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Topic type

Target Type

Case Studies: Relate your experiences.


Technical / Developer

ID Number



Tom Kunicki


U.S. Geological Survey



Paper Title

Real_time data analysis and rendering with HTML5 Canvas using OpenLayers and GeoServer

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

The emergence of HTML5 Canvas support in browsers creates an opportunity to shift rendering and analysis tasks from the server_side to the client web browser.

Paper Abstract (long)

The emergence of HTML5 Canvas support in browsers creates an opportunity to shift rendering and analysis tasks from the server_side to the client web browser. Traditional workflows of distributed geospatial applications implement filtering and styling on the server requiring frequent communication between the client and server with each modification to filters or symbology. By implementing high_throughput filtering and symbology rendering in the client web browser application responsiveness is significantly increased. Raster representations of features and coverages can be dynamically filtered and symbolized in the browser with functionality recently developed in OpenLayers. Recent developments in GeoServer enable customized rendering of feature attributes and coverage data into raster pixels by use of SLD utilizing WPS and Rendering Transformations. These rasters are then cacheable and in a format suitable for filtering and symbology rendering in the browser. With the newly developed HTML5 Canvas functionality in OpenLayers, these rasters can be dynamically filtered and symbolized in the browser. This technique is being applied at the USGS to provide real_time rendering of complex spatio_temporal hydrologic and climate model outputs with constant performance. Sample implementations will be presented that take advantage of an OpenLayers HTML5 canvas raster pipeline utilizing data vended by GeoServer using WPS and WMS coupled with SLD Rendering Transforms and an integrated WMS tile cache.

Topic type

Target Type

Visualization: effective presentation of information.

Technical / Developer

Additional Presenters


Dave Blodgett


U.S. Geological Survey


ID Number



Michael Nolde


Kiel University, Germany


Paper Title

Realization of a web-based Fire Danger Forecasting System for Mediterranean Landscapes

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

The presentation covers the realisation of a fire danger forecasting platform for the Isle of Sardinia, using crowd sourced weather data and only Free and Open Source software.

Paper Abstract (long)

This presentation covers the preparation and realisation of setting up a fire danger forecasting platform for the Isle of Sardinia. The system created uses, firstly, crowd sourced weather data as input for calculation of fire danger predictions and, secondly, only free and open source software for the actual implementation. The platform is meant to provide regional, daily fire danger forecasting maps. Its configuration is based on a ten-year study of fire occurrence on Sardinia and Crete. The Fire Weather Index (FWI) with treshold values adapted to Sardinia is used for the forecasts.

Topic type

Target Type

Disaster Response: software, case studies, outcomes.

End User

ID Number



Julien-Samuel Lacroix




Paper Title

Scribe: MapServer mapfile development made easy

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

Scribe helps you edit and manage large MapServer mapfile easily.

Paper Abstract (long)

Anyone who has tried to create great looking maps for a large dataset such as OpenStreetMap knows how daunting of a task that can be. Scribe is the solution to this painstaking task. This presentation will introduce this new way to not only edit, but mostly to manage, mapfiles. No matter how much data you have, how many mapfiles or the complexity of your symbology, it will help you sort out the essential by removing the iterative part of the process. Getting rid of all of this error prone copy-paste as well! Scribe is a python script that allows you to write a configuration file instead of a mapfile. The configuration is similar to Basemaps, but simpler to use and less verbose.

Topic type

Target Type

Development: new developments in products.

Hacks and Mashes: novel solutions to our problems.

End User

Technical / Developer

ID Number



Till Adams


terrestris GmbH & Co KG


Paper Title

SHOGun in action - WebGIS-stack for a complete federal state WebGIS solution for water managment

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

SHOGun itself is mainly based on the Frameworks Java-Spring, Hibernate, Hibernate Spatial, GeoExt, ExtJS, GeoExt Mobile and OpenLayers as well as technical challenges such as getting the most out of the Maven Build and using a CI-server (Continuous Integration) were included.

Paper Abstract (long)

The WebGIS-Framework SHOGun was especially extended for the water administration environmental agency of Rhineland-Palatinate in western Germany. The SHOGun framework was released as Open Source software from terrestris in 2012 and mainly focussed on the backend-side for a WebGIS solution based on widely accepted and very stable Java-frameworks. There has always been a WebGIS-client for SHOGun, based on GeoExt 1.1 and also a test-port to the OpenGeo "GeoExplorer" was implemented. Project-specific requirements drove us to a complete re-work of the whole SHOGun-suite. The talk will be split into two parts. In the first part the (Open Source) framework SHOGun as a full usable WebGIS-Framework including the backend/frontend with user- and group-administration, setting up WMS/WFS services via file-upload using GeoServers REST interface, connecting additional attribute-data and photographs to existing services and an administration backend for setting up WebGIS clients (Desktop and Mobile) with special layers, tools for a selected group of users, to name a few, will be presented. Also the state-of-the-art WebGIS-Client framework based on GeoExt 2 and ExtJS 4 with lots of features widely known from Desktop-GIS will be shown. There is also an integration of a mobile WebApp-GIS-client, based on GeoExt mobile. In the second part we will focus on the re-use of the whole framework for a second project, called Momo, which has a more scientific background, The first application for the water authority was based on an Oracle database, the second on PostgreSQL-database server. This is not worth a third focus in the talk, because the migration from one database-server to another just worked. Especially for the re-use the Maven-package built process and also the use of a continuous integration server helped a lot.

Topic type

Target Type

Visualization: effective presentation of information.

Development: new developments in products.

Full WebGIS stack suite

People new to open source geospatial


End User

Technical / Developer

Additional Presenters


Hinrich Paulsen


terrestris GmbH & Co KG



Johannes Weskamm


terrestris GmbH & Co KG


ID Number



Hal Seki


Georepublic Japan


Paper Title

Shortest Path search for real road networks with pgRouting

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

pgRouting adds routing functionality to PostGIS, and this presentation will give an overview of the current state of the project and introduce the new and revised features of the new release in 2013.

Paper Abstract (long)

pgRouting adds routing functionality to PostGIS. A completely revisioned version of the library will be released in 2013. This presentation will show the inside and current state of pgRouting development. We will explain the shortest path search in real road networks and how the data structure is important to get better routing results. Furthermore we will show how you can improve the quality of the search with dynamic costs and make the result look closer to the reality. You will learn about difficulties and limitations of implementing routing functionality in GIS applications, the difference between algorithms and for which use case pgRouting is the right tool. pgRouting includes: Shortest path search (3 algorithms: Dijkstra, A-Star, Shooting Star) Traveling salesperson problem solver (TSP) Driving distance calculation É and many new features! pgRouting is an extension of PostgreSQL and PostGIS. A predecessor of pgRouting Ð pgDijkstra, written by Sylvain Pasche from Camptocamp, was later extended by Orkney and renamed to pgRouting. The project is now supported and maintained by Georepublic, iMaptools and a broad user community.

Topic type

Target Type

Development: new developments in products.

Technical / Developer

Additional Presenters


Ko Nagase


Georepublic Japan



Basa Mario



ID Number





SIGTE-Universitat de Girona


Paper Title

SIGTE Maps Cloud, new web map service for University of Girona investigators

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

SIGTE Maps Cloud is a web tool for creating interactive web maps without requiring server architecture. The application aims to optimise the process of developing interactive maps for the university community and is an initiative of The GIS and Remote Sensing Service of the University of Girona (SIGTE) to provide service for the universityÕs own needs regarding the publication of geographic data.

Paper Abstract (long)

WHAT IS Maps Cloud? ItÕs a service offered by SIGTE (The Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing Centre of the University of Girona) to the UdG community to publish their data on the internet in a spatial context. Using a web tool created by the SIGTE, your technicians can create a web map viewer with basic browsing functionality, data visualisation, a static legend, a basemap and a printable version of the map. OBJECTIVES ¥ Provide a service to the university community (economical, uncomplicated maintenance...). ¥ Automate the web map creation process. ¥ No dependence on third parties ¥ Avoid multiple, similar developments. ¥ Open to incorporation of new functionalities. Freedom to implement the requirements of each new project. ¥ Get a fully modifiable end result. ¥ Explore new programming libraries. OTHER TOOLS In the initial phase of the project, we proceeded to identify some of the tools that can be found on the web for generating maps. ¥ ÒMy sitesÓ on Google Maps. ¥ ArcgisOnline. ¥ GIScloud ¥ GeoCommons ¥ Ikimap ¥ CartoDB ¥ AMMAPS ¥ BatchGeo ¥ Many Eyes ¥ MyGeoCloud The most important aspects we took into account in assessing these tools were: ¥ Language, possibility of generating maps in Catalan. ¥ Generating maps would not involve any cost. ¥ The final result would be a map viewer with basic functionalities. ¥ Possibility of integrating multiple data sources in a single map. ¥ Possibility of generating results offline. ¥ Possibility of customising the map viewer interface. ¥ Possible problems of data licenses. ¥ User community. Although the tools analysed are great, very popular and are widely accepted, they were not completely suitable for our objectives and, in the end, we decided to develop our own solution. FUNCTIONALITIES ¥ Importation of data: _ Geographic data from .shp and .xls files _ Complementary alphanumeric (.xls) ¥ Apply general symbology or by rules associated with the values from one of its columns. ¥ Generate map viewers in web format. ¥ The maps generated do not require server architecture (except for the base layer). DESCRIPTION Users The application includes two job roles: administrators and editors. The administratorÕs role is to administer the tool. This profile manages the base layers of maps and tool users. The editorÕs role is indicated for content/map creators. This profile can: ¥ Manage data sources. ¥ Apply data symbology. ¥ Upload icons. ¥ Create maps. User-administrators also have the possibility of working as editors. Base layer Only the user-administrator can administrate it. Providers of the most popular maps are, by default, registered, both globally and locally: Google maps, Bing Maps, CloudMade, OSM, PNOA and ICC. Data sources The application allows working with geographic data and alphanumeric data. We will represent the graphical content of our maps with the geographic data. Data in geographic data format can be imported from .shp or .xls files. In the case of .xls files, only coordinates can be imported, which will be processed as points. In the case of working with very detailed geometries, the application offers the possibility of simplifying the geometries to allow viewing on a lighter map. The alphanumeric data are used to complete the geographic data information. Their importation is particularly suitable in the case of attributes that contain values of more than 255 characters, given the limitations of .shp files in regard to number of characters. Styles Styles are generated to apply symbology to data uploaded in the application and are built according to the type of data geometry: points, lines or polygons. Styles can be applied by the overall data source or based on the values of one of its columns. For theming based on the value of one of its attributes, we can apply the rules deemed appropriate, choosing between several operators and completing the style according to the value entered. Each rule is assigned a title and an order of preference that will be reflected both on the map and in its legend. In the event of working with points, the tool has a basic library of icons. There is also the possibility that the user-editor can upload customised icons in ÒIconsÓ. This section also offers the possibility of managing windows with more information. Attributes to be displayed can be chosen by clicking on an entity of the map. This functionality is deactivated if this field is left blank. Maps Maps are a composition of various data sources with their symbology within a viewer. When creating a map an editor should: ¥ Define some basic attributes such as title, subtitle, investigator, credits. ¥ Choose a theme, which is the template that contains the display. The themes, if theyÕve been programmed, enable the editor to define some variables such as colours. ¥ Choose the background map. ¥ Define the centre of the map. It may be based on a coordinate and a zoom or on some limits, whether defined by the user or done automatically based on the data from the mapÕs data sources. ¥ Add the data sources that will make up the map. Maps can be exported in a .zip file containing all the code needed to install the map in a conventional web space. The web map generated does not need SIGTE Maps Cloud to be viewed; it operates autonomously. Depending on the template, in this case on the default template, the map generated has basic browsing functionality, windows with more detailed information, a legend and a printable version. Technical details The application has been developed in Python with the DJANGO framework. Importation of geographic data is done via Gdal + python-gdal. Data is stored in a PostgreSQL database with the Postgis module. The maps generated with the default theme for geographic data visualisation uses OpenLayers. These are stored in text files in GEOJSON format and symbology is applied by using SLD styles

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