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alpha (a) decay

A radioactive process in which an alpha parti­cle is emitted from a nucleus. (765)

Massa soni

– atom yadrosi massasini uglerod birlikda takriban ifodalaydigan butun son.

Раствор -

однородная (гомогенная) система, состоящая из двух или более компонентов (составных частей) и продуктов их взаимодействия

amorphous solid

A solid that has a poorly defined shape because it lacks extensive molecular-level ordering of its particles. (373) ampere (A) The SI unit of electric current; 1 ampere of current results when 1 coulomb flows through a conductor in 1 second. (726)


– sanoatda tabiiy xom-ashyodan metallar ajratib olish usullari xakidagi fan

Раствор истинный -

система с размером части менее 1нм (10-10м)


Able to act as either an acid or a base. (265) amplitude The height of the crest (or depth of the trough) of a wave; related to the intensity of the energy (brightness of the light). (217)


– moddaning mustaqil mavjud bula oladigan eng kichik zarrachasi

Раствор коллоидный -

высоко дисперсные двухфазные системы, состоящие из дисперсионной среды и дисперсной фазы, причем линейные размеры частиц последней лежат в пределах от 1 до 100нм


The smallest particle of an element that retains the chem­ical nature of the element. A neutral, spherical entity composed of a positively charged central nucleus surrounded by one or more negatively charged electrons. (38)

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