Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one Zionism is actually a revolution

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Neither has one of the great English authors, the autodidact Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), been accused of anti-Semitism. In 1939, he published a book with the title "The Fate of Homo Sapiens", where he wrote the following concerning the orthodox Jews: "The whole question turns upon the Chosen People idea, which this remnant cherishes and sustains, which it is the "mission" of this remnant to cherish and sustain. It is difficult not to regard that idea as a conspiracy against the rest of the world... Almost every community with which the orthodox Jews have come into contact has sooner or later developed and acted upon that conspiracy idea. A careful reading of the Bible does nothing to correct it; there indeed

you have the conspiracy plain and clear. It is not simply the defensive conspiracy of a nice harmless people anxious to keep up their dear, quaint old customs, that we are dealing with. It is an aggressive and vindictive conspiracy."

The Jewish philosopher Erich Fromm also admitted that the revolutio- naries were really criminals.

Marx and Engels as Illuminati

There are not many today who know that Moses Hess was connected to the Illuminati. It was he who introduced both Marx and Engels to the Illuminati.

On 5 July 1843, at the lodge Le Socialiste in Brussels, the Masonic leader Ragon submitted the draft for the revolutionary plan of action, which was later made into "The Communist Manifesto". The lodge Le Socialiste sent the proposal to their and Belgium's largest Masonic authority, Supreme Conseil de Belgique, and they unanimously decided to accept Ragon's anarchist program as "corresponding to the Masonic, doctrine concerning the social question and that the world which is united in Grand Orient should with all conceivable means aim to realise it". (Bulletin du Grand Orient, June 1843.)

On 17 November 1845, Karl Marx became a member of the lodge Le Socialiste. In February 1848, Marx published his "Communist Manifesto" on the orders of the Masonic leadership.

Marx and Engels were freemasons of the 31st degree. (Vladimir Istarkhov, "The Battle of the Russian Gods", Moscow, 2000, p. 154.)

In 1847, Marx and Engels became members of The League of Just Men, one of the Illuminati's underground branches where the Jew Jakob Venedey played an important role.

This secret organisation was founded in 1836 in Paris by

"revolutionary" Jewish socialists. On the 12th of May 1839, The League of Just Men, together with another conspiratorial group The Seasons, attempted to seize power in France under the leadership of the Jewish freemasons Joseph Moll, Karl Christian Schapper and the founder of the organisation, the freemason Louis Auguste Blanqui. The attempt failed and Blanqui was imprisoned. The leaders escaped to London, where The

League of Just Men became an international subversive organisation headed by Joseph Moll and Karl Schapper. Similar coup attempts in Poland and France in 1831 also failed.

The financial elite and the Illuminati needed a suitable ideology to camouflage their aspiration to power. They wanted to carry out certain conspiratorial plans and at the same time propagate for atheism.

The workers happened to be "useful idiots" and could be made

excellent blind tools, which they hoped to be able to manipulate most efficiently. To carry on with their conspiracy in the name of the working classes, they had to cultivate and shape all kinds of communist and

socialist Utopias. Hess and Marx hoped to exploit the jealousy of the stupid proletariat to enforce a hell on earth where fear, suffering, terror and treason ruled supreme - Communism.

This is why Moses Hess suggested transforming The League of Just Men into a communist party in November 1847. Together with Engels, Marx reorganised (Soviet term) the League before the end of the year. Moses Hess, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Wilhelm Weitling, Hermann Kriege, Joseph Weydemeyer, Ernst and Ferdinand Wolf played important roles.

Marx was commissioned to write the manifesto of the Communist Party, according to the Soviet-Estonian Encyclopaedia. It was Moses Hess who made him work out the religion of the socialist revolution. Marx did this with the co-operation of the slave-trader Jean Lafitte-Laflinne.

"The Communist Manifesto" was published in London. In this document, Marx had only further developed the ideas of the Illuminist leaders Adam Weishaupt and Clinton Roosevelt. He had at the same time uscd the conspiratorial experience of the Utopian communist and Illuminatus Francois Noel Babeuf (1760-1797) to show the way to the socialist (Illuminist) revolution.

In this way, Communism and Socialism became the code names for the Illuminati's program, which was to extinguish all moral principles, where- upon everything was allowed. After this, the Illuminati did everything to sprcad the new religion, whose prophet and apostle was to be Karl Marx, who wrote: "A spectre is haunting Europe - the spectre of Communism." ("The Communist Manifesto".)

Against the competing religions, Marx raised the slogan "Religion is the opium of the people!" He began to wildly propagate the idea that the old

society could only be ended by "a single method - with revolutionary terrorism". (Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, "Works", Moscow, Volume 5, p. 494.)

In "The Communist Manifesto", Marx and Engels openly declared that force must be used to conquer the world: "The ruling classes shall tremble before the coming Communist Revolution!" "We can only reach our goals by violently overthrowing the entire established order."

In "Das Kapital" (1867) Marx also believed it absolutely necessary to stress the need of violence in socialist actions. He wrote: "Violence is the midwife who helps a new society struggle out from the womb of the old."

Slogans like "Workers of the world - unite!" were needed in order to get the army of the blind to aid the Illuminati into power before they were subdued and finally enslaved - all in the name of "light-bringing" Com- munism. The class struggle was to abolish many individual liberties and simplify the extinction of all-profound cultural values and creations.

Marx eagerly stressed that Socialism was impossible without

revolution. Naturally, these Marxist "theories" were full of contradictions. Marx's "doctrine" only concerned the way physical work creates values. In contrast, he did not acknowledge creative thought, which could be said to shape the world to an even greater extent.

In this way, he demonstrated to anyone with any insight that his theories were only intended to bait the workers and impudently exploit their intellectual immaturity. The intelligent and gifted people who would not be taken in were bound to perish.

He exhorted the revolutionaries to be neither generous nor honest and definitely not to shy away from the prospect of civil war. (K. Marx and F. Engels, "Works", Moscow, Volume 33, p. 772.) The result was that the Marxists established a new and complete form of propaganda by preaching fair lies to primitive and dissatisfied people.

Marx recommended the industrialisation of society so that the masses would find employment. In this way they could be recruited as workers. Whether the products of industry were needed or not was unimportant to the Illuminati, neither did it matter whether the production process harmed the environment. If people were left unemployed and given time to think, the Illuminati's violent regime might be endangered...

1848: "The Year of Revolution" - The First Wave

Only a few months after the founding of the Communist Party, revolutions began to "break out" in various countries. 1848 became the great year of revolutions. The Rothschild family was in charge of the financial side and the League of Communists of the planning. The Rothschilds had become enormously wealthy in connection with the French Revolution (1789- 1799) when empires and kingdoms needed to borrow money in amounts previously unparalleled. The Rothschilds had Europe's best information system with their own couriers, who always managed to bring them decisive news (e.g. the outcome of the battle of Waterloo) before the rulers got wind of it, according to Derek Wilson, "The Rothschild Family". In 1847, Lionel Rothschild had become the first Jewish Member of the British Parliament.

The former Prussian officer August Willich was made the leader of the terrorists. He later became a general for the Union in the American Civil War, where he became infamous for the incredible atrocities he committed. The League of Communists had 400 members by this time,

according to the Soviet-Estonian Encyclopaedia. Forty-odd Scandinavians also took part.

"Revolutions" were started in half of Europe, mostly by Jewish

Illuminati or by their henchmen. It all began when an invisible hand

utilised the occasion of the poor crop harvest in 1846. Grain was suddenly bought up in large amounts. During the years 1847-1848, the prices were doubled and tripled as foodstuffs were sent out from secret storehouses. People starved and eventually the time was ripe for bloody revolts. The buyer of all the grain was the Jewish businessman Ephrasi who acted as a front for James Rothschild.

A Masonic conference was organised in Strasbourg, Alsace, in May of 1847, where the decision was made to stage the revolution in the spring of

1848. Among the delegates were important Jewish Illuminati and free- masons such as Alphonse Lamartine (1790-1869), who were intended to

take command of the new temporary revolutionary government in France (he was officially foreign minister), Adolphe (Isaac Morse) Cremieux, the banker Michel Goudchaux (1797-1862), Leon Gambetta, Simon and Louis Blanc from France (all became famous leaders of the revolution in Paris in the spring of 1848), Joseph Fickler, Friedrich Franz Karl Hecker (1811-

1881), Georg Herwegh, Robert Blum, Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872) and Johann Jacoby (1805-1877) from Germany (all played leading roles in the "revolution").

The Jewish banker and freemason Ludwig Bamberger (1823-1899) led the "revolution" in Germany in 1848. He founded Central Bank of Ger- many in 1870.

Adolphe Cremieux served as minister of justice in the revolutionary government. It was Cremieux who, in May 1860, together with Rabbi Elie-Aristide Astruc, Narcisse Leven, Jules Garvallo and others in Paris founded the great Jewish Masonic Lodge L'Alliance Israelite Universelle, which used the B'nai B'rith as its executive organ. In 1863, Cremieux became president of the central committee of the movement. The motto of this organisation was: "All Israelites are comrades!"

Adolph Isaac Cremieux, who was a well-known lawyer, "liberal" poli- tician and a Grand Master of the Ordre du rite Memphis-Misraim and Master of the Grand Orient de France, spoke openly in his manifesto to Alliance Israelite Universelle: "The union which we shall create will not be a French, English, Irish or German, but a Jewish World Union... Under no circumstances shall a Jew befriend a Christian or a Muslim; not before the moment comes when Judaism, the only true religion, shines over the entire World."

Cremieux (33°) also worked closely with the powerful English Jew Chaim Montefiore (1784-1885). Together they saved two Jewish ritual murderers who had admitted to their crimes in Damascus.

Sicily came first. On the 12th of January 1848, the "revolutionaries" in Palermo simply declared Sicily independent. On the 8th of February the revolutionary movement was organised in Piedmont. The revolt began in Tuscany on the 17th of February. Everything was co-ordinated by two Jewish Illuminati leaders, Giuseppe Mazzini and Adriano Lemmi. Lemmi was a skilful revolutionary conspirator who became a Grand Master of the Grande Oriente d'ltalia in 1885. The freemason and Grand Master Giuseppe Garibaldi (33°) also took part in the planning. Afterwards, they began to act in France. A revolt was stirred up in Paris on the 22nd-23rd of February. Isaac Cremieux made sure that Louis Philippe was dethroned and he fled to London on the 24th of February. Lamartine seized power. On the very same day, the 24th February, "The Communist Manifesto" was published. Riots also occurred elsewhere.

March 1848 - The Prepared Plan

If we take a closer look at the points in time when "revolutions" broke out in several places in March of 1848, we see a clear connection, which

reveals a prepared plan behind the events.

On the 5th of March, the so-called pre-Parliament held a meeting in Heidelberg, led by the Grand Master of the local Masonic lodge and attended mainly by Jews who also took part in the Illuminati conference in Strasbourg. On March 11th, the Illuminati founded the Council of Saint Wenceslas - Vaclav - in Prague.

The violent incidents in this series of events began on March 13th with the rebellion in the Austrian capital, Vienna. The architects behind the action were two Jewish doctors, Adolf Fischhof and Joseph Goldmark. On March 14th a "revolution" occurred in Rome. The leader here was Giu- seppe Mazzini, who declared the Papal States a republic. This republic was later crushed, despite Garibaldi's stubborn defence. A revolt in

Hungarian Pest had been planned well in advance for the 15th of March. The leaders of the Hungarian revolt were the Jew Mahmud Pascha

(Freund), who organised the coup in Budapest, and the freemason Lajos Kossuth, who acted in the provinces. The intention was to celebrate the murder of the Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar on the same day in 44 B.C. The Masonic lodge, the Grand Orient still praises Brutus for this murder. Riots in Naples and Paris had been planned for the same day.

The 18th of March became a special day. Then the dark powers agitated for rebellions in Milan and Stockholm and for a revolution in Berlin. The revolution in Berlin was led exclusively by Jewish free- masons. The actions on this Saturday were even planned to take place at the same time in Milan, Berlin and Stockholm. The 18th of March was an important day for the Jewish freemasons. The Jewish Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, had been burned at the stake in Paris on this same day in 1314. These revolts were intended as a revenge both for his execution and for the abolition of the Knights Templar two years earlier, all of which was done by the orders of Philip the Fair (1268-1314). These plans of revenge involved the murder of the Prussian King Wilhelm IV (1795-1861) in Berlin, following which the Illuminatus Mikhail Bakunin was to become the dictator of Prussia. But the plans were foiled when a faithful subject warned his king. He was, however, forced to capitulate and make great concessions. Johann Jacoby led the revolt.

These plans of revenge were put into action again 23 years later - on the 18th of March 1871 - when the Paris commune was proclaimed. Later, in the Soviet Union, this day was celebrated as the day of the Red Aid.

The troubles reached Stockholm too, far faster than a galloping horse (the fastest means of communication at that time). Those riots were the bloodiest, most violent events in the history of the city. Bunny Ragnerstam states in his book "Arbetare i rorelse" / "Workers in Action" (Stockholm, 1986) that 18 people were killed during the troubles. The instigators were the Communist Association in Stockholm, founded in the autumn of 1847. This organisation had connections with the European Communist League. The power behind the operation was the Jewish writer Christoffer Kahnberg, who also wrote the proclamations, which were posted all over the city: "Destroy the nobility and give the bourgeois and the workers their rights!" "The hour of revolution has struck!" "Down with the govern- ment!" (At this time, Sweden had a liberal king, Oscar I.) "Long live liber- ty, equality, fraternity!" "Long live the people! Long live the Republic!"

On March 17th, the revolt against the Austrians in Venice was organised. On the same day, the "revolutionaries" freed Daniele Manin (1804-1857), a Jewish freemason and Giuseppe Mazzini's agent. On the 18th of March, he led the attempt to take over power. After defeating the Austrians on the 22nd of March, Manin proclaimed Venice a republic, the leadership of which consisted of freemasons, among whom were two

Jewish "revolutionaries": Leon Pincherle and Isaac Pesaro Maurogonato. The fact that these two were Jews is verified in the Encyclopaedia Judaica. According to Mazzini's program (1848), Austria-Hungary had to cease to exist as a state. The European revolution was therefore to begin in Italy, eventually to lead to the forming of the United States of Europe.

The lawyer Daniele Manin, who came from the well-known Jewish

Medina family, was named "president" (dictator in fact) of the Republic of Venice in August 1848. The Austrians eventually managed to crush this republic on the 22nd of August 1849 and Manin fled together with other Jewish Illuminist and Masonic conspirators to Paris, where he stayed for the rest of his life. Judisches Lexikon (Berlin, 1929, Vol. 3, p. 1363) also confirms that Daniele Manin was a Jew.

During the March revolution in Munich, the freemasons forced the

Bavarian King Ludwig I to abdicate. On the 21st of March, the "revo- lution" began in Schleswig after the Danes had marched in. In our history books, those actions were supposedly "spontaneous" on the part of the people.
The Second Wave, 1848-49

On the 12th of April, the Jew Friedrich Hecker organised a riot in Baden. On the 15th of May the freemasons began the second rebellion in Vienna, after which they forced the emperor to abdicate.

The "revolution" in Bohemia (now Czechia) culminated with the re- bellion in Prague on the 12th of June 1848. This was put down almost immediately, on June 17th. According to the Soviet-Estonian Encyclo- paedia, this action was organised in Prague by the Illuminatus Mikhail Bakunin, as was the "revolt" in Dresden on the 3rd of May 1849, which was also quickly dealt with, after which Bakunin fled from the city on May 9th. He had been a member of the temporary revolutionary govern- ment in Dresden. He was later sentenced to death and extradited to Russia. In 1861, he escaped from Siberia to Japan and eventually came back to Europe.

On the 22nd of June 1848, a new riot was instigated in Paris. On the 18th of September, the rebellion in Frankfurt was organised. On the 6th of October, a third attempt at "revolution" was made in Vienna. Adolf Fisch- hof took the post of chief of the security committee. He became a real dictator of Austria.

The "revolution" there was fortunately crushed on the 31 st of October. On the 5th of November, the rebellion began anew in Rome. All of this was repeated in many places around Europe. In Italy, the revolutionary republic was liquidated in the autumn of 1849. A people's militia was also organised during this wave of revolutions.

Behind those actions around Europe (in Austria, Italy, France, Hungary, Bohemia, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden) in 1848, was a Masonic conspiracy, according to Nesta Webster ("World Revolution", London, 1921, p. 156).

Marx and Engels went to Cologne in April 1848, where they founded a communist newspaper, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, the first issue of which came out on the 1st of June. Its purpose was to spread propaganda.

The founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, had declared: "It is necessary to make our principles modern, then young writers will be able to spread them in society and thereby serve our purpose." He stressed that the journalists must be influenced so that they harboured no doubts about the Illuminist writers. This was Marx's job.

Evcntually the "revolution" in Germany was completely put down and Marx was exiled in May 1849. Before this, he managed to write in his newspaper: "We are merciless and do not demand any clemency. When it is our turn, we will not hide our terrorism." ("Karl Marx: Eine Psycho- graphie" by Arnold Kunzli, Vienna, 1966.)

Disraeli revealed how the Illuminati, led by the Jews, were behind the troubles in Europe in the spring of 1848: "When the secret societies, in February 1848, surprised Europe, they were themselves surprised by the unexpected opportunity, and so little capable were they of seizing the occasion, that had it not been for the Jews, who of late years unfortunately have been connecting themselves with these unhallowed associations, im- becile as were the governments, the uncalled for outbreak would not have ravaged Europe." (Benjamin Disraeli, "Lord George Bentinck: a Political Biography", London, 1882, p. 357.)

Also this quote shows how carefully the Illuminati had planned this wave of destruction, which once more came to a head with the terror in Poland in 1863...

The Illuminist Terror Continues...

The International Working Men's Association was founded in London on the 28th of September 1864 and following this, Hess, Marx, Engels and Bakunin founded the First International which continued the activity of the Communist League. The Communist League had officially ceased to exist on the 17th of November 1852.

The Jewish terrorist Karl Cohen, a member of the First International

and an associate of Marx, attempted to murder Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck on Unter den Linden in Berlin on May 7th, 1866. The Marxists also later continued their terrorist actions. Maxim Kowalevski was present when Marx was informed about the failed attempt to murder Kaiser

Wilhelm I in 1878, this time also on Unter den Linden. He claimed that Marx became infuriated and hurled anathemas at the terrorist who had failed in his terrorism. (Paul Johnson, "The Intellectuals", Stockholm,

1989, p. 93.)

On March 18th, 1871, the Marxists succeeded in introducing the

world's first "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" in Paris. Most of the leading

members of "the revolutionary Paris Commune" (the term originates from 1792) were also members of the First International. This commune was the first warning signal to civilisation that the dark Illuminati forces wanted to destroy it. The Communards were mostly freemasons (Louis Charles Delescluze, Gustave Fluorens, Edouard Vaillant), who also actively fought against Christianity.

The Paris Commune was successfully liquidated 71 days later - on the 28th of May 1871. The terror of the evil Jacobins and Blankists claimed 20 000 human lives. After all, Weishaupt had explained to his disciples: "You must stifle anyone you cannot persuade!" This setback did not stop the Illuminati.

In 1872, Karl Marx decided to shut down the International in Europe; the organisation was breaking up under the strain of the power struggle between himself and the leader of the anarchists, Mikhail Bakunin. Four years later, on the 15th of July 1876 (100 years after the creation of the Illuminati Order), the International also ceased in Philadelphia, U.S.A.

The First International, which worked for the Illuminati, engaged Eugene Pottier (1816-1887) to write an anthem for the "workers' struggle". This gruesome song became the national "anthem" of the Soviet Union in 1917 and remained so until 1944, when it became the hymn of the Communist Party. Eugene Pottier was later one of the leaders of the Paris Commune.

From 1890, the 1st of May, the date when the Illuminati were founded, is also the date when communists and socialists across the world celebrate under Rothschild's red flag, which symbolises the permanent revolution, according to Moses Hess. Naturally, it was desirable to find a more "prole- tarian" reason to celebrate the founding day. This was why a provocation was arranged in Chicago in 1886, for the Illuminati's 110th birthday. It was hoped that a serious conflict with the police would take place so that there would be a few martyrs whose memory they could celebrate. The attempt failed, however.

Only on the 3rd of May did the police open fire on a group of workers attacking some strike-breakers. One worker was killed immediately and another three died later in hospital. They had their martyrs, but it was on the wrong day!

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