Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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Stalin was earlier suspected of this shooting, but the historian Igor Bunich has now reached the conclusion that Lenin organised the "assassination attempt" himself. Even if the head of the Cheka, Dzer- zhinsky, gave orders for Lenin's bodyguards to leave his side on the 30th of August, Lenin himself would never have agreed to this, coward that he was.

This means that Lenin did not want any bodyguards with him on that day, since he had planned the attempt personally. Otherwise he would never again have showed his face in public after what had happened in Petrograd on that morning. Dzerzhinsky helped to conceal the truth, so that it would be impossible to reveal who was really responsible for the shooting. He carried that secret with him to his grave. The Polish Jew Dzerzhinsky, who was an infamous drug-addict and sadist, died suddenly

under mysterious circumstances on the 20th of July 1926 when he began to express his desire to have as much power as Stalin. Stalin was also interested in "inheriting" the money Dzerzhinsky had put into foreign bank accounts.

That was typical of Stalin who, for example, gave orders on the 31st of October 1925 to murder the military commander Mikhail Frunze on the operation table. A myth was later created which turned Frunze into a national hero.

The "attempt" on Lenin was immediately exploited by the party leader- ship, who stated that it was the right-wing Social Revolutionaries who had committed the terror action and that the deed had been directed at the whole working class. On the 2nd of September, Yakov Sverdlov officially demanded the beginning of a red terror campaign. He was the chairman of the Central Executive Committee (head of state) and the secretary of the Central Committee.

According to official reports, the commandant of the Kremlin, Pavel Malkov, killed Fanny Kaplan illegally (without trial) on September 4, 1918. She stuck to her version that she had acted of her own accord. A political prisoner, Vasili Novikov, claimed that he had met Fanny Kaplan in the prison of Sverdlovsk in July 1932. This was officially denied just a few years ago. The prosecutor's group in Moscow did not wish to ignore this version, according to which Fanny Kaplan was pardoned at the last moment and sent to prison in Sverdlovsk in the Ural (Dagens Nyheter, 17th of March 1994). She came out in May in 1945 and died in 1947.

Lenin knew that the Chekists had sabotaged the investigation of the "attempt" by distorting the real circumstances of such an important "crime" against the Bolshevik regime. He would never have accepted such a procedure unless he himself was behind the attempt.

The first thing to be done after the attempt was the execution of 900 undesirable persons in Moscow. Tens of thousands were killed afterwards. On the 21st of November 1917, Lenin had said: "We organise the violence in the name of the workers!"

The Council of People's Commissaries proclaimed the red terror as an official policy on the 5th of September 1918. This policy was never called off. A similar campaign of terror was begun after the murder of Kirov. It became one huge grisly celebration for those Jewish criminal gangs who had come into power with German and American aid and ruled the people

with their lies and unnatural doctrines. Those who were impossible to control were liquidated. Lists of such people were compiled immediately after the seizure of power but the execution machine rolled forward indiscriminately over Russia. For instance, 20 doctors were executed in Kronstadt simply because they had become too popular with the workers. That was reason enough. Death sentences were delivered for the least offence. The Chekists only needed a pretext. They wanted to murder as many people as was practically possible. Immediately after the seizure of power, Lenin had threatened his henchmen with execution if they did not follow his instructions to the letter.

The abnormal circumstances in Soviet Russia brought mentally deranged people - mass murderers - to the fore. Communism became a kind of mental rabies. Even the good people shared a part of the responsibility for this process of destruction, since they did nothing to hinder the advance of that political and criminal Mafia. The Communists based their wealth and privileges on robbery. And evil was victorious. The Jewish Bolsheviks, meanwhile, declared demagogically that the Dictator- ship of the Proletariat was the highest form of democracy.

The West immediately began to defend those criminals, saying that blood is always spilled for good causes... Only idiots could have been ignorant of the fact that such "revolutions" always involve long-term and senseless destruction. No wise and responsible person could therefore be sympathetic towards revolutions.

The Jewish extremists' coups in Russia in 1917 became the greatest social catastrophe in the history of humanity. The new power-mongers stole everything from the Russian people, even their history. But the truth always comes to light in the end; mass murders cannot be concealed forever. We now know in almost every detail what happened and who the guilty parties were.

Here follows a list of members of the leadership of the Cheka when the mass terror began in 1918: Felix Dzerzhinsky (chairman), Yakov Peters (Vice-Chairman and chief of the Revolutionary Tribunals), Viktor Shklovsky, Kneifis, Zeistin, Krenberg, Maria Khaikina, Sachs, Stepan Shaumyan, Seizyan, Delafabr, Blumkin, Alexandrovich, Zitkin, Zalman Ryvkin, Reintenberg, Fines, Yakov Goldin, Golperstein, Knigessen, Deibkin, Schillenckus, Yelena Rozmirovich, G. Sverdlov, I. Model, Deibol, Zaks, Yanson, Leontievich, Libert, Antonov, Yakov Agranov

(Sorenson), who became especially feared. All the Jews enumerated here became notorious.

Grigori Zinoviev led the terror in Petrograd. Zinoviev was Lenin's closest comrade and secretary before the take-over, despite the fact that he was regarded as unintelligent and unskilled. His secretary Richard Pickel aided him. That he was not only a high freemason in the Grand Orient, but also a devout Jew, is apparent from the following story.

The former Chekist Alexander Orlov described in his book "The Secret History of the Stalinist Crimes" how Zinoviev's last walk to his execution was demonstrated before Stalin. On December 20, 1936, when Stalin celebrated the anniversary of the Cheka, a grand gala was held, to which the chief of the NKVD Nikolai Yezhov, Mikhail Frinovsky (deputy chief of the NKVD), Karl Pauker (chief of the operative section) and other leading and infamous Jewish Chekists had been invited. When all were happily feasting at the table, the cruel joker Pauker decided to imitate Zinoviev's execution scene. Pauker played Zinoviev. Two of his colleagues pulled him along with them towards the cellar to be executed, "Zinoviev" begged for his life in a heartbreaking voice and rolled his eyes. Suddenly he fell to his knees, took hold of the warden's boot and shouted in a macabre voice: "Dear comrade, in God's name... call on Joseph Vissarionovich!"

Stalin watched and roared with laughter. He said: "For God's sake!" The guests, who saw that Stalin was enjoying the show, asked Pauker to repeat his performance. Stalin could not stop laughing and clutched his stomach. Then Pauker came up with an extra scene, where "Zinoviev" threw up his hands and shouted: "Hear, Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord!" (The Jewish profession of faith, see Deuteronomy 6:4.) Then Stalin was no longer able to follow the show, since he fell to laughing so heavily that he was about to choke. He waved to Pauker to end his performance.

Karl Pauker was also executed half a year later - the Hungarian Jew was accused of being a German spy. The former barber had come from Budapest to make his career in the terror-machine of Russia, despite being an uneducated and ignorant person. But Stalin had allowed himself to be shaved by him - which shows how much he trusted him.

It was not always necessary to be a (preferably Jewish) Communist to become an important functionary within the Soviet apparatus. It was enough to be a Jew and also rich. Yakov Sverdlov's younger brother

Venyamin had emigrated to the United States, where he had become a successful banker. Yakov, as the head of state, invited his brother to Russia soon after the take-over where he became, with Lenin's agreement, people's commissary for communications, despite the fact that he was not even a Party member. He could not cope with the demands of the job, however, and later became a leading functionary within the Soviet of the National Economy, instead (1923-25).

Yakov's and Venyamin's older brother Zinovi wanted to have nothing to do with the extremists' revolutionary movement and broke away from them. His father, therefore, showered curses on him and threw him out of his home. The author Maxim Gorky (actually Alexei Peshkov) adopted Zinovi, who later emigrated to France where he became a mercenary in the Foreign Legion. His father was overjoyed to hear that Zinovi had lost his right arm in a battle. In Judaism, the cursed son always loses his right arm. Everything according to the Russian researcher Gregory Klimov.

Matvei Maravnik admitted on Swedish television that he should really have become a rabbi but chose to work as a Bolshevik functionary instead. Isaac Babel fought for the red regime in Budyonny's cavalry. He took the opportunity to steal as many diamonds as he could. He was later praised for his authorship.

Jewish "revolutionaries" believed that, by all those repulsive and terrible mass murders, they were sacrificing goy victims to please Yahweh. In the Hebrew word for 'to take prey' lies the meaning 'to plunder'. And that was precisely what they did in Russia. That was why the Jewish poet and author Heinrich Heine wrote: "Die Judische Religion ist uberhaupt keine Religion, sie ist ein Ungluck. " (The Jewish religion is not a religion at all, it is a calamity.) He also confirmed in his "Confessions" that: "The deeds of the Jews are as little known to the world as their true nature." Of course, he meant the deeds of the extremists.

Those criminals also worshipped Yahweh who, according to the French author Anatole France, was a mighty demon. ("Queen Goose-Foot", 1899.) So those Hasidic Jews had their God's blessing to enjoy the suffering and degradation of other people (Psalm 37:34). Unfortunately these people represented the worst elements of Jewry. In Europe, the Jew eventually became synonymous with the deceiver or the confidence man, according to the British Encyclopaedia. The political bandits who ravaged Russia were totally merciless and inhuman. That was the reason why

Chiang Kai-shek confirmed that the greatest fault of Communism was inhumaneness.

The Russian people remember with horror their Jewish executioners, all of whom had their own methods for getting rid of their enemies. Ashikin in Simferopol made his victims march stark naked before him whereupon he hacked off their arms and ears with his sword before he personally pressed out their eyes and cut off their heads. The chief executioner in Nikolaiev, Bogbender, had his victims walled in alive. Deutsch and Wichman worked in Odessa. They claimed to have no appetite until they had killed several hundred goys. The Chekists in Voronezh committed ritual murders. Among other things, they used to boil their victims alive. That was a common method of getting rid of goys and Jewish renegades. Nearly all the inhabitants of Pyatigorsk were exterminated. All this information was published in the Russian newspaper Russkoye Vosskresenye, No. 3, 1991.

In Vologda, Mikhail Kedrov (Zederbaum) and Alexander Eiduk

liquidated all the intellectuals, for whom they felt a particular hatred. In the winter of 1920 a 20-year-old Jew was named chief of the Cheka in Vologda. His perverse methods of execution were described by the historian Sergei Melgunov in his book "The Red Terror in Russia", (Moscow, 1990, p. 122). The youngster used to sit on a chair by the river. Then he had a pile of sacks and many prisoners brought to him there. The prisoners were forced into those bags and thrown down through a crack in the ice where they drowned. He was soon called to Moscow, where he was accused of being unnatural. Of course he was - after all, he had not thrown his victims into boiling water, had he?

Some Jewish executioners and torturers became especially infamous, among them Roza Schulz. Arkadi Rosengoltz was especially feared among seamen and railwaymen. Among the Chekists of Kharkov, Yakimovich, Lyubarsky, the 18-year-old youth Yesel Mankin, Feldman, Portugeis and Sayenko were particularly feared.

The reserves of extremist Jews were not enough. That was why they hired a large number of Russian criminals, murderers and violent Chinese to continue the killing day and night. Jews as usual, led this mob. Many criminals had successful careers as Chekists. There were also plenty of bandits in the official Soviet organisations. Officially it was something to he proud of. Mikhail Vinnitsky published an article in Kommunist in May

1919, in which he said that he had worked, in his capacity as a robber, for the ideal of Communism, since he only robbed rich members of the bourgeoisie. In 1919 he worked as a secretary in the Cheka. Later, under the name Mishka Yaponchik, he built up a regiment entirely composed of thieves and robbers. The political leader of that regiment was the Jew Feldman. Odessa's infamous robber Kotovsky was named leader of a Communist regiment. In Tsaritsyn, even soviet organs were led by (Jewish) criminals. (Sergei Melgunov, "The Red Terror in Russia", Moscow, 1990, pp. 178-179.)

Jews usually led the Russian Chekists. Yelena Stasova and Varvara Yakovleva worked especially brutally in Petrograd. Revekka Plastina (Maizell) became infamous in Arkhangelsk, Yevgenia Bosh in Penza, and the Hungarian Jewess Remover in Odessa. The Jewess Maria Khaikina, who committed terrible atrocities, headed the Revolutionary Tribunal in Kiev.

An American negro, Johnston, was sent to Odessa where he proved to be a very savage butcher. His main task was to flay victims alive (Ibid., p. 139).

It is impossible, for lack of space, to describe all the butchers and their crimes. I shall just mention some numbers. During a single year in power, the Bolsheviks exterminated 320 000 clergymen (Molodaya Gvardiya, No. 6, 1989). A total of 10 180 000 "class enemies" were murdered between 1918 and 1920. Another 15 million people died during the civil war. During the famine of 1921-22, another 5 053 000 people perished. The Bolsheviks, headed by Lenin, managed to destroy over 30 million people during their first four years in power.

In 1917, 143.5 million people lived in the part of Imperial Russia, which later became Soviet Russia. Russia had lost more than 20 per cent of her population by 1922. Only 131 million lived there in 1923. It has been calculated that Russia's population, under normal circumstances, should have increased to 343 million by the middle of the 1950s, that is, if the development had continued as it had begun in the Tsarist era. 165 million people disappeared. Who in the West mourns for them? There were 178 million left.

The most brutal Jewish mass murderers were Roza Zemlyachka (actually Rozalia Zalkind) and Bela Kun (Aaron Kohn). The latter came from Hungary. Roza Zemlyachka was called the "fury of the Communist terror". Roza was born on the 1st of April 1876 and died on the 21st of January 1947. She eventually became the party secretary of the Kremlin and, in 1939, vice-chairman of the Council of People's Commissaries (that is: deputy prime minister). She was an utterly merciless and power-crazy Jewess who worked as a Chekist in the Crimea together with two other Jews, Bela Kun and Boris Feldman. Her methods of execution were so atrocious that I will spare the reader the details, which were too nasty even for Dzerzhinsky in Moscow. Bela Kun and Roza Zemlyachka were parti- cularly greedy when they went out on their forays. They managed to grab an unusually large amount of gold in Sevastopol. This was largely the basis of their enormous wealth. At the same time, they took the oppor- tunity to murder as many people as they could. It was an integrand part of Mela Kun's cruelty that he raped his female victims. This pair managed to murder 8364 people in Sevastopol during the first week of November 1920. 50 000 "enemies of the people" were killed in the Crimea, according to official sources (12 000 in Simferopol, 9 000 in Sevastopol, 5 000 in Yalta). The author Shmelev, however, states that at least 120 000 people were murdered in the Crimea.

Bela Kun used to lend a hand at mowing people down with machine guns. He became infamous as "the Commissary for Death". Dzerzhinzky called him a lunatic. Trotsky personally gave him orders to shoot 40 000 captured officers in the Crimea (Dagens Nyheter, 22nd of November 1993).

The freemason Bela Kun led the Communist terror regime in Hungary. He was a Master of the Johannes Lodge in Debrecen. He was also a member of B'nai B'rith. The Masonic socialists handed the power over to him on the 20th of March 1919. There was no coup. It is worth pointing out that 90 per cent of the Hungarian freemasons were Jews. Their Council of People's Commissaries was comprised of 26 members, of which 18 were Jews.

The eight Hungarians were just puppets. Bela Kun was a cunning swindler, extraordinarily greedy and cruel. He had earlier been the secretary of the Workers' Union in Kolozsvar, but was fired for embezzlement of public funds.

With this in mind, it is easy to understand that his most important work consisted in hunting down goys who owned gold. Amazing amounts were transferred from Hungary to foreign banks.

The Hungarian Red Army began to spread Communism to Slovakia, which was eventually occupied. On June 16, 1919, the Soviet Republic of Slovakia was proclaimed and the plundering began there too. The Czech troops crushed that hellish government as early as the 7th of July and managed to frighten those greedy Jewish gangsters away.

Bela Kun's and his Jewish comrades' incredibly cruel terror regime infested Hungary for 133 days. Bela Kun's Jewish commissar Isidor Bergfeld admitted that he had personally burned 60 Magyars alive in ovens and murdered another 100 with his own hands. A total of at least 560 victims were claimed. The Communist terror, which was led by the Jew Otto Korvin (actually Klein), chief of the political police, cost the country 28 billion forints in material damages and a further 14 billion in debts. It was later discovered that the "revolutionary" government had also stolen 900 million forints in foreign currency from the "people's domestic fund". (A. Melsky, "Bela Kun and the Bolshevik Revolution in Hungary", Stockholm, 1940, pp. 25-26, 46.)

Rumanian troops deposed Bela Kun and his fellow criminals on the 6th of August 1919. Bela Kun escaped to Austria, where he was detained, but the Jewish freemason, murderer and Social Democrat Friedrich Adler secured Bela Kun's release. Bela Kun then went to Soviet Russia, where he continued with his banditry. After Adler had murdered the Austrian prime minister, Count Karl Stiirgkh, on the 22nd of October 1916, be- cause the latter had tried to prevent the activity of the left wing radicals, Adler said before the court: "It is not only the right, but the duty, of every citizen to use violence." Adler was sentenced but was pardoned soon afterwards and later became the leader of the Communist Party in Austria. (In February 1934, the Social Democrats in Austria tried to seize power by force.) Several of Bela Kun's partners in crime escaped to the USA, for example Alexander Goldberger, and Joseph Pogany. Pogany was active in thc American Workers' Party under the pseudonym John Pepper. (Nesta Webster, "The Socialist Network", London 1926, p. 59.)

Jewish Communists led by Eugene Levine and Kurt Rosenfeld also held power in Munich for two weeks (from 13th of April to 1st of May 1919). They had proclaimed the Soviet Republic of Bavaria. All its leaders were Jews who belonged to the secret Masonic lodge Number Eleven, located at 51 Brennerstrasse in Munich. Eugene Levine (actually Nissen Berg) and Max Levien also murdered their hostages, and were after as many gold

items and gems as they could possibly grab hold of. Eugene Levine was executed for all his crimes immediately after the fall of the Soviet Repub- lic of Bavaria. The mass murderer Max Levien managed to escape to Soviet Russia, where he became a member of the Central Executive Committee.

The Bolshevik bandits could ravage only those areas of Russia, which the Germans had captured for them, according to the historian Igor Bunich.

The Germans were totally amazed - they had never seen anything like the cruelty they now witnessed. They could easily have put down the Bolsheviks but held back since a deal was a deal.

Lieutenant Balk, the chairman of the German Commission in the province of Yaroslavl, had demanded as early as the 21st of July 1918 that the voluntary army of peasants that was fighting the Bolsheviks should capitulate to him. The 428 naive peasants did just that, following which they were handed over to the Bolsheviks who immediately executed all of them, to the Germans' horror. (Igor Bunich, "The Party's Gold", St. Petersburg, 1992, p. 22.)

The Bolsheviks were also given the Germans' lists of the opponents of Communism and on the basis of these lists they executed a further 50 247 people between March and November 1918, according to Igor Bunich.

Anti-Semitism of course flared up like never before among the Russians. In all the areas, which the Whites re-conquered from the Germans, searches were made for any Jewish commissars who had not managed to escape under the Germans' protection. But there were not many left - the Whites only found a few. This was immediately exploited by the Zionist propaganda in the West, and as usual, the facts were distorted to ridiculous proportions. These myths are still, regrettably, blindly believed.

I will give just one example from among all those lies. It was claimed that the Whites in the Ukrainian town of Proskurov had executed 60 000 Jews on the 15th of February 1919. That little town then only had 15 000 inhabitants, however. The Jews of Proskurov were busy introducing the Soviet regime in other areas. (Russky Kolokol, No. 7, 1929, Berlin.) There were 11 411 Jews in Proskurov in 1897 (50 per cent of the population). In 1926 there were 13 408 Jews in Proskurov (42 per cent of the population). A remarkable metamorphosis! Proskurov had 34 592 inhabitants in 1933. Encyclopaedia Judaica from 1971 states that only 1500 Jews had been killed in 1919, a figure based on Soviet propaganda. (Only nine Jewish victims can be seen on a photograph from the archives of Jerusalem.) It was now claimed that 60 000 Jews had been killed in the whole of the Ukraine. It is for my readers to decide whether they wish to believe this or not.

The Zionists seem to have a weakness for big numbers connected with sixes; the same number as the points on the Star of David. The Zionist propaganda after the First World War claimed that six million Jews had died as a result of famine, epidemics and holocaust. A propaganda article entitled "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!" was published in American Hebrew on the 31st of October 1919. Everything was later revealed to have been war propaganda.

The most atrocious murder was committed on the night before the 17th of July 1918, when the Jew Yankel Yurovsky and his butcher's menials executed the Tsar and his family in Yekaterinburg, in the cellar of a house, which had belonged to the merchant Nikolai Ipatiev. At half past two on a hot summer night, twelve men began the murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Tsaritsa Alexandra and their five children Olga, Maria, Tatiana, Anastasia and Alexei, and also three servants and the family doctor, Ycvgeni Botkin. One of the executioners even beat the children's dog,

Jimmy, to death with the butt of his rifle. The Soviet Union's first delegation to the UN had 12 members, all Jews. The number 12 has always played a central role in the Cabbala. This number corresponds to the 12 tribes of Israel - a symbol of the struggle for world dominion.

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