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Topic type

Target Type

Visualization: effective presentation of information.

Collaboration: data collection, data sharing, open standards.

New data: handling new data models, for example 3D & temporal data, or big data.

End User

Technical / Developer

Additional Presenters


Christine Perey


PEREY Research & Consulting



Mike Reynolds


Augmented Technologies Ltd


ID Number



Marco Montanari




Paper Title

VivaCity Smart City Platform

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

An Open Source Open Data Usage and analysis Platform for the Smart City

Paper Abstract (long)

Many big vendors are exploring the smart city concept explaining that the smart city is a city aware of the things happening in the infrastructures. Thus the vendors are pushing for a Smart Grid, Smart Metering, Smart Sensors and Smart Whatsoever. This makes the city look like a sick patient, being monitored in many ways with histograms, gauges and panels for the information to be read. In our opinion this is the most unnatural way to interact with city information. Historically the most used way to interact with citizen oriented information is the map. Even today, with the always more precise GIS tools, the map can be an important part of a city information management tool. The VivaCity Project is a platform for the data-driven smart city. The core of the platform consists of a map- based view of the city itself, with all the possible cartographic open data made available by the governance. Beyond that, various apps can contribute in a smart manner through a set of plugins and entry-points for various views of the city, enabling a deep and complex interaction with the city itself. This system is self-sustaining, considering that the city already contains its monitors, which are the citizens. They just need two sets of tools: a visualization tool enabling the citizens to understand what is being done at a given time, and a tool to express opinions, problems and proposals to the governance. Considering that an overly generic tool loses its meaning because it has no real target, the interaction with the governance is delegated to function-specific or target-specific apps sharing a common API. This way both governance and citizen gain benefits, having both sides creating new data all the time and interconnecting information from the city and its inhabitants: governance has the ability make decisions based on real-time citizen-driven data, while citizens have the opportunity to create new services using the provided data. Figure 1 - Part of the VivaCity Smart City Interface For instance, the APIs offered to external apps are aimed to the following areas of interest: Politics, political decisions Maintenance ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Security City Info, Touristic, Cultural information Management, urbanistic information Urban events, Urban Acupuncture, social analysis Emergency Management, Emergency information aggregation from the many sources available Economic, Managerial information Environmental, Energy usage information The data shown in the interface is the sum and interpretation of the data provided by the local governments through open data, or applications created by third parties like OpenMunicipio in Italy, the OpenSpending platform by OKFN or even simply mash-ups with complex datasources, like the USGS earthquake map, or the various regional APIs for simple services or any other app enabling the citizen to participate actively to the activity of his government. Using the platform in different cities enables a normalization of the services offered by the cities, and the direct comparison and interconnection of cities through a distributed API supporting the governance to empower policies and improve citizensÕ lifes.

Topic type

Target Type

Case Studies: Relate your experiences.

Visualization: effective presentation of information.

Hacks and Mashes: novel solutions to our problems.

End User

Technical / Developer

ID Number



Peter Smart



Paper Title

ViziCities - Bringing cities to life using big data and the power of the web

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

We're using open big data to bring real world cities to life using WebGL and three.js

Paper Abstract (long)

My name is Peter Smart. I'm working with Rob Hawkes to bring real world cities to life using open, big-data. What started out as a personal project to use some cutting-edge web tech is quickly accelerating. We're now talking with the Ordnance Survey,, TFL and IBM about how we can work to visualise complex data in amazing, new ways. Interest lies in the fact we're stitching and hacking together a raft of open data sources to create immersive, explorable cities with both live and legacy data overlaid on top. This opens up some really interesting opportunities for useful and accessible data-vis - all in the browser. We released out first dev. diary a few days ago and we've been blown away by the response. This can be seen here: This features some screenshot, videos and more information. We'd love to chat further so please do get in touch!

Topic type

Target Type

Case Studies: Relate your experiences.

Visualization: effective presentation of information.

Hacks and Mashes: novel solutions to our problems.

Collaboration: data collection, data sharing, open standards.

New data: handling new data models, for example 3D & temporal data, or big data.

People new to open source geospatial

End User

Technical / Developer

Additional Presenters


Rob Hawkes



ID Number



Mohammed Rashad


IIIT Hyderabad


Paper Title


I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

VRGeo - Open Source Collaborative Mapping Platform

Paper Abstract (long)

VRGeo (pronounced Òwe-are-geoÓ), is an Open-Source collaborative mapping platform for Crowd-sourcing Location based information, aka Geospatial information. In India, the digital divide has had an effect on geospatial information detail also, like limiting the use and adoption of this technology in rural and natural resource rich areas. So, VRGeo (Village Resource Geospatial Data Repository) was conceived to bridge this gap especially from data-poor regions of the country and with the help of the community Ð college students, NGOs, rural departments and others. As the development progressed, it was increasingly found that the technology and tool has an universal appeal and can apply to any geographical region Ð urban or rural; and any domain where geospatial data is of value like mapping agricultural pest spread monitoring, environmental pollution/impacts, livestock or human disease occurrence, on-field monitoring of projects like housing, road development, etc. By leveraging the latest mobile and web technologies, tools like VRGeo, can help common man to provide information about their locality even without the knowledge of GIS. The VRGeo platform enables to download GIS data by academic institutions and government organizations which help in better decision making, modeling, temporal analysis etc. This data download is only possible under the terms of a suitable Open Source License Currently, web map services and spatial mash-ups only provide a uni-directional source of data like ISRO Bhuvan, Google maps etc., which means that pre-loaded data from geospatial data servers are dished out based on user-request (or query). The user is limited to add his/her data but cannot combine it with the pre-loaded information for further query processing, which increasing the steps in processing of such data interactions. VRGeo does provide online tools to edit oneÕs own data (like GPX data) before uploading. In addition, an SMS-VRGeo plugin has been built, which allows for direct assimilation of SMS data into VRGeo and its visualization on the platform. The primary architecture is based on client centric map rendering methodology rather than widely prevalent server side rendering of maps. This technique has been proved to be very effective and highly scalable in web based rendering of large data. Direct rendering of geospatial data is one of the technological innovations done with the help of web technologies such as HTML5, SVG etc. VRGeo UI is developed using Wt Web Toolkit which is built on jQuery, AJAX, CSS3 and provide an abstraction between HTML and scripting code. VRGeo uses PostgreSQL/PostGIS as the main data storage model for vector data and is rendered/queried by LSIViewer(direct rendering) without using any Web Services such as WFS,WFS-T.

Topic type

Target Type

Visualization: effective presentation of information.

Development: new developments in products.

Collaboration: data collection, data sharing, open standards.

New data: handling new data models, for example 3D & temporal data, or big data.

People new to open source geospatial


End User

Technical / Developer

Additional Presenters


KS Rajan


IIIT Hyderabad



Mohammed Rashad K.M


IIIT Hyderabad


ID Number



Vasile Cr_ciunescu


Romanian National Meteorological Administration


Paper Title

Water quality forecast and information system build entirely with FLOSS software

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

CLEANWATER system combine various information in order to evaluate the present level of nutrient pollution in vulnerable areas and to assess the cost-efficiency of the measures that could be applied. Through a simple and intuitive web interface, CLEANWATER offers the decision makers a spatial aware tool to (1) create scenarios related to the human activities and climate changes, (2) send those scenarios to numerical models to model future evolution of water quality and (3) view, query and perform spatial analysis of the simulation results. The system is build entirely with standard compliant free and open source software applications like OpenLayers, ExtJS, PostGIS, GeoServer and GDAL.

Paper Abstract (long)

Water quality is a major problem nowadays around the world. CLEANWATER system combine various information and complex data in order to evaluate the present level of nutrient pollution in vulnerable areas, as well as to assess the cost-efficiency of the measures that could be applied. Through a simple and intuitive web interface, CLEANWATER offers the decision makers a spatial aware tool to (1) create scenarios related to the human activities and climate changes, (2) send those scenarios to numerical models to model future evolution of water quality and (3) view, query and perform spatial analysis of the simulation results. The system was implemented in a test river basin (Barlad River Basin in Eastern part of Romanian) and started to contribute to the development of a modern water management system, according to EU legislation (e.g. Water Framework Directive, Nitrates Directive). The future plan is to replicate the system at national and international level. The system is build entirely with standard compliant free and open source software applications like OpenLayers, ExtJS, PostGIS, GeoServer and GDAL.

Topic type

Target Type

Case Studies: Relate your experiences.

People new to open source geospatial

End User

ID Number



Stephan Meissl


EOX IT Services GmbH


Paper Title

WCS & EO-WCS Status in Open Source

I can give a practical demo


Paper Abstract (short)

This presentation will show the current status of Open Source implementations of WCS and particularly EO-WCS by comparing GeoServer and MapServer/EOxServer

Paper Abstract (long)

The EO-WCS standard extends OGC's Web Coverages Service (WCS) 2.0 standard with the ability to support the typical workflow and needs of Earth Observation (EO) data. The presentation will introduce the typical EO workflow and the additional capabilities of the protocol with examples from MapServer/EOxServer and GeoServer. Finally issues with the current protocol, workarounds, and future directions from OGC's Standard Working Group will be presented.

Topic type

Target Type

Benchmarks: Comparisons between packages.

Development: new developments in products.

Collaboration: data collection, data sharing, open standards.

New data: handling new data models, for example 3D & temporal data, or big data.


Technical / Developer

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