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ID Number



Raul Fernando Molina




Paper Title

Spatial Data's Infrastructure of Bolivia's Plurinational State: A free and democratic SDI

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

The Vice-presidency of the State in partnership with the GeoBolivia Project, are approaching to the construction of the Plurinational State of Bolivia«s Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDE-EPB by its Spanish initials), which it is already finished in its first phase. This phase consisted in the implementation of a platform and the construction of a geoportal that allows the access to the country's geographical information of reference, through WMS, WFS, WCS and CSW services. The whole platform uses free software and open standards. This first phase it is complemented with the development of an on-line training module to undertake the transfer of the generated knowledge within the project. The main components that have been used were: gvSIG, QGis, uDig as clients advanced GIS-SDI; PostGreSQL+PostGIS as spatial database; framework geOrchestra that contains GeoServer as map server, GeoNetwork as catalogue server and OpenLayers+Mapfishapp as thin client (geoportal); MapServer like map server for the bottom OpenStreetMap; Debian like operating system; Apache like web server and finally Tomcat like application server.

Paper Abstract (long)

1. Introduction The Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Plurinational State of Bolivia IDE-EPB was created within the framework of the GeoBolivia project, which aims to provide interesting geographical information to institutions and users in general, regardless of the device that is used to access, it means, to have relevant, harmonized, and high quality geographic information to support the formulation, evaluation, implementation and monitoring of practical policies into the development of projects with have a direct or indirect impact on our territory. Additionally bring support in education, research, etc. GeoBolivia Project has the responsibility for working in cooperation with all the institutions involved to generate spaces for consensus providing access to geographic information. Therefore, the contribution of public and private institutions and professionals involved in the field is crucial for its strengthening and enriching. In this respect, GeoBolivia, in its first phase had as a final goal the construction of a computer platform, the publication of geographic information according with OGC standards and the development of a portal for consultation, as an initiator and main node of the SDI. Regarding with technology selection, GeoBolivia opted for the use of free software and open standards, ensuring its sustainability and promoting the democratization of access to information where democracy depends on an informed citizenry with a wide access to information that allows them to participate fully in public life, collaborate in with determining priorities for public expenditure, equal access to justice and demand accountability from public officers to citizens. "While access to information is generally associated with the fight against corruption, is also an essential tool for citizens to exercise their rights and demand accountability from officials." (Neuman, 2002). Also taking into account that the world of free geomatics has grown enough in recent years to consider meeting the same requirements as any other tool deprivation, in that sense, Article 77 of the new General Telecommunications Law states: "The Executive, Legislative, Judicial and Electoral bodies at all levels, to promote, to prioritize the use of free software and open standards, within the framework of sovereignty and national security", supports the technology selected. 2. Project Development Initially, the possible technological options were evaluated in order to implement the framework of the IDE-EPB which gives priority to the use of free technologies, ensuring data sovereignty, and its "modular" feature. In this sense were considered the following: GeoNode ( EasySDI ( and geOrchestra (, this last one was chosen as a software solution under the criteria mentioned above. The main components were: Customers GIS (QGIS, uDig and gvSIG) for data processing before storage (encoding, projection, raster conversion) and symbols for creating Web Services WMS format maps. Spacial Data Infrastructure (geOrchestra) consisting of: A repository of geographic files (SHP and GeoTIFF formats). A geographic database (PostgreSQL + PostGIS). A map server dedicated to the generation of map background with OpenStreetMap data (MapServer). A map server for all data GeoBolivia (GeoServer). A map viewer with slight GIS client functionality (Mapfishapp, based on OpenLayers). An extractor maps downloading games allowing data by geography (Extractorapp). Underlying infrastructure with: An operating system GNU / Linux (Debian Wheezy). A proxy web server (Apache2). A Java Server Applications (Apache Tomcat) to give access to geOrchestra modules. Figure 1: Artifacts (Prepared by Reynaldo Condori) All applications used in the implementation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure are free software, both in the preparation of documentation, knowledge transfer and in the Geoportal itself, as well. (See Figure # 2) Figure No. 2: Technologies Used (Adapted by Reynaldo Condori) Regarding with the development computer itself, a prototype for testing was designed, and from there the implementation of the portal was designed. For its in this sense, development 5 versions were programmed which main features are described below: Version v0.1: prototype platform with a simplified installation geOrchestra. Version v0.2: Installation of the main modules of geOrchestra (map server, catalog, user management), generating a WMS map background from OpenStreetMap data, updating the website. Version v0.3: Installing geOrchestra auxiliary modules (maps extractor allowing the download of data), "API" to install a viewer (based on OpenLayers) GeoBolivia with data on a website, new website with a section consistently dedicated to helping with texts, images and videos. Version v0.4: two nodes interconnected via harvesting catalog (CSW) and display maps (WMS), installation of auxiliary modules geOrchestra (catalog search light), map viewer for mobile devices, Live DVD (based on Ubuntu 12.10) containing all main GeoBolivia data, metadata and symbology, and free GIS tools. Version v1.0: editing shortcut partners (virtual nodes) to their data within GeoBolivia server, bug fixes, server infrastructure more professional, with control of the availability of services and data quality . Following versions: geOrchestra contribution to the evolution and integration, direct download page data sets (without going through the extractor), Community assessment of the quality of the data and metadata (comments and ratings system), personal space each user, interconnection with other types of catalogs (geographical or more generally OpenData). Figure No. 3: Architecture (Prepared by Sylvain Lesage) In the same vain and in a reciprocal mean, GeoBolivia became an active member of the community of contributing geOrchestra improvements and new solutions. In fact, at the end of 2012 a version 12.11 geOrchestra Bolivia (http://blog. was released as a signal of bring back the contributions made by GeoBolivia especially in the internationalization of the framework. In that sense the features of our platform are: Viewfinder Movement, zoom on the map. Add new layers from the catalog or a remote WMS. Change semiology of a local or remote WMS layer and save the style. Querying on a layer to filter the data displayed. Save the list of layers and open the display area in a context file. Lets read a context file (*. Wmc). Print a map in PDF format. See the map projection (EPSG 4326). Catalog GeoBolivia Metadata Profile (based ISO 19139). Make harvesting on distant catalogs. Being questioned by a catalog via harvesting distant. Extractor Choose an area of __extraction. Handling extraction format (ECW, GeoTIFF, SHP, etc.). Management levels. Email when extraction is complete. GeoPublisher Allows publishing geographic data from the GeoNetwork catalog, after loading the data in the metadata record. Similarly, regarding the collection of Geographic Information (GI) proceeded to conduct an assessment of all existing GI generated or generated the state as such, then formally requested to all public institutions, under the premise that "all information generated from state resources must be public and shared." In that sense we gave the GI under the formats established, the GI was in Shapefile format (. SHP), this was processed and migrated using QGIS, gvSIG and uDig to PostGIS1 spatial database. The raster data in TIFF format was migrated to GeoTIFF using GDAL function: 'GDAL-translate' Geospatial Data Abstraction Library or GDAL Once processed geographic information, we proceeded to generate configurations OGC services. This is used to generate the styles uDig and QGIS to check the topology, projections and attributes among others. Subsequently ordered a server space to store geographic information in raster and vector, and then by proceeding to standardize Geoserver GIs also were created Workspaces with their respective stores data addressed to the appropriate server. The next step was the publication assigning styles (*. sld) generated for each layer, that means to determine the appropriate symbology respecting the initially generated by the "producer" Finally, onward the Geonetwork, the metadata was generated based on the ISO 19139once generated it was linked to the web addresses of the map server. 3. Milestone and New Phases The project in its first phase GeoBolivia's main objective: "to standardize, and distribute GIS democratize the Plurinational State of Bolivia". In that sense, the installation of the platform had a strong emphasis, ie: installing and configuring a metadata catalog (, a geographic database stored and organized (http: / / / geoserver /) and the publication of a Web portal that allows direct access to the display modules, Catalog and spatial data downloads:, also installed a Shared Development Platform, which enables document the entire project development in a systematic and orderly. This can be viewed from Similarly, it is important to note that in Phase I began Institutional coordination activities with users and providers of data through the Interagency Committee for the effect was convened four meetings, which hosted the explanation, sample developments achieved and proposed a first document of Supreme Decree and Regulations for the establishment of this Committee so as to ensure their constitution and actively participate. Among others, a training module Virtual ( has been developed with the purpose of training the users and producers to use the IDE-EPB as a means of capacity building for institutions that request it. It also prompted the generation of Bolivian standards regarding the handling and management of geographic information (ISO: 19100) together with public institutions and coordinated with the Bolivian Institute of Standardization and Quality (IBNORCA). Also, the nodal vision was incorporated into GeoBolivia strategy, in the sense of providing technical robustness and sustainability of Spatial Data Infrastructure in this sense a first product was the development of a Live DVD GeoBolivia 12.12, a DVD that offers no only one copy of the database GeoBolivia, but the ability to install all software applications GeoBolivia implemented. They agree on the Spanish adaptation and development of a framework called geOrchestra (, developed as a community worldwide, offering the ability to replicate the functionality of GeoBolivia entirely from any institutional server. Moreover, there are other free solutions such as GeoNode compatible (, developed by the World Bank, implemented in Bolivia under GeoSinager portal ( . The latter is the first example of thematic node (in this case "risks") directly integrated to the IDE-EPB proceed without any adaptation to heavy machinery. To date, GeoBolivia in Stage I, plays a repository in which all institutions are deposited initially interested and giving your information that is available and free access to our platform with the appropriate metadata (see Fig N ¡ 4 and No. 5). Figure No. 4: Data Repository (Phase I) Figure No. 5: Current state of the IDE-EPB (Phase I) 3.1 Second phase: a public SDI, shared and financially sustainable Compared to the initial proposal, Phase I identified some existing or planned systems with which we intend to develop a less centralized structure, the currently implemented in the IDE-EPB (one group of servers located in the Vice President) to achieve a nodal structure (multiple servers interconnected among several institutions). This involves articulation and enhancement of thematic information systems existing in other institutions that were the result of much effort and budget then retrieve and convert later in "nodes" of the IDE, ie it tends to a development structure "nodal". GeoBolivia is the keystone of this infrastructure and that from the sum of articulated systems and network nodes to allow remote replicas have a solid infrastructure and sustainable central government level as shown in Figure No. 6. Figure No. 6: possible nodal structure systems based on the national executive. The other important element to be developed in Phase II, are mechanisms for integrating geographic information from players who do not have the resources or technology to mount a node may do so directly meet the parameters set by GeoBolivia. This is the case of territorial autonomy or institutions whose technical capacity to manage it does not take large amounts of geographic information but to produce specific data such as the location of infrastructure (banks, schools, projects, etc..). To do this, GeoBolivia develop guidelines and tools for the creation of geographic information and also promote GI exchange protocols to ensure interoperability through standards. This means that each institution according to its competence and update its metadata GI as its theme. Likewise, the phase II will emphasize and promote the standardization of geographic information from producing institutions. GeoBolivia develop a strategy of "participatory quality control" (LERCH, 2013) information to facilitate the integration of comments and evaluations by data users directly in the metadata catalog and establishing a committee of users and providers in a consultative Agency Committee. By offering a variety of mechanisms to share the IDE-EPB, from the viewing, downloading, and quality assessment for individual users to create nodes that replicate GeoBolivia entire infrastructure. Figure No. 7: Geoportal IDE-EPB ( 4. Institutional Developments Institutional progress is essential to carry out any project of Spatial Data Infrastructure. GeoBolivia promoted the socialization and coordination with various institutions conducting the following activities: Consolidation and strengthening of the the links established with the main producing entities GIS in Bolivia, such as: the military Geographic Institute, unique system of information of Earth (SUNIT), national system of risk management (SINAGER) and the National Institute of statistics (INE), since they cover almost 60% of available for the Bolivian State IG, and therefore requires their participation active inside conformation above all of the Interinstitutional Committee. Furthermore, the signing of agreements or extensions with international institutions such as the University of Geneva, Geobretagne, geOrchestra, GeoNode and international cooperation will be promoted in order foster academic activities (specific Informatics developments) and to coordinate tasks with regard the management of GI, so it benefits to the consolidation of the IDE-EPB. Finally, the inclusion of the University within the activities of GeoBolivia, will continue similarly to the first phase, offering internships, promoting the use of open standards and encouraging the generation of new information technology. Currently he has been working with the University Mayor of San AndrŽs, Public University of El Alto, University of Potosi Tomas Frias, San Xavier University of Chuquisaca, Cochabamba University of San Simon and Gabriel RenŽ Moreno University of Santa Cruz, they are motivated and in this second phase will focus on support for the training of new professionals in the area of __the SDI's. REFERENCES Gonz‡lez, V., Pe–arrubia, F.,Hig—n, J.,Sanz J., and Anguix, A. (2009), ' Spatial Data Infraestructure of Venezuela, a SDI 100% free software', Fourth Conference on GIS FREE, University of Girona, 1-7. Lerch, L., Laguna, N., Lesage, S. (2010-2011), 'Project: Spatial Data Infrastructure the State Plurinational of Bolivia: Strategy and Technical Document', Vice-presidency of the State.

Topic type

Target Type

Case Studies: Relate your experiences.

Collaboration: data collection, data sharing, open standards.

People new to open source geospatial


ID Number



Erin Hodgess


University of Houston - Downtown


Paper Title

Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Regional Consumer Price Index Using R

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

We show how to model consumer price index data for several Texas cities and produce a series of maps for Google Earth

Paper Abstract (long)

Spatio-temporal software has not been available until fairly recently. But now, using several packages in R, we can model such data sets and generate maps. We look at the annual consumer price index for several Texas cities and produce a spatio-temporal model and a set of annual maps to be displayed in Google Earth.

Topic type

Target Type

Visualization: effective presentation of information.

People new to open source geospatial

ID Number



Daniele Romagnoli


GeoSolutions s.a.s.


Paper Title

SpatioTemporal data handling with GeoServer: an introduction with examples for MetOc and Remote Sensing data for WMS and WCS

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

This presentation will provide detailed information on how to ingest and configure SpatioTemporal in GeoServer to be be served using OGC services, with examples form WMS and WCS services

Paper Abstract (long)

This presentation will provide detailed information on how to ingest and configure SpatioTemporal in GeoServer to be served using OGC services, with examples form WMS and WCS services. Topics covered are as follows: -Discussion over existing data formats and how to preprocess them for best serving with GeoServer -Configuring SpatioTemporal raster and vector data in GeoServer -Serving SpatioTemporal raster and vector data with OGC Services -Tips and techniques to optimize performance and allow maximum exploitation of the available data The attendees will be provided with the basic knowledge needed to preprocess and ingest the most common spatiotemporal data from the MetOc and Remote Sensing field for serving via GeoServer.

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