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Food metaphors
Inviting Sophie and her ex-husband to the same party was a recipe for disaster. [situation sure to lead to]
When asked why he didn’t turn up to the exam, he cooked up a story about his kitchen being flooded. [made up, invented]
The film has all the ingredients of a box office hit. [all the necessary characteristics]
I’m not going to call him. I’m going to let him stew for another few days at least. [worry or suffer,
especially about something you think is that person’s fault; you can also say stew in your own juice]
It’s kind of you to invite me, but ballet isn’t really my cup of tea. [not the type of thing that I like]
The police grilled the suspect for hours, but eventually let him go. [asked a lot of questions]
I’m sure this is going to be another of his half-baked schemes that will never come to anything.
[unrealistic or not thought through properly]
Let’s hire a karaoke machine – that’ll spice up the office party. [make more lively]
Rick has started hanging around with some unsavoury characters. [unpleasant, morally offensive]
They started their business with high hopes but things soon turned sour. [went wrong]
Let’s go for a coffee and you can tell me all the juicy gossip. [exciting and interesting]
Complete the sentences. The first letter of the missing word is given.
1 The label gave no information, so I didn’t know if it was good for me.
2 The system of labelling is easy to understand with just three
familiar colours.
3 I try to make my diet as well as possible and not eat things which I know are bad for me.
4 It’s sometimes difficult to find foods – everything seems to contain chemicals or preservatives of some kind. diet as wheat makes her ill.
5 The laws governing were changed recently and birds must have larger cages now.
6 I’m a vegetarian but I don’t think I could ever become I would find the diet too restrictive.
7 My diet is mostly natural foods

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