Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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and newspapers increased from 11 titles to 298 (the total edition rose trom 155 000 to 1 136 000). The publishing company Emess existed for 30 ycars. I must mention here that Jewish publications were not subject to censorship as other publications were. A Jewish cultural personality related to me that Glavlit (the censorship organ) did not censor their periodical Sovetisch Heimland. That was a sign of the Party's particular confidence. There was a department for Jewish cultural studies at the Byelorussian Academy. An institute for Jewish culture was founded in the Ukraine in 1929. Certain teachers' training colleges had special depart- ments for the education of teachers giving qualified instruction in the Jewish schools. The Jewish People's University was opened after the "revolution", according to Encyclopaedia Judaica. Those Jewish organi- sations, which did not suit the bandit chieftains, were closed.

Lazar Kaganovich was Stalin's right-hand man in the terror-machine. There was no compassion in any part of his being, according to Robert Conquest. He believed that the interests of the Bolsheviks justified any crime. Nikita Khrushchev, who was one of his closest aides, characterised him as the "most merciless man".

The American journalist Stuart Kahan published a very revealing book about Lazar Kaganovich. Kahan is the grandson of Kaganovich's brother Morris, who emigrated to the United States of America in the beginning of the 1900s. He spoke at length with his relative in Yiddish on the 23rd of September 1981 in Russia. The result was the book "The Wolf of the Kremlin" (Stockholm, 1988).

Lazar Kaganovich confirmed to his relative, among other things, that it was Trotsky who led the take-over of power on the 7th-8th of November 1917. He of course idealised Lenin and Stalin and kept to the Soviet myths. He did, however, confirm the existence of secret supplementary protocols of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

Kaganovich as a Grey Eminence

Lazar Kaganovich made a marvellous career after helping Stalin to silence Nadezhda Krupskaya and, through her, appropriating the wealth which Lenin had brought to Switzerland. Later he made a significant contribution to the tight against Trotsky. Krupskaya became too troublesome for Stalin 283

since she, Kirov and Ordzhonikidze had demanded that Stalin should be removed and be replaced by Trotsky. At a meeting of the leaders of the Central Committee, Kaganovich demanded that Krupskaya should cease all political activity, that she should never again be allowed to attend the meetings of the Central Committee and that she should keep quiet. Otherwise the Party would inform the public that Yelena Stasova had been Lenin's real wife and that Krupskaya had just been his lover. Krupskaya gave in. For that contribution, Lazar Kaganovich was promoted to a member of the Politburo and Party chief of Moscow. He had previously held the post of General Secretary of the trade unions, among others. Stalin personally explained to Krupskaya what fate awaited her if she did not transfer Lenin's fortune to Moscow. The Party could even present Roza Zemlyachka as Lenin's widow. Krupskaya gave in and revealed the locations and account numbers Stalin needed to get at Lenin's gold.

At that point, Lazar Kaganovich really began to lead Stalin's cruel terror. But to become a grey eminence in the Kremlin he also needed an "Esther" by the side of his ruler. The opportunity presented itself when Stalin murdered his second wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva, in a fit of rage on November 9, 1932.

Many historians do not doubt that Stalin really strangled his wife after she had accused him of genocide. Stalin was already irritated about his wife's lesbian relationship with a Jewess, Zoya Mosina, who was later jailed and sent to Siberia. Everything according to the defected Soviet diplomat Grigori Besedovsky's (actually Ivan Raguza's) book "Litvinov's Memoirs". Stalin himself actually had an inclination towards homo- sexuality, according to the Jewish Bolshevik Isaac Don Levin ("Stalin's Big Secret", New York, 1956, p. 40).

So Stalin's second marriage (his first wife was Yekaterina Svanidze, whom he divorced in 1918) ended violently. It had begun with rape, while Stalin was on his way to Tsaritsyn in 1918 to speed up grain transports. The Bolshevik Sergei Alliluyev and his 17-year-old daughter Nadya were travelling in the same carriage. Screams were heard coming from her compartment during the night. The father demanded that the door be opened. It was finally opened and Nadya, in tears, ran out and hugged her father. She claimed that Stalin had just raped her. Sergei AUiluyev took out his revolver to shoot the offender. Stalin fell to his knees, begged forgiveness and promised to marry the girl if what had just occurred was

kept quiet. Sergei Alliluyev calmed down and agreed not to kill Stalin. That decision was to cost his daughter her life fourteen years later. As he walked in the funeral procession, he probably did not suspect that Stalin would also destroy his son. But this was what happened in 1939.

Joseph Stalin (actually Dzhugashvili) was half Jewish, according to the Russian researcher Gregory Klimov. The Jew David Weissman claims he was wholly Jewish. (B'nai B'rith Messenger, 3rd of March 1950, p. 19.) The Jewish doctor and publicist, Salomon Schulman, admitted in Sweden that Stalin could speak Yiddish and referred to the Yiddish language periodical Di Goldene Kayt (1962) as his source. This was revealed during a meeting between Stalin and the Jewish poets Abraham Sutzkever and Shlomo Mikhoels (commissary for propaganda). Sutzkever discussed problems of Yiddish culture, with which Stalin was familiar. Sutzkever spoke Yiddish and Stalin understood everything but preferred to answer in Russian. The fact that Stalin understood Yiddish was one of the Soviet Union's most jealously guarded state secrets. Stalin became a fairly obedient tool of the international financial elite. Lazar Kaganovich made sure he followed all important directives. Stalin allowed no anti-Semitism at the beginning. He had an article about the most efficient ways to combat anti-Semitism published in Pravda (No. 41) in February 1929.

Lazar's sister Roza became Stalin's new wife and thereby also an Esther of the Jews, following the example of the Old Testament.

In 1924, a serious conflict developed between Western (Haskala) and Eastern (Hasidic) oriented Jews in Russia. The former wanted Trotsky as the chief representative of their regime, the latter preferred the half-Jew Stalin and wanted to remove as many Western Jews as possible from the corridors of power. Trotsky, however, had plans to leave Russia with the proceeds of all his plundering. Zinoviev, Kamenev and Kaganovich were

at the head of the Eastern Jews at the beginning (the first two had changed sides). Stalin wished to remain in Russia and exploit the Russians and othcr peoples as the slaves of the Communist Mafia. The Stalinists wanted to get rid of as many Western Jews as possible. These criminal groups fought against each other, just like the Jacobins had fought among

themselves during their reign of terror.

The East-oriented Jews managed to gain the upper hand on the 21st of May 1924 and Stalin was re-elected as general secretary of the Central Committee. It was Zinoviev who most eagerly proposed Stalin for the

leadership. This support later cost him his life (in 1936), since Stalin was after Zinoviev's personal fortune. Through torture, Stalin obtained Zinoviev's account number. Many other leading Bolsheviks also handed over their riches to Stalin following torture (Kamenev, Bukharin, Unschlicht, Boky, Ganetsky, Bela Kun and others). Stalin took 60 million Swiss francs from Ganetsky alone. The Chekists tortured Bela Kun for three days before he gave in and told them where his fortune was hidden. It was that hard for him to hand over his ill-gotten gains. Officially, he was executed for the rape of many of his female victims. Only the American Jews, who had accumulated vast fortunes whilst they worked in the Soviet power apparatus, were left in peace.

Trotsky was outmanoeuvred, though he managed to remain in the corridors of power. He later decided to leave Russia. He was allowed to take his extensive archive with him. Stalin had Trotsky spied upon to find out where he had hidden his wealth. At this point Lazar Kaganovich and other like-minded Jews began to play important roles in the Soviet state. To camouflage this power struggle, it was called Stalin's "anti-Semitism". The public did not know that Stalin's closest aides were still Jews, according to the defected secretary of the Politburo Boris Bazhanov's memoirs (he cleverly escaped to Persia on the 1st of January 1928). Even Stalin's personal secretary, Leon (Leiba) Mekhlis, was a Jew. His secretary for "light-sensitive" affairs was Grigori Kanner. The latter later drowned Trotsky's henchman Yefraim Shklyansky, a perfect example of a "light-sensitive" affair. Stalin had a total of 49 secretaries. 40 of them (80 per cent) were Jews. But those men, in turn, needed aides. Kanner employed a Jew known as Bombin to help him. Mekhlis had two Jewish helpers, Makhover and Yuzhak, according to Boris Bazhanov.

Boris Bazhanov, who eventually became Stalin's secretary in the Politburo, confirmed in his memoirs, published in the West, that Stalin, due to his political ignorance, was not at all interested in matters of government. Those were seen to by his Jewish assistants. Bazhanov also confirmed that everything which needed to be bought abroad (for example: locomotives and other industry products) were purchased through powerful Jewish finance groups, who had a sympathetic attitude towards the Bolshevik revolution. Bazhanov also admitted that half of the members of the Central Committee were actually Jews who had quickly occupied all the leading positions. In 1939, Jews still held 38 per cent of

the posts within the Supreme Soviet. There were an incredible number of Jews at the very top of Stalin's administrative pyramid. The non-Jews in the government were just puppets. Bazhanov openly stated that the Jews held more power than the others. This openness remained until 1925, when the privileged and decisive positions of the Jews in the Soviet society began to be camouflaged.

Anti-Semitism continued to grow among the people. Nikolai Bukharin said in 1927: "We have never before had such extreme anti-Semitism as now." It became even worse later, despite the founding of a special bureau in the Central Committee of the Young Communists (Komsomol) for the purpose of fighting anti-Semitism. It was strange that all its decisions were slate secrets. An example of this was a resolution from the 2nd of Novem- ber 1926, where it was laid down that the primary aim of Komsomol was to combat anti-Semitism in society. That was why Stalin proclaimed on January 1st, 1931 that "the communists resolutely condemn anti- Semitism" and that "in the Soviet Union, anti-Semitism is punished in the most severe manner".

It was to no avail, since the extremist Jews continued to dominate in the most important areas. Even at the universities, the leading professors and lecturers were Jews who had begun shaping the new communist generation. We can see the dreadful result of that "educational work" everywhere in Russia's amoral society today. There were 25 000 Jewish university lecturers in the Soviet Union in 1968, according to Isaac Deutscher. He confirmed in his book "The Un-Jewish Jew" that the Jews

became privileged after the Bolshevik seizure of power. They had their own theatres, publishing companies and newspapers.

In November 1936 the Prime Minister of the Soviet Union (the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissaries), Vyacheslav Molotov (actually Skryabin), threatened anti-Semites with the death penalty.

Kaganovich knew very well that Stalin suffered from paranoia. A better tool could hardly be found. Lazar Kaganovich exploited Stalin's paranoia to the utmost and even worsened his illness in all kinds of ways so that as many Russians and Jewish competitors as possible would perish.

Stalin already suffered from acute psychological problems in December 1927. He had become especially irritated over the power struggle with Leon Trotsky. That was why the Politburo wanted the world-famous neurologist Vladimir Bekhterev to examine Stalin. Even Stalin himself

wanted an examination, since his left arm had become stiff and he wanted a diagnosis. Professor Bekhterev was sent for from an ongoing congress and brought to Stalin in the Kremlin. He examined Stalin for a few hours. When he returned to the congress, he said loudly, so that everyone could hear, that he had just been consulted by a hysterical paranoiac. So Bekhterev had made his diagnosis - extreme paranoia. Bekhterev died on the following night. He was poisoned. No post-mortem was ever per- formed (Svenska Dagbladet, 22nd of November 1988; Dagens Nyheter, 25th of October 1991).

Lazar Kaganovich told his American relative that it was Stalin who, on the 29th of November 1934, had planned the murder of Sergei Kirov together with Genrikh Yagoda (born in 1891 as Hirsch Yehuda), the Jewish chief of the NKVD. Kirov was killed on December 1, 1934. Leon Trotsky was officially accused of planning Kirov's murder and was even sentenced for that crime in his absence.

It was Kaganovich who suggested how to get rid of undesirable competitors. For example, he suggested executing Nikolai Bukharin for acting as a lackey for the Nazis. Bukharin had earlier been called the "golden boy of the revolution". Kaganovich and Stalin were after his riches. Two thirds of the members of the Politburo were eventually exe- cuted through Kaganovich's intrigues. Of the 139 who in 1934 were elected members of the Central Committee, 98 were later liquidated. Nikita Khrushchev also confirmed this. Other important functionaries of the Party apparatus were also murdered, including Eismont, Tolmachev and Martemyan Ryutin (a member of Bukharin's clique).

Lazar Kaganovich also made sure his relatives were given high posts within the government apparatus. His brother Mikhail Kaganovich became people's commissary for aviation affairs. Yulius Kaganovich was named party secretary in Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod). Boris Kaganovich became chief of the military uniform industry. Other relatives of Lazar Kaga- novich (Aaron Kaganovich, S. Kaganovich and others) also became important officials. (Rudolf Kommos, "Juden hinter Stalin" / "Jews Behind Stalin", Bremen, 1989, p. 158.)

Historians and media in the West have asserted that there were no longer any Jews left in the administrative apparatus during Stalin's time. I got a very different impression when I checked the lists of officials and secretaries at different People's Commissariats in the years 1930-39.

People's commissaries of Jewish extraction still dominated. In 1937, 17 out of 22 people's commissaries were Jewish, despite the fact that the Communists did not want to expose the considerable Jewish element in

the Soviet government apparatus. Here I can name Isidor Lyubimov

(Kozelevsky), Moisei Kalmanovich, Arkadi Rosengoltz, Israel Veitzer, Yankel Gamarnik and Maxim Litvinov (actually Wallakh-Finkelstein). The Council of People's Commissaries consisted of 133 members, of

whom 115 were Jews. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet in 1937 had 27 members, of whom 17 were Jews.

I shall use the People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade Affairs as an example. The people's commissary was the Jew Arkadi Rosengoltz. His

deputies were also Jews: Moisei Frumkin and Israel Veitzer. All the leading functionaries of the same People's Commissariat were Jews: B. Belensky, S. Bron, S. Messing, B. Plavnik, M. Bronsky, S. Dvoilatsky, L. Friedrichsohn, M. Gurevich, Y. Yanson, M. Kattel, F. Kilevets, A. Kisin, B. Krayevsky, F. Rabinovich, N. Romm, Y. Sokolin, M. Sorokin, A. Tamarin, S. Zhukovsky, Y. Flior, I. Katznelson. Only the errand boys were non-Jews. The functionaries of the other People's Commissariats were also mainly Jews.

The picture was the same throughout the leading posts of the Central Committee. Even the post of general secretary was occupied by the Geor- gian half-Jew, Joseph Stalin. The other most important functionaries were the following Jews: Lazar Kaganovich, Yan Gamarnik (Chief of the Politi- cal Board of the Red Army), I. Kabakov (actually Rosenfeld), Mikhail Kaganovich, Vilhelm Knorin, Joseph Pyatnitsky (Aronsson), Mikhail

Rukhimovich, M. Khatayevich, Moisei Kalmanovich, D. Beika, Tsifri-

novich, F. Gradinsky, Grigori Kaminsky, Grigori Kanner, T. Deribas, S. Schwartz, E. Veger, Leon Mekhlis, A. Steingart, Genrich Yagoda, Yona Yakir, Moisei Einstein, Yan Yakovlev (Epstein), Grigori Sokolnikov

(Brilliant), Vyacheslav Polonsky (Gusin), G. Veinberg, Itzik Feffer,

Samuil Agurzky, Khaim Fomin and others.

These Jews played important parts in the Party apparatus: Eismont,

Tolmachov, Martemyan Ryutin. There is not enough space here to name everyone and go through all the lists in this way. The picture is a clear one. The occasional non-Jews were usually married to Jewesses, like Vyacheslav Molotov (Skxyabin) who was married to Polina Zhemchuzhina (Perl Karpovskaya). She was the sister of Samuel Karp, the owner of Karp 289
Export-Import Co. Bridgeport, Connecticut. Stalin had her imprisoned but later released her. It was all a big mistake on his part.

I should like, however, to take this opportunity to name some of the most important people within the Cheka (political police), those who did Kaganovich's and Stalin's dirty work for them. The political police had 59 top leaders. Only two were non-Jewish. The leading Chekists in the 1930s were the following notorious Jews: Meier Trilisser, Yakov Agranov (Sorenson), Mark Gay, Stanislav Redens, Roman Pilyar, Abram Slutsky (murdered enemies of Communism abroad), Yakov Aleksnis, Israel Lep- levsky, Leonid Zakovsky, Zinovi Ushakov-Ushmirsky, Isaac Shapiro, Boris Berman (chief of the NKVD trial section), Lazar Kogan (was a particularly cruel interrogator), Yakov Rapoport, Joshua Sorokin, David Schuster, Mikhail Spiegelglas (vice-chief of NKVD foreign section), Moisei Gorb (led the NKVD special section), Yakov Broverman, Leonid Reikhman, Leon Elberg, Leon Scheinin, Boris Stein, Yakov Surits (who had previously been Soviet Russia's ambassador to Norway, Germany and France), Vera Inber, Alexander Langfang (uneducated executioner who became infamous as the "hatchet"), Vilhelm Knorin, Joseph Pyatnitsky (Aronson), Mikhail Frinovsky, Yakov Smushkevich (who was named chief of the Air Force in 1940), Mendel Berman, Boris Rodos (totally uneducated), Leon Schwartzman, Yevgeni Hirschfeld, Sergei Efron, Zakhar Volovich (infamous executioner), Israel Pinzur, Leon Vlodzhi- minsky, Naftali Frenkel, L. Zalin, L. Meier, Z. Katznelsohn, F. Kurmin, Leonid Vul, A. Forkaister, L. Belsky (Levan), S. Gindin, V. Zaidman, J. Volfzon, G. Abrampolsky, I. Weizman, S. Rosenberg, A. Minkin, F. Katz, A. Shapiro, L. Spiegelman, M. Pater, A. Dorfman, B. Ginzburg, V. Baum- gart, J. Vodarsky, K. Goldstein, Lipsky, Ritkovsky, Berenson, Zelikman, Sofia Gertner, Yakov Mekler and many others.

There were some disappointed defectors even among the higher functio- naries, the important resident of the NKVD Leiba Feldbin, who defected to the United States of America in July 1938.

On May 5, 1993, Pravda published some extremely secret documents from the 13th Division of the NKVD and later from a corresponding section of the KGB, which proves that a large number of people in the Soviet Union fell victims of Jewish ritual murders. Pravda stated that "there are still 40-50 people a year who die with traces of ritual torture". When shall we see an end to such primitive crimes?

The Jews also played leading roles in the military Intelligence Service (GRU). Here I can mention the secret agent Leopold Trepper, whose father was a merchant in Poland. Trepper used to say proudly: "I am a Communist, for I am a Jew!" (Harry Rositzke, "KGB", Helsinki, 1984, p. 25.) Before then, he had been a Zionist activist in Palestine, but had been expelled to France, from where he moved on to Moscow. Another successful agent was Ignatz Reiss (Ignati Pretsky), whom Stalin had murdered in 1937 in Lausanne because Reiss continued to support Trotsky. This mission was given to Valter Krivitsky (born in 1899 in Poland as Schmelka Ginsburg). He was already a mass murderer at the age of 19. The extermination group under his command murdered 2341 people. In 1935 he became the chief of the Soviet military intelligence service. After 20 years as a Soviet assassin, he broke down when he was ordered to kill his Jewish friend and Communist fellow murderer Ignatz Reiss in Switzerland. Reiss had put aside a lot of money to defect to the West. Krivitsky went into hiding, whereupon another Jewish assassin,

Isaac Spiegelglas, was ordered to complete the mission. Reiss was murdered on the 4th of September 1937. The French Prime Minister, the Jew Leon Blum, promised to help and protect Krivitsky. A Jewish activist, Paul Wohl, smuggled Krivitsky from France to the United States of America. Israel Don Levine on the Saturday Evening Post gave Krivitsky a contract for nine articles at $5000 each. Krivitsky was found dead in his home soon afterwards.

The methods used against defectors were later changed. The defected GRU agent Viktor Suvorov described in his book "The Aquarium" (Yekaterinburg, 1993, pp. 4-6) how the GRU after the Second World War used to burn unsuccessful or treacherous agents alive. They were drugged and brought in diplomatic bags from the West to Moscow to be burnt to death in blast furnaces. Films of the executions were shown to new recruits so that they would have no illusions about what happened to those who failed in their missions or betrayed the organisation. One such traitor was the GRU Colonel Oleg Penkovsky. The British allowed the KGB to arrest him. Penkovsky admitted everything and was sentenced to death. On the 16th of May 1963, he was burnt to death before the eyes of a group of high-ranking officers.

President Boris Yeltsin's secretariat admitted in 1992 that the Com- munist Party had formed a special force to carry out terrorist attacks against political opponents in the West (Svenska Dagbladet, 11th of July 1992).

Comintern's best agents were also Jews. Jakob Kirchstein and Rudolf Katz were regarded as two of the best.

The cultural life of the Soviet Union was "organised" by Kultprovsvet. The 40 leaders of that organisation were all Jews. The Soviet propaganda was of course led by a Jew - Boris Feldman. The most prominent propa- gandist journalists were also Jewish. Mikhail Koltsov (Ginzburg) was particularly efficient and also had Chekist inclinations. He directed the Communist agitation from Madrid during the Spanish Civil War. The leader of the trade unions was Solomon Dridzo (actually Lozovsky), who was later replaced with Mikhail Tomsky (Honigberg).

The Young Communist organisation Komsomol was also founded and led by the Jews. The Young Communist Central Committee was first led by Oskar Ryvkin and after 1920 by Lazar Shatskin, the son of a rich Jewish businessman. (Noorte Haal, 3rd of November 1988.) This was, of

course, a state secret. Shatskin later became an enemy of Kaganovich and had to perish. Jews also led the most important sections of the Young Communist Central Committee. For example, the chief of the press section was the Jew Munka Zorky (actually Emmanuil Lifschits). The vice- chairman of the State Planning Committee in the 1930s was Leon Kritsman. One of the most important chiefs of the economy in the 1940s was Yakov Kiselman.

The Destruction of Russian Culture

Together with his Jewish comrades, Lazar Kaganovich organised the destruction of Russian historical and cultural heritage sites.

Being a Zionist Jew, Lazar Kaganovich hated the churches. Christianity is regarded as a heresy within Judaism. Kaganovich began blowing up architecturally unique and valuable monasteries and churches in Moscow. A closer study reveals that this wave of demolition was not at all haphazard, but had a certain mad plan behind it. If straight lines are drawn between the demolished churches on a map, the resultant pattern stands out as... the Star of David. (Galina Belaya, "Now the Jews Are Blamed for the Soviet Tragedy", Dagens Nyheter, 2nd of January 1991.)

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