Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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On December 16th, 1922, when Lenin had barely recovered, he gave the order to be driven from his villa in Gorky (near Moscow) to the Kremlin, where he rested. He did not listen to the protests of doctors and

relatives. In the Kremlin, Lenin discovered that someone had made a thorough search of his office, had opened his filing cabinet and ransacked it, taking secret documents, details of code numbers, check books, letters of authorisation, and several foreign passports. His fit of rage led to

another stroke, lasting about 30 minutes, on the same night.

The circumstances of Lenin's new stroke were kept secret by the Com- munist Party until the historian Igor Bunich revealed them in his book "The Party's Gold" (St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 94).

Lenin eventually broke down both physically and mentally. During the year preceding his death, he was in a constant state of total decay. The third and worst stroke leading to a cerebral haemorrhage came on the 9th of March 1923, when he practically lost the power of speech.

One may ask: how did he finish his writing projects? There are histo- rians who plainly say that the last writings were authored by Leon Trotsky.

I do not wish to think about all the atrocities which the inhuman and bloodthirsty Lenin might have committed had he been in better health.

Trotsky intimated, in his infamous article of 1939, that Stalin might

have poisoned Lenin. It is true that Lenin asked Stalin for poison

following the first stroke on the 26th of May 1922. Stalin told the

Politburo about this and they postponed the item from the agenda. It is now clear that Stalin did not poison Lenin.

In 1991 it was still claimed officially that Lenin suffered from blood

clots in hardened brain arteries. These blood clots affected vital areas of the brain. In June 1992, it was made official in Moscow that Lenin died from syphilis (Aftonbladet, July 23, 1992). The Central Institute for Marxism-Leninism released thorough notes, which Lenin's sister Maria had kept during the last months of Lenin's life. According to her, Lenin contracted syphilis in Paris in 1902. Lenin's headaches became especially severe in 1922. He also suffered from gastric catarrh and fits of uncontrolled rage. Finally, he was paralysed. The facts about his syphilis were classified. Leon Trotsky nevertheless stated that Lenin died of

syphilis. (Leon Trotsky, "Portraits: Political and Personal", New York, 1984, p. 211.) According to the Soviet mythological propaganda, Lenin had led a most exemplary family life. At an early stage, Viktor Chernov, one of the leaders of the Social Revolutionaries, revealed some of the details about Lenin's intimate life. The myth was crushed completely in 1960 when a sensational book was published in France "Lenin and the Brothels", in which it was revealed that Lenin was extremely obsessed with sex. That was why he hated Plato so intensely. Some French journalists had visited the brothels in Paris which Lenin had frequented. Old prostitutes were interviewed about Lenin's sexual habits. It was during this period that Lenin contracted syphilis.

In 1991, it was for the first time revealed in Russia that the leader of the "world proletariat" frequently visited brothels to satisfy his sexual appetites when his wife and two lovers weren't enough. Officially, Lenin had reached the highest stage of human evolution. How does that fit in with his interest in the lowest level of sexual culture?

The Bolshevik Party called on several famous German doctors and asked them to examine Lenin. The German doctors all made the same diagnosis - syphilis.

This was not popular with the Party leadership, so the 76-year-old Jewish professor Salomon Eberhard Henschen, a brain expert from Stockholm, was invited to Moscow. He travelled together with his son, Folke Henschen who was a professor in pathology. They both made a satisfactory diagnosis: ateriosclerosis. (Dagens Nyheter, August 23, 1992.) The authorities dared to reveal the truth only in July 1992.

In 1923, Lenin could only shout incoherent words and phrases: "The revolution... Help me... the people... go to hell." He screamed loudly, shook with tears and sighed desperately. {Dagens Nyheter, August 23, | 1992.) Normally, he could only say: "Just now... Just now..." At Christmas 1923, only a few weeks before his death, Lenin sat on his balcony and howled at the full moon like a wolf (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 95).

Photographs taken in the autumn of 1923 outside Lenin's villa in Gorky were released in 1992. These show without embellishment what the sick Lenin, his right side paralysed, looked like.

On the 21st of January 1924, at around six in the evening, Lenin's temperature rose to 42.3°C. There was no space left at the top of the thermometer to show any more. In his final spasms, he drooled in German "Weiter, weiter!" He died at six thirty.

All the material about the examination of Lenin's brain was kept secret and further studies in the matter were stopped. This was revealed by the journalist Artyom Borovik. (Aftonbladet, September, 1991.)

Only in 1992 was it first revealed in Russia that, according to the discoveries of the doctors, one hemisphere of Lenin's brain had been non- functional since his birth. The other hemisphere was covered with such thick calcium deposits that it was perfectly impossible to understand how Lenin had survived his last years, and the question arose: why had he not died as a child?

Yuri Annenkov claimed in 1966 in his book "The Diary of My Meetings" (New York), that he managed to get a glimpse of Lenin's brain - the left hemisphere was very wrinkly, disfigured and shrunken. The doctors reached a consensus that it was impossible for a human being to live with such a brain. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 75.) But was Lenin really a normal human being?

In conclusion, it may be said that Lenin's brain was seriously ill from his birth, but that there occurred, almost miraculously, a certain compen- sation for the damage. However, this allowed very little margin for sur- viving a progressing syphilitic attack on the brain. A gruesome idea appears, namely that a certain disease of the brain might destroy such higher spiritual functions as make us human, but leave intact the kind of robotic intelligence which is necessary for an instrument in the service of evil powers.

To make matters worse, Lenin's diet consisted almost exclusively of white bread. This means that he suffered from a severe deficiency of the minerals and vitamins needed for his body and mind to function properly. He knew nothing about nourishment. (Ogonyok, No. 39, October, 1997.)

Even Lenin's younger brother, Dmitri Ulyanov suffered from a brain disease. He became an infamous mass-murderer in the Crimea in his struggle for Soviet power during 1917-21. He finally went insane and became totally paralysed. He died on the 17th of July 1943 in Gorky at 68 years of age.

The architect Alexei Shchusev (1873-1949), who designed Lenin's mausoleum, used the central altar from the Satanist temple in Pergamon as a prototype. The German national socialists had transferred the original to Berlin in 1944, from where it was transported to Moscow one year later. (Alexei Shchusev's article "Den oforglomliga kvallen" / "The Unforget- table Evening", Svenska Dagbladet, January 27, 1948.) This, too, was a state secret. The newspaper SN wrote on May 14, 1981, that the Satanists' central altar was in Lenin's mausoleum.

Finally, the secrets which have lain under the shadow of Pluto, have begun to come to light. Those who were afraid society would fall apart altogether if the truth became known, were right. Those who claimed that evil Communism could not be reformed were also right. This is another reason why Lenin hated neutral and honest historians. When Maxim Gorky begged him to spare the life of Prince Nikolai Mikhailovich, who was an historian, Lenin answered: "The revolution needs no historians." (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 47.)

In 1990, the demolition of the Lenin monuments in Poland, Hungary, Georgia, the Baltic states and other European countries began. The first and last president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, intervened. On the 14th of October 1990, he issued a decree prohibiting the removal or destruction of Lenin statues and other monuments to communism. Gorbachev described overthrowing Lenin monuments as acts "incom- patible with... respect for the history of the fatherland and generally acceptable morals". Gorbachev's decree to protect the Lenin monuments was to no avail. The destruction continued. When the Lenin monument in Lvov (the Ukraine) was removed, the cheers ceased abruptly when it was discovered that Lenin had stood upon Ukrainian, Jewish and Polish graves. Quite symbolic, was it not? (Dagens Nyheter, 17th October 1990.) The last Lenin monuments in Estonia were demolished on the 21st of December 1993 in Narva, which had been colonised by Bolshevik- sympathising Russians. They kept it as a guardian angel for their unjust plans against independent Estonia.

Still Lenin remains here and there in Russia and Cuba and in Asia, especially in China, but also in Calcutta. The Communists have been in power in this Indian city for 22 years. They still believe Marxism- Leninism to be the only answer to the economic and political problems of the poor. {Dagens Nyheter, January 26, 1993.)

On the 1st of April 1991, I saw how someone had scrawled a nearly symbolic text on a wall in Sevilla in Spain: "Without Marxism-Leninism, there would be no Communism in the world today!"

The supercentralised system, which Lenin founded, has now fallen to pieces. Lenin brought nothing good to Russia. History has already passed judgement on Vladimir Ulyanov, a grand master in the service of darkness and falsehood. When will people understand and accept this judgement?


Leon Trotsky was born with the name of Leiba Bronstein on the 25th October (the 7th of November in the Gregorian calendar) 1879 at 10:09 p.m. in the village of Yanovka near Bobrinets in the province of Kherson in the Ukraine. It is asserted by some foreign sources that he came into the world on the 26th of October. Dmitri Volkogonov, however, settled for the 25th in his book "Trotsky". The Julian calendar, in which the new year began 13 days later than in the Gregorian, was used in Russia before the Bolshevik revolution. Leiba's father, David Bronstein, was a wealthy Jewish landowner. In fact, the Bronstein family owned the whole village.

In 1888, when Leiba was 7 years old, he began attending a Jewish Heder school, where the studies were conducted in Hebrew. (Dmitri Volkogonov, "Trotsky", Moscow, 1994, I, p. 31.) The children at this Jewish school also studied the Talmud. According to the Talmud, the Jews are God's chosen people who are to play a leading role in the world. In 1911 the Jews had 43 such schools in Odessa alone, a town in which 36.4 per cent of the population was Jewish in 1926. Leiba began collecting pornographic pictures at the age of eight.

In 1888 Leiba began at St. Paul's junior secondary school in Odessa, but he finished his last year in Nikolaievsk, where he was presented to a Czech Jew, Franz Schwigowsky who recruited the 17-year-old Leiba into a secret society - "The Workers' League". The members of "The League", in- cluding Leiba Bronstein, were imprisoned on the 28th of January 1898. He was imprisoned in Odessa where he spent two years before he was exiled to Siberia for four years. On the 21st of August 1902, he escaped from Siberia. First he went to Vienna, where he at once found the Jewish "revolutionary" and freemason Viktor Adler, who published the news- paper Arbeiter-Zeitung (Workers' Newspaper). Then his journey to London was arranged.

The man who transformed Leiba Bronstein into a revolutionary monster under the name of Leon (Lev) Trotsky, was a high ranking Jewish

Illuminatus and freemason, Israel Helphand, who had, in a fit of self irony, assumed the somewhat ironic name of Alexander Parvus (Alexander the Small). The way in which Helphand came into contact with Bronstein has not been revealed, even by the very latest research into the matter. It might be presumed that he met Parvus through Lenin, whom he met in the autumn of 1902 in London. It was in 1902 that Bronstein began to call himself Trotsky.

Leiba Bronstein first regarded Pavel Axelrod, and later Parvus as his mentor and guide. He never studied at any university. Western encyclo- paedias have claimed that Trotsky studied at the University of Kiev, but this was not the case. His contacts with Parvus were the only "university" he needed.

Trotsky remained in Western Europe until January 1905, when he returned to Russia together with Parvus to organise a "revolution". Together with Parvus, he edited a socialist newspaper, Nachalo (The Beginning).

Many embellishing myths were attached to Trotsky's name, especially in the West, where he was presented as a "gigantic personality", "an outstanding man", "educated, good and kind". These myths reached Moscow in the autumn of 1988, when Trotsky was rehabilitated after Stalin's accusations against him. It has also been claimed that everything would have been much better if Trotsky had become the General Secretary of the Central Committee.

Is this true? By means of historical documents, Trotsky's own writings and other sources, I will prove the opposite. It was very lucky that Trotsky did not become head of the Communist Party. Honest historians, also in Russia, have begun to regard Trotsky as an even more terrible alternative for the leadership than Stalin.

The myth about Trotsky is of course based on the propaganda for good Communism as opposed to Stalin's evil Communism. This is why it has been stressed again and again what an elegant man Trotsky was, whilst Stalin was rough and vulgar. Trotsky was also supposed to be interested in culture.

The myth around Trotsky was created mainly by himself. The historian Isaac Deutscher wrote of Trotsky's skill at deception. He could speak, ostensibly with all seriousness, about things of which he was quite ignorant. His falsification of the history of the "Russian revolution" is

appreciated in Sweden by the historian Kristian Gerner, among others. (Svenska Dagbladet, September 6, 1988.)

Trotsky as a Freemason

Mr Leiba Bronstein became a freemason in 1897 and later a high-ranking Illuminatus through his friend Alexander Parvus. He also maintained contacts with B'nai B'rith, a Jewish Masonic order, which had previously aided Jewish "revolutionaries" in Russia. A man named Jacob Schiff, chairman of the banking house Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and a minion of the Rothschilds, took care of the contacts between the "revolutionary movement in Russia" and B'nai B'rith. (Gerald B. Winrod, "Adam Weis- haupt - A Human Devil", p. 47.)

Leiba Bronstein began to study freemasonry and the history of the secret societies seriously in 1898, and continued these studies during the two years he spent in prison in Odessa. He made notes amounting to over 1000 pages. "Internationaler Freimaurer-Lexikon" (Vienna/Munich, 1932, p. 204) reluctantly admits that Leiba Bronstein-Trotsky came to Bolshe- vism through this study of freemasonry.

As a People's Commissary for Military Affairs, Trotsky introduced the pentagram - the five-pointed star - as the symbol of the Red Army. The Cabbalists had taken over this symbol of black magic from the witches in ancient Chaldea.

By the aid of Alexander Parvus, Trotsky reached the conclusion that the true purpose of freemasonry was to eliminate the national states and their cultures and to introduce a Judaised world state. This is also stated in "The Secret Initiation into the 33rd Degree": "Freemasonry is nothing more and nothing less than revolution in action; continuous conspiracy."

Bronstein became a convinced internationalist who, by the agency of Parvus' care, learned that the Jewish people were their own collective Messiah and would reach dominion over all peoples through the mixing of the other races and elimination of national boundaries. An international republic was to be created, where the Jews would be the ruling element, since no others would be able to understand and control the masses.

Leiba Bronstein became a member of the French Masonic lodge Art et Travail, to which Lenin also belonged, but also joined B'nai B'rith,

according to the political scientist Karl Steinhauser ("EG - Die Super- UdSSR von morgen" / "EU - the New Super-USSR", Vienna, 1992, p. 162). Leon Trotsky became a member of the Jewish Masonic order B'nai B'rith in New York, in January 1917. (Yuri Begunov, "Secret Forces in the History of Russia", St. Petersburg, 1995, pp. 138-139.) He was already a member of the Misraim-Memphis freemasonry.

Winston Churchill confirmed in 1920 that Trotsky was also an Illu- minatus. {Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920.)

Trotsky eventually reached a very high position within freemasonry, since he belonged to the Shriner Lodge, which only freemasons of the 32nd degree and higher were allowed to join. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Alexander Kerensky, Bela Kun and other leading politicians have also been among these select few. (Professor Johan von Leers, "The Power behind the President", Stockholm, 1941, p. 148.)

Trotsky's Teacher Parvus

Parvus was born in 1867 in the town of Berezino in the province of Minsk in Byelorussia, but grew up in Odessa where he finished college in 1885. He then continued his studies abroad. In 1891 he passed his final exams at the University of Basel and left as an economist and financier. He later look a doctor's degree in philosophy.

He worked for several years in different banks in Germany and Switzer- land. He also became a skilful publicist who understood how perfectly the phraseology of Marxism could conceal political and war crimes. Parvus had studied the history of Russia and knew that the country would be quite helpless if the nobility and the intellectuals were eliminated. All these ideas made a great impression on Leiba Bronstein and Vladimir Ulyanov.

Alexander Parvus, as a professional criminal, wanted to transform Russia into a base for international speculators and criminals who would hide under the name of "social democrats". Lenin believed this to be impossible since Russia was not rich enough and wanted to use Switzerland for this purpose but Trotsky agreed with Parvus. Parvus was therefore the man behind Trotsky's theory of the permanent revolution. Trotsky echoed, like a parrot, that Russia must be thrown into the flames of the world revolution.

The author Maxim Gorky characterised the socialist Parvus as a miser and a swindler. He had often put the famous author's royalties in his own pocket. Once, when he did this, the German Socialist Party's honorary tribunal (Karl Kautsky, August Bebel, Klara Zetkin) condemned him morally. After this, Parvus travelled to Constantinople, where he became advisor to the Young Turks (i.e. the Jews). He mediated trade between Turkey and Germany and became exceedingly wealthy in the process. For a time he also edited the newspaper Arbeiter-Zeitung.

The Attempts at a Coup d'Etat in 1905

Parvus wrote as early as 1895 in the periodical Aus der Weltpolitik, which he himself financed, that war would break out between Russia and Japan and that the Russian revolution would be born out of this conflict. In his

series of articles "The War and the Revolution", published in 1904, he also predicted that Russia would lose the war against Japan.

The international capitalists wanted to begin a "revolution" in St. Petersburg in connection with Russia's defeat in the Russo-Japanese war in 1904-05. The chief organiser, Alexander Parvus, received two million pounds sterling from Japan to organise the seizure of power in Russia. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 33.)

The war began with a Japanese attack on Port Arthur (now Lushun) on the 9th of February 1904. It was, above all, the European banks belonging to rich Jews, which financed the Russo-Japanese war. All possibility of credit was shut off to Russia while Japan had unlimited credit. The most important Jewish loanshark, Jacob Henry Schiff in the United States of America, supported the Japanese military forces with a loan of 200 million dollars, according to Encyclopaedia Judaica.

The Jerusalem Post admitted on September 9, 1976 that it had been Schiff who lent the money needed to construct the Japanese navy. Several British banks built railways in Japan and financed Japan's war against China. It was the same Jacob Schiff who made sure that no banks were permitted to lend money to the Russians. At the same time, he supported "revolutionary" Jewish groups in Russia. Encyclopaedia Judaica called these "Jewish self-defence groups". The Provisional Government was later given all possible financial aid from his banking house Kuhn, Loeb & Co and other banks. Encyclopaedia Judaica characterised Jacob Henry Schiff as a "financier and philanthropist".

The Jewish capitalists wanted to seize power in Russia in the name of the workers. Parvus and Bronstein-Trotsky believed the time was ripe when the Russians lost Port Arthur on the 2nd of January 1905 (20th of December 1904). Parvus and Trotsky immediately began to organise major provocations, strikes and riots. The Social Revolutionaries had terrorised the nation as early as in 1904.

The Zionist Socialist Workers' Party, which took part in this revolution, according to surprising information in Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, 1971, Vol. 15, p. 657), had been formed in Odessa in January 1905 for subversive purposes. The Jews' secret society Kagal (Kahal) was also involved. The general public has never heard that a secret Jewish society that called itself Kahal (Council) had been operating in Russia since the 19h century. Its aim was to overthrow the tsarist reign. This was

confirmed by the Finnish encyclopaedia Suomen Tietosanakirja, but the Russian encyclopaedias, of course, knew nothing about it.

The first major action organised by Alexander Parvus together with his Jewish comrade Peter (Pinhas) Rutenberg, was later called "Bloody Sunday". On the 9th (22nd) of January 1905, the freemasons Parvus and Rutenberg placed their Jewish terrorists (chiefly Social Revolutionaries) in different trees in the Alexandrovsk park and ordered them to shoot at the guards by the Winter Palace. The soldiers were forced to return fire to protect themselves. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 33.)

All this has only now been revealed from the Communist Party's secret documents. The official history has up to now been an audacious lie: the soldiers in front of the Winter Palace were supposed to have opened fire on peaceful demonstrators. 150 were killed and a further 200 were wounded following this provocation. The Tsar was shocked. He gave a subsidy to the collection for the dead and their families. He even received a "revolutionary" delegation in a fatherly manner.

The Social Revolutionaries' terror organisation was infuriated. Bloody Sunday was skilfully exploited by the "revolutionary" propaganda, which claimed that "thousands of people lost their lives". Similar myths are spread even to this day.

The preparations for a national coup had begun. The Jewish terrorists Roza Brilliant, Kalyalev and others murdered the Tsar's uncle, the governor of Moscow, Grand Duke Sergei Romanov, on the 4th (17th) of February.

Parvus, Trotsky and their Jewish accomplices organised and co- ordinated bank-robberies, mutinies on the armoured ships Potemkin (June 1905) and Ochakov and on a further ten warships, revolts in Kronstadt, Sevastopol and other places. The Jewish Bolshevik Leonid Krasin (actually Goldgelb, former criminal and stockbroker), together with Par- vus' bandits, committed bank-robberies, murdered policemen, bought weapons - all to destabilise Russia.

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