Преподавание зыка и литературы anguage and literature

If you used a game for teaching, then it is quite  likely that the game is also useful as an assessment  activity. 9

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uzb-2019 4-son

If you used a game for teaching, then it is quite 
likely that the game is also useful as an assessment 
We must be clear that marks do not just mean 
numbers or letters such as 8/10 or B+, comments such 
as ‘good’, smiley faces or stars are also marks, at least 
in the eyes of many young learners. It is also important 
to think about the purpose of the assessment.
Activity 4. What are we really assessing?
notebooks and pencils to draw.
Try the following two activities with the group of
teachers you are training and then discuss the ques-
tions in the ‘Round-up’ section.
A mime game (reading)
Start by handing each participant two small piec-
es of paper.
Next, ask them to write a verb (an action/doing 
word) on one piece of paper and an adverb on the other 
At the front of the class, put out two chairs and 
ask the participants to come and put all the verbs on 
one chair and all the adverbs on the other.
Mix up all the pieces of paper on each chair.
Select one person to come to the front, choose 
a piece of paper from each chair and then act out the 
action in the way described by the adverb – the other 
participants have to guess. Note: The person miming 
MUSTN’T speak.
Do this with three people. Then, divide the class 
into groups and explain they will do it in groups with 
people taking turns to come and collect two pieces of 
paper and then mime the actions.

e-mail: til_adabiyot@umail.uz
Trener mashg‘ulotlari
A drawing game (listening)
For this activity, you will need a simple draw-
ing such as the one below:

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