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Describing service
A new Italian restaurant called Bella Roma has just opened in the High Street, and we went there the other night to try it. I couldn’t help comparing it to the Casa Italia, where we ate last week. In the Bella Roma, the service was impeccable1 and quick; at the Casa Italia it’s always a bit sluggish2 . In the new place the waiters are courteous3 and friendly without being overbearing4 . In the other place they tend to be sullen5 and the service is rather brusque6 , which I find very off-putting7 . But at Bella Roma they’ll go out of their way8 to give you what you want.
1 perfect, cannot be faulted
5 bad-tempered, unwilling to smile
2 rather slow
6 quick and rude
3 polite
7 makes you feel you do not want to go there again
4 too confident, too inclined to tell people what to do
8 do everything possible
Food preferences
I have a sweet tooth and can never say no to cakes or biscuits. [love sweet things]
I won’t have dessert, thanks. You’re lucky being so slim, but I’m afraid I have to count the calories /
I have to be a bit calorie-conscious these days. [be careful how many calories I eat]
I’ll just have a small portion of dessert, please. [amount of a particular food that is served to one person]
I like to end the meal with something savoury, like cheese. [salty in flavour, or with herbs]
Ben’s a bit of a fussy eater. [person who has very particular demands when eating]
No, thanks, I won’t have wine. I’m teetotal. [never drink alcohol]
Before I book the restaurant, do you have any particular dietary requirements? [special needs or things someone cannot eat; formal]
I won’t have any more wine, thanks. I don’t want to overdo it. [eat or drink too much]


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