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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On April 3, 1917, as Kristianiajjord stopped in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the Canadian border police arrested Leon Trotsky, his wife and his two children as well as five other "Russian socialists" (Nikita Mukhin, Leiba lishelev, Konstantin Romanenko, Grigori Chudnovsky, Gerson Meli-

chansky). The Canadians believed that Trotsky was German, since he spoke German better than Russian. He knew no English. Trotsky's close comrades Volodarsky and Uritsky stayed on board.

Trotsky was arrested because of a telegram, which had been sent from London on the 29th of March 1917. It revealed that Bronstein-Trotsky and his socialist companions were on their way to Russia to start a revolution against the government. Trotsky had been given 10 000 dollars by the Germans for this purpose. (Antony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution", Morley, 1981, p. 28.) Indeed, upon searching Trotsky, the police found 10 000 dollars. He explained that the money came from the Germans but had no further comment on the matter. The Canadians suspected Trotsky of collaboration with the Germans.

Dr D. M. Coulter informed Major General Willoughby Gwatkin at the Department of Defence in Ottawa that "these men have been hostile to Russia because of the way the Jews have been treated".

The British authorities were informed that the German General Staff from 1915 had financed Kerensky, Lenin and some other Russian citizens on. But it also appears that Trotsky received money from this source as early as 1916. The Canadian military secret service was convinced that Leiba Bronstein was acting on German instructions.

Suddenly a counter-order to release Leiba Bronstein and his cronies came from the British Embassy in Washington. The Embassy had received a demand from the Department of State in Washington to release Bronstein-Trotsky as an American citizen with an American passport. Washington demanded that the Canadians should help Bronstein in any way possible. So powerful were his friends! According to American explanations, it was Kerensky who wanted to have Trotsky released. Trotsky was actually released five days later. The Canadians apologised for interrupting Trotsky's journey.

Later, everything possible was done to hide the facts from the Canadian public (especially after 1919), since the authorities knew that they had, through releasing Trotsky, prolonged the world war for almost one year, according to MacLean. The Canadian government is therefore responsible for the unnecessary deaths and injuries of soldiers and civilians. But the truth always comes to light sooner or later.

All these documents in the Canadian national archives are now available to researchers.

In this way we can see that Stalin's accusations against Trotsky had some foundation. Trotsky was then accused of having worked as a paid agent on behalf of international capitalism. The Canadian documents now released show that this accusation was quite correct. Later we shall see how Trotsky consciously served Germany's interests and thereby harmed Russia.

Winston Churchill's article "Zionism Versus Bolshevism" was

published on the 8th of February 1920 in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, where he stated that Trotsky belonged to the same Jewish conspiracy which had begun with Spartacus-Weishaupt.

Trotsky as a Merciless Despot

The Menshevik Leon Trotsky arrived in Petrograd via Sweden and Finland on the 4th of May 1917. In the beginning of July he became a Bolshevik to prepare the take-over of power together with Lenin, despite the fact that Lenin had characterised him as a swine in the same year. Jewish extremists streamed into Russia from all directions. In Petrograd, they immediately began to give out newspapers, periodicals and books in Yiddish and Hebrew. After Trotsky, another 8000 Jewish revolutionaries arrived, speaking Yiddish among themselves. They were mostly young people.

After coming to power, Trotsky became Lenin's right-hand man. It was actually Trotsky who ruled Russia during Lenin's illness. He mercilessly paused the people suffering of a magnitude the world had never seen before. In the beginning Trotsky wanted to use the guillotine to execute people, but was scolded for this idea.

He was a cynic and a sadist of the worst sort. He often executed his victims personally. He murdered his hostages in the cruellest manner and even ordered children killed. He ordered disciplinary executions. There are plenty of documents about these cruelties preserved in the archives of the Communist Party.

The Masonic Jew Leon Trotsky spoke to his fellow criminals ("revolutionaries") in Petrograd, in December 1917. Among other things, he said the following: "We must turn her (Russia) into a desert populated by white Negroes upon whom we shall inflict such a tyranny as none of the most dreadful despots of the East have ever dreamt of.

The only difference is that this tyranny will not come from the right, but from the left, and will not be white, but red, in the literal sense of that word, for we shall shed such streams of blood that all the losses of human lives in Capitalist wars will shrink and pale before them. The biggest bankers on the other side of the Atlantic will work in very close collaboration with us. If we win the Revolution, crush Russia, we shall consolidate the power of Zionism on her funereal remains and become such a force that the whole world will go down on its knees before it. We will show what real power is.

Using terror, blood-baths, we will reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a complete idiocy, to a bestial condition... And meanwhile, our youth in leather jackets -the sons of watchmakers from Odessa and Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitsa, oh how magnificently, how rapturously they are able to hate everything Russian! With what enjoyment they are annihilating the Russian intelligentsia - officers, engineers, teachers, priests, generals, aca- demicians, writers..."

(Aaron Simanovich, "Memoirs", Paris, 1922, Molodaya Gvardiya,

Moscow, No. 6, 1991, p. 55.)

Some notes of elucidation to the above. "Our youth in leather jackets" refers to members of the Cheka, mainly Jews, who wore such jackets and were armed with revolvers. The four towns mentioned were within the so- called Jewish Pale in western Russia (now the Ukraine and Byelorussia). An Israeli authority notes: "Until 1939, the population of many Polish towns east of the river Bug was at least 90 per cent Jewish, and this demographic phenomenon was even more pronounced in that area of Tsarist Russia annexed from Poland and known as the Jewish Pale." (Israel Shahak, "Jewish History, Jewish Religion - The Weight of Three Thousand Years", London, 1994, p. 62.)

It was Trotsky who founded the Red Army. He used especially gruesome methods for this purpose, according to the Jewess Dora Shturman's book "The Dead Grasp after the Living" (London, 1982). Trotsky had young peasants taken from their farms by force and coerced them into new careers as red soldiers, giving orders to shoot all who resisted. With such criminal methods he formed the so-called voluntary Red Army which "fought with great honour against landowners and capitalists and won", as the Soviet history books said. Not a word was mentioned about the American instructors Trotsky called in to help train his soldiers.

In March 1918 he had 300 000 soldiers at his disposal. Two years later he already had a million. He finally managed to train and equip an army of five million men. He registered all the officers and their families. If any officer betrayed the Reds or went over to the Whites, his family was taken hostage and the traitor was warned they would be killed if the Whites did not deliver him at once.

Officers and their families were also executed for disobeying orders. Lenin's and Trotsky's cruelty and mercilessness became the guiding star for the Soviet government.

According to the record of the 11th Party Congress in the spring of 1922, Trotsky said the following about his coercion of soldiers into his army: "We took Red Guards straight from the villages, gave them weapons, sometimes from the carriage door; sometimes the weapons were in another wagon, and then they received their weapons later, when they arrived and stepped out of the carriage. They spent two-three weeks, sometimes a week, in the reserves, later they were subjected to iron-hard diiscipline by the aid of commissars, tribunals and punishment groups, since we had to send out untrained men. It is true that we made some agitation campaigns, if we could, but quickly, under fire, under the pressure of a hundred atmospheres." ("Records and Stenographic Notes from the Congresses and Conferences of the Communist Party", p. 289.)

Trotsky had "guilty" people executed for the most trifling "offences". He himself used to be the "principal witness" at these mock trials. In her book, the Jewess Dora Shturman called those methods "organised and legalised banditry".

It was Trotsky who demanded that the dictatorship of the proletariat should use its true name, the dictatorship of the Bolshevik Party. This was not done for demagogic reasons. Encouraged by Trotsky, the Krasnaya Gazeta revealed the primary goal of the Soviet regime on the 31st of August 1919: "Already streams of bourgeois blood flow - but more blood! As much as possible!"

Even during the civil war in 1920, Trotsky began to make plans for the militarisation of the economy, to bring it into line with War Communism. He needed militarised slaves. Peasants and workers would have the same status as mobile soldiers and form "work-units comparable to military units" (work battalions) and be put under commanders. Each individual was a "soldier of work who cannot be his own master - if ordered to

move, he must obey; if he refuses, he will be a deserter who must be punished" (usually with death).

All this was presented at the 9th Party Congress in March-April 1920, according to the record. Trotsky emphasised: "We say that it is not true that forced labour is unproductive under all conditions." (The collection "Roster ur ruinerna" / "Voices from the Ruins", edited by Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Igor Shafarevich, Stockholm, 1978, p. 53.)

In Trotsky's view, the workers, the peasants and the unions had to be subordinated to the interests of the Communist Party in the name of the socialist build-up work. These commando tactics brought the nation to the edge of the abyss and caused massive destruction. Trotsky did not care. He had diligently studied the history of Mesopotamia and it was from there he got his insane ideas. The Akkadian king Sargon I (2335-2279 B.C.) founded an empire embracing Sumer, Babylonia, Elam and Assyria. Ur was made the capital city. During the third dynasty of Ur, which began 2112 B.C., Ur-Nammu (2112-2095) imposed a despotic and centralised system which Trotsky imitated.

The workers of Mesopotamia, which Sargon had united into a single state, received products from the state. The products of the workshops went into state depots. Like the farmers, the craftsmen were divided into groups, each under a leader. Necessities were distributed by the state by the aid of lists. The norm for necessities received was set after effectiveness. There were also norms for work, which determined the size of the workers' rations. Workers could be transported from one place to another, from one workshop to another. The authorities could send their craftsmen out of the city to work in the fields or pull barges. Farmers were sent to the workshops to help out. The fatality rate among the workers increased to approximately 10-28 per cent.

In Soviet Russia, Trotsky had all supplies sent to state depots. The goods were exchanged for other goods. A decree was issued obliging everyone to work for the state. Those who transgressed the laws or left duties undone were punished severely as deserters. After all, they were "soldiers of work". Stalin later used the same system in his concentration camps. That was why Trotsky's militarised work system would never have been a better alternative than Stalinism. Trotsky was simply worse.

In reality, the Russian workers became slaves to the international extremist Jews who had come into power and camouflaged their system

with fair Communist slogans. The goods sold on the international market made the Jewish leaders in Russia extremely rich. Their bank accounts became fatter and fatter as we can now see in the formerly secret Communist Party archives. Trotsky, for example, besides his two Ameri- can bank accounts holding 80 million dollars, had 90 million Swiss francs in Swiss banks. Moisei Uritsky (actually Boretsky) had 85 million, Felix Dzerzhinsky (actually Rufin) 80 million, Ganetsky 60 million Swiss francs and 10 million dollars. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, pp. 82-84.)

Kuhn, Loeb & Co, who through their German branches supported Trotsky's take-over in Russia in the autumn of 1917 with 20 million dollars, were later, in a half-year period, given 102 290 000 dollars in return. (New York Times, 23rd of August 1921.) That is to say, everybody involved in the conspiracy made enormous amounts of money from the sufferings of the Russian people.

The Bolsheviks acted like criminals and super-capitalists simul-

taneously. The ruling oligarchy - the Nomenclature - was transformed by Lcnin and Trotsky into a Golem, which parasitically plundered the goods of its subjects. (Executive Intelligence Review, No. 39, 30th of September 1988, p. 29.)

In Jewish folklore, the Golem was a magical monster who, with a Cabbalistic spell, could be animated to plunder, harm or destroy the goyim (Gentiles). In the spirit of the Golem, special squads forced themselves into the houses and flats of the Russians to steal their gold and jewels.

So, first the Kahal, a type of Jewish community system, was introduced (the Soviets), then the Golem was created (the Cheka was an artificial being which appropriated the possessions of the Russians and gave them into the hands of its master, the Communist leadership), and last but not least the entire population was shut into a ghetto which, on the 30th of December 1922 was named the Soviet Union. This was the way in which KGG (Kahal, Golem, Ghetto) was founded.

The Golem was also regarded as an enormous dragon who would battle against the enemies of the Jewish people. That was why the leadership of the Cheka invented the term "enemies of the people"; for there was only one race who held power - the others were just a worthless mass - no better than cattle. That was why the Chekists used to deport "enemies of the people" in cattle trucks.

All who dared criticise the only true - soviet or Kahalist - system, were regarded as "enemies of the people". The Soviets, meanwhile, had been stripped of power. By the side of every soviet there was now a parallel Party committee who held the real power. Through this principle of double responsibility, the Golem could control the situation like a spider in the centre of a vast web... But just like in the Jewish folktale, the Golem finally turned on its own creators. Hundreds of thousands of Jews began emigrating from the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s.

Trotsky's Comrades

Leon Trotsky began as people's commissary for foreign affairs, following which he was named people's commissary for war. Lenin called Trotsky "without doubt the most capable member of the central committee" and spoke positively about his skill.

Trotsky's co-workers were also very clever international bandits. I shall name only the most important chiefs within the military commissariat. Eighty per cent of the whole commissariat were Jews. All the chiefs were Jews.

The Vice-People's Commissary for Military Affairs was Yefraim Shchklyansky, who had arrived with the third train from Switzerland. His subordinates were, among others, Yemelyan Yaroslavsky (actually Minei Gubelman) and Semyon Nakhimson. The following were members of the military council: Arkadi Rosengoltz, Mikhail Lashevich, Robert Rimm, Joseph Unschlicht, D. Weinman, Moisei Lisovsky, Isaac Zelinsky, German Bitker, Moisei Rukhimovich, Bela Kun (actually Aaron Kohn), Grigori Sokolnikov (actually Brilliant) and Josef Khorovsky.

Some of the army commanders were: Vladimir Lazarevich, Naum Zorkin, Yona Yakir, Vadim Bukhman, Boris Feldman and Yevgeni Shi- lovsky.

Other important Jewish leaders in the Red Army were: Ari Mirsky, Gavril Lindov-Leytezen, Boris Zul, Yevgeni Veger, Isaac Kiselstein, M. Volvovich, Leon Mekhlis (who later became an infamous and bloodthirsty Chekist), Mikhail Rozen, Samuil Voskov, Moisei Kharitonov, Grigori Zinoviev (actually Ovsei Radomyslsky), Yakov Vesnik, Adolf Lide, P. Kushner, Mikhail Steinman, M. Schneideman, Mikhail Landa, Boris Tal, Yan-Yakov Gamarnik, Josef Bik, Rosa Zemlyatchka (actually Rozalia Zalkind), Yan Lenzman, B. Goldberg, G. Zusmanovich.

The division commanders were also Jews: Grigori Borzinsky, Sergei Sheideman, Blumenfeld, Mikhail Meier, Boris Freiman, Alexander Yanovsky, Semion Turovsky, Andrei Rataisky, Alexander Sirotkin, Eduard Lepin, Samuil Medvedyevsky, Miron Polunov, Grigori Bozhinsky, David Gutman, Alexander Shirmakher, Yevgeni Koffel, Boris Maistrakh, Ruvin Iztkovsky, Mark Belitsky, Leonid Berman, Konstantin Neiman, Nekhemia Feldman, L. Schnitman, Leon Gordman, Mikhail Sluvis, Yakov Davidovsky.

Their deputies were of course Jews: Yakov Schwarzman, Adolf Reder, Moisei Akhmanov, Alexander Grinstein, Kleitman, Abram Khasis,

Semyon Nordstein, Alexander Richter, Lazar Aronstam, Vladimir Lichten- stadt, Leon Lemberg, Abram Vaiman, Josef Rosenblum, Leon Rubinstein, Yefim Rabinovich, Moris Belitsky, Isaak Grinberg, Isai Goldsmidt and many more. (Molodaya Gvardiya, No. 11, 1990.)

The reader will understand that it is nearly impossible to name all those involved. These lists were released only in 1990. People had no idea of the real situation.

Nearly all the chiefs of the concentration camps were Jews. The most infamous of these were: Naftali Frenkel, Matvei Berman, Aaron Soltz, Yakov Rappaport, Lazar Kogan. According to the Jewish researcher and publicist Arkadi Vaksberg, eleven out of twelve chiefs of camps in the GULAG were Jews. (Alexander Vaksberg, "Lubyanka", Stockholm, 1993.)

It was also Trotsky who had decided that the independent, well-to-do farmers should be annihilated and the others transformed into workers on kibbutzes or collective households, which were called kolkhozes in Russian. Stalin and Kaganovich carried through this action in 1929.

Everything that happened in Russia under the cover of Communism was actually strongly connected with the religion of the Jews. Their own extremists in their vanity have admitted this. The rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise in New York said: "Some called it Communism, but I called it Judaism." (Curtis B. Dall, "The Military Order of the World Wars", The Army-Navy Club, Washington, 1973, p. 12.)

It has also been said that the Old Testament was the textbook of Bolshevism. In Genesis, chapter 47, verses 13-26, it is described how Joseph cunningly exploited a famine to enslave the Egyptians. He had gathered in huge amounts of grain (Gen. 41:29-57) in order to sell it to the Egyptians, in years of dearth, for cattle, land and their own freedom.

This story inevitably brings to mind how the Russian peasants were enslaved and forced into Kibbutzes by means of an artificial famine in 1932-33.

Also, according to a Jewish Midrash (Bible commentary), it was a pious act of Joseph to withhold enormous profits, made in the Pharaoh's name, for the enrichment of his own family; this was tacitly excused by Jehovah's later command in Exodus 3:22: "Ye shall despoil the Egyptians!" (Source: Robert Graves and Raphael Patai, Hebrew Myths, "The book of Genesis", London, 1964, pp. 266-267.)

Was it not true that the ancient dreams of the Jewish extremists were realised as they took away the Gentiles' money, cattle, houses, religion and personal liberty? Plundering was officially called the nationalisation of private property.

On the 12th of April 1919 the newspaper Kommunist (Kharkov) published comrade M. Kohan's article "The Jews' Services to the Wor- king Class" where he wrote the following:

"It can be said without exaggeration that the Great Socialist October Revolution was brought about through the hands of the Jews... the red five- pointed star, which was known as a Judaic symbol in ancient times, has now been taken over by the Russian proletariat... Jewish commissars as leaders of committees and soviet organisations lead the Russian proletariat to victory... Could the dark and oppressed masses of Russian workers and peasants throw off the yoke of the bourgeoisie themselves? No, it was the Jews from beginning to end who showed the Russian proletariat the way to the rosy dawn of internationalism and who to this day rule Soviet Russia. The proletariat can feel secure in the hands of the Jews. We can be calm while comrade Trotsky commands the Red Army."

Comrade M. Kohan admitted that there was not one single Jewish soldier in the Red Army, but that the Jews commanded it. Documents now available confirm this.

On the night before the 9th (22nd) of December 1919, during the Estonian war of liberation against the Bolsheviks, a Jewish battalion commander, Shunderev, fell in a battle against Estonian troops. Among his papers there was a secret circular containing an appeal to all Jewish chiefs for the forming of a secret Zionist society. The letter was written in Russian by the central committee at the Israeli World Union's department in Petrograd on the 18th March 1918. The entire text was published in two Estonian newspapers. Here are some excerpts from the letter published in the newspaper Postimees (Tartu) on the 31st of December 1919:

"Sons of Israel! The time of our final victory is near. We stand at the beginning of our world dominion and our renown. That which we only dreamed about before has nearly become reality...

Despite the fact that Russia has been subdued and lies under our punishing foot, we must still be careful. We have transformed Russia into an economic slave and we have taken nearly all of its riches and gold and forced it to kneel before us. But we must be careful in keeping our secret. We must not have any compassion for our enemies. We must eliminate their best and most talented individuals, so that the subjugated Russia will be without its leaders. In this way, we shall destroy every opportunity to rebel against us. We must provoke class war and dissension among the

blind peasants and workers. Civil war and class struggle shall annihilate the cultural values the Christian peoples have acquired... Trotsky- Bronstein, Zinoviev-Radomyslsky, Uritsky, Kamenev-Rosenfeld, Steinberg - these and many other faithful sons of Israel hold the highest posts in the nation and rule over the enslaved Slavs. We shall defeat Russia totally. Our people play leading roles in the city committees, the commissariats, the victualling committees, the house committees and other institutions. But don't let the victory go to your heads!"

Information now available confirms these statements and the

authenticity of the letter. Among Moisei Uritsky's investigation material, a secret document, copied on May 17, 1918, was found. It was the same circular as that found on the dead Jewish battalion commander Shunderev. This was published in Russia for the first time in February 1994.

Jewish "revolutionaries" knew that every state could be effectively destroyed by the aid of socialism and civil war. It was possible to control everything by simply gaining control of the production of foodstuffs, the hospitals and the energy sources.

Despite the dreadful terror, more and more Russians dared to express their discontentment with the rule of the Bolshevik Jews. The intellectuals were especially open about their beliefs. Therefore, on the 27th of July 1918, Izvestiya published an appeal by the Council of the People's Commissaries to the Russian people. This appeal condemned "anti- Semitism as a danger to the cause of the workers' and peasants' revolution". The anti-Semites were outlawed and executed on the spot. Lenin himself signed the appeal but the initiative was Trotsky's. Lenin stressed that anti-Semitism implied counter-revolution.

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