Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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The 40-year-old Jewish Chekist Yankel Yurovsky shot Tsar Nicholas II. The Crown Prince, the sick (he suffered from haemophilia) 13-year-old boy Alexei, did not die immediately, so Yurovsky fired several more bullets into him. He had a Mauser pistol and a Colt. His grandfather was a rabbi, according to the historian Oleg Platonov. Yurovsky's schooling finished after eighteen months. He had told his brother Leiba that he dreamed of being rich. He managed to fulfil his dream through his jewellery deals. The man who held the Tsar's family imprisoned was Trotsky's favourite - Alexander Beloborodov, one of the soviet leaders in Yekaterinburg. His real name was Yankel Weisbart and he was the son of a rich Jewish fur-trader, Isidor Weisbart. Weisbart was once caught red- handed in the act of stealing a large amount of money but nothing happened to him.

Yurovsky was one of the leading Chekists in Yekaterinburg. His assistant G. Nikulin was his accomplice in the murders. The other members of the execution squad were Piotr Yermakov, Piotr Medvedyev, S. Vaganov and seven more international "revolutionaries", who were later presented as "Latvians" (a common trick to camouflage the truth, as the reader will probably have noticed). They were Andreas Vergasi, Laszlo Horvath, Victor Griinfeldt, Imre Nagy, Emile Fekete, Anselm Fischer and Isidor Edelstein. All those men were part of the special squad from the Kamyslov regiment. The entire operation was called "Tvyordy Znak". When all this was made public in 1992, Erzsebet Nagy, the daughter of Imre Nagy, who had led the Hungarian revolt against the Soviet Union in the autumn of 1956, reacted strongly. She tried to assert that her father had been in a prison camp at the time the Tsar and his family were murdered. He was supposed to have written a postcard to her from this camp. (Dagens Nyheter, 1 lth of September 1992.) It was hardly likely that the executioners would have been allowed to tell anyone where they were or what they were doing during a secret operation of this kind. Any former Soviet subject can confirm the truth of this.

It was the Jew Schinder, chief of the Cheka's execution squad in Yekaterinburg, who selected the murderers of the Tsar and his family. The

man who destroyed the bodies with sulphuric acid was officially called Pinkus Voikov (actually Pinkhus Weiner). He was a 30-year-old Jewish chemist, who had also taken part in the preparations for the murder. He later stole a ruby ring from the finger of one of the corpses, wore it and was very proud of it. He was murdered in 1927 in Warsaw.

The highest party chief of the Urals and Siberia, the 42-year-old Jew Shaya Goloshchokin, who was a close friend of Yakov Sverdlov and had never previously worked in his life, also took an active part in the planning of the murders. The historian V. Burtsev, who has investigated the revolutionary movement, described him as a degenerate type and a cruel executioner. He later led the liquidation campaign against the Kazakh people.

It was he, according to the historian Oleg Platonov, who brought several strange boxes to Moscow at the end of July 1918. Those boxes, according to a discussion in Sovnarkom, contained the heads of the Tsar and his family preserved in alcohol jars. After Lenin's death, a commission found the head of Tsar Nicholas II preserved in alcohol in his filing cabinet. (Vladimir Soloukhin, "In the Light of Day", Moscow, 1992, p. 217.)

There was also another Jewish functionary behind the murders - the 27- year-old Georgi Safarov (Woldin), a close comrade of Trotsky. He was later made one of the leaders of Comintern.

Cossacks and Czech troops captured Yekaterinburg on July 25th. Nikolai Sokolov immediately began investigating the murder of the Tsar's family. He had earlier worked as a preliminary investigator of especially important affairs for the court in Omsk.

A cellar room with a grating before the window was found in the basement of the merchant Ipatiev's house. Traces of blood and bullet holes in the walls were found, despite the murderers having cleaned up after their crime. It was clear that the little cellar had been transformed into a real slaughterhouse.

One of the investigators saw a quote by Heine written in German on one wall:

"Belsatzar ward in selbiger Nacht

von seinen Knechten umgebracht."

That is - (Belsa)Tsar was murdered by his slaves on the same night. In the original, the name was Belzazer. The Jewish "historian" Edvard Radzinsky could only say that this German quote was "remarkable" and did not attempt to interpret these lines.

The model for Heine's text can be found in the Old Testament: "In that night was Belshazzar the King of the Chaldeans slain." (Daniel 5:30.) Certain "historians" have tried to conceal that some cabbalistic signs were also found on the same wall. These signs were impossible to simply explain away and so Edvard Radzinsky kept quiet about them.

The signs were eventually deciphered: "The Tsar was sacrificed here, by order of the secret forces, to destroy the state. This is told to all nations." {Komsomolskaya Pravda, No. 169, 1989, Vilnius.) This was confirmed by the historian Sergei Naumov.

This alone is evidence enough to prove that this had been a Jewish ritual murder, since this cabalistic text also indicates the Old Testament (Daniel 5:25):
"Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin!" (which, among other things means that the kingdom has been divided or destroyed).

By leafing through a little book published in Berlin just before the First World War, it becomes evident that this victim had been on the list of desiderata for a long time. The book was written by the Jew G. Fried- lander and is called "The Romanov Dynasty in the Pillory of World History". I will quote just one sentence: "The Romanov dynasty must be annihilated!"

The Jewish-Russian historian Natan Eidelman also confirms that it was the Jews who murdered the Tsar and his family. (Dagens Nyheter, 10th of August 1988, p. 5.) The present archbishop of Yekaterinburg also believes that it was a ritual murder committed by Hasidic Jews. (Expressen, 24th of November 1992.)

In March 1908, Lenin wrote very sympathetically about the murder of King Carlos I, and Crown Prince Louis Philip of Portugal. The reader might have guessed who were behind the murder. A bomb was thrown into the royal carriage on the 1st of February 1908. Lenin believed this crime to be "a step in the right direction towards social revolution in that country". He regretted that it did not lead to a general terror of the kind that renews a nation and had made the French Revolution so famous. (Lenin, "Works", Moscow, Vol. 12, p. 151.) Indiscriminate terror was necessary, in Lenin's opinion. But is not this what the freemasons had been working with the whole time? The freemasons murdered king Umberto I in Monza (Italy) on Yahweh Day, the 29th of July 1900. There are many other examples of similar terror attacks. Already in the 1800s, when the terrorist Sergei Nechayev suggested that the Tsar's family should be eliminated, Lenin immediately appreciated his sentiment. American extremist Jews also supported the same idea.

Guile has also been used when necessary. The freemasons got rid of Manuel II, who was Carlos' youngest son, by spreading false rumours. The freemasons wanted to stop his reforms. King Manuel fled from a ball, which was held during the state visit of the Brazilian president Hermes da Fonseca on October 3, 1910. Fonseca was also a freemason. The King believed in the false rumours that a revolution, which even threatened his own life, had broken out in his country. The high-ranking freemasons Theophilo Braga and Affonso da Costa were thereby able to proclaim the republic of Portugal on October 5, 1910. A provisional government chiefly consisting of freemasons came into power. Theophilo Braga named himiself president. Affonso da Costa made sure that Portugal joined the 275
World War in 1916. The threat presented by the freemasons had long been known in the neighbouring state of Spain. That was why all the members of different lodges were threatened with the death penalty in 1814. The Greater Soviet Encyclopaedia confirmed this in 1938.

The order to murder the Tsar and his family actually came from New York. Lenin had hardly any say in the matter. The Bolsheviks had been forced to flee from Yekaterinburg in such haste that they had no time to destroy all the telegraph strips. Those strips were later found in the telegraph house. Sokolov took care of them but could not decipher the telegrams. This was done only in 1922 by a group of experts in Paris. Sokolov then discovered that the strips were extremely revealing, since they dealt with the murder of the Tsar and his family.

The chairman of the Central Executive Committee, Yakov Sverdlov, sent a message to Yakov Yurovsky where he relayed that after he had told Jacob Schiff in New York about the approach of the White army, he had received orders from Schiff to liquidate the Tsar and his entire family at once. This order was delivered to Sverdlov by the American Representa- tion, which then lay in the town of Vologda.

Sverdlov ordered Yurovsky to carry out this order. But on the following day, Yurovsky wanted to check whether the order really applied to the whole family or just to the head of the family, the Tsar. Sverdlov then told him that the entire family was to be eliminated. Yurovsky was responsible for the order being carried out.

So Lenin did not decide any of this himself. The Jewish historian Edvard Radzinsky has tried to assert that it was Lenin who gave the orders to murder the Tsar and his family. But no such telegram has been found in the archives. Radzinsky's explanation that Lenin had this telegram de- stroyed does not hold water, since there is a vast amount of compromising material about Lenin otherwise. Why should he have destroyed only this particular telegram and no other equally incriminatory documents?

In November 1924, Sokolov told a close friend that his publisher was afraid to print these sensitive facts in his book. They were censored out. Sokolov showed his friend the original strips and the deciphered translations. Sokolov died suddenly one month later. He was to have travelled to the United States to give evidence in favour of Henry Ford in Kuhn, Loeb & Co's lawsuit against the car magnate who had published his book "The International Jew".

Sokolov's book "The Murder of the Tsar's Family" was published in Berlin in 1925 without the aforementioned information. These facts were made public only in 1939, in the exile periodical Tsarsky Vestnik. Jacob Schiff s role in those murders was described in Russia only in 1990.

The Soviet authorities did not dare to publicise the killing of the Tsar's entire family in the beginning. They stated that only the Tsar had been executed. Since the murder was so hastily arranged, Trotsky never got to play prosecutor in the trial against the "tyrant" as he had planned. (P. Mykov, "The Last Days of the Romanovs", Sverdlovsk, 1926.) He said: "The execution of the imperial family was necessary, not only to dispirit the enemy and rob him of all hope, but also to shake up our people and show them that there is no return."

Piotr Medvedyev, chief of the guards on watch outside, has later claimed that he took no part in the murders. His wife related how he was shaking all over when he came home. He never recovered from this experience.

Yakov Sverdlov's end was also a terrible one. On the 16th of March l919, he visited Morozov's factory in Moscow where a worker hit him in his head with a heavy object at around four in the afternoon. (A. Paganuzzi, "The Truth About the Murder of the Tsar's Family", USA, 1981, p. 133.) He officially died of tuberculosis.

Sverdlov had had a strong influence over the Bolsheviks in Yekaterin- burg since 1905, when the Party sent him there to organise "revolutionary" activities (he organised robberies and murders to collect more money for the Party). The real facts about Yakov Sverdlov's death remained a state secret in the Soviet Union.

Sverdlov had also stolen other people's property. Genrikh Yagoda, the people's commissary for internal affairs, had drawn up a secret document, No. 56 568, on the 27th July 1935, which stated: «Yakov Sverdlov's fireproof safe was kept in the stores of the Kremlin. The keys were missing. On the 26th of June this year, we opened the safe and found:

"1. Gold coins from the Tsarist era period amounting to 108 525 roubles.

2. Gold items, with many gems - 705 items... loan papers for 750 000 roubles were also found.".»(Sovershenno Sekretno,No. 9, 1995, p. 16.)

Jacob Schiff died quite suddenly in 1920. The murderer Yankel Yu- rovsky, however, died after long and painful suffering from cancer. Most of those involved in the murder of the Tsar were executed during the mass

terror of the 1930s (Ohtuleht, 22nd of July 1993). The rest of the execution squad fell victims to one sort of misadventure or another.

The house in which the Tsar's family, their servants and doctor were murdered, was demolished by order of Boris Yeltsin in 1977. He was then chief of the Party in Sverdlovsk (now once again Yekaterinburg).

The Jew Markov in Perm had already executed Russia's last Tsar, Mikhail II, on June 12, 1918. The executioners who assisted him were Zhuzhgov, Myasnikov and Ivanchenko. Mikhail Romanov's body was incinerated. Nicholas had abdicated in favour of his brother, Mikhail.

In this way, Russia was cleansed of all kinds of "pests", which was what Lenin had demanded in a decree in January 1918.

Winston Churchill confirmed on the 11th of April 1919: "Of all the tyrannies in history, the Bolshevik tyranny is the worst, the most destruc- tive, the most degrading." (Paul Johnson, "Modern Times", Stockholm, 1987, p. 106.) This is true. Every castle in Russia was plundered, like the funds of larger businesses, which were all confiscated at a later stage any- way. The Bolsheviks tortured people to get at their jewels. They began ruling with starvation as a weapon, just like the Cosa Nostra mafia in Sicily began ruling by exploiting the drought.

All kinds of goods were sent to Berlin. In 1918 alone, 841 wagons of timber, 1218 railway carriages of meat, two million pounds of flax, etc., were sent. The "revolutionary" Jews were only interested in themselves. Gleb Boky continued using Uritsky's old trick of demanding large amounts from hostages, the money finding its way into his own pocket. The GPU discovered in 1932 that Ganetsky had 60 million Swiss francs in a bank account in Geneva. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Peters- burg, 1992, p. 42.)

In October 1918, Jewish bankers in Berlin received 47 cases of gold from Russia, containing 3125 kilos of gold, 191 bars. All of this had been plundered from the Russian people, gold that later became infamous as the Jewish gold. 50 000 German marks and 300 000 Tsar-roubles were also handed over. In the autumn of 1917, the Jewish banker Mendelssohn in Berlin received 50 676 kilos of stolen Russian gold, 113 636 roubles (which was equivalent to 48 819 kilos of gold). Mendelssohn's signature in the Communist party archives is witness to the fact that he received these riches: a serious case of receiving stolen goods. (Viktor Kuznetsov, "The Secret of the October Coup", St. Petersburg, 2001, p. 51.)


The Communists burned millions of valuable books and rare manus- cripts. 95 per cent of the cultural heritage sites were destroyed. As late as l970, a Soviet functionary said openly to the director Yuri Lyubimov: "We need neither Bulgakov nor Dostoevsky..." (Edasi, 2nd of August l988,p. 6.)

Undesirable books have also been burned in Israel. On the 23rd of March 1980 hundreds of copies of the New Testament were publicly and ceremonially burnt in Jerusalem under the auspices of Yad Le'akhim, a Jewish religious organisation subsidised by the Israeli Ministry of Religions. (Israel Shahak, "Jewish History, Jewish Religion", London, 1994, p. 21.)

The Bolsheviks actually did everything they could to leave the

remaining Russians in the ethnic sewer Marx spoke of. They wanted to crush the people's spirit and morals through total poverty and force them into crime and alcoholism. So doing, they wanted to make the workers less dangerous. They certainly succeeded. Everybody was afraid of the Communists. The Jacobins had also struck terror into their subjects to make them easier to rule.

2500 years ago the Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu (490 B.C.) wrote his "The Art of War ", where he described the most effective tactics against an enemy country in a way which is just as relevant today:

"Everything which is valuable in the enemy's country must be knocked town and destroyed... Co-operate with the worst and vilest of creatures. Provoke fights and conflicts between the citizens... Degrade the traditions of the enemy and wipe out his history. Infiltrate society with spies."

International Communism used a technique similar to this against the Russian society. They began to eliminate traditions by re-naming 1200 Russian cities and towns and changing millions of street names.

During the new generation, the Communists began to use the most effi- cient socialist means to arrest the spiritual and psychological development of society - the paths of study were closed for the talented and were only made available to the unintelligent.

Had not Vladimir Lenin pointed out that they were to allow only those who sought a diploma and no knowledge? The Swedish Socialists have also used this method "successfully". The Communists and Socialists know that every talented and intelligent person is against their social madness.

The Jewish doctor and publicist Salomon Schulman admitted when describing the Soviet people on September 25, 1994 in Svenska Dag- bladet, that a new day was dawning; a new Jewish race had entered the world. He meant the Soviet people. Is it possible to state the case more clearly?

The international financial elite decided as early as 1814, at the Vienna Congress, that Russia must be destroyed as a revenge on the Russian Tsar, who was against the plans to create the European Social Community.

The Bolshevik executors believed they had justice on their side, since the God of the Jews had given them the right to exterminate all undesirable races (Deuteronomy 7:22-25). Their God has also given them the right to enslave other peaceful races (Deuteronomy 20:10-11). Karl Radek proclaimed that it was a bourgeois prejudice to act as if work led to freedom.

The sensible Jewish author A. B. Jehoshua confirmed: "For me, the catastrophe in Judaism is the idea of being the chosen people..." (Dagens Nyheter, 3rd January 1988.) But does not Zionism build its entire ideology on the myth about "God's chosen people"? It is a racist ideology, even though the UN no longer considers it as such.

The Bolsheviks began manipulating history precisely as it suited them in order to hide their crimes. They presented their "history" precisely as they wished the world to perceive it. That was why the greatest threat to Communism, which was entirely based on lies and fear, were those who bravely dared to speak the truth. Speaking the truth was regarded as anti- Soviet agitation and punished accordingly. During the Glasnost period 1986-1991, such truthfulness pierced the very "heart" of Communism and destroyed it.

As the reader may have realised, Leninism was nothing but organised political banditry, where various Jewish groups constantly fought for power between themselves whilst other races suffered the terrible conse- quences of their madness. That power struggle was officially camouflaged as "state anti-Semitism". And a new myth was born.

The leader of the powerful Jewish group, which defeated the others, was Lazar Kaganovich, one of the worst mass-murderers in history.



Stalin's best henchman was Lazar Kaganovich. He was born November 22, 1893 in the village of Kabany in the province of Kiev, according to Party documents. His official date of birth became the 22nd of February 1893.

Lazar Kaganovich began attending a Jewish Heder school. A former shoemaker and Menshevik, he made an incredible career in Soviet Russia. He had officially worked as a cobbler previously. He had no other education. That was why he was classified as "self-taught" in his Party documents. He became a member of the Bolshevik Party as early as December 1911, his membership card had the number 000 008. He was regarded as an energetic functionary who was good at organising people. His written Russian displayed serious grammatical errors, according to Stalin's secretary Boris Bazhanov in his memoirs.

Kaganovich's official biography claims that he was exiled to his home village in 1915, but that he escaped and concealed himself under various pseudonyms until the February revolution in 1917. His activities at that

time remained a state secret, as the fact that he was a member of the Zionist movement Po'alei Zion (Workers of Zion). That organisation

sought to combine Socialism with Zionism. Tens of thousands of Jewish Bolsheviks were members of Po'alei Zion.

In the periodical Molodaya Gvardiya (No. 9, 1989), the Russian

historian Sergei Naumov (Magadan) confirmed that Kaganovich really was a member of Po'alei Zion. Documents sent to Lazar Kaganovich, in which the emissaries of the international Zionist organisation Po'alei Zion accounted for a collection of money, have been found in the archives. Those outside the organisation were not permitted to see such reports.

Leon (Leiba) Mekhlis, another notorious executioner under Stalin, was also a member of Po'alei Zion.

Po'alei Zion was founded in 1899 and the Russian branch in 1901. The leaders of the organisation were then Khaim Zhitlovsky and Nakhman Syrkin (1868-1924). They took an active part in the "revolution" in Russia in 1905-1906, when 25 000 members of this Zionist-Marxist group fought against the Tsar. The group's World Union was founded in 1907 and the headquarters was in the Hague between 1915 and 1916, but between 1917 and 1919 it was located in Stockholm, where it received every kind of help imaginable. The headquarters then moved to the Soviet Union, where Po'alei Zion existed quite legally as the socialist Zionist party up to 1928. The members then infiltrated the Communist Party and other organi- sations. Po'alei Zion actively supported the Bolshevik seizure of power. The members of Po'alei Zion were mainly extremists and terrorists who murdered all who stood in the way of Jewish power in Russia. That subversive Marxist organisation was even represented in little Estonia.

Bund - the Jewish nationalist party - and Po'alei Zion continued their activities whilst all other parties besides the Communist Party were prohibited. The Communist Party even had a Yevsektsia (that is: a Jewish section). 90 per cent of the Red Zionists belonged to the Communist repressive apparatus, according to Sergei Naumov.

In 1918 the Jews Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda and Yan Gamar- nik deported 50 000 Russian peasants from the Kuban area. Of course, those victims were carried away in cattle wagons as usual.

In 1922, Lazar Kaganovich helped Stalin become leader of the Central Committee's organisational and educational section. He was moved up into the Central Committee and the Secretariat in 1924 - Lazar Kaga- novich became the secretary of the Central Committee. After this, he took charge of the most important tasks. Between 1925 and 1928 he was the first party secretary for the Ukraine. He only had one chief- Stalin.

The Jewish cultural life in the Soviet Union flowered under Kaga- novich's protection. In 1928 there were in the Soviet empire already 1075 Jewish schools, where 160 000 children were taught in Yiddish. The number of Jewish institutions increased rapidly in the years 1930-31. Three daily newspapers in Yiddish were published: Der Emess (Moscow), Oktober (Minsk) and Stern (Kharkov). Oktober wrote angrily that Russians used to say: "Damned Jew!" There were also many local news- papers and periodicals (Einigkeit, Heimland). A children's newspaper, Zei Gereit (Be Ready!) was also published in Kharkov. The number of books

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