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Chapter 9: A Ronin’s Path
Chapter 9: A Ronin’s Path
Kaiu Masae, Master Engineer
Kaiu Masae can be found atop the Wall, where she is directing repairs. 
She is of rather short stature and walks with a limp, delivering her orders 
with the calm of someone who is comfortable being in charge (if needed, 
use the profile for a Seasoned Courtier, on page 198, with the Knowl-
edgeable template, page 194, and the Assertive demeanor, page 192). 
From the top of the Wall, the PCs can see that the last assault caused 
some severe damage: a ten-foot-long crack opening from the top and 
spanning three feet at its widest. A crew of samurai and heimin alike are 
hurrying to complete the last repairs before the next attack comes.
Humble Work
Masae has no time for idle chitchat, and if the PCs want to speak to her
she has one simple request: they need to help. This is manual work, which 
some samurai could see as beneath them, but to the pragmatic Crab such 
considerations are less important than the security of the Wall. Masae can 
find tasks for all to accomplish: Strong characters can carry heavy stones 
to where they need to be with a TN 2 Fitness (Water 1, Earth 4) check
Less physically imposing ones can chisel the smaller stones that need to 
be cut or can remove the bamboo scaffolding as the repairs progress with 
TN 3 Labor (Earth 2, Air 4) check. Those repairs might not be glori-
ous, but any assistance the PCs provide helps them earn the respect of the 
Kaiu and ensure the Wall is ready when the attack comes, since there are 
only a few hours left.
Once the Wall is fixed, Masae finally has time to speak with the PCs. 
She is confident the Wall can hold, and she has a small squadron of engi-
neers under her command who can deliver devastating strikes with siege 
weapons. If more characters succeeded at attempted checks than failed, 
she is able to complete her plan to include a weakness in the section of the 
Wall they repaired. If they let the Shadowlands creatures come to them, 
they can collapse that part of the Wall on the creatures. While this would 
leave them open to further attacks, it could take down many enemies in a 
single blow. She will leave it to the PCs or the commander to decide when 
to activate the trap. Should any character balk at the dishonorable aspects 
of fighting with a trap, she is quick to remind them that the Shadowlands 
is an enemy without honor and shouldn’t be afforded any respect.
Kuni Terumi, Priestess of Bishamon
The head shugenja of the garrison can be found at the local temple
which is dedicated to Bishamon, the Fortune of strength. While travel-
ing to the temple, the PCs notice several funeral pyres being assembled, 
replacing recently burned ones. Other priests are preparing to perform 
funeral rites with what can only be described as urgency. If there is a 
Crab samurai among the PCs, or if they ask anyone local, the PCs learn 
that the Crab always perform funeral rites as quickly as possible, as prox-
imity to the Shadowlands poses a risk that a body will rise to become one 
of the undead. If Keinosuke or a PC died during The Duel, one of the 
pyres being prepared is theirs.
Purity and Corruption
Kuni Terumi greets the PCs within the temple (if needed, use the profile 
for a Scholarly Shugenja, on page 198, with the Knowledgeable tem-
plate, page 194, and the Shrewd demeanor, page 192). She wears the 
traditional ceremonial makeup of the Kuni, her face covered in white 
paint over which intricate patterns are applied in black. She also wears 
long silk gloves to complement her kimono and hide the stains caused 
by the most practical and gruesome aspects of her research into the crea-
tures of the Shadowlands. She is initially polite, but when asked about 
matters of strategy, she halts the PCs. The creeping corruption of the 
Shadowlands is insidious and dangerous, and she needs to ensure that the 
PCs are pure. Although she would normally carefully assess them, time 
is of the essence. Therefore, she offers to call upon the kami to perform 
the Cleansing Rite ritual, which will reveal if the Shadowlands corrup-
tion afflicts any of the PCs (see Rituals, on page 132). Each PC suffers 
2 strife at the suggestion (Crab PCs suffer only 1 strife, as such things are 
commonplace reminders of the grim realities of the Wall).
Any character may be justly offended at such a suggestion, as it implies 
suspicion of the darkest of crimes. Further, and perhaps worse in the cur-
rent context, it is a waste of valuable time; if they allow her to perform the 
ritual, it counts as two of their available visits instead of one. Terumi is 
quick to point out, however, that the PCs have been involved in the inves-
tigation of a mahō-tsukai, and that she could have cursed one of them or 
even killed them and taken their place. The PCs can attempt to persuade 
Terumi to dispense with this test with a TN 2 Courtesy (Water 4, Fire 1) 
check or a TN 3 Command (Water 5, Fire 1) check; if they succeed, she 
begrudgingly agrees to discuss strategy with them.
Ratlings, or Nezumi, are they are most appropriately called, are a race 
of ratlike humanoids. In most of Rokugan, they are thought of as little 
more than vermin or wild animals, and sometimes they are even con-
sidered akin to Shadowlands creatures like goblins or ogres. The Crab 
know better, however: the Nezumi are sentient beings possessed of a 
complex culture of their own. What makes them particularly inter-
esting is that they are fully immune to the Shadowlands Taint. Their 
tribes eke out a meager existence in the Shadowlands and the wilds of 
Rokugan, doing what they can to survive. Their culture lacks the con-
ception of a code of martial honor, and they favor survival over glory, 
though they fight with wild abandon when cornered or defending 
their homes and young. Many Nezumi can speak intelligible Rokugani 
(albeit with a squeaking tone). They also have their own language, 
a tongue punctuated by clicks and squeaks that make it sound alien 
to Rokugani ears. Crab samurai, particularly from the Hiruma fam-
ily, sometimes bargain with them for information or supplies. There 
are many facets of the Nezumi that even the Crab understand poorly, 
though, such as the strange powers of their Kir. The Nezumi call the 
Kir’s mystical ability the power of “Names”—or the tales of their Re-
memberers, who speak of a forgotten yet glorious past.
“The Sixth Element”
The dangers of the Shadowlands can far more insidious than an 
oni’s club or goblin’s spear. The vile essence of the Shadowlands 
and its fell denizens can slowly but surely corrupt a samurai’s body 
and soul.
Known as “the Taint,” this corruption eventually consumes 
anyone it touches. Their skin turns pale, their hair turns lank and 
greasy, and their veins slowly turn black as if filled with a foul 
ichor. At the same time, a Tainted individual becomes short-tem-
pered, erratic, and eventually dangerous to all those around them. 
The Taint can even cause the dead to rise as zombies if it is power-
ful enough, which is why Rokugani culture emphasizes cremation.
Taint cannot be cured, but jade can protect against it. Those who 
fight in the Shadowlands often wear a piece of jade on their person, 
as the jade absorbs the corruption instead. This eventually destroys 
the jade, which makes it one of the most valuable substances in 
Rokugan, prized by the Crab above all else.

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