Proceedings of the International rilem conference Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 2016

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International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 

Conference segment on Service Life of Cement-Based Materials and Structures 

22-24 August 2016, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark 


mechanical interactions between particles (e.g.  U


). The proposed scheme therefore 

combines chemistry and mechanics over the large timescales of chemical kinetics. 



3. Results 


The KMC approach presented here has been used to study the effect of the interaction 

potential and initial system configuration on the mechanism of growth-by-aggregation of the 

cement HP. Here we are interested only in the qualitative trends of rates as a function of time, 

and how these relate to the mechanisms of precipitation that are triggered. Converting the 

qualitative results into quantitative rates would require a model calibration to define the r




terms in Equation 1; this is left to another manuscript currently under review [21] The results 

for three scenarios are shown in Figure 2: 




very large   in Equation 2, taken from ref. [18] where it was shown that such a large   

captures well the mechanics of the C—S—H; in this first case the interaction between 

cement surface particles and cement HP particles is taken to be as strong as the 

interaction between two HP particles; 



same as the previous scenario, but this time the   between cement surface and HP 

particles is smaller than the that between two HP particles (25% of it to be precise) 

except for a small region in the middle of the cement surface where a full 100% of the 

HP-HP interaction is maintained; this small region serves as a preferential site for 

nucleation of the mesoscale HP domain; 



a 3 orders of magnitude smaller  , taken from atomic force microscopy experiments 




Figure 2: Results from our simulations with different initial conditions (a) strong 

interactions between nanoparticles and homogeneous cement surface; (b) strong interaction 

and surface with one preferential site for HP particle formation; (c) weak interactions. 


300 nm


International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering 

Conference segment on Service Life of Cement-Based Materials and Structures 

22-24 August 2016, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark 


The snapshots in Figure 2 show that the first scenario leads to a layered growth of the HP 

domain, formed by aggregated nanoparticles. For this scenario we kept   constant in time and 

very large, in order to avoid particle deletion. The layered growth results into a constant rate, 

very different from what is expected during early hydration (see simulation and experimental 

values in Figure). Notice that the size of the HP domain simulated here is in the same order as 

that observed experimentally during early hydration, i.e. ~500 nm, so it makes sense to aim 

for a rate curve that is similar to the one measured experimentally from calorimetry). 


The second scenario, with the favourable nucleation site, gives a much better result, with a 

roughly hemispherical domain growing radially. The increasing surface of the hemispherical 

domain is at the origin of the acceleration in the rate curve. Indeed, in the KMC algorithm the 

total rate is the sum of all particle insertion rates, and an increasing surface of the HP domain 

implies that more trial nuclei can find a favourable spot that leads to a high rate. When the HP 

domain crosses the periodic boundary on the cement surface, the lateral impingement causes 

the rate peak, similar to the calorimetry experiments. The continuous decrease of rate after the 

peak is due to the fact that, for this simulation, we took a supersaturation   that decreases with 

time, as known for the cement solution and as quantified in ref. [31].  


Finally, the third scenario with much weaker strength of the interactions causes the 

mechanisms of HP formation to change from heterogeneous on the cement surface to 

homogeneous in the bulk. This also leads to a rate curve that agrees qualitatively with the 

experiments. In this case however the peak occurs when the space gets filled, which implies a 

quantitative dependence of the area under the rate curve (number of HP particles inserted) and 

the amount of water in the cement mix (viz. the size of the simulation box perpendicular to 

the cement surface). Such dependence would contradict the experiments [8], but the problem 

can be avoided assuming that the homogeneous nucleation is limited to a small region near 

the surface of the cement grain, as proposed in ref. [20]. This constraint might indeed 

originate from a gradient of supersaturation in the simulation box, sustained by a diffusive 

process of the ions in solution, which move from the cement surface toward the bulk solution. 

To explore this possibility, future work should couple the simulations presented here with the 

type or reaction-transport simulations mentioned in the introduction of this manuscript [7,8]. 



4. Conclusion 


We have presented a new approach to simulate the precipitation of nanoparticle of cement 

hydrates from aqueous solution and their aggregation to form mesoscale domains. The 

approach is based on new coarse-grained expressions for the rate of particle insertion and 

deletion, which are derived from the theories of classical nucleation and crystal growth. The 

rate expression involve one kinetic parameter r



 which has physical meaning but is often hard 

to measure. r



 determines a linear scaling of time, which means that even if it is not 

quantified, all the nonlinearities in the rate of HP formation obtained from the simulations are 

still a true reflection of the predicted mesoscale mechanism only. Another important feature 

of our coarse-grained rates is that they combine chemistry and the mechanical interactions 

between nanoparticles, creating new opportunities to study technologically important 

phenomena where chemistry and mechanics play together, e.g. crystallization pressure and 

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