Mr chairman: Good morning. I welcome Mr Vatskalis, and invite you to introduce the officers accompanying you, and if you wish to make an opening statement on behalf of the Department of Health and Families. Minister vatskalis’ portfolios

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Mr WOOD: All right, I will move on. One other one is, I believe the prisoners being involved in the 
umpiring of AFL in Alice Springs has been a great success. Has your department had anything to do 
with that program?
Mr HAMPTON: Member for Nelson, I have been down to the footy in Alice and seen the umpires in 
action and I believe one of them has actually been promoted to the A grade as a field umpire. They do 
a fantastic job and I hear from the prison officers as well that it has had some benefits in prisoner 
Mr WOOD: He got quicker into A grade than I have.
Mr HAMPTON: But in terms of my office, we have had no involvement. It has been an initiative from 
the Corrections and the AFL CA.
Mr WOOD: All right, thank you. That is it.
Mr TOLLNER: I have a question.
Madam DEPUTY CHAIR: Member for Fong Lim.
Mr TOLLNER: Thank you. Can you provide me a list of all sporting groups, clubs, associations, 
bodies that have received grants in the last 10 years, detailing what those grants have been for, 
whether they were reviews, junior development, elite athletes, or whatever. Can you get that on a 
spreadsheet? You might want to take it on notice.
Mr HAMPTON: Yes, I will have to take that on notice.
Mr HAMPTON: We can provide that.
Question on Notice No 8.16
Mr TOLLNER: What I am chasing is a breakdown of grants or funding that has been given to all 
sporting bodies, whether they be peak bodies, clubs, associations and the like; the amounts of those 
grants; what they have been for; for the last two years.
Mr Wood: Two years.
Mr TOLLNER: Two years, yes.
Madam DEPUTY CHAIR: You said 10 originally, member for Fong Lim.
Mr TOLLNER: Sorry, I did not mean 10, the last two years. Ten! I do not want to send them off to the 
Madam DEPUTY CHAIR: Thanks, member for Fong Lim. For Hansard, that is question No 8.16.
Mr TOLLNER: No worries. Can you give me an idea which peak sporting bodies have been reviewed 
by the department over the last two years; the cost of those reviews and table the outcome of those 
reviews, the reports? For the last two years.
Mr HAMPTON: We are happy to take that on notice, member for Fong Lim. We can provide you with 

the details for this financial year, if you would like now.
Mr TOLLNER: Maybe just take it on notice. Just after the last two years, that was for the benefit of 
Question on Notice No 8.17
Madam DEPUTY CHAIR: Please repeat the question.
Mr TOLLNER: A list of all peak bodies, actually, I will add a little bit into that if I can, a list of all peak 
bodies that have received, or have had reviews done on them by the department for the last two 
years; the cost of those reviews; what those reviews were about; and the reports stemming from 
those reviews; and also the consultants or body of people that have been engaged to do those 
reviews. I am very keen to find out which of those sporting bodies requested the department to 
conduct reviews and which sporting bodies had those reviews foisted on them by the department.
Madam DEPUTY CHAIR: Thanks, member for Fong Lim. That is question No 8.17.
Madam DEPUTY CHAIR: That will conclude consideration of Output 8.1.
Output 8.2 - Northern Territory Institute of Sport
Madam DEPUTY CHAIR: I now call on questions relating to Output 8.2, Northern Territory Institute of 
Mr BOHLIN: I go back to the question I asked before and your initial statement about optimising 
performance opportunities for athletes. How have your effective cuts in last year’s budget reduced the 
effective ability of hockey to continue to deliver national squads in dual gender, particularly with the 
excellence of Desmond Abbott and Heather Langham, both performing so well, demonstrating the 
value of that investment in hockey? Can you explain those cuts?
Mr HAMPTON: Member for Drysdale, this government has a proud track record of supporting local 
teams in national competitions. Specifically in hockey, we have the Pearls and the Stingers, and in 
netball we have the Storm and NT Thunder. We are very proud of our track record in supporting local 
teams, Territory teams, and international sporting competitions. 
In relation to your question, I might give that over to Mr Rossingh. 
Mr ROSSINGH: This financial year in support to hockey, we have actually increased support to 
hockey as a sport. In the last three months, we have provided an additional peak body grant to NT 
Hockey of $40 000. That was really in recognition of some funding difficulties and cash flow difficulties 
they were having. We assessed their situation and recognised there is a new governing committee on 
board. That governing committee had a very good approach to governance, and gave us a lot of 
confidence that monies will be spent appropriately and responsibly. As a result, we bolstered their 
financial position in account of that. That is happening this year. If you look at the data, there has 
been an increase. 
In NTIS funding, the sport has been given …
Mr BOHLIN: May I interrupt you there? I did not actually go down the line of asking particularly about 
NTIS funding. You actually dealt very well with the hockey part. I will probably leave it there, other 
than to point out, obviously, that is a funding increase you have done in only the last three months. I 
commend you for taking that step. Therefore, one would expect, minister, you must have listened to 
the concerns that were raised directly with you by hockey about their funding cut, or a nett effect of 
funding cut, through the NTIS program Towards Hockey. That is, obviously, a good outcome; that you 
bolstered them back up. However, if you have not made the cuts in the first place, maybe you would 

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