Qarshi davlat universiteti ingliz filologiyasi fakultetlararo ingliz tili

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1-kurs. Majmua IQTISOD

Mustaqil ta’lim mavzulari (MT)



Bizning kitob



“Birinchi uchrashuvlar”



Milliy ramzlar.






Aniq artikl



O‘rganilayotgan chet tilida so‘zlashuvchi mamlakatlarning davlat tuzilishi



Sog‘lom ovqatlanishning 10 qoidasi



Payt predloglari



O’rin-joy predloglari



Pazandalik kitobi”



Qanday qilib sog‘lom turmush tarzini olib borish mumkin



“Qanday qilib chekishni tashlash mumkin



Nisbiy olmoshlar



Sifat yasalishi



Oilaviy albom



Oilaviy qoidalar



Sodda gaplar, qo’shma gaplar, yasama gaplar



So’roq olmoshlari



Ko’rsatish va umon olmoshlari



Hozirgi oddiy zamon



Hozirgi davomli zamon



Mening orzuimdagi maktab



O‘qituvchilar galereyasi



Shahrimiza xush kelibsiz



Hozirgi tugallangan-O’tgan oddiy zamon



Be/get used to



Yordamchi fe’llar



Shahar loyihasi



Turli madaniyatlarda sport



O’tgan davomli zamon






O’tgan tugallangan zamon



Iste’molchi bayonoti



Bizning guruh haqida



Kelasi oddiy zamon



Kelasi davomli zamon



O‘zbekistonga xush kelibsiz!”



O‘zbekistonni kashf qilish



Holat fe’llari









Biznes etiketi.tadbirkorlar uchun qo‘llanma broshyura tayyorlash



Aktiv va majhul nisbat



Ko’chirma va o’zlashtirma gaplar



Bizning sayyora Atrof-muhitni asrashga oid prezentatsiya tayyorlash



Atrof-muhitning ifloslanishi



Ot yasalishi



Reported speech



Oila. Oilaviy muammolar



Turli mamlakatlarda xushfe’llik qanday tushuniladi?



So’z yasash



Frazeologik birliklar, fe’llar



Hatti-harakat va imo-ishoralar



O‘zga madaniyatni anglash muammosi



Internetning foydali va zararli jihatlari



Shart ergash gapli qo’shma gap



So’z birikmalari



Mening orzuimdagi universitet” (ta’lim yarmarkasi)



Maktab formasi



Turg‘un birikmalar;



if, whether;





Asosiy adabiyotlar (AA)


Evans Virginia, Dooley Jenny. Enterprise Course book. Pre-Intermediate. Express Publishing, 2012


Evans Virginia, Dooley Jenny. Enterprise Grammar. Pre-Intermediate. Express Publishing, 2012


Evans Virginia, Dooley Jenny. Enterprise Test book. Pre-Intermediate. Express Publishing, 2012


McCarthy, M. and O’Dell. F., Redman. S. English Vocabulary in Use. Pre-Intermediate. Cambridge: CUP (3rd edition) UK, 2012


Li Ya Bin. Basic IELTS listening. Beijing Language and Culture University Press. Vietnam, 2010.


Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Reading and Writing Targets. (Book 2). Express publishing 2015.


Richards J. C., Grant Trew. Tactics for Listening. (Developing) Oxford University Press, 2010


A. Azimov., Practical grammar: Tense and Voice. Karshi, Nasaf Publishing House, 2021


Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylor-Knowles. Destination 1. Macmillan Education, UK. 2013

Qo’shimcha adabiyotlar (QA)



Oxeden C. Latham. New English Files. Pre-intermediate. Oxford University Press. 2008


Subject–link. Curriculum Integration Reading Program. USA, Philadelphia. Build & Grow. 2016.


KEY ENGLISH TEST. Cambridge University Press. 2018.


PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TEST. Cambridge University Press. 2018.


A. Azimov. English Reading Passages. B1&B2&C1 levels. Tashkent, Lesson Press. 2023

Talabaning fan bo’yicha o’zlashtirish ko’rsatkichini nazorat qilishda quyidagi mezonlar tavsiya etiladi:
a) 5 baho olishi uchun talabaning bilim darajasi quyidagilarga javob berishi lozim:
• mavzuning mohiyatini va mazmunini to’liq yorita olsa;
• mavzularni bayon qilishda ilmiylik va mantiqiylik saqlanib, xatolik va chalkashliklarga yo’l qo’ymasa;
• mavzu materiallarining nazariy va amaliy ahamiyati haqida aniq tasavvurga ega bo’lsa;
• mavzu doirasida mustaqil erkin fikrlash qobiliyatini namoyon eta olsa;
• mavzu doirasida berilgan savollarga aniq va lo’nda javob bera olsa;
• konspektga po’xta tayyorlangan bo’lsa;
• mustaqil topshiriqlarni to’liq va aniq bajargan bo’lsa;
• fanga tegishli yangi so’z va iboralarni to’liq o’zlashtirgan bo’lsa;
b) 4 baho olishi uchun talabaning bilim darajasi quyidagilarga javob berishi lozim:
• mavzuning mohiyatini va mazmunini tushungan bo’lsa;
• mavzularni bayon qilishda ilmiylik va mantiqiylik saqlanib, xatolik va chalkashliklarga yo’l qo’ymasa;
• mavzu materiallarining nazariy va amaliy ahamiyati haqida tushunchaga ega bo’lsa;
• mavzu doirasida berilgan savollarga aniq va lo’nda javob bera olsa;
• konspektga po’xta tayyorlangan bo’lsa;
• mustaqil topshiriqlarni to’liq va aniq bajargan bo’lsa;
• fanga tegishli yangi so’z va iboralarni o’zlashtirgan bo’lsa;
c) 3 baho olishi uchun talabaning bilim darajasi quyidagilarga javob berishi lozim:
• mavzuning mohiyati haqida umumiy tushunchaga ega bo’lsa;
• mavzularni tor doirada bayon qila olsa;
• mavzu materiallarining nazariy va amaliy ahamiyati haqida o’rtacha tushunchaga ega bo’lsa;
• mavzu doirasida berilgan savollarga mujmal va javob javob bersa;
• mustaqil topshiriqlarni o’rtacha bajargan bo’lsa;
• fanga tegishli yangi so’z va iboralarni o’rtacha o’zlashtirgan bo’lsa;
d) 2 baho olishi uchun talabaning bilim darajasi quyidagilarga javob berishi lozim:
• mavzuning mohiyati haqida umumiy tushunchaga ega bo’lmasa;
• mavzularni bayon qila olmasa;
• mavzu materiallarining nazariy va amaliy ahamiyati haqida tushunchaga ega bo’lmasa;
• mavzu doirasida berilgan savollarga javob bera olmasa;
• mustaqil topshiriqlarni bajarmagan bo’lsa;
• fanga tegishli yangi so’z va iboralarni o’zlashtirmagan bo’lsa;
Fan o’qituvchisi to’g’risida ma’lumot


Azimov Abdixamidullo Xolmanovich, o’qituvchi
Avlayeva Saida Bozorova, katta o’qituvchi



Qarshi davlat universiteti, Fakultetlararo ingliz tili kafedrasi


Aliqulov A.G’. Filologiya fanlari nomzodi, dotsent
Baymuradova L.Q. f.f.f.d., PhD

Mazkur sillabus universitet o’quv-uslubiy kengashining 2023 – yil _____ – ____________ dagi ____ - sonli yig’ilish bayonnomasi bilan tasdiqlangan.

Mazkur Sillabus Fakultetlararo ingliz tili kafedrasining 2023 – yil _____ – ____________ dagi ____ - sonli yig’ilish bayonnomasi bilan tasdiqlangan.

O’quv-uslubiy boshqarma boshlig’i Z.Fayziyev
Fakultet dekani B.Rizayev
Kafedra mudiri A.Azimov
Tuzuvchilar A.Azimov


Test 1
1. You … right past me when I … for the bus.
A) drove/was waiting B) driven/waited C) drive/was waiting D) was driving/waited
2. We haven’t got any new videos. We … all these.
A) watch B) were watching C) have watched D) are watching
3. It isn’t a good party. Most people have … gone home.
A) already B) ago C) since D) yet
4. This is the second time Rachel … to give me a message.
A) forgets B) forgot C) has forgotten D) is forgetting
5. I … the heating on, but it’s off again now.
A) turn B) turned C) have turned D) am turning
6. I’d like to borrow this book. Has Ann read it … ?
A) for B) just C) yet D) ago
7. The girls have … to the cinema. They won’t be back until 10 o’clock.
A) been B) gone C) already D) just
8. You … on that computer since seven o’clock.
A) are playing B) played C) have been playing D) play
9. I … that report. Now I can relax.
A) have been finishing B) finish C) have finished D) am finishing
10. You should wash the car. You haven’t washed it … ages.
A) for B) since C) ago D) –
11. It is a month since I … my grandparents.
A) have visited B) didn’t visit C) haven’t visited D) visited
12. We … to Ireland for our holidays last year.
A) have gone B) went C) go D) are going
13. I’ve … made some coffee. It’s in the kitchen.
A) ever B) never C) just D) yet
14. My arms are aching. Because I … .
A) swim B) swam C) have been swimming D) am swimming
15. Robert … ill for three weeks. He’s still in hospital.
A) is B) has been C) was D) is being
Test 2
1. I … much money after I … for the plane ticket.
A) didn’t have/paid B) didn’t have/had paid C) hadn’t had/had paid D) hadn’t had/paid
2. I … to Paris last spring for a job interview.
A) went B) had gone C) go D) have gone
3. It was the third serious mistake he … in his new job.
A) was making B) made C) had made D) has made
4. I was very tired because I … for the past two hours without a break.
A) was working B) had been working C) has been working D) work
5. She had no sooner come into the room … they sent her to the shop.
A) than B) then C) after D) before
6. I looked out of the window. A strange man … in the garden.
A) was standing B) had stood C) stands D) is standing
7. My favorite film had hardly … when the electricity … off.
A) began/went B) begun/had gone C) begun/went D) had begun/went
8. He couldn’t change his clothes because he … his luggage.
A) was losing B) lost C) has lost D) had lost
9. Before I … to bed, I … the project.
A) went/had finished B) had gone/finished C) had gone/had finished D) gone/had finished
10. I … for him for three hours when he came
A) was waiting B) waited C) had been waiting D) wait
11. Tom was hungry. He … lunch yet.
A) had had B) didn’t have C) hadn’t had D) was having
12. She had scarcely gone out of the room … she remembered to take her passport.
A) after B) when C) before D) than
13. Yesterday I got up at 7 o’clock. I … and … breakfast. Then I went to work.
A) had washed/had had B) was washing/having C) washed/had D) washed/was having
14. I … a little better after I had taken the medicine.
A) feel B) fell C) felt D) fall
15. When Judy got home, her hair was still wet, because she … .
A) was swimming B) swam C) has swum D) had been swimming
Test 3
1. I’ll say goodbye now. You … by the time I get back.
A) will go B) will be going C) will have gone D) had gone
2. If you … a train, it’ll be much more comfortable.
A) will take B) take C) will have taken D) had taken
3. I’m starting a job in sales … I finish college.
A) if B) after C) until D) as soon
4. -I’m trying to move this cupboard, but it’s very heavy.
-Well, I … you, then.
A) am helping B) will have helped C) will help D) help
5. It’s quite a long way. We … about five miles by the time we get back.
A) will have walked B) have been walking C) walk D) are walking
6. -Can I borrow your bicycle on Monday?
-I’m sorry, but I … it. I always cycle to work.
A) use B) had used C) will have used D) will be using
7. Next summer we … English for three years.
A) will have been studying B) had studied C) am studying D) will be studying
8. I won’t be at home at three o’clock. I … golf.
A) will have played B) play C) will be playing D) have played
9. Sorry – I … you about Alice and Fred, but I forgot.
A) will tell B) was going to tell C) told D) tell
10. Don't move until I … you.
A) tell B) will tell C) don’t tell D) won’t tell
11. By the time we … there, Jim will have left.
A) had got B) will get C) will have got D) get
12. When … school start?
A) will B) does C) had D) has
13. They … here for four years next April.
A) will be living B) had been living C) are living D) will have lived
14. -There’re a lot of letters to answer.
-Yes, I know. I … them all on Tuesday.
A) will do B) am going to do C) had done D) do
15. This time tomorrow I … a rest.
A) have had B) have C) will be having D) am having
Test 4
1. That old radio … before I dropped it.
A) used to work B) was used to work C) used to working D) used to worked
2. I’m surprised they joined the tennis club. They … to like tennis.
A) used B) weren’t used C) didn’t use D) were used
3. He … very overweight but he’s much slimmer now.
A) is B) has been C) used to be D) was used to be
4. -Did you use to have lots of free time before you started working here?
-Yes, … .
A) I had B) I did C) you did D) you had
5. I used to earn a lot of money, but then I … my job.
A) lose B) lost C) had lost D) will lose
6. … time to finish the report today?
A) Have you got B) Are you having C) Do you got D) Do you have got
7. –Where’s Jill? –She … a rest in her room.
A) has B) has had C) has got D) is having
8. He can run very fast. He … very fit for his age.
A) is B) used to be C) was used to being D) is being
9. She … a lot of friends when she was younger.
A) has B) had C) has got D) had got
10. There … only a few houses in this area.
A) used to be B) used to was C) used to were D) were used to be
11. Do you remember how … listen to music all the time?
A) did we use to B) were we used to C) we used to D) we were used to
12. … hours in front of the mirror when you were young?
A) Did you use to spend B) Used to you spend C) Were you used to spending D) You used to spend
13. They … in London, but they moved to Wales.
A) live B) used to live C) never used to live D) are living
14. When I saw Jill in the street, we had … for a while.
A) a chat B) a rest C) a drink D) a cold
15. When I came home, they … a meal. Then I joined them.
A) had B) had got C) were having D) used to having
Test 5
1. … you like to join us for dinner tonight?
A) May B) Can C) Would D) Could
2. We … make sandwiches. There’s a café.
A) mustn’t B) needn’t C) couldn’t D) didn’t have to
3. You’ll be leaving college soon. You … think about your future.
A) can B) could C) must D) have
4. Emma has a toothache. She might … go to the dentist.
A) have to B) must C) can D) could
5. You … wait in my office if you like.
A) could B) may C) must D) might
6. They booked a table for dinner. But the restaurant was empty. They … a table.
A) needn’t book B) didn’t need to book C) needn’t have booked D) don’t have to book
7. That door doesn’t shut properly. You … slam it every time.
A) needn’t B) have to C) can D) mustn’t
8. … you tell me the time, please?
A) Have to B) May C) Must D) Could
9. I … go to the airport. I’m meeting someone.
A) have to B) must C) could D) can
10. Daniel hadn’t booked a seat, but luckily the train wasn’t full. He … stand.
A) needn’t have stood B) didn’t need to stand C) needn’t stand D) couldn’t stand
11. -… I borrow your calculator.
-Well, I’m using it at the moment.
A) Could B) Must C) Have to D) Needn’t
12. Each passenger … take one bag onto the plane. It’s allowed by the airport rules.
A) must B) needn’t C) could D) can
13. Life … be easy when you have to spend it in a wheelchair.
A) can’t B) must C) needn’t D) mustn’t
14. Emma … go to the dentist yesterday
A) must B) needn’t C) had to D) might
15. The previous owners had already decorated the flat, so we … it ourselves.
A) mustn’t decorate B) needn’t have decorated C) can’t have decorated
Test 6
1. People … break their promises.
A) must B) ought C) needn’t D) shouldn’t
2. I’m quite happy to walk home. You … drive me home.
A) mustn’t B) needn’t C) should D) have to
3. Your clothes smell and you have got a cough. You …smoke.
A) have to B) needn’t C) shouldn’t D) ought
4. If you have got a ticket, you … queue. You can go straight in.
A) must B) don’t have to C) should D) mustn’t
5. He wanted to became a doctor, but his parents insisted he … become a lawyer.
A) should B) could C) had to D) must
6. –Why are you late?
–Sorry, I … go to the bank and there was a queue.
A) have to B) had to C) ought to D) can
7. – They lost a lot of money on their investment.
– They … more careful.
A) must have been B) couldn’t be C) had to be D) should have been
8. Do you really … go now? Can’t you stay a little longer?
A) must B) should C) have to D) can
9. If you … have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me.
A) can B) must C) could D) should
10. You … have any problems with Jack. He is such a good baby.
A) mustn’t B) won’t C) should D) needn’t
11. I think it's important that parents … teach their children to spell.
A) must B) have to C) should D) could
12. Bring very warm clothes. It … when we arrive.
A) must have snowed B) could snow C) should have snowed D) had to snow
13. You … so much at the party. I had to carry you to your house.
A) shouldn't have drunk B) can’t have drunk C) mustn’t drink D) ought to not drink
14. She demands that he … return the books he borrowed from her.
A) must B) has to C) should D) ought to
15. There’ll be lots of games, so it … be fun.
A) must B) should C) has to D) ought
Test 7
1. If I … time, I’ll do some shopping.
A) have B) had C) will have D) had had
2. If the camera is on, a red light … .
A) appear B) appeared C) would appear D) appears
3. I could help you if you … me more.
A) trusted B) will trust C) would trust D) had trusted
4. If I spoke English, my job … a lot easier.
A) is B) were C) would be D) had been
5. If there’s something wrong with your laptop, … this number.
A) phones B) phone C) will phone D) would phone
6. What would you do if anyone … us to leave?
A) would tell B) tells C) had told D) told
7. If John … here, he wouldn’t be very happy.
A) is B) were C) will be D) had been
8. If he … so young, I’m sure he would be a famous musician by now.
A) hadn’t died B) doesn’t die C) will die D) died
9. If I had known there was no more work to do, I … in bed.
A) could stay B) can stay C) could have stayed D) stay
10. If we had more money, we’d … somewhere else.
A) lived B) living C) been living D) be living
11. Ann is cooking the dinner. If she … the dinner, she would help me with my homework.
A) hadn’t cooked B) weren’t cooking C) would cook D) were cooking
12. He isn’t so keen on cars. If he really wanted to have a car, he … one last year.
A) bought B) would buy C) would have bought D) had bought
13. If they … more carefully, they might have understood what I was saying.
A) had been listening B) were listening C) hadn’t been listening D) listen
14. If there … no bus, I used to walk a long way home. But I didn’t mind it.
A) was B) were C) would be D) had been
15. If I … finish work early, I’ll come and help you.
A) could B) must C) can D) would
Test 8
1. The test is about to begin. I wish you all … your books away.
A) put B) had put C) would put D) have put
2. I wish I … at the wedding, but I was in Tashkent.
A) could be B) could have been C) can be D) am able to be
3. I … all your dreams would come true in the future.
A) wish B) hope C) think D) sure
4. I wish you … that photo. It was a really good one.
A) didn’t lose B) wouldn’t lose C) hadn’t lost D) don’t lose
5. Emma refused the offer but her parents wish she … it.
A) hadn’t accepted B) wouldn’t accept C) accepted D) had accepted
6. She wishes she … . She has a lot to do.
A) can concentrate B) could concentrate C) can’t have concentrated D) couldn’t concentrate
7. Ann never answers his e-mails. He wishes she … his e-mails.
A) answers B) had answered C) would answer D) answer
8. Why don’t you listen? If only you … to me just this once.
A) would listen B) listened C) had listened D) listen
9. We all wish we … more money, don’t we?
A) had B) have got C) had got D) had had
10. Sarah wishes her life … more interesting. She is often bored.
A) is B) were C) had been D) would be
11. I wish you … still. You are driving me crazy.
A) sit B) set C) would set D) would sit
12. I wish I … in a big city. It’s boring in the country.
A) am living B) lived C) had lived D) will live
13. … this course will help me sharpen my computer skills.
A) I wish B) If C) When D) I hope
14. That radio is on loud. I wish someone … it down.
A) had turned B) turned C) would turn D) turns
15. I wish you … me in front of my friends all the time.
A) wouldn’t embarrass B) don’t embarrass C) had embarrassed D) will embarrass
Test 9
1. I won’t do anything … you agree.
A) unless B) in case C) only if D) providing
2. I’d better reserve a seat today in case the train … full tomorrow.
A) was B) were C) will be D) is
3. Write the name down … you forget it.
A) if B) when C) in case D) unless
4. We can’t do the job unless we … help.
A) will get B) get C) don’t get D) won’t get
5. You will be tired tomorrow … you stay up late.
A) if B) unless C) in case D) in case of
6. I can’t read … I wear glasses. I’m nearsighted.
A) in case B) unless C) if D) providing
7. The extra lesson will be cancelled … heavy snow.
A) if B) unless C) providing D) in case of
8. Ann took her dictionary away in case I … it.
A) had needed B) would need C) didn’t need D) don’t need
9. You can improve your English … you study much harder.
A) unless B) in case C) provided D) if only
10. I wouldn’t say that unless I … it.
A) believe B) would believe C) believed D) wouldn’t believe
11. I can’t read your letters … you type them.
A) if B) unless C) when D) in case of
12. ... something exciting would happen in my life.
A) If only B) In cas e C) Only if D) Unless
13. We can’t have a picnic … it is a nice day.
A) if B) when C) unless D) providing
14. Melanie is coming this afternoon. … she comes, can you let her in, please?
A) When B) If C) Unless D) In case of
15. You can go out to play provided that you … your homework first.
A) finished B) will finish C) don’t finish D) finish
Test 10
1. Did you hear about the ghost? It … by five people.
A) saw B) was seen C) had seen D) has seen
2. This footpath … all the time.
A) uses B) is using C) is used D) used
3. People should … litter in the bin.
A) put B) be put C) putting D) been put
4. All our money and passports … last week.
A) stole B) had stolen C) were stolen D) are stolen
5. A bull … David. He’s now in hospital.
A) has been attacked B) attacks C) has attacked D) was attacked
6. The new hospital will be opened … the Queen.
A) by B) with C) at D) for
7. –Did you go to Ann’s party?
–No, I … .
A) didn’t invite B) don’t invite C) wasn’t invited D) invited
8. If you hadn’t helped us, this problem … .
A) couldn’t be solved B) couldn’t have been solved C) couldn’t have solved D) can’t be solved
9. How … this word pronounced?
A) is B) does C) will D) has
10. The exam was very difficult. Now I wish it … .
A) cancelled B) had cancelled C) would cancel D) had been cancelled
11. It … all morning.
A) is raining B) has rained C) is being raining D) has been rained
12. The cheque must be signed … the manager.
A) for B) with C) by D) from
13. Many vegetables … raw. You needn’t cook them.
A) can be eaten B) can eat C) must eat D) had to be eaten
14. When … Pluto … ?
A) did/discover B) was/discovered C) has/discovered D) is/discovered
15. There's somebody behind us. I think we … .
A) are being followed B) are following C) have followed D) were followed
Test 11
1. Mark is supposed … a policeman, but I don’t believe it.
A) hitting B) to hit C) to have hit D) to hitting
2. We had the television … last year.
A) repair B) repaired C) to repair D) repairing
3. This building … to have been built in 1998.
A) thinks B) is thinking C) is thought D) thought
4. I might watch this TV programe. It … to be very funny.
A) is supposed B) is supposing C) supposes D) supposed
5. There … to be a very interesting film on TV tonight.
A) says B) is said C) are said D) say
6. We’re … the carpet cleaned.
A) got B) get C) getting D) are got
7. Rita had her rent … by ten per cent.
A) increase B) was increased C) increased D) increasing
8. Jill is going to the dentist. She … her tooth filled.
A) has had B) had had C) will have D) is going to have
9. He had the plumber … the leak in the kitchen.
A) fixed B) to fix C) fix D) fixing
10. … you get your heating checked every year?
A) Do B) Did C) Have D) Are
11. Laure got her shoes … .
A) were repaired B) repaired C) were repairing D) to repair
12. David has had his electricity … off.
A) was cut B) cut C) cuts D) has cut
13. The storm … to have killed five people.
A) is reported B) reports C) reported D) is reporting
14. It is said that she … great talent as an artist.
A) has B) is having C) to have D) have
15. I was able to get Nicole … to the party.
A) came B) coming C) come D) to come
Test 12
1. Economics … a difficult subject.
A) are B) will C) does D) is
2. This species of … insect is quite rare.
A) a B) an C) the D) -
3. My jeans … washing.
A) needs B) need C) is needing D) are needing
4. I read an interesting … yesterday.
A) newspaper article B) newspaper articles
C) newspapers article D) newspapers articles
5. What would it be like to travel at the speed of … ?
A) a light B) lights C) light D) the lights
6. I wear … when I go out.
A) this glass B) these glasses C) this glasses D) these glass
7. I need … to cut some bread.
A) a bread knife B) a knife bread
C) bread knife D) knife bread
8. Ninety … too heavy for me to lift.
A) kilos is B) kilo is C) kilos are D) kilo are
9. We had … along the park.
A) five-minute walk B) a five-minutes walk
C) a five-minute walk D) five-minutes walk
10. The police … warned motorists to take extra care.
A) has B) have C) are having D) to have
11. He borrowed his … car because his was being repaired at the time.
A) son-in-law B) son-in-laws C) son-in-law’s D) son’s-in-law
12. … lesson is concerned with articles.
A) Today's B) Today C) A today’s D) The today’s
13. I found … note in the street.
A) a ten pound B) a ten pounds C) ten pound D) ten pounds
14. … world’s weather is changing. Pollution is having effect on our climate.
A) - B) A C) An D) The
15. There’ll be … explanation before the exam on 1st August.
A) a twenty minutes’ B) twenty minutes’ C) twenty minute’s D) a twenty minutes

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