Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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This is the point where the Swedish Jew Salomon Schulman should be quoted: "Few today think of the Jews' important role, both ideologically and practically, under the pioneering period of the socialist movements." (Dagens Nyheter, April 12, 1990, B 3.) For this reason, I unearthed some facts about the role of the socialist Jews in the struggle for Russia in 1905-1906.

Lieutenant Peter Smidt, who in November 1905 agitated for mutiny on the warships in Sevastopol, openly boasted that he was the weapon of the Jews (Novoye Vremya, March 1911). Parvus and Trotsky were given plenty of aid from the United States, where the Jewish millionaire Jacob Schiff even in 1890 organised and financed training for Jewish "revolutionaries" from Russia.

It was B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant), the Jewish Masonic organi- sation, that planned the instruction for those training courses. The same order also played an active role in the so-called revolution in 1905. ("The Ugly Truth About the ADL", Washington, 1992, p. 27.)

Adolf Krause, Grand Master of B'nai B'rith, truthfully said to another liberal freemason, Count Sergei Witte (married to the Jewess Matilda Khotimskaya), during the Russo-Japanese peace negotiations in the summer of 1905, that the Jews would unleash a revolution on Russia if the Russian Jews were not given free hands to act. The peace treaty was signed in Portsmouth on the 5th of September (23rd August) 1905. The American financier Jacob Schiff was present. Witte described this event in his "Memoirs".

Before this, "revolutionary" leaflets (printed in England) had been spread among the Russian prisoners of war and thousands of Jewish "revolutionaries" from the United States of America had been sent to Russia. These Russian-Jewish terrorists protected themselves with Ameri- can passports. The acts of terror, however, were so brutal that Russia refused these Russian Jews the right of American citizenship. B'nai B'rith, whose headquarters were in Chicago and whose pompous representation is evident even in Washington, was behind these acts. The organisation was founded on the 13th of October 1842 in New York by 12 Jewish men, symbolising the 12 Jewish tribes who were to rule the world. Many leading figures within this movement were militant advocates of slavery, among them Grand Master Simon Wolf. B'nai B'rith's first lodge in Europe was founded in 1885 in Berlin. There were 103 lodges in Germany in 1932. B'nai B'rith was the only Masonic organisation allowed to continue operating even under the Nazi rule.

Today B'nai B'rith is the largest Jewish organisation in the world. In 1970 it had 500 000 male members spread over 1700 lodges in 43 countries and 210 000 female members in 600 lodges (Encyclopaedia Judaica). There are presently 70 established lodges in Europe. The only

lodge in Austria is called Maimonides. The organisation works to secure the power of the Jews over humanity, as revealed by the Hungarian Jew Aron Monus in his book "Verschworung: das Reich von Nietzsche" (Vienna, 1995, p. 149). B'nai B'rith is an executive organ for L'Alliance Israelite Uni-verselle. The official budget before 1970 was 13 million dollars. B'nai B'rith's secret service, the ADL (Anti-Defamation League), has been called the KGB of the extremist Jews.

Jewish terrorists had been active in Russia already before this but in 1905 the terror assumed unprecedented proportions. The fanatics began to murder without discrimination. One of the worst terrorists was the Menshevik Vera Zasulich (1849-1919). In 1878 she murdered the mayor of St. Petersburg, Fiodor Trepov, with a large-calibre revolver but was acquitted by the court on the 31st of March 1878. Other leading Jewish terrorists were Movsha Strunsky, Feig Elkin, Roza Brilliant and Feldman. They all followed the tradition of the infamous Jewish terrorist Grigori Gershuni.

The social revolutionary Gershuni was behind the murder of the Minister of the Interior, Dmitri Sipyagin (1902), the attempt on the life of Obolensky, governor of Kharkov and the murder of Ufa's governor N. Bogdanovich in Bashkiria (1903). Gershuni was sentenced to death in 1904. He was pardoned by the Tsar and given life imprisonment instead. Gershuni managed to escape. He was praised as a hero throughout Europe.

Gershuni's right hand was Yevno Azef (1869-1918), the son of a Jewish tailor. It was often he who planned the murders performed by the Social Revolutionaries' terrorist section. Yevno Azef was involved in several important plots, among others the one against Vyacheslav Plehve, the Minister of the Interior, who was murdered on the 28th of June 1904. (Carroll Quigley, "Tragedy and Hope", New York, 1966, p. 99.) Azef had already managed to infiltrate the police as an agent of the Social Revo- lutionaries in 1892, but never revealed the murderous plans of the terrorists since he knew the intentions of the police. He was eventually forced into double-crossing both sides. In 1908, the social revolutionary central committee discovered that Azef had betrayed his own comrades who then decided to kill him, but he managed to escape abroad.

On the 7th (20th) of October 1905, all the trains stopped. On the 8th of October, St. Petersburg was paralysed by a general strike which spread to other large cities on the 12th (25th) of October. Power stations, banks,

restaurants and hospitals were closed. No newspapers were published. Nothing worked. Agitated masses crowded in all the large cities, waving red flags and standing on street corners, listening to Jewish speakers who demanded an end to the tsarist regime. Already in April 1905, Trotsky had released a leaflet encouraging the people to overthrow the Tsar. Trotsky had returned from Switzerland in January 1905, but his activities with the subversive movements reached their peak precisely in October.

The Tsar's advisor, Sergei Witte, demanded on the 9th (22nd) of Octo- ber that Nicholas II should either summon the Parliament, the Duma, and have him named Prime Minister or have to use force against the masses. The Tsar followed this advice and Witte became Prime Minister on the same day.

Parvus and Trotsky founded the first Kahal, which was called soviet in Russian, on the 13th (26th) of October 1905. This soviet began with 40 council members, all of whom dreamed of seizing power. All "revolutio- nary" activity was co-ordinated from this Jewish organisational centre, which was camouflaged as a workers' council. The chairman at the beginning was the Jew Peter Khrustalyev (Georgi Nosar). His closest collaborators were Leon Trotsky and Alexander Parvus. The other leading members were neither poor peasants nor workers, but Jewish conspirators and freemasons: Grever, Edilken, Goldberg, A Simanovsky, A. Feif, Matzelev, Bruser and others. These people were supposedly representing the Russian working class, despite the fact that no one had elected them.

Trotsky believed the Soviets to be an excellent means with which to continue the traditions of the Paris Commune. He hoped to win power for himself through the chaos they caused. Parvus and Trotsky continued to feed the flames of the general strike and the resultant national chaos though their secret network. The instigators actually believed the tsarist regime was about to break down. The soviet had intended to keep the

general strike going as long as possible, but the workers' eagerness to revolt faded away. The agitators no longer had the people behind them.

The Tsar also announced a manifesto on the 17th (30th) of October, in which he promised that suffrage would be broadened and that the legislative power would be divided between the parliament and govern- ment. The people began to calm down. Trotsky, who had his 26th birthday on the 25th of October (November 7th), was deeply disappointed. The

attempt to take power had failed.

The leaders of the revolution in 1905. From the left: Alexander Parvus, Leon Trotsky and Leon Deutsch with other Jewish conspirators. This photograph was a state secret.

The Masonic Jews fumed with anger and eagerly began to use the power of the Soviets in other cities. Moisei Uritsky became the leader of the soviet in Krasnoyarsk in December 1905, according to The Greater Soviet Encyclopaedia. Peasants were provoked to plunder their estates in November-December (just like in France in July of 1789). It was Lenin, according to the myth, who led the preparations for an armed revolt in November 1905. But he was actually still abroad, according to Stanislav Govorukhin's documentary film "The Russia We Lost". Parvus, Trotsky and Deutsch led the revolt. Nosar was arrested and Trotsky became soviet leader on the 26th of November. A week later (3rd December) he was arrested together with 300 other soviet members. Parvus immediately organised a strike. Trotsky was exiled to Siberia for life.

Parvus re-established his soviet almost straight away, on the 7th (20th) December, and named himself the last chairman of the group. On the same day, Parvus had organised a major strike in the capital, in which 90 000 workers took part. 150 000 went on strike in Moscow on the following day. There were riots in other cities too. The leader of the rabble who

attacked Moscow on the 9th of December was the Jew Zinovi Litvin- Scdoy (actually Zvulin Yankelev). The Moscow soviet had prohibited all non-socialist newspapers on the 7th of December. The bloody riots went on for nine days. The Tsar had no other alternative than to use force against the plundering and terrorising mob. The major troubles were finally put down on the 12th of January 1906. Parvus was among those arrested and was exiled to Siberia, but escaped before he reached his


14 000 strikes in total were organised in Russia in 1905. Three million workers took part. The agitators were everywhere Jews, who skilfully exploited the defeat in the war against Japan. People soon understood this and the reaction was not slow in coming. The battle-cry of the pogroms between the 18th and the 20th of October went: "Beat up the Jews!" Jewish shops, where prices had been exorbitant, were plundered and burnt down. 810 Jews were killed. This was hardly surprising since the leading

contributions in this attempt at a national coup had come from the Zionist Socialist Workers' Party, the Kahal and the Jewish socialist parties The Sickle, Bund and Po'alei Zion. The last-named organisation alone contributed 25 000 terrorists to the struggle to overthrow the Tsar. The Sickle had been founded for the purpose of taking part in the actions of 1905. The organisation was dissolved in February 1917. Isaac Deutscher

explained that the anti-Semitic attitude was caused chiefly by the deceptions of the Jewish shop-owners. According to the Soviet Zionists' official (exaggerated) reports, 4000 Jews were killed during the pogroms in Russia between 1905 and 1907. (Obozrenie, Paris, November 1985, p. 36.)

20 000 people were killed or crippled as a result of the terrorist actions in the years 1905-06, according to the film director Stanislav Govorukhin. Novoye Vremya put the total figure at 50 000 in March 1911.

Both Parvus and Trotsky began to understand that all these sporadic

terrorist actions would not be enough to support and decisively change the outcome of the coup attempts in October (when the all-out political strike

was organised and terrorist actions were staged), December 1905, and in January 1906, when the last, desperate attempt to overthrow the Tsar's regime was made. Lenin, who sceptically followed the events in Russia from his exile, came to the same conclusion. Mass terror was needed for a victory. The "revolutionaries" dreamed of civil war.

On the 11th of April 1906, Peter Rutenberg (1879-1942) hanged the priest and trade unionist Georgi Gapon who had carried the petition on Bloody Sunday. He knew too much and was killed as a traitor and police agent.

The Tsar named Peter Stolypin Minister of the Interior in April 1906 and soon afterwards he was appointed Prime Minister. Stolypin eventually brought an end to the terror and the "revolution". He had no choice but to enforce martial law to frighten and combat the terrorists. Only those who had committed murder were executed after being court-martialled. 600 terrorists were court-martialled and executed in 1906. Most of the "revolutionaries" (35 000) fled abroad - mostly to Palestine (Isaac Deutscher, "Den ojudiske juden" / "The un-Jewish Jew", Stockholm, 1969, p. 119), but also to Sweden, the United States of America and other countries.

Peter Stolypin had control of the situation from June 1907. Another 2328 terrorists were executed in the years 1907-08. How many Russians owed him their lives? Russia began to recover after the atrocities of Leon Trotsky and Alexander Parvus. The dark forces disliked this new turn of events.

Peter Stolypin's house was subjected to a bomb attack immediately after his nomination in the spring of 1906. The victims were visitors - 27 killed and 32 wounded - the explosion was terrible.

Among the victims was the son of the Prime Minister. His daughter was thrown out of the house by the force of the explosion and landed in front of some horsedrawn wagons. She was lame for the rest of her life. Stolypin was not at home at the time of the attack. This assault on Apothecary Island in St. Petersburg was the last spasm of the terror. Stolypin, meanwhile, was well aware that the instigators of the country's troubles were Masonic Jews.

Peter Stolypin's reforms were thorough. A new constitution was written up in which the peasants were given full freedom. Stolypin introduced a land reform, which gave the peasants the right to take out state loans in order to buy their own farms. Two million peasants became independent farmers between 1907 and 1914 and 23 percent became landowners. The peasants were freed from income tax. Electricity and telephones were installed in the villages of Altai. Stolypin oversaw the building of schools and hospitals in the country.

A health insurance policy was introduced in 1912, all in keeping with previous plans. The newspapers were allowed to publish what they wan- ted. All political parties were permitted. Both the army and navy were modernised. Jewish "revolutionaries" realised that they would never be able to take over Russia if this was allowed to continue. Jewish funda- mentalists raged against these reforms which gave Russia's agricultural proletariat land and freedom.

The British political scientist Bernard Pares also admitted that "the seven-year period 1907-14 must from an economic viewpoint without doubt be seen as the best in all Russian history". During this period the peasants came into possession of three quarters of the land. That was why the secret Masonic forces worked ever more eagerly to halt this positive development.

The Jews had great influence in Russia - they dominated the banks and the oil and sugar industries. The Jewish lawyer Dmitri Stasov was of a
noble family and became the first chairman of the Russian Lawyers' Association in St. Petersburg. His daughter, Yelena, became an infamous Bolshevik murderess and Lenin's lover. There were 3567 Jewish nobles in Russia in 1904, yet they have tried to distort history, asserting that the Jews in Russia were without any rights and were the victims of constant pogroms. Only Catherine II, the Great, had actually tried to reduce the secret influence of the Jews. Afterwards everything continued as usual. It became prohibited in the Soviet Union to show the famous painting where Catherine II treads on the serpent (symbolising Judaism).

Before the October coup, 37 per cent of the Jewish population of 6.1 million worked with trade and commerce. On average, the Jews had a better education than others. It might be mentioned that half the students in the Ukraine were Jews. That was why the Jews held 87 per cent of the best positions whilst only making up 4.2 per cent of the population. Of course, they had all officially joined the Russian Orthodox Church.

Many Jews held very high posts, among these was the Senator and Minister of Justice Vladimir Sabler (Desyatovsky, 1845-1929), Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Boris Sturmer (1848-1917), and the Ministry of Justice's Chancellor Nikolai Neklyudov (1840-1896).

Twelve Jewish members were elected to the Duma after the attempted coup in 1905. But the extremist Jews still dreamed of total control over the Russian society. 50 000 of the Jews were workers (not even 1 per cent). It would be interesting to find out how many Jewish workers there are in Russia today.

Russia exhibited an impressive surplus of grain during Stolypin's tenure. After his reforms, Russia began producing more grain than the United States of America, Canada and Argentina put together. Finally, Russia produced 40 per cent of the world's grain and was called the world's granary.

This was unpopular with the international financial elite. Stolypin, being a liberal, also worked to further improve the position of the Jews, according to Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Stolypin was a sensible man who knew that there was only a small group of fanatics among the Jews in Russia, who unfortunately committed terrible crimes and acted in the name of all Jews. Even according to Lenin's own (naturally reduced) data, there were 33 000 socialist "revolutionaries" of Jewish stock in Russia in 1906. (Lenin, "Works", 4th edition, Vol. 2, p. 168.) Stolypin wanted to

widen the Jews' choice of career in order to draw them away from Socialism.

At 9 o'clock on the evening of the 1st (14th) of September 1911, Prime Minister Peter Stolypin was wounded by the Jewish terrorist Mordekai (Dmitri) Bogrov (who was a social revolutionary) at the opera in Kiev. This occurred in the middle act of Rimsky-Korsakov's "Tsar Saltan" in the presence of Tsar Nicholas II. Bogrov shot Stolypin twice with a pistol at point-blank range. Stolypin raised his left hand - the right was pierced - and made the sign of the cross towards the Tsar. Prime Minister Peter Stolypin died four days later.

The student Dmitri (Mordekai) Bogrov was the son of a rich Jew who owned a large house in Kiev. {Molodaya Gvardiya, No. 8, 1990, p. 232.) At first, people tried to lynch the terrorist, but the police saved him.

Leon Trotsky had met the murderer Bogrov on the morning of 1 September 1911 in Kiev. The inhabitants of Kiev wanted to beat all the Jews to death after the murder of Prime Minister Peter Stolypin, but the government sent a regiment of Cossacks to stop the bloodbath. ("The War by Base Law", Minsk, 1999, p. 42.)

The Masonic Jews had attempted to murder Stolypin a total of ten times. Bogrov succeeded on the eleventh attempt. The "revolutionaries" were pleased. Lenin heard the news in his exile and was elated. The historian V. Startsev pointed out that tsarism lost its most gifted defender when Stolypin died. The social revolutionary and freemason Alexander Kerensky (actually Aaron Kiirbis) fled abroad after the murder, since he had had a close co-operation with the murderer Mordekai Bogrov. The same Kerensky became Russia's Prime Minister in July 1917.

It was extremely important for the Masonic Jews to bring the reforms to an end. Leon Trotsky admitted that, if the reforms had been brought through completely, the Russian proletariat would have been unable to reach power. (L. Trotsky, "The History of the Russian Revolution", London, 1967, Vol. 1, p. 64.) When he said "the Russian proletariat" he meant the Masonic Jews.

To safeguard the Masonic plans and to thwart Russia's positive development, a setback was then arranged through the United States government. In December 1911 the American president William Howard Taft nullified the Russo-American trade agreement. Congress was almost unanimous (only one vote against was registered).
Trotsky Abroad

Neither Trotsky nor Parvus stayed in Siberia. Both escaped. Parvus ended up in Turkey where he became a businessman. Trotsky escaped on the 20th of February 1907 and lived first in Vienna and later in Geneva where he occasionally discussed the prospects of Jewry with the Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann. Parvus supported both Lenin and Trotsky financially. They were even allowed to live with Parvus in Munich for a short period. Lenin also regarded Parvus as his teacher, though he eventually came to hate him.

Parvus became especially rich during the Balkan War (1912-13). He dealt in anything from grain to condoms. On his coal deals alone he made 32 million Danish crowns in gold. Lenin and Trotsky took part in a Masonic conference in Copenhagen in 1910, where the possibilities of socialising Europe were discussed. (Franz Weissin, "Der Weg zum Sozia- lismus" / "The Way to Socialism", Munich, 1930, p. 9.)

In 1912, Trotsky worked as a war correspondent in the Balkans during 1912. It was Parvus who had arranged this opportunity for him.

During the First World War Trotsky lived in France but he eventually acted against the interests of that country. He had, among other things, published agitatory articles in the exile newspaper Nashe Slovo, which he had founded together with L. Martov (Julius Zederbaum). On the 15th of September 1916, the newspaper was suppressed and on the following day Trotsky was deported to Spain. A few days later he was arrested in Madrid.

He was sent to Cadiz, then to Barcelona, where he was put on board the steamship Monserrat and sent away to the United States of America. He landed in New York on January 13, 1917. Many of his Jewish collabo- rators (Grigori Chudnovsky, Moisei Uritsky and others) had also made their way to New York.

In New York, Trotsky wrote a few odd articles for an insignificant little Marxist newspaper Novy Mir, which had been founded by his Jewish com- rades Mikhail Weinstein and Brailovsky. Nikolai Bukharin (actually Dolgolevsky) worked in the editorial office, together with V. Volodarsky (actually Moisei Goldstein) and other Jews. Trotsky also gave a few lectures. Despite the fact that the newspaper could pay no normal royalties, Trotsky and his family lived in a luxurious house in the Bronx

(with the rent paid three months in advance). A free limousine with a chauffeur was given to him and his family to use (Antony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution", Morley, 1981, p. 22).

Trotsky officially went to the United States to prepare the organisation of the "workers' revolution" in Russia. (Robert Payne, "The Life and Death of Trotsky", London, 1978.) He met several Jewish communist- anarchists in New York (Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman and others).

In the archives of the State Department there is a document, No. 861.00/5339, which reveals how Jacob Schiff, who was a very influential person within the Masonic organisation B'nai B'rith, and his companions Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn, Mortimer Schiff, Isaac Seligman and others had made plans as early as 1916 to overthrow the Russian Tsar. In April 1917 Jacob Schiff himself officially confirmed that it was through his financial aid to the revolutionaries that the Tsar had been forced to abdicate, whereupon a Masonic government came into power (Gary Allen, "None Dare Call it Conspiracy", 1971). At the same time, Alexander Kerensky received one million dollars from Jacob Schiff. (Encyclopedia of Jewish Knowledge, article "Schiff, New York, 1938.)

In the spring of 1917, Jacob Schiff began to finance Leon Trotsky to implement "the second phase of the revolution", according to Dr Antony C. Sutton. Colonel Edward M. House, a powerful Illuminatus in America, saw to it that President Woodrow Wilson quickly had an American passport issued for Trotsky, so that he could go back to Russia and continue the "revolution".

In New York, on the 27th of March 1917, the 37-year-old Trotsky, with his family and 275 international terrorists and adventurers embarked on the ship Kristianiajjord bound for Europe to complete the "revolution" in Russia. Various criminals, Jewish-American communists and brokers from Wall Street also accompanied them. There were some Dutchmen on board as well, according to the American communist Lincoln Steffens. They were the only ones on board who had nothing to do with the journey to Russia.

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