Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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Some powerful American forces had exactly the same interest in using the "revolutionaries". It was primarily the American International Corpo- ration, with John Pierpoint Morgan Jr. (1867-1943) at the head, who tried to gain control of those international speculants and adventurers, accor- ding to Antony Sutton (doctor in economics). (Antony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution", Morley, 1981, p. 41.)

It was above all Jacob and Mortimer Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto H. Kahn, Max Warburg, Jerome J. Hanauer, Alfred Milner and the copper family Guggenheim who financed the Bolsheviks, according to the Jewish historian David Shub.

A document (861.00/5339) in the archives of the U.S. State Department confirms this. Two further names are mentioned in this document: Max Breitung and Isaac Seligman. All those people were Jews and freemasons. According to the same document, plans to depose the Tsar were made in February 1916. There are always some people who make money out of wars and revolutions. We must not forget this when we seek to understand history.

The Zionist banker and freemason Max Warburg played an important role in funding the Communist propaganda in Russia. He saw to it that the industrialist Hugo Stinnes agreed to give two million roubles to the Bolsheviks' publishing activity on the 12th of August 1916. (Zeman, "Germany and the Revolution in Russia, 1915-18. Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry", London, 1958, p. 92.)

Thus there are documents extant which show that Max Warburg and other super-wealthy Jews supported Communism. These statements are not just made up, as certain know-it-alls have claimed. Max Warburg was

the richest and most powerful banker in Germany. The periodical Hammer (No. 502, on the 15th of May 1923) called him "the secret emperor".

Max Warburg's brother, Paul, was married to Nina Loeb, daughter of the Jewish banker Salomon Loeb. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were the most powerful United States bank syndicate. Another of Max Warburg's brothers, Felix, married Frieda Schiff, who was the daughter of Jacob Schiff. The latter was one of the most important men within Kuhn, Loeb & Co. The Schiff family and the Rothschild family owned a twin company in Frankfurt am Main as early as in the 18th century. Jacob H. Schiff was descended from a distinguished rabbinical family. He came to New York in the 1860s. It was Rothschild who trained him. Schiff began buying himself into Kuhn, Loeb & Co. with Rothschild's money. Both Paul and Felix Warburg became part owners of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

Even Alexander Parvus began preparing the Bolsheviks' take-over of power in 1916. He made sure that Lenin had all the money he needed. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 34.) In this way, Lenin and Parvus received a total of six million dollars in gold. (Karl Steinhauser, "EG - Die Super UdSSR von Morgen", Vienna, 1992, p. 167.)

Meanwhile, as many extremist Jews as possible were recruited into the "revolutionary" movement. The German Jew Karl Kautsky (1854-1938) emphasised that "the Jews in Russia had only one true friend - the revolutionary movement". The Jews then comprised 30-55 per cent of the Bolshevik Party.

Dostoyevsky predicted that the Jews would enslave the Russians so that these would become pack-mules and that the Jews would drink the people's blood.

Where did Russia's Jews Originate?

Most Russian Jews are descendants of the Khazar Jews. According to the Russian historian and ethnologist Leon Gumilev, the Khazar Turks moved to the Volga delta in the third century A.D. Other related Turkish peoples, who used Khazaria as a base for their military operations between 558 and 650 A.D., played the most important role in the development of the Khazar Turks. In the 10th century A.D., the Khazar Turks stubbornly (and

successfully) defended themselves against the Arabs, the strongest and most aggressive military power of the day, as they expanded outward from the Arabian Peninsula. The rise of the Khazar Turks lasted for about 150 years - from the middle of the 7th century to the end of the 8th century, at which point the Jews arrested their development.

The first Jews who arrived in Khazaria were fleeing just persecution for anti-government activities in Persia. A second large immigration took place in the 8th century when a large number of Jews left Byzantium to co-operate with the Arabs, which was caused by economic competition from the Greeks and the Armenians. In 723, Emperor Leo III of Byzantium attempted to force Byzantine Jews to adopt Christianity.

The original population of Khazaria remained agricultural, whilst the Jewish arrivals became commercial. Jewish merchants (known as "Ra- dokhnids") in Khazaria immediately took control of the caravan routes between Europe and China. These new merchants were especially interes- ted in the slave trade.

The Kaganate of Khazaria was a powerful kingdom. The King, or Kagan, received expensive gifts from wealthy Jews and had many Jewish women in his harem.

Many children of mixed race were born in the 8th century. These children, and the Jewish people themselves, began to call them-selves Khazars in the 10th century. The original populace may be called Khazar Turks, the newcomers Khazar Jews.

Semender was originally the capital of Khazaria, later being replaced as the capital by Itil (now Astrakhan) on the Volga. Other important Kha- zarian cities were Sarkel on the Dona and later Kiev on the Dniepr. There were about 4000 Jewish families in Itil. The Khazars bought military services from many contingents of mercenaries, of which there were up to 7000 in Itil. The Jews of Itil plundered the Khazar Turks unceasingly.

At the beginning of the 9th century, a Jewish prophet by the name of Obadiah seized power in Khazaria and introduced a strict theocratic regime. The Kagan was not murdered, but was placed under effective house arrest. Once a year he appeared in public to make it seem as if he still wielded some power. This apparent sharing of power was just a sham. Obadiah turned the Kagan (Khan) of the Asina dynasty into his marionette and made the Mosaic faith the official state religion. This coup benefited only the Jews.


The Jewish rabbis did not intend to convert the Khazars to Judaism, but kept the faith exclusively for the people who had come into power. The Khazar Turks remained heathens. The coup triggered a civil war in which Obadiah exploited the tactics of total war, which had been used so successfully during the occupation of Canaan, when the Jewish nation tried to annihilate each and every enemy. By 820 A.D., the new regime was in place.

Khazaria became an unnatural union, where the suppressed were constantly confronted by a foreign ruling class. The Khazar Jews were not brave warriors, and instead began terrorising the original population and other neighbouring peoples with the help of Polovtsy (Kipchaks), Peche- negs, Russian and even Islamic mercenaries. They constantly sought to expand their territories and managed to conquer the Crimea for the pur- pose of trading with the Mediterranean nations.

The Khazar Jews attempted to bring about a coup in France in the middle of the 10th century with the help of their own brethren and Berber mercenaries, but before they succeeded, the slavs managed to seize power and crush the state of Khazaria.

In the middle of the 9th century, Khazar Jews made an agreement with the Varangians (Vikings) to split Eastern Europe between them, but in the 10th century, the Jews took control in most areas. The Bulgars, the Mord- vins and other races came under their dominion. The Khazar Jews were at their most powerful at the end of the 9th and the beginning of the 1 Oth centuries. They threatened to bring a catastrophe upon the inhabitants of Eastern Europe. Their opponents had to choose between slavery and annihilation.

Eventually, rebellions broke out. In 922, the Bulgars succeeded in freeing themselves from the oppression introduced by the Jewish. Khazaria, which originally lay in the Volga delta, later extended between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, and even reached all the way to Volga- Bulgaria and Kiev.

Khazaria existed between the 7th century and 965 A.D. when the Prince of Kiev, Sviatoslav, crushed the Jewish reign of terror. The Khazarian potentates fled and the oppressed Khazar Turks and other peoples were freed. The surviving Khazar Jews founded the Ashkenazi tribes. Their main centres were later in the Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania. The Khazar Turks mixed with other races. Most of the Khazar Turks later became

known as Astrakhan Tartars. Large areas of Khazaria later subsided into the Caspian Sea, where the traces of the great empire were discovered only in the 1960s. (Leon Gumilev, "The Ethnosphere - The History of Man and Nature", Moscow, 1993; Gumilev, "The Discovery of Khazaria", Moscow, 1996.)

The Jews did not change their habits. In 1113, the Prince of Kiev, Vladimir Monomakh, believed it necessary to curb the Jew's usury ("Nordisk Familjebok", Stockholm, 1946, Vol. 20, p. 690).

The Khazar Jews repeated this tried and tested method once more when they founded the Soviet Union, which many of them regarded as a kind of twisted revenge against the Russian people.

Gumilev's view is echoed by an earlier scholar, Isaac Baer Levinsohn (1788-1860), who was also certain that Russia's Jews did not come from Germany, but from the banks of the Volga. ("The Haskalah Movement in Russia" by Jacob Raisin, Philadelphia, 1913-1914, p. 17.)

The Coup in February 1917

As early as in April 1916, the Russian freemasons had a plan ready, according to which the Tsar would be deposed and replaced by a liberal socialist Masonic government. Pavel Milyukov revealed in his memoirs how a preliminary list of the people who were to make up the Provisional Government was drawn up in P. Ryabushinsky's flat on the 13th of August 1915. The only person missing from that list was the Jewish lawyer Alexander Kerensky (actually Aaron Kiirbis).

The writer and freemason Mark Aldanov (actually Landau) explained that the final list was finished in 1916 at the hotel Frantsiya. (Boris Nikolayevsky, "The Russian Freemasons and the Russian Revolution", Moscow, 1990, p. 164.)

The list was again re-worked on the 6th of April 1916 at the house of the publicist and freemason Yekaterina Kuskova, a fact evident from a letter written by her on that day. This information, which points to the fact that there was a conspiracy behind the events in Russia in 1917, was published in the exiled Russian historian Sergei Melgunov's book "The Preparations for the Palace Coup" and in Grigori Aronson's book "Russia at the Dawn of the Revolution" (New York, 1962, p. 126).
In 1912, Zionists and Masonic circles had helped the freemason Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) to power in the United States. As president he began working diligently to depose the Tsar of Russia. A campaign of slander was started. An agitatory campaign in 1912 led to a bloodbath by the river Lena. There were no widespread troubles, however.

Russia had borrowed large amounts of money to be able to go to war. This meant that the country was especially vulnerable. According to Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the international Jewish finance world handed an ultimatum to the Russian government - the Jews in the Russian society must be allowed to act as Jews. All credit was immediately suspended. Without this credit, Russia could no longer wage war. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sergei Sazonov, confirmed that the Allies could not help Russia either, since they too relied upon the Jewish financial elite. Shcher- batov said during a meeting of the government (according to the minutes): "We have fallen into the witches' ring. We are powerless: the money is in the hands of the Jews and without them we cannot get a single kopek..." (A. Solzhenitsyn, "Collected Works", Paris, 1984, Vol. 13, pp. 263-267.)

Thomas Jefferson once wrote to John Adams and said that the banking establishments were more dangerous than standing armies. ("The Writings of Thomas Jefferson", New York, 1899, Vol. X, p. 31.) Meanwhile, the freemasons within the Allied Forces demanded that Russia should con- tinue the war against Germany. That led the nation towards a catastrophe.

B'nai B'rith and the Illuminati wanted to achieve an even greater chaos in Europe and they succeeded with this. At the international congress of Masonic Grand Masters in Interlaken, in Switzerland, on 25 June 1916 Dr. David planned to annihilate contemporary Europe. (Oleg Platonov, "The Secret History of freemasonry", Moscow, 1996, pp. 586-589.)

In December 1916, the freemasons began working especially hard in Russia. In January 1917 it was decided that the events should begin on the Jewish Purim day, the annual celebration of the mass-murder of 75 000 Persians, according to the book of Esther in the Old Testament (9:16-26). The first shots were to be fired on the very Purim day - the 23 rd of February (8th of March). The Jewish weekly newspaper Yevreiskaya Nedelya (the Jewish Week) published an article about the "February revolution" on the 24th of March 1917 (No. 12-13) with an especially revealing title: "It Happened on Purim Day!" (i. e. the 23rd of February 1917).


The freemasons began making intense propaganda to have the Tsar deposed. The slogan "For democracy! Against Tsarism!" was used. Of course, all this cost a lot of money, which mostly came from the United States. Jacob Schiff declared publicly in April 1917 that it was through his financial support that the revolution in Russia had succeeded. The freemasons exploited the food shortage. The "revolutionaries" provoked people to come out on political strikes. The freemasons wanted to carry out the Bolshevik take-over in two steps...

The myth says that the troubles, which brought about a social revolt and then a revolution, were spontaneous. Professor Richard Pipes at Harvard University in the United States rejects that description. He states: "Historians have claimed that the revolutionaries were carried forward by the people. But if we go to the sources, it is evident that they are wrong on all points and build their ideas on myths." He emphasises: "The February revolution in Petrograd in 1917 was not, as we have believed, a social uprising - and this can easily be proved." According to him, the spark that set it all off was the mutiny in the overfilled barracks on the 23rd of February (8th March). It had been necessary to recruit older people, since many Russian soldiers had been taken prisoner. But the mutineers were not against the war, as was later believed. The Bolsheviks knew that peace was an unpopular demand. The peasants wanted land and they got it. (Dagens Nyheter, 6th May 1992.)

The agitators transformed this insignificant uprising into a revolution on the 27th of February (12th of March) 1917, and three days later, on the 2nd (15th) of March, Tsar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate. He was then staying in Pskov.

Nicholas II left his crown to his youngest brother Mikhail, but the freemasons were furious over the fact that they had not quite succeeded in abolishing the imperial regime in three days flat and on the following day they forced Mikhail to abdicate too. Their goal was to crush the empire altogether.

An Irish member of the British Parliament revealed that Alfred Milner, Grand Master of British freemasonry and leader of the secret group The Round Table (which was funded by the Rothschild family, according to the historian Gary Allen), had been sent ahead to Petrograd in order to depose the Tsar. "Our leaders... sent Lord Milner to Petrograd to prepare the revolution..." (Zeman, "Germany and the Revolution in Russia 1915-

18. Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry", London, 1958, p. 92.) The MP protested over the fact that the British treated their allies in such a manner. No one denied the statement. ("Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons." Vol. 91, No. 218, 1917, 22nd of March, col. 2081.) Later, the same Milner spent 21 million roubles on the Bolsheviks' take-over... Gary Allen claimed that The Round Table is also fully responsible for the Second World War.

The prime mover behind the fall of the Tsar was the 36-year-old Jewish lawyer Alexander Kerensky who, during the years preceding the coup had exclusively defended "revolutionary" terrorists. Alexander Kerensky, according to the historian Sergei Yemelyanov, was a freemason of the 33rd degree. He was even Grand Master in the Russian branch of Grand Orient in 1916, according to the historian Sergei Naumov. He had found docu-ments confirming this.

Alexander Kerensky was the son of the Austrian Jewess Adler who married the Jew Kurbis, according to the historian Sergei Naumov. His real name was Aaron. His mother later married the teacher Fiodor Kerensky who adopted the boy Aaron. Fiodor Kerensky was first a teacher and later headmaster at the public school in Simbirsk where Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin also studied for a while. He was eventually named school inspector in Turkistan. In connection with his adoption, Aaron was given a Christian name - Alexander. Alexander Kerensky's doctor confirmed that he was circumcised. (F. Winberg, "The Cross-Roads", Munich, 1922, p. 197.)

The Jew Vladimir Bonch-Bruyevich (a close collaborator with Lenin) confirmed that Kerensky was already a freemason when he was a member of the National Duma.

Here it should again be pointed out that the terrorist Dmitri (Mordekai) Bogrov co-operated closely with Kerensky who, after the murder of Prime Minister Peter Stolypin, fled abroad immediately, according to the historian O. Soloviev.

One of those behind Kerensky was the American freemason and government official Richard Crane, according to Antony Sutton. He was primarily financed by the Jewish banker Grigori Berenson who later moved with his family to London, where his daughter Flora married Colonel Harold Solomon. This man was one of the most important Jews in London. In the 1930s Grigori Berenson began an active Zionist campaign.

The Austrian political scientist Karl Steinhauser revealed that the British ambassador, the freemason George Buchanan, was the contact man between Kerensky and London, Paris and Washington.

Other high-ranking freemasons within the Grand Orient worked together with Kerensky to have the Tsar deposed: the lawyer Maxim Vinaver (1866-1940), the lawyer Oskar Grusenberg (1866-1940), the historian Alexander Braudo (1864-1924), the writer Leonti (Leon) Bramson, the lawyer Joseph Hessen (1866-1943), the lawyer Y. Frumkin, Yoller and M. Herzenstein.

The contacts with the Grand Orient in France were organised by Sergei Urusov. (Boris Nikolayevsky, "Russian Freemasonry and the Revolution", Moscow, 1990, pp. 56-57.) Urusov was a landowner and a freemason who betrayed the Tsar. In 1917 he became Minister for Internal Affairs in the Provisional Government. After the Bolsheviks' take-over, he took a high post in the Central Bank. (The Greater Soviet Encyclopaedia, Vol. 56, Moscow, 1936, p. 301.)

The second in command after Kerensky was Nikolai Nekrasov. It should not be necessary to point out at this stage that the Illuminati controlled the Grand Orient.

During the new Tsar's coronation a cross of St. Andrew, which had adorned his ceremonial dress, fell to the floor. A few hours later a terrible panic broke out among the crowd who had come to Moscow to see the new Tsar. Through rumours, people imagined that the gifts which used to be handed out in connection with coronations would not be enough for all the poor this time. The crowd pressed forward and about two thousand people were suffocated or trampled to death. Millions of Russians saw this event as a bad omen. The Tsar, meanwhile, did not break off his cele- bration, but continued on to the ball at the French Embassy. The superstitious were proved right...

There are historians who still have not understood why so many important tsarist generals betrayed Nicholas II. The Tsar said repeatedly that he had been betrayed. But now this riddle has also been solved. The most important generals, according to the Jewish freemason Manuil Margulies, were Masonic brothers who obeyed their lodge instead of the Tsar. Among these generals, he mentioned Vasili Romeiko-Gurko, Mikhail Alexeyev (1857-1918), who later founded the White Army, Nikolai Ruzsky, Alexander Krymov, Alexei Manikovsky, Alexei Poli- vanov, Alexander Myshlayevsky, Teplov, even Lavr Kornilov, who was ordered to inform the Tsar and his family that they were all under arrest. Kornilov later broke away from the freemasons. (M. Nazarov, Nash Sovremennik, No. 12, 1991.)

The Tsar Nicholas II was also betrayed by the right-wing member of the National Assembly, Alexander Guchkov, who became Minister for War in the Provisional Government. He later regretted his action and took part in Kornilov's revolt, but it was already too late. Even members of the Romanov dynasty betrayed the Tsar.

On the 2nd (15th) of March, the freemasons had, after the American model, formed a provisional government led by Prince Georgi Lvov (1861-1925). That was why the Jewish freemasons were so angry with Mikhail II for holding power simultaneously. This error was corrected one day later. Mikhail II was ritually murdered in Perm on June 12, 1918. Every one of the eleven ministers was a freemason. Of course, all the most important freemasons were there: Nikolai Nekrasov (Minister of Com- munications), Alexander Kerensky (Minister of Justice), Pavel Milyukov (the Minister of Foreign Affairs, professor and leader of the bourgeois Cadet Party) and Mikhail Tereshchenko (Minister of Finance). The Zionist

and freemason Piotr Rutenberg, also an infamous terrorist, was named chief of police by Kerensky.

Kerensky and Rutenberg had all the criminals in the prisons released. There were 183 949 prisoners in Russia in 1912. There were tens of thousands of criminals just in Petrograd. This took place on the second day of the coup. The prison gates in other cities were also opened wide. Then the anarchy began. Criminals raided stores, shops and railway carriages. People were murdered and robbed. Nothing of the sort had ever been seen before. The first victims of the February coup were the policemen. The crowds seized them, beat them to death and dragged their corpses around in the streets. The police force was nearly liquidated.

Then the killing of officers began. During the first days of the coup, 60 officers were killed in Kronstadt alone, among others Admiral von Wiren. Both his arms were chopped off, after which he was led around the streets until the "revolutionaries" were merciful enough to kill him. In Vyborg, officers were thrown onto rocks from a bridge. In other areas officers were impaled on bayonets. Everywhere people mocked them and tore off their shoulder-straps, following which they were beaten to death, according to Stanislav Govorukhin.

The Masonic government did not wish to use the national anthem "God Save the Tsar", composed, ironically, by Prince Lvov himself and written by the poet Zhukovsky by request of Tsar Nicholas I. Instead a Masonic anthem, "The Lord Glorious in Zion", was used. German military orchestras played most of the gramophone recordings of this national anthem (from February to October 1917). (Staffan Skott, "Sovjetunionen fran borjan till slutet" / "The Soviet Union from Beginning to End", Stockholm, 1993, pp. 23-24.)

It was later asserted that the press and public opinion of the United States forced the Tsar to abdicate. These claims could not explain the mystery behind the so-called February revolution. Simon Dubnov (1860- 1940), a known Zionist, openly admitted that the February revolution took place thanks to the freemasons' intrigues behind the scenes. (Alexander Braudo, "Notes and Recollections", Paris, 1937, p. 48.) The freemasons controlled all the political parties.

The Soviets (kahals) from the autumn of 1905 were re-established in connection with this conspiracy. They were supposed to represent the soldiers and workers. This was also a myth, since the freemason Nikolai

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